Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 127 Big 5 Elements 9 Turns Glazed Dharma Body Art

Su Lin looked at this small world of nearly a thousand square kilometers in shock. In the small world at this moment, the vitality of the heavens and the earth was insanely turbulent, and the abundant vitality of the heavens and the earth invaded and ravaged the entire space like bursts of tornadoes! "Boom boom boom..." The crazily trembling and shaking ground even made Su Lin a little unsteady...

In an open space a thousand meters away, a white figure sat cross-legged indifferently. Around that person, spirit stones of almost unknown grades were placed in strange directions for twenty or so years, and in the middle, even more so. A super huge spirit stone is used as the eye of the formation!

These 21 spirit stones are the root cause of this small world going crazy at this moment!

Under Su Lin's terrified eyes, he saw that after the small world vibrated for a long time, five colors of heaven and earth vitality suddenly flew from all directions!

"This is... the power of the five elements! Heaven... with such a majestic and pure five elements, the suzerain... what exactly is he going to do?" Su Lin thought tremblingly!

The power of the five elements of heaven and earth, gold represents metal, cyan represents wood, blue represents water, red represents fire, and yellow represents earth!All laws of the universe, all kinds of space, are based on these five basic attributes, producing planets and worlds one by one!These five forces are the foundation of the structure of heaven and earth!

But at this moment, these five attributes suddenly rose majesticly from the five directions of the small world, and flew towards the place where the war was declared in the center of the small world!

With five hearts facing the sky, the primordial spirit is immersed in the heart, and the whole mind is condensed!Declare a miraculous state!The hands are slowly closed, the index finger and the thumb are close together, and the other three fingers are tightened. A kind of miraculous heart throbbing suddenly surges from the heart!

"Boom!!!" The whole body suddenly rose from the void, and when it reached a peak, the five elements of heaven and earth violently blasted into Xuanzhan's body at the same time!The five forces of Gengjin, Yimu, Kuishui, Binghuo, and Wutu suddenly raged crazily in Xuan Zhan's body!

A suffocating pain yelled out from Xuan Zhan's mouth: "Ah!!!", the five forces are mutually reinforcing, constantly attacking Xuan Zhan's body, Xuan Zhan struggled frantically between life and death, pain and rebirth, his whole body was in this Waves of heat and frenzy of sweat broke out under the pain...

The pain that penetrated his soul made Xuan Zhan roar, and his mind was shaking wildly!Xuan Zhan released this kind of bone marrow-eroding pain from his mouth, endured this pain, controlled the power of the five elements in his body, and penetrated into the skin and bones of his body...

Suddenly, with the movement of the declaration of war, the skin of the whole body quickly seeped out blood, and the skeleton of the whole body "cracked, bang, bang..." burst into a frantic cracking sound!

Great Five Elements Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Jue! ! !

That's right, what Xuan Zhan is practicing at the moment is exactly his master's body training technique——Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Liuli Fashen Jue!Stimulate the body's skin, bones, and even the entire structure of the body with the power of the five elements of heaven and earth, causing the entire body to collapse, and then stimulate the power of the five elements to regenerate, break and stand again!

Nine times of collapse, nine times of rebirth, each time is more painful, each time is more cruel, and each time is more... monstrous!

And the power it brings is unparalleled!Every time the body is reorganized, its strength is more than ten times stronger than the last time!At the time of Dharmakaya Mahayana, monks all over the world want to hurt their bodies, which is tantamount to a fantasy myth!And the physical body travels through the stars and the universe with ease...

"Boom!" An earth-shattering sound suddenly erupted from Xuan Zhan's entire body, and his skeleton instantly collapsed...

"Ah..." This collapse caused Xuan Zhan to hiss and roar suddenly, bursts of cold sweat flowed from his body, mixed with countless blood outside his body, and immediately turned him into a muddy blood man!

Su Lin roared suddenly: "Sect Master!", with a flash of his body, he suddenly came to Xuan Zhan's side, picked him up, and watched Xuan Zhan with his eyes closed, his body trembling, and Su Lin's heart throbbed suddenly: doing what?What kind of pain did he suffer? He no longer had the calm temperament he used to...

"Put... put me in the warm milk essence..." As soon as the declaration of war fell, he fell into a coma in an instant...

"Sovereign!" Su Lin cried out sadly, and when he heard his last words, he immediately carried him and flew to the warm milk essence liquid. Next to the pool of warm milk essence liquid, there were twenty huge spirit stones placed on each side. There, above the pool, a huge spirit stone suspended in the void glows faintly with white light. The 21 spirit stones are connected to each other in the dark, and countless heaven and earth vitality are twirling around here...

Gently putting the declaration of war into the pool, Su Lin still couldn't calm down the shock of the declaration of war just now for a long time!

Su Lin watched Xuan Zhan immersed in Yuan Ye, slowly sinking into the pool, and sighed in his heart: I hope the suzerain will wake up soon...

After declaring war and sinking into the warm milk essence liquid, the pores of the body quickly opened subconsciously, and a shocking force erupted from the whole pond. Under Su Lin's surprised eyes, 21 spirit stones burst out angrily with a "buzz". With a burst of dazzling brilliance, the power of the five elements in the entire small world surged up, and then smashed into the pool fiercely!

Under the violent turmoil of the pure and abundant vitality, the Yuanye pool formed a vortex, rising from the center of the vortex, and sufficient power of the five elements entered it, and then entered the body of the declaration of war...

Day after day, year after year...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" On the Pride Sect, three huge drums resounded throughout the Pride Sect, and the six elders flew from the place of retreat to the Jinyang Peak Hall in an instant!

