Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 122 Demon Slayer Sword

Xuan Zhan lightened his body, trembled twice, supported the ice jade cold crystal bed, gave a wry smile, glanced at Linglong and Su Lin, and shook his head helplessly, he never thought that Linglong... would actually lead him...

"Sect Master!" Su Lin exclaimed in surprise, "Linglong cried out with a headache just now, how is she doing now?"

Xuan Zhan said with a faint smile: "It's fine now, look at Linglong, my primordial power has been consumed a lot, and I need to retreat!"

"En!" Su Lin nodded fiercely, and then sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed.

Xuan Zhan looked at Su Lin, sighed deeply in his heart, shook his head helplessly, and left slowly!

It has been a year since Xuan Zhan completely stabilized the state of the initial stage of not falling. Feeling the power of thunder that shakes mountains and mountains all over his body, Xuan Zhan smiled, and his heart moved. I have already cultivated the heart fire, so I can send and receive the magic weapon in the body, but... which magic weapon to choose?

It should be noted that the power of the magic weapon practiced by the Heart Fire Festival will increase enormously, but if the magic weapon is damaged, the monk himself will also be injured. Moreover, on this Moli star, the structure of the sky and the earth is not too stable. It can destroy the heaven and earth structure of this Moli star like a rotten one!But... if he used a high-level treasure, he felt it was a waste!He is full of confusion on the road to the future, but...he knows that what he pursues is not above Molixing!

With a move in his heart, he slowly took out the dragon-shaped jade pendant that had been on his chest. He had been hanging this jade pendant around his neck, and he rarely thought about it, because...he was deeply afraid of this jade pendant. feel!This jade pendant was given to him by Fairy Lingbo before she left. Although I don't know what its function is, this jade pendant is hard and uncommon!

Thinking back to the ten-movement agreement between Zhenyu Changshan, the founder of the True Jade and Illusory Heart Sect, and himself, he used the magic weapon itself to attack himself in the last move. By accident, he hit the jade pendant and let himself escape. die!As a result, Daoist Changshan admits defeat...

The most amazing thing is that until now, he hasn't brought any attacks from demons because of his rapid cultivation!The biggest effect, he thinks, should be the contribution of this jade pendant!

When he inspected the jade pendant for the first time, he was seriously injured by a roar of dragon's anger, and he has never surpassed this jade pendant since then!

He believes that this jade pendant must not be an ordinary thing, or even something from the upper realm, because he has a very mysterious feeling towards Ling Bo, and feels that this Ling Bo's identity must be extraordinary...

So, what would happen if this jade pendant was used for sacrifice and training?

Turning his mind, he saw that he quietly input a trace of spiritual consciousness...

"Roar!!!" A shocking dragon's anger suddenly shook Xuan Zhan's mind, Xuan Zhan closed his eyes tightly, and continued to input his spiritual consciousness into it...

"Roar..." The voice of the dragon's roar roared instantly!

"Pfft..." Xuan Zhan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his consciousness was immediately wiped out under the sound!

Xuan Zhan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and shook his head helplessly. It seems that with his current strength, he still can't control this jade pendant!After carefully hanging it around his neck, he immediately walked to the Yaju in Xiaozhu in the middle of the lake with a thought!

Looking at the ring in his hand, Xuan Zhan's mind was slowly immersed in it. After searching for a while, a golden light suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand!

"Sword of Destroying Demons and Killing Heaven..." Xuan Zhan looked at this golden sword lightly, its grade...a high-level spiritual weapon! ! !

This sword is the magic weapon used by the Jade Master before crossing the tribulation, its power is unpredictable, and it enjoys a high reputation in the world of comprehension!It is the identity symbol of the Jade Master before he crossed the catastrophe. Countless righteous and demons are frightened when they see this sword, and retreat again and again! ! !

"Master, you used this sword to venture into the world of comprehension. Today... this disciple will inherit your magic weapon and fight against the world of comprehension again!" As soon as Xuan Zhan finished speaking, the sword suddenly became golden, and then it was in the palm of Xuan Zhan's hand. Slowly and turbulently rise!

Spirituality... Spiritual weapons, all have spirituality!

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, opened his right hand, and a group of purple and gold flames suddenly emerged from the palm of his hand, and the Demon Slaying Sword flew into the heart fire in an instant, and began to temper...

This tempering, three years have passed in the blink of an eye... When he opened his eyes again, the purple-gold light in his eyes was shining brightly!With a swipe of his hand, a ray of sword light suddenly roared out of his body, and he saw a golden light slowly wrapping around his whole body, and the tip of the sword slowly slid on Xuan Zhan's face!

With a casual movement, this sword light suddenly erupted with an aura of wrath against the world, and with a sound of "嗡...", it cut through the space, and I saw that in the small world, the golden light instantly flourished, and the range of thousands of kilometers was everywhere Under the shroud of this sword light!

