Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 120 Dreamland

On the top of Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi, where the emptiness of [-] meters...

After Xuan Zhan left Ningyun Kingdom and instantly stripped away the fetters of Ningyun in his heart, the energy in his body suddenly surged crazily, and instantly surged to the edge of fusion. After coming to the Pride Sect, Xuan Zhan came here,!Here is the closest to nature, and when experiencing the cycle of heaven, the spirit, energy, and spirit suddenly surged again...

It seems that after declaring war and getting rid of the shackles of the mundane, the Taoist heart is immersed in the practice of Taoism. The heart of the upper body is more rounded and transparent. Sitting cross-legged...

"Boom..." The sky over the Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi was covered with dark clouds, and the light of thunder was flickering. The purple and golden thunders bombarded Xuan Zhan's body, and his energy and spirit slowly merged...

"Sect Master..." All the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect appeared on the hills of the Proud Qi Sect, looking up at the figure in the dark sky.

"He..." Mo Shaofeng stared blankly at the declaration of war ten thousand meters away and said to himself, "Could it be that he is about to enter Unfalling..."

Xuan Hen and Liao Lang, the two patriarchs, were on the Pofan Peak, looking at the arrogant and lonely figure with serious expressions, and their Dao heart became extremely shocked because of the momentum of declaring war at the moment...

"Can he...can he survive this catastrophe?" Liao Lang said to himself.

Above the peaks, the three Old Demon brothers stared blankly at the sky, and the oldest one, Old Demon, asked in a daze, "This... is this a sign of not falling?"

The second child Dishang looked at the sky with confused eyes, and said with a wry smile: " you know how old the declaration of war is now? He is not yet 60 years old..."

The youngest slave smiled bitterly and said blankly: "But, he is only 60 years old, but he is already about to enter the stage of not falling..."

Do not fall out, gather the essence of heaven and earth, condense the essence, energy and spirit in the body, three in one to form the primordial spirit, the primordial spirit emerges, the heart fire appears, the heart fire appears, the magic weapon is forged!Competing for heaven and earth luck for thousands of years, the majestic way of heaven, I have escaped from the mortal world, faded away from the mortal womb, and achieved the real body!Become a true body, roaring to heaven and earth...

"Boom..." Heaven and earth divine thunder struck Xuan Zhan's body one after another, feeling the divine power of heaven and earth, all the disciples of Pride Sect were stunned...

A month later, between the heaven and the earth, hundreds of Taoists suddenly slammed on Xuan Zhan's body like an angry god!

At the moment of declaring war, the Dao heart is immersed, and the mind seems to disappear. The three whirlpools in the body are crazily reversed, and countless surging thunder elements are rolling and surging in the meridians like huge waves!

A golden filament suddenly appeared from the three swirls, connecting the three together!Under the action of this golden thread, the spirit, energy and spirit are instantly fused together with a bang!

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan's body shattered in an instant, and a ball of purple-gold gas appeared on the spot. Myriad Dao Divine Thunder rose up in panic, bombarding the golden gas frantically!

Then slowly... the purple-gold gas slowly emits a layer of hazy golden light, spreading and growing... About half an hour later, this purple-gold gas slowly turns into a human form!

A huge force of heaven and earth suddenly surged over the entire Lanxi Cangshan Mountain...

Countless mortals feel the majesty of the world at the foot of the mountain, knelt down and worshiped...

"Boom!!!" A purple-gold thunderbolt nearly a hundred feet thick suddenly struck from the sky, and a white-clothed and white-haired figure quietly appeared in the eyes of the Proud Qi Sect disciple!

"Ah!!!" The figure roared suddenly, thousands of silver threads scattered in the air, and the purple-gold lightning that exuded a suffocating aura slowly wrapped around him...

Thousands of disciples of the Proud Qi Sect looked at the figure who looked at the world with aloofness and awe, and a sense of awe was born in their hearts. Their legs unconsciously knelt on the ground, and a sonorous and proud voice sounded in an instant: "I wish the suzerain not to fall in the next step!" Expect!"

"Congratulations to the Sovereign for advancing to the next stage..."

Declaring war at an altitude of [-] meters, looking at the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect below, he smiled casually, and while waving his hand, a purple-gold thunderbolt accompanied him... and with a wave of his right hand, a group of purple-gold flames suddenly rose from the sky. , the temperature of the void with a radius of thousands of feet suddenly rose sharply, and it was hundreds of degrees high in the blink of an eye...

"He...succeeded!" Xuan Hen smiled relaxedly, this son... is only 60 years old, but he is still one of the top masters of Mo Lixing, and he is not in his prime!