"The suzerain hasn't come out of seclusion, let's go and receive him!" Tianshangge said lightly.

Mo Shaofeng looked solemn, and said slowly: "I don't know what the purpose of that Leng Mei's trip is!"

Several people shook their heads slowly, and then got up together, and came outside the gate of the Proud Qi Sect.

Tianshangge calmly came to Leng Mei, looked at the woman in the middle surrounded by ten disciples from the Bright Heart and Cold Qi Realm, and said with a smile: "Xiao Meier, Sect Master Xuan is in retreat, so let's come out to receive her, hurry up Please come inside!"

"Retreat?" Leng Mei frowned slightly, looking at this Proud Qi Sect, a surge of divine consciousness came out from within her body, and the entire Proud Qi Sect instantly became clear under the sweep of her divine consciousness!

"Is the Leng Palace Master of Ming Xin Han Qi Realm!" A panicked voice instantly filled the entire Pride Sect, "How dare you use your spiritual sense to detect my Pride Sect, could it be that you are deceiving me that there is no one in the Pride Sect?" The voice fell, and two figures appeared Above the gate of the Proud Qi Sect, there are the two patriarchs, Liao Lang and Xuan Hen!

"Welcome Patriarch!" Several elders bowed slightly and shouted in a respectful voice, Tian Shangge slightly leaned over and clasped his fists and said, "You two Patriarchs, it was an unintentional act of being cold and charming, I hope the two Patriarchs will not blame you!"

Leng Mei's pair of charming and flowing streams flowed lightly, she flicked her veil and looked at the two immortal masters, and said coldly: "Let the guy who declared war come out!"

"Bold!" Liao Lang snorted coldly, "Did you just call me the suzerain of the proud sect?"

Leng Mei is Tianshangge's sister-in-law. Although she is not in the lower stage of promotion, she must have no power to fight back under the power of the two patriarchs who possess spiritual weapons. It's my sister-in-law, she is still young and doesn't know the rules, I hope the two patriarchs will not blame her!"

Everyone looked at Tianshangge at this moment, with a strange look on their faces, they wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, they wanted to say it because the people present didn't dare to say it... Leng Mei is young?

Leng Mei was immediately blushed by Tian Shangge's words, and the disciples behind her were also stunned by Tian Shangge's words...

"Brother-in-law!" Leng Mei said coldly, "Don't worry about me, I'm here just to get a word from Xuan Zhan!"

"What?" Tian Shangge was taken aback, looking at Leng Mei and asked.

"The lord of this sect is retreating at the moment!" Xuan Hen said lightly, looking down at Leng Mei and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it. When the lord is out of the seclusion, you will naturally tell him!"

Leng Mei bit her teeth slightly, a rosy color appeared on her face, she said coldly: "I... I want to tell him personally!"

Xuan Hen said coldly: "I'm sorry this can't be done!"

Leng Mei felt a little angry in her heart, looking at the immortal master who possessed two spiritual weapons in front of her, she knew that she must not be able to get any benefits, but... but... her heart was miserable, and the feeling of inspiration in the dark Power, getting stronger and stronger recently!She knew that her master was already on his way, maybe in ten years, maybe in less time...she would completely disappear from this world!Declare war...declare war...what on earth are you thinking?

Seeing the two unfallen masters standing in front of her, Leng Mei was anxious to die. At this moment, she encountered emotional entanglement for the first time, and the person she loved was inside, and time was tight but she couldn't see her... There was a slight gleam in her eyes... A layer of water mist, while everyone was stunned, the magic formula moved, and the whole body was instantly wrapped in a layer of ice, "Swoosh!", instantly disappeared in front of everyone at the speed of light!

"Hmph! How courageous!" Xuan Hen and Liao Lang's eyes suddenly flashed a stern light. Even though this Leng Mei is friendly with Xuan Zhan, Xuan Zhan is in retreat at the moment and cannot be disturbed by anyone. When it comes to the retreat of declaring war, disturbing the mind and creating inner demons, the consequences are not something anyone can bear!

The two snorted angrily, and immediately chased Leng Mei like a phantom. Looking at the ice crystal barrier with a dazzling cold light in front of them, the two of them moved their magic formula, and two flying swords exuding a majestic aura instantly appeared around them , Feijian swam around the body, and the spirituality on his body stirred up the surrounding space...

"Patriarch! Don't..." Tianshangge suddenly cried out sadly, and hurriedly chased after him!

Leng Mei felt the coercion of the spiritual weapon behind her, and her soul trembled suddenly. When the formula moved, the speed suddenly increased several times. After a few breaths, Tan Xin Pavilion was in sight!

Suddenly, "Boom!", a surge of force crazily bombarded her body. It was the power of the spirit weapon. Although the spirit weapon itself did not bombard her, the power was not something she could resist without the spirit weapon beside her. !

It should be noted that in the past 30 years, the two patriarchs have used the two spirit weapons flying swords presented by the declaration of war, and their cultivation has increased sharply. In less than 30 years, they have entered the middle stage of non-falling. , with the joint efforts of the two, they can fight without falling and fleeing!

And Leng Mei is just in the early stage of not falling...

"Pfft..." Leng Mei spat out a mouthful of blood, resisting the pain in her heart, and came to Tanxin Pavilion in an instant, looking at the barrier of surging thunder power, she yelled angrily: "Declaration, what do you love?" not love me!"

"Declaration of war, do you love me or not..."

"Declaration of war, do you love me or not..."


The entire Pride Sect fell silent instantly under this coquettish roar!

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