Xuan Zhan stood by the bed in a daze, watching himself in the dream calling Linglong sadly, his mind was in chaos...

how so?This girl... unexpectedly fell in love with me quietly, and even made herself her husband in her dream! ! !

No... this kind of thing will never be allowed to happen!

Declaring War instantly made a decision, and with a movement of his right hand, he saw a ray of purple and gold light suddenly appearing in his hand. At this moment, Xuan Zhan in his dream was suddenly covered with purple and gold light, and a purple-gold divine thunder ruthlessly hit the declaration of war. body...

Xuan Zhan stood there with a slight frown, looking at the Zijin Lightning bombarding him...hitting himself?A strange idea appeared in his mind!

Xuan Zhan in the dream froze for a moment, held Linglong in his arms and asked coldly, "Who the hell are you! Why did you hurt Linglong!"

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly, and said lightly: "I've already said, I am you! If you don't get out of the way, Linglong will be in danger!"

The declaration of war in the dream frowned slightly...

"Hey, two little masters!" A cute and honest voice suddenly sounded from under the bed, and then...a furry, black and white panda appeared beside them.

Xuan Zhan gave a wry smile... This girl not only created herself, Panda also came out to join in the fun...

With a casual movement, fierce spiritual consciousness suddenly came out of the body, and Xuan Zhan in the dream suddenly froze, and said in a daze: "The period of not falling..."

"You are not the little master!" Little Panda roared angrily, then he was stunned, and muttered, "But...but the smell is exactly the same...Panda is in pain, woo...I don't care!!", as soon as the words fell, Get under the bed again...

"This little guy..." Xuan Zhan thought dumbfoundedly, then rolled his eyes slightly, looked at Xuan Zhan in his dream and shook his head helplessly, came to Linglong's side, took a slight look, and was instantly stunned...

"Dream in a dream..." Xuan Zhan murmured to himself with a wry smile, under the dazed gaze of Xuan Zhan in the dream, when his body moved, it turned into a cloud of purple gold gas, which swished into Linglong's mind...

The next moment... the declaration of war appeared in a void world, and in this dim void, a cute girl stood there, looking blankly at the void!

"Sanggong..." Linglong said blankly, and as soon as the words fell, another "declaration of war" suddenly appeared beside Linglong, who was looking at Linglong with a faint smile, then hugged her in his arms, and said softly: "I it's here!"

Linglong stared blankly at the "declaration of war" that suddenly appeared, and cried out sadly: "Our home...we..."

As soon as the words fell, the surrounding environment changed, and it instantly turned into a vast prairie. Beside the two of them, a thatched hut was sitting there peacefully, and then... a fluffy head appeared beside them, and it was... Little Panda...

Xuan Zhan in the distance stared at this change in a daze, frowned slightly, moved his right hand technique, and his immortality cultivation base suddenly surged wildly, Linglong and "Xuan Zhan" instantly looked at Xuan Zhan...

Xuan Zhan said lightly: "Linglong, wake up!"

"You... who are you!" "Xuan Zhan" snorted coldly and asked lightly.

Linglong also looked at Xuan Zhan curiously and said, "Why are you the same as my father-in-law? Who are you?"

"Hey, this person smells exactly the same as my little master! Could it be that Panda has two little masters?" The little Panda next to them scratched his head in a daze and said.

"Huh!" Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, suddenly dark clouds covered the sky and the earth, and the rolling purple and gold thunderbolts thundered wildly...

"You..." "Xuan Zhan" frowned slightly, and with a movement of the formula, he saw the golden sword appearing all over his body in an instant, and streaks of golden light flashed in the blink of an eye...

As soon as Xuan Zhan's spiritual consciousness moved, a violent spiritual consciousness suddenly came out of his body, surrounding the three of them fiercely!

"No...don't fall!" "Xuan Zhan" looked at Xuan Zhan with a pale face, and roared, "You... who are you! Why are you bothering us!"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and the formula moved again. The next moment, "Xuan Zhan" and Little Panda disappeared instantly...

Linglong's face turned pale in an instant, she stared at Xuan Zhan and said in a daze, "You...you killed my husband!"

A trace of declaration of war mixed with surging Lei Yuan suddenly shouted softly: "Linglong, wake up!"

Hearing this voice, Linglong was stunned for a moment, watching the declaration of war...then slowly disappeared in place...

The whole world suddenly shook wildly, Xuan Zhan frowned, his figure shook, and instantly turned into a ball of purple-gold light, and disappeared in place before the world collapsed!

Yuanshen returned to his body in an instant, and Xuan Zhan woke up suddenly, looking at the dazed dream, Xuan Zhan hugged Linglong in his eyes!

"Hmm..." Linglong woke up quietly, opened her hazy eyes, was slightly taken aback, and looked at the two declaring war...

"Linglong, you're awake!" Xuanzhan in the dream immediately hugged Linglong tightly in his arms, and said happily.

Linglong covered her head weakly, then looked at the two of them, and said in a daze, "You...you, who is my husband?"

