Countless soldiers in golden armor, maidservants in palace costumes, and royal figures all stared fixedly at the nine gods on the city wall, especially the white-haired and arrogant man in the middle!

"Xuan... Mr. Xuan..." Everyone looked at the man in surprise,

It has been nearly 40 years. The legend about this person has been widely spread in the world. Talented people have emerged from generation to generation. However, until today, 37 years later, there is still no one who can match this person. Peerless talent!

The legend of declaring war has become a monument, and it has become the most dazzling silver waterfall in the long history of Ningyun Kingdom!

Among these people, most of them are young and middle-aged, and they only occasionally heard that there is such a person, although he has great talent, but the situation is twists and turns, although he has the heart of serving the country, but the world is at a loss, although he wants to be ordinary in the world, but the achievements are so great... ...that person is called Xuan Zhan!He is famous all over the world, but his whereabouts are mysterious. According to legend, he stepped into the immortal way, and his whereabouts are vague...

When seeing him for the first time, people are overwhelmed by it...

There is a kind of person, you only need to look at it, and you will sink!Declaring war belongs to this kind of people...

Emperor Chenzheng looked at the figure in the sky as if in a dream, and shouted blankly: "Mr. Xuan, Mr. Xuan, you are finally here..."

Xuan Zhan smiled, and gently scratched Panda's head with his right hand, as if his body was stepping on a ladder, he walked down from the sky step by step, and then came to Emperor Chenzheng. Emperor Chen Zheng, who was dying, shook his head helplessly, then supported him and said softly: "Go, let's go into the house!"

With a flash of Aoqi Bajian, he came to the door, and after Xuan Zhan and Emperor Chenzheng walked into the room, they stood coldly outside the door, looking at the crowd expressionlessly, Tianxiong stood with his hands behind his back, faintly Looking at a group of people around him, he said, "It's nothing to do with others, leave immediately!"

"Amitabha!" Master Mingxiang lowered his eyes slightly, whispered a Buddha's name, then looked at the old woman and said, "Queen Mother, let all the soldiers disperse!"

The Empress Dowager sighed and nodded, she swung her right hand and said to all the officers and men, "They're all gone!"

All the officers and men looked at the arrogant eight swords at the door with blurred eyes, discussed in low voices and dispersed, and occasionally looked back enviously...

"It's been 20 years, Mr. still have the same style!" A woman in palace attire beside her said in a daze.

Master Mingxiang said with a little emotion: "Wan'er, Mr. Xuan is no longer something ordinary people like us can measure. By the way, everyone... Seniors!"

Tianxiong glanced at Mingxiang faintly...

Master Ming Xiang uttered the Buddha's name. In his eyes, these eight people were as if they did not exist. If they were not visible to the naked eye, he could not even feel them. He lowered his eyebrows and said, "Seniors, you... where did you come from? ?”

"Lanxi Cangshan!" Tianxiong said lightly...

Master Mingxiang nodded slowly, and suddenly, he raised his head to look at Tianxiong and said, "Senior, the poor monk seems to have seen you somewhere!"

Tianxiong smiled lightly and said softly: "20 years ago, Dazheng Temple!"

"Oh, I remembered, you are the senior who accompanied Mr. Xuan back then!" A beautiful woman in her thirties next to Master Ming Xiang cried out in surprise, covering her mouth.

Tianxiong nodded faintly. A cultivator has a powerful memory. He looked at Mingxiang and the two beautiful women and said calmly, "You are the monk Mingxiang, and the two of you are Waner and Xiner!"

Seeing that the three of them actually had a relationship with Tianxiong, they couldn't help feeling a little jealousy in their hearts. Looking at the eight of them, they were thinking how to get close to them...

Eight people, this stop is three days, within three days, except for Master Ming Xiang who brings some food inside every meal, the eight people don't allow anyone to approach this house!

Within three days, a miracle appeared in this house. A purple-gold divine thunder suddenly fell from the sky, struck the house with a bang, and then disappeared, but the house did not show any trace of damage, which shocked everyone!This miracle, felt by everyone in Yujing City, instantly spread throughout the streets and alleys, saying that there are immortals descending in the palace...

Then, when they saw that these eight people did not ask any questions, they stayed in several directions of this Yaju without eating or drinking. They sat for eight days, and they were all moved. , only Master Ming Xiang can occasionally gossip with Tian Xiong for a few words, feeling very helpless in his heart, but he also gave up that set of close thoughts...

