A voice suddenly came from the crowd: "Hey, why did that idiot play?"

As a cultivator, Tianxiong's ears are more than sensitive. At this moment, his body is high in the sky, when he suddenly heard this sentence, his body suddenly became weak, and with a "bang", he slammed hard onto the ring.

Around the arena, including the declaration of war, they suddenly saw Tianxiong's free fall movement, "Hahahaha..." everyone burst out into a burst of happy laughter.Tianxiong's face turned red when he fell to the ground, and then a carp stood up straight, his face quickly regained his composure.Looking carefully at the declaration of war, Tianxiong's face went from flushing to calm, and it took less than one breath to complete it. It seems... this cultivator's skin is as thick as a city wall...

The young cultivator of the Demonic Dao looked at Tianxiong who appeared in a strange way, with a slight smile on his face, and then said: "Your Excellency's actions are so eye-opening for the kid!"

No matter how the mortals below ridiculed him, it was just a gust of wind to him, but this young man's words made his face turn cold instantly, and a majestic breath came out through his body, rushing straight towards the young man opposite him. As a monk, Tianxiong said lightly: "Little bastard of the devil's way, you are unlucky to meet me!"

The young monk's face suddenly turned pale, and he faced Tianxiong's rushing momentum, a line of cold sweat flowed out of his forehead, and his voice suddenly became hoarse: "Your Excellency...what do you mean by your Excellency?"

Tianxiong smiled coldly: "You don't need to make sophistry, since you have entered the ranks of cultivation, I won't treat you like an ordinary person!"

The young monk shook his head with a pale face and said, "How did senior see through me?"

Tianxiong said coldly: "Although your aura is hidden deep enough, I can't see what method you use, but I have my own method to see through it!"

The young monk felt bitter in his heart, raised his hands and cupped his fists and said, "Senior, although I am a member of the devil's way of practicing magic arts, I have not done anything harmful to the world. I, Li Xiuchen, swear to the sky, I came here for my sake." Beloved!"

Tianxiong smiled and said: "You and I are both cultivators, so we must know that the realm of comprehension must not interfere with ordinary affairs. Not only did you interfere, but you even had an affair with an ordinary woman. Putting this matter aside for now, since you are a demon People in the middle know that my righteous way is incompatible with your demonic way, and they are incompatible!"

Li Xiuchen said in a deep voice: "Senior, is it true that everyone in my demonic way should be killed? Indeed, there are indeed many people in my demonic way who are harmful to nature, but those people should be killed. But I didn't do anything to be ashamed of heaven and earth, ashamed of my original heart of cultivating the Tao! I... should be killed too?"

"Hmph! Don't argue anymore, today, you are doomed!" After Tianxiong finished speaking, he repeated Li Xiuchen's punch just now, and a mountain-like force suddenly blasted at Li Xiuchen.

Li Xiuchen's face was tense, and with a flick of his right hand, a black long knife suddenly appeared. The long knife slashed in the air, and a saber aura instantly met the invisible force. , but Li Xiuchen, who was thousands of miles away, could not resist, that saber energy was as powerless in front of Tianxiong's power as a mantis holding back a car.

"Bang!" Li Xiuchen was knocked out of the ring by that force, but a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

This... This young man is so... defeated!The sudden defeat instantly stunned the surrounding crowd...

"Ah!" The young lady who was setting up a beating to invite relatives suddenly screamed, and under the inexplicable gaze of the people around, she immediately ran to Li Xiuchen with small steps, supported Li Xiuchen and cried sadly: "Xiuchen, how are you? "

Seeing this young lady running to Li Xiuchen's side suddenly, Tianxiong stopped immediately, looked at the injured Li Xiuchen coldly, and was speechless.

Li Xiuchen's face was rosy, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, grabbed the hand of the young lady, and said with a wry smile: "Zhu'er, I'm fine, this senior is merciful." Miss, a look of loneliness emerged spontaneously, "Pearl, it seems that I missed the appointment."

Zhu'er's eyes were red, she hugged his head and shook her head silently and said: "It's okay, even if you lose, I will marry you!"

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding people immediately shouted in confusion: "It turns out that this young lady of the Fang family has already fallen in love with this young man!"

"Since they have a crush on each other, what are they doing holding this competition? Just give a dowry, and marry this young lady of the Fang family, hey..."

At this moment, an old man without a beard suddenly appeared next to Li Xiuchen, looked at Li Xiuchen with a pair of cold eyes, and said indifferently: "Hmph! Idiot, a junior in the realm of restraint hurt you like this, it's a disgrace to my holy religion!" People!" Li Xiuchen looked at the cold and stern old man, and said with a wry smile: "Master!"

Xuan Zhan and Tianxiong's expressions suddenly tightened, when did this old man appear, they both didn't realize it at all!Listening to Li Xiuchen's address, the old man who suddenly appeared turned out to be his master!

The cold and stern old man smiled coldly, and then looked at Xuan Zhan in the crowd. This glance immediately made Xuan Zhan's hair stand on end, and he felt a layer of cold sweat on his back. Slowly, he became indifferent, and his body flashed suddenly, appearing beside Tianxiong, he had already seen that the old man's cultivation was unfathomable, at least, he couldn't see the old man's realm!

He and Tianxiong looked at each other lightly, and both of them saw a trace of solemnity in each other's eyes.