The magic formula was revived, and with a whistling sound, the Demon Slaughtering Sword instantly entered Xuan Zhan's body, and then flew into the primordial spirit in Xuan Zhan's dantian, slowly warming up...

"The degree of fit is not enough," Xuan Zhan said to himself, with his body together, the heart fire slowly burned from the dantian in his body, and the demon-killing sword swam cheerfully above the heart fire, and traces of air flowed from the sword. Emerging, peeling off the turbidity, then the spiritual consciousness rushed into the sword, and under the unity of mind and mind, it slowly figured out with the sword body...

A man is a sword, and a sword is a man...


Half a year later, Xuan Zhan opened his eyes again, and with a twitch in his heart, the Demon Slaying Sword roared out again, and in this world, only madness scurrying up...

In the blink of an eye, six years have passed since the declaration of war and retreat...

When Xuan Zhan came out of Tanxin Pavilion, a long howl suddenly came out!

Streams of light flew from above the Twelve Peaks of Pride to Tanxin Pavilion!

"Welcome the suzerain to leave the customs!" The arrogant eight swords, the six elders except Tie Shaoteng said slowly.

Xuan Zhan looked at them in a good mood, and said lightly: "In the past six years, there has been nothing in the sect!"

Everyone shook their heads slowly and said, "Everything is normal!"

Tianshangge paused for a moment, then looked at Tianxiong, and said slowly: "Sovereign, actually... there is one thing!"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, stood with his hands behind his back and said lightly: "Say!"

Tianxiong looked awkwardly at the strange faces of his fellow disciples around him, then blushed a little, cupped his fists and said in a low voice: "Sect Master, I..."

Seeing everyone's expressions, Xuan Zhan knew that it was not a bad thing, immediately let go of his heart, turned around, and came to the cliff outside Tanxin Pavilion, feeling the mountain wind blowing on his face, and smiled faintly...

Seeing that Xuan Zhan didn't say a word, Tianxiong was dumbfounded for a moment, and then puffed out his chest and said, "Sovereign, I... Bi Ling and I are getting more and more in love, so... I want to get married after you leave the customs!"

Xuan Zhan froze in place immediately, and after a few breaths, Xuan Zhan looked at Tianxiong with an inexplicable look...

Aoqi Bajian and all the elders all had weird faces, and they seemed to dare to laugh but they wanted to laugh... At this moment, a sword light suddenly flew out of the sky, and everyone took a closer look, but it was Bi Ling flying over!

"It's all set..." Chen Dian muttered.

"Sovereign, are you out?" Bi Ling asked coquettishly, then looked at a group of strange-looking people present, and asked curiously, "What's the matter with you?"

Xuan Zhan smiled softly, looked at Tianxiong and Bi Ling, and then... began to look at them carefully!

Bi Ling suddenly thought of something, her face turned red immediately, she glanced at Xuan Zhan secretly, seeing that he was still looking at her, she looked at Tianxiong shyly...

"Not bad!" Xuan Zhan smiled faintly, looked at Tian Shang and said, "Elder Tian, ​​what do you think?"

"Haha..." Tianshangge said with a hearty smile, "Sovereign Master said yes, of course the old man has to obey the Sect Master's wishes!"

"Elders, what do you think?" Xuan Zhan looked at the other elders with a dumbfounded smile.

"Not bad!" The other five elders laughed at the same time.

Xuan Zhan smiled softly and said, "Arrogance Eight Swords!"

"Here!" The Proud Qi Sect disciples including Tianxiong immediately shouted sonorously.

Xuan Zhan pondered for a while, pinched the fingers of his right hand slightly, and then said with a faint smile: "Bi Ling, Tianxiong! The day of summer is the day when you get married, what do you think?"

Tianxiong and Bi Ling froze in place for a moment...

"This..." Bi Ling glared fiercely at the embarrassed Tianxiong, and muttered, "This is too fast!"

Everyone burst into laughter immediately!

"Eight Swords, announce to the various sects of Qianshan Wanyue that Tianxiong and Biling will get married at the end of summer. At that time, invite them to come to the wedding. Elder Tian, ​​tell Elder Chenyun that you are in charge. Remember, Chenyun Senior is Bi Ling's master, we...must stand side by side to welcome him!"

"Respect the suzerain's decree!" The crowd laughed sonorously and shouted.

"" Bi Ling looked at them with a flushed face and said, "You are all necrotic..." As soon as the words fell, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared in place.

Xuan Zhan laughed out of surprise, looked at Tianxiong and said, "Brother, hurry up and chase after him!"

"Ah... oh, go after, go after..." Tianxiong smiled awkwardly, and then left here to chase after Biling...

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