Countless disciples of the Proud Qi Sect looked at the sky with turbulent hearts, each of them shouted wildly...

"It succeeded..." The three Old Demon brothers looked at each other in a daze...

Declaring war between heaven and earth, suddenly there was a long roar, and his figure flashed, and he fell onto Jinyang Peak in an instant!

"Haha..." Tianxiong laughed loudly. Seeing the declaration of war at this moment, he suddenly came to his senses. Gong Sheng slightly leaned over and said, "Congratulations to the Sovereign for advancing to the next stage!"

Then, Eight Swords of Aoqi, elders, thousands of disciples of Aoqi Sect all appeared on Jinyang Peak!

The two beams of light shot slightly, and Xuan Hen and Liao Lang instantly appeared beside Xuan Zhan. Seeing Xuan Zhan, Liao Lang nodded in relief and said, "Congratulations to the Sovereign for not falling into the ranks, hehe..."

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly, looked at the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect and said indifferently: "This sect is going to retreat for a while, Tianxiong!"

"Here!" Tianxiong leaned over and said sonorously.

"During my retreat, you will take care of everything in the sect. If you can't be the master, you can consult the elders. If necessary, go to Tanxin Pavilion!"

"Respect the suzerain's decree!" Tianxiong said.

Xuan Zhan looked at everyone with a smile and said: "Patriarch, elders, this sect... has gone!" As soon as the words fell, his body instantly turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the direction of Qingsong Peak...

Everyone looked at each other, all laughed, and then left...

One year later, in the small world...

Xuan Zhan looked at Linglong with a peaceful expression, Su Lin anxiously stood beside Xuan Zhan, and said in a daze, "Sovereign, Linglong... What's going on with Linglong?"

At this moment, although Linglong looked peaceful, a trace of paleness slowly appeared on her forehead. Occasionally... her brows were slightly wrinkled, and then a drop of cold sweat and tears would quietly fall!

"Hey, the Bloodline of Chaos War finally appeared..." Xuan Zhan said lightly, feeling a sense of helplessness in his heart, his current realm is not yet stable, and the primordial spirit in his body is a little weak, can't care so much! ! !

When Linglong suddenly frowned slightly in the next moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly put his hand on her forehead. Under Su Lin's blank gaze, a purple-gold light flashed on her body, and a ball of purple-gold air slowly flew out of her body , and then entered Linglong's mind...

"Boom..." As soon as the primordial spirit declaring war entered Linglong's mind, the sky and the earth were filled with red light, countless figures slowly flew down from the sky, and bloodstains appeared all over the sky!

And above the sky, countless streams of light flew into the sky and escaped from the ground, the sound of howling screamed one after another, and the broken limbs and broken arms kept flying...

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, and with a movement of his right hand, he saw a booming sound suddenly sounded in the sky, and then tens of millions of capital thunders fell down instantly...

The dense red light was instantly extinguished under the bombardment of the purple-gold divine thunder, and countless monks in the dreamland slowly disappeared in place... Half a quarter of an hour later, the world slowly returned to a green field...

Xuan Zhan's consciousness suddenly swept away, and his body suddenly turned into a thunderbolt and disappeared in place. The next moment, he appeared in front of a thatched cottage. He slowly approached the room, looked into the room and said softly, "Linglong!"

But no one agreed, Xuan Zhan frowned, went inside, and saw a warm bed and a table in this room!

"Linglong!!!" There was a sudden roar from outside the house, and Xuan Zhan was slightly taken aback. With his mind wandering, he looked at the people coming outside, only to see... three thousand silver threads were scattered in the sky, and he was wearing white robes fluttering... …

Xuan Zhan looked at that person with a slight frown, and it turned out to be... himself! ! !

"You..." Another Xuan Zhan saw him suddenly stunned, and asked solemnly: "Who are you? Why do you look exactly like me?"

Xuan Zhan smiled, put his hands behind his back and said lightly: "I am you, and you are me!"

The other Xuanzhan frowned slightly, and asked softly, "I don't understand what you mean! Where's Linglong?"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, looked at the room, came to the bed, opened the quilt, and a cute girl with a pale face and a face of coma appeared in front of Xuan Zhan!

"Linglong!" Xuan Zhan in the dream yelled at the unconscious Linglong, ran to the bed and hugged him up, "Linglong... what's wrong with you, Linglong, don't scare my husband, don't scare me, Linglong! "

"What?" Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, the self in his dream... actually married Linglong...

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