"Linglong, I'm your husband!" Meng Zhongxuanzhan said hastily, "He's a counterfeit! I don't know who it is..."

Xuan Zhan looked at the two of them indifferently, and then said, "Linglong, I am your Uncle Xuan!"

"Xuan... Uncle Xuan..." Linglong looked at Xuan Zhan in confusion...

Xuan Zhan in the dream suddenly froze, looked at Xuan Zhan and frowned and said: "What Uncle Xuan, this is what Linglong called me 300 years ago!"

"300 years..." Xuan Zhan paused, muttered to himself, and then said with a wry smile, "Yimeng, 300 years... Hehe, Linglong, you... how can you create your own dream like this? I am you Uncle!"

"No, I have to wake you up!" Xuan Zhan said to himself, then looked at Xuan Zhan in his dream and said calmly, "You are her uncle, how can you marry her!"

Linglong froze for a moment, covered her mouth and stared blankly at Xuan Zhan...

Xuan Zhan in the dream looked at Xuan Zhan coldly and said: "I don't care who you are, but get out of here quickly! I have been married to Linglong for 300 years, yet you say such things inexplicably, hmph..."

Xuan Zhan smiled faintly, looking at Xuan Zhan in his dream, a wave of spiritual consciousness suddenly came out of his body, wrapped tightly around Xuan Zhan in his dream, and slowly flew out of the room under his struggling expression...

"You, what are you going to do... What are you going to do!" Linglong suddenly struggled, and fought towards Xuan Zhan, screaming angrily while beating.

Xuan Zhan flashed his figure, took a deep look at Linglong and said, "I... want to destroy him!", as soon as the words fell, he closed his right hand fiercely!

"Boom!" The declaration of war in the dream fell apart instantly under the oppression of divine consciousness...

"No..." Linglong cried out sadly, "Sanggong! Xianggong..."

Next, a white figure suddenly appeared in the sky, and the declaration of war in the dream appeared again, and said to Linglong: "Linglong, I am here!"

Xuan Zhan frowned instantly, and he suddenly remembered that this was Linglong's dream, no matter what, it would follow her heartbeat...

Linglong suddenly threw herself into Xuan Zhan's arms in her dream, crying, "Sir, are you alright!"

"It's okay for my husband!" Xuan Zhan in the dream said with a smile, hugging her gently.

Xuan Zhan looked at the two of them coldly, and with his thoughts wandering, he looked at the boundless world and smiled wryly. Could it be...does he have to destroy this dream?Chaos War Bloodline... Yes!Find the Chaos War bloodline first...

With a flash of thunder in his eyes, he saw this dream world instantly unfolding in front of his eyes. Looking at this dream, he was stunned for an instant when he declared war...

The world in his eyes was nothingness, and the foundation of this world was in a very unstable state, as if he exerted a little force, the world would collapse!Slightly frowning, he moved his body, and in one step, he had already appeared thousands of miles away, and then looked at the red thread in his eyes...

With a slight movement of the formula, thunderbolts hit the place with the red silk thread fiercely!

"Ah..." In the small world, Linglong who was in a coma suddenly hugged her head and cried...

Su Lin hugged Linglong nervously, and shouted nervously: "Linglong... what's wrong with you Linglong, wake up..."

After Linglong yelled, she continued to lie unconscious on the bed, her face completely pale...

"Sovereign, what are you doing in there, Linglong is in pain now..." Su Lin looked at Linglong who had passed out and said in a daze.

"It's okay!" Xuan Zhan took a breath and said softly to himself, "This chaotic war bloodline has just been induced, hum..." As soon as the words fell, Xuan Zhan appeared next to the two of them again in one step. In the boundless land, Xuan Zhan's mind has turned sharply. If this world is destroyed by him, Linglong will definitely not be able to wake up. She can only wander in the world of nothingness, and then create a new world!Only the "Awakening God Pill" can make Linglong wake up...

This is the first dream. With his skill, if he wants to call Linglong back to the real world, he can't do it... I can't help but he can't do it, even the master of the tribulation period can't do it!It is recorded in the Jade Slips that those who hide in dreams are those who return to their hearts, and they are not pulled back abruptly by external forces... External forces are things that are abundant in the world...

The blood of Luan Zhan has been eliminated, but...Xuan Zhan looked at the two lovers helplessly, and smiled wryly...

Suddenly, his body became weak. At this moment, his primordial spirit is not stable, and he cannot leave his body for too long, otherwise, the power of primordial spirit will be exhausted, and he will be lost forever...

Glancing at the two of them lightly, Xuan Zhan shook his body and left this world...

"Who... is he?" Linglong stared blankly at Xuan Zhan who left, and asked to herself.

"Hmph... No matter who he is, he has only one purpose, which is to separate us!" Xuan Zhan in the dream said coldly as he left.

"But...we are not separated, are we!" Linglong smiled lightly, lying in the arms of Xuanzhan Meng, feeling at peace in her heart, "Husband, I just want to live like this with you for the rest of my life!"

"Well, we will never be separated!" Meng Zhongxuanzhan said softly with a smile.

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