Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 126 Tianxiong Gets Married

(Uh, I admit, I'm not married yet, I don't know how to write wedding scenes, and it's the first time I'm writing, so just wait and see!)

In the morning, there were many people on the Jinyangfeng Square, each sect and faction took their seats in order, and the male and female disciples of the Proud Qi Sect shuttled among the crowd, presenting countless delicious fairy fruit wines!

In front of the huge stone stele altar on the square, the left and right are decorated with red festive gauze. Around the square, countless strips of red gauze are also pulled up, and countless shining streamers are dotted on the square. The overall arrangement is colorful and eye-catching. It's so beautiful!

In the front, Leng Mei and Qiu Mingyue were sitting in front, Leng Mei had a cold face, while Qiu Mingyue was chatting and laughing with the monks around, enjoying themselves!After the two, there are the contemporary suzerains of countless sects. Even if the suzerains will be in the future, there will be representative figures present!

Mo Shaofeng stood in front of the altar with his hands behind his back, looked at the time, and said proudly: "Everyone!"

The voice rang, and the noisy noise below disappeared without a trace!Mo Shaofeng smiled calmly and clasped his fists together, "Welcome all of you to come to our Pride Sect to participate in the wedding of our disciple Tianxiong. On behalf of the Sect Master, I declare war and thank you all!"

"Now, it's noon, and auspicious days and good days are here!" Mo Shaofeng said with a smile, "I invite our two elders today!"

As soon as the words fell, Chenyun and Tianshangge Lianjue chatted happily and walked up to the side of the altar from below, clasping fists slightly to everyone.

"Please invite our groom officer for today!"

"Boom!" After the sound of drums, Tianxiong, dressed in a festive red robe, accompanied by Gu Fei and Xu Zhong, flew from outside the arena with a cheerful expression on his face. Tall and straight, with a firm face, and a calm smile on his lips!Everyone applauded immediately. Although Tianxiong lost the qualification to inherit the position of suzerain, but with his strength placed there, he must be the pillar of the proud sect in the future!

Moreover, even now, he is still a great master in the middle stage of Xuanlun, and it can be said that he is proud of the world of comprehension!

Mo Shaofeng slowly nodded to the slightly excited Tianxiong, and said with a long roar, "A bride is invited!"

Everyone immediately looked towards the sky, and saw three beautiful shadows flying slowly from the east. The woman in the center, Xia Xia, was wearing a phoenix crown, with a delicate and shy face, and she was a beautiful woman!Accompanied by Fang Qingya and Xu Jing of the Proud Sect, they flew slowly...

Looking at Bi Ling at this moment, not only Tianxiong, but also the countless young men in the arena are all overwhelmed by it...

"Hey, the flowers are stuck on the cow dung!" Xu Shifei sighed in the audience, and a pair of folding fans in his hand beat his left hand!

Diao Yu chuckled and said, "When I first met Bi Ling, why didn't you go up, but now I'm resentful!"

Xu Shifei said with emotion: "At the beginning, I was devoted to Taoism, and I didn't have any thoughts about women here. Now that I see the appearance of the two of them, I have some wishes in this regard!"

Bai Duanliu said quietly: "Look, how is Earth Wisdom?"

Zhan Tianpeng smiled lightly and said: "Di Hui is the most beautiful woman in the world, do you want to be contaminated too, I'll do it!"

Cheng Zhizhong chuckled and said, "It's up to you, hmph..."

Zhan Tianpeng frowned slightly and said, "I... what's wrong with me?"

Diaoyu smiled lightly: "Master Dihui is the master of Leng Palace, the master of Leng Palace is the master of the first palace of Ming Xin Han Qi Realm, his status is so high, now only our Xuan Zongzhu can compare, how about your master?"

These six people were talking nonsense endlessly below, but under thousands of gazes on the stage, they were carrying out the marriage ceremony!

"Bow to heaven and earth!" Mo Shaofeng let out a clear whistle.

Tianxiong and Biling looked at each other affectionately, bowed their heads slowly and bowed down to each other!

"Second worship!" Mo Shaofeng said loudly! (Don’t mind me here, I’m in the realm of comprehension, what are the rules in the realm of comprehension, who the husband and wife worship, it’s not up to the author to decide...uh)

Tianshangge and Chenyun chuckled, seeing the new couple slowly bowing towards them, they quickly laughed and said, "Okay!", and then each took out a primary storage ring and gave it to the new couple!

Tianxiong and Biling smiled slightly, caught the ring and put it away.

"Husband and wife salute each other!" Mo Shaofeng shouted!

At this moment, with a sound of "Boom!", a person was suddenly slammed into the field and flew into the distance.At the same time, a ray of purple-gold light suddenly shot out from the hall, and when it passed by everyone, a calm voice came from the ray of purple-gold: "The wedding will continue!"

Everyone looked at this sudden incident in a daze, not knowing what was going on!

Mo Shaofeng frowned slightly, and smiled instantly: "Everyone, don't worry, the wedding will continue!"

Zhuxi below frowned and looked at the person who was thrown out just now, his heart moved, he exclaimed in surprise: "Not good!", and quickly shot towards the place where the Zijin light disappeared!

After this unexpected incident, the wedding is proceeding normally!


Xuan Zhan turned around casually, looked at the person who fell under his feet, and said indifferently: "Who are you?" He was paying attention to the situation in the hall just now. He paid close attention to the scene in the arena, and the person lying at his feet was a strange man who was about to make trouble. Fortunately, he was firmly fixed by his divine sense, and then he was thrown out of the arena viciously!

This strange man got up from the ground, staring at him with a pair of cold eyes and said: "Declaration of war?"

"It's the sect!" Xuan Zhan stood with his hands behind his hands, looking down at him like a misty god.

Seeing the declaration of war in his eyes, a trace of fear suddenly appeared in the strange man's heart!

"Sect Master Xuan!" A voice suddenly sounded in the distance, and the old hunchback Zhuxi instantly appeared beside the two of them from a distance, looked at the person at their feet, flashed his right hand, and caught his face in an instant before he had time to dodge Go up, wait until you see it, and immediately shout angrily: "It really is you, a traitor!"

Xuan Zhan thought for a while, and instantly understood who this strange man was, and said softly, "Xiao Junfeng?"

"Master..." After being caught and disguised, a cold and handsome young face appeared in front of the two of them. It was Xiao Junfeng, who knelt down to Zhuxi and cried out bitterly.

"Is it worth it?" Zhuxi said angrily, "You have lost the face of me, an old hunchback! Who taught you to do such a thing!"

"I..." Xiao Junfeng paled and cried out in pain, "I can't let go, I can't let go! Seeing that she will live with Tian Xiong in the future, I feel uncomfortable..."

Xuan Zhan shook his head lightly, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, and a sentence floated out of his mouth: "If you are a man of indomitable spirit, you shouldn't be fooled by these things, it's yours, it's yours after all!" , After finishing speaking, turn around and leave!

"It's mine... It's mine after all, but it's not mine..." Xiao Junfeng stared blankly at Xuan Zhan who left and said to himself.

"Hey..." Zhuxi sighed, "After this matter is over, you can leave here as a teacher!"

After finishing speaking, he flew to Jinyang Peak with him who was as depressed as if he had lost his soul!

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