The real energy in Xuan Zhan's body suddenly surged wildly and violently. He looked at the inexplicable crowd lightly, and pinched the sword formula with his right hand, and a long sword emitting a faint blue light suddenly appeared beside him. A swimming fish slowly swims beside him.Xuan Zhan said lightly: "It's nothing to do with anyone, leave immediately!"

"Immortal! It's an immortal!" The crowd around shouted in surprise when they saw Xuan Zhan's strange sword, and suddenly felt a word like thunder in their ears, and they shouted in an uproar: "Immortals are fighting, everyone, run for your lives! ah!"

The crowd immediately became chaotic, walking, running, curious, and ran a hundred meters away, looking nervously at them who declared war.

The people of the Fang family who were posing for marriage were panicked, seeing their daughter was still by that Li Xiuchen's side, either leaving or leaving, then a middle-aged man shouted: "Zhu'er, come to father quickly, come quickly! Leave that kid alone!"

Li Xiuchen smiled wryly and said: "Zhu'er, get out of here quickly, there will be a big battle in a while, don't worry, with Master here, the two of them can't hurt me." Fang Zhu'er held back the timidity in her heart and hugged tightly Li Xiuchen shook his head silently.

Xuan Zhan smiled proudly, and moved the sword formula at will, only to see that blue light sword bends and swims for a while, this sword is the lowest level magic weapon in Master's collection, it is a high-level magic weapon, but it has a characteristic, The water energy in the sword is abundant, and it is very convenient to release water movement spells. Moreover, this sword is also extremely handy to manipulate.

Tianxiong next to him also mentioned his aura. All the members of the Arrogant Sect were filled with an unstoppable arrogance because of their skills. Coupled with the declaration of war, two auras of arrogance like mountains spread boundlessly in this [-]-meter space among.

The cold and stern old man showed disdain, and said sharply in his mouth: "Two respectable juniors dare to provoke this old man, they are really impatient!" With a sweep of his hand, a boundless haze greeted the two of them. come.

The two flying swords beside Xuan Zhan and Tianxiong suddenly moved, and an invisible air mask immediately resisted the stern breath.With a pinch of Xuan Zhan Jian Jue, Cang Xin Jian Jue suddenly came out from the body, "Cang Xin Jian screams, heaven and earth shake!!!", a sword energy full of strength and yang suddenly gushes out from the flying sword, golden light The whistling impacted on the sinister aura.This Cang Xin Jue is the first-class Zhigang Zhiyang kung fu method between heaven and earth, which is designed to counteract the yin and evil forces. Although the old man's magic kung fu is advanced, the aura it emits is relatively not too strong.

boom! ! !The Peerless Sword Qi immediately suppressed the cold and stern breath, and even had enough energy to attack the old man frantically.

The old man's face turned solemn, and he said in his mouth: "Interesting junior!" His subordinates were not slow at all, and a small gray flag full of trembling breath suddenly appeared in front of the old man, and he and Li Xiuchen, Fang Zhu The three of them protect them together.

"Yin Point Extinguishing Soul Banner!" Tianxiong looked at the flag and suddenly shouted in horror, "You are the old devil head of the three elders of the Demon Dao!"

The attack of declaring war could not be broken under the protection of the soul-killing pennant at the yin acupoint, and finally the sword energy disappeared in smoke.

The old man smiled contemptuously, and snorted coldly: "Since I have heard of the old man's name, I think I know the old man's temper!"

Tianxiong smiled wryly, and said in secret to Xuanzhan: "This old devil is a top expert in the way of magic. It is said that he is about to enter the late stage of the whirl wheel, and his magic skills are unfathomable. It seems that the two of us are in trouble today. Not much. It is said that this soul-destroying old devil is extremely ruthless and has a weird temper. Anyone who meets a righteous person will die unless he leaves a magic weapon, and this magic weapon needs him to be able to see it. Why? They also need high-level instruments!"

Xuan Zhan glanced at the soul-destroying old devil indifferently, and there was a flat look in his eyes, as if he didn't put the person in his eyes in his eyes, and said coldly: "You think you can keep the two of us?"

Mie Hun old devil frowned, the young man's eyes made him very uncomfortable, he has been in the mainland of China for hundreds of years, no one dares to face him so indifferently, not even the top experts of the righteous way!Under the feeling of displeasure, he said: "I didn't think that, I will definitely let you die without a place to bury!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head casually. Now that he has seen through the essence of Cang Xin Jue, facing a strong enemy, he must fight more and more bravely. He suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart, and suddenly smiled to the sky: "This junior wants to give it a try!" After speaking, his body flashed, he jumped on the flying sword, and flew straight into the sky with a whoosh, leaving behind a sentence: "The junior waits for the senior since the nine heavens!"

The Miehun old devil was stunned for a moment, and said angrily: "How dare you, junior!" After speaking, his body suddenly felt calm and automatic, swish!With a bang, he disappeared in place immediately, but he had already appeared in the sky, chasing after the declaration of war!

Tianxiong stared at the sky in a daze, his heart suddenly woke up, the proud air sect's skill "Hao Ran Ao Qi Jue" suddenly surged madly in his body and hit the meridians, Tianxiong jumped on the flying sword, soared to the sky with a proud smile, and laughed wildly: "Miehun old devil, today my two brothers will meet you!"

At this moment, a little brown bear suddenly appeared beside Fang Zhuer, sitting beside her in a daze and looking at her, then... scratching its head and claws, and finally leaning on Fang Zhuer's body.Li Xiuchen looked at it strangely: Where did a little brown bear come from?

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