Ants are ants!Looking at this mortal creature, Aoqi Bajian thought lightly in his heart...

Three days later, Xuan Zhan and Emperor Chen Zheng walked out of the house casually, but at this moment, Emperor Chen Zheng was in a good mood with a red face, holding a book in his right hand, and holding Xuan Zhan's arm, he said: "Mr. Xuan, I... I don't know how to thank you..."

Xuan Zhan shook his head lightly and said: "Don't be thankful, your lifespan is approaching, and I have acted against the sky to get you five years, just to let you not manage the affairs of this country and enjoy the happiness of life, that booklet , you pass it on to Chen Zhan, it’s over... It’s over my heart to serve the country to Ningyun Kingdom!"

"Hey..." Emperor Chenzheng looked at this booklet with emotion. In this booklet is the essence of declaring war on thousands of valleys, governing the country and governing the world. It can be said to be priceless!This book condenses all the talents and painstaking efforts of Xuan Zhan, also foreshadows that Xuan Zhan will no longer get involved in Ningyun National Destiny from now on...

Seeing the two people coming out of the room, everyone immediately stood up, looked at the current Emperor Chen Zheng in surprise, and then all knelt down to the ground and shouted: "Mr. Xie Xuan!"

Xuan Zhan smiled, flicked his right hand lightly, everyone immediately stood up, looked at these people, suddenly looked at Chen Xin'er and Chen Wan'er and said with a smile: "The two little girls have grown up so quickly. hehe……"

Chen Xin'er and Chen Wan'er are thirty years old, but they look like they are 23 or [-] years old. When they heard the declaration of war, they felt shy in their hearts, and immediately lowered their heads and said, "Mr. people!"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, he is a cultivator, this ordinary person, he can see his future growth at a glance, the two... how could he not remember!

While the two sisters felt shy, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: I can only look up to such a person, and hide this love in my heart...

The two sisters were married when they were here, and now they have a child!

Emperor Chenzheng said with emotion: "It would be great if I could get this longevity like Mr. Xuan! Unfortunately, as the king of a country, I am bound by these thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, hehe..."

Xuan Zhan smiled casually, and said lightly: "Everyone has his own destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, the reason why I live forever is to strive for the destiny of the heaven and the earth, and when I have helplessness, there is no need for your majesty to envy!", and then Looking at the Eight Swords of Pride, he clasped his fists at Emperor Chenzheng and said, "Your Majesty, declare war and bid farewell!"

Emperor Chenzheng sighed and said, "Mr. Xuan, after today's farewell, will you still show up?"

Xuan Zhan shook his head lightly and said: "I'm done with my mundane affairs, and I don't have any worries about these mundane things in my heart. Let's say goodbye today, and it will be the last time we see each other!"

Emperor Chenzheng and the surrounding royals were stunned for a moment, and everyone hurriedly bowed to the ground and mournfully said: "Mr. Xuan, please don't go!"

Emperor Chen Zheng looked at Xuan Zhan with complicated eyes, and said with a wry smile: "I knew you would say that!"

Xuan Zhan raised his right hand slightly, raised everyone's bodies, and said lightly: "People have misfortunes and blessings. I can protect you for a while by declaring war, but I can't protect you forever. This time, I have gone against the sky. You... don't need to say more!"

"Between life and death, there is nothing but reincarnation!" Xuan Zhan smiled, looked at Emperor Chenzheng and said, "Your Majesty, farewell!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xuan Zhan put his hands on his back, and under the arch of the eight swords, he slowly flew up to the sky, and then took a deep look at the vast land, as if he was nostalgic for something, the speed of the three whirlpools in his heart suddenly reversed. Speed ​​up, your energy suddenly increases!

"Om..." A majestic momentum suddenly emanated from Xuan Zhan's body, covering hundreds of kilometers in an instant!

"Mr. Xuan..." Everyone cried out in mourning, and slowly knelt down on their knees. Emperor Chenzheng suddenly looked at Xuan Zhan in the sky like a dream, bent his knees slightly, knelt down slowly, and bowed down: "Ningyun Kingdom , Mr. Xie Xuan..."

"Boom!" Led by Xuan Zhan, the Eight Swords of Arrogance broke through the void in an instant, turned into streamers nine hundred feet long, and disappeared into the sky...

"Amitabha..." A Buddha's cry suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

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