The state of the whirl wheel is to open up the upper dantian and middle dantian after the lower dantian practiced in the realm of restraining the mind, so that the whole body's energy and spirit can be condensed, in order to further achieve the state of not falling, and the transitional state of generating the soul and consciousness in the body , in the realm of whirling wheel, after the three major dantians are completely opened up, they begin to integrate, and the thick and surging real energy is unimaginable in the realm of restraining the heart, and it is even more irresistible!And the energy and spirit of the whole body are concentrated, and you will initially grasp the divine consciousness that can attack and transform, and its power is even more miraculous and inexplicable.

Although the soul-destroying old devil at this moment has not reached the late stage of the whirling wheel, and has reached the integration of the upper, middle and lower dantians, the evil and true energy in his body that runs counter to the righteous way is unstoppable for Xuan Zhan and Tianxiong!

The roaring sound of fighting skills from the nine heavens made the faces of ordinary people on the ground pale, and they all put their hands together to pray for God's blessing...

"Xian Xingtian Strike!" Xuan Zhan uttered a sword formula angrily, and saw that the water attribute flying sword he was controlling suddenly transformed into ten, ten into hundreds, and hundreds of millions. Attack on a black spot in the middle!What he used was the one with the most concentrated power in the ten hits of the virtual sword created by himself in the mortal world!Although he is in the early stage of heart restraint, his body is stronger than the late stage of heart restraint, and the true energy in his body is comparable to a monk who is not in the realm of heart restraint because he has been soaked in warm milk liquid, pure and concise!

But seeing thousands of swords flying in the sky, whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh... Thousands of flying swords shone with blue light to cover the sky, and then crazily stabbed at the body of Miehun Laomo.

Tianxiong's flying sword passed through in an instant, and suddenly a breath of contempt for the world burst out from the sword body, and the sword body buzzed, "Explosive Sword Art!" Tianxiong roared, and saw the black flying sword suddenly grow in size. Ten feet long, it is a bursting bombardment to Mie Hun Laomo!

"Hahahaha..." the old demon Miehun burst into a long laugh, "The two juniors have good cultivation, but you must look up at the realm of the whirl wheel! Look at my soul-piercing banner!" After finishing speaking, he only Seeing where Mie Hun Laomo was, a flag instantly grew larger, and in a blink of an eye it was about thirty poles wide and long. After it surrounded him, a scream like a mountain roar and a tsunami suddenly came out from the flag. Countless cold and illusory skeletons surged out of the soul-destroying streamer in the Yin Cave, making mortals terrified when they heard it...

Countless screaming skeletons spread all over the space of hundreds of feet, and then gathered together, they turned into two huge skulls, roaring wildly at Xuan Zhan and Tianxiong, bursting through the air. A disgusting cold air surrounded the two of them.

Xuan Zhanqiang immediately locked his nostrils to prevent the stench from invading his body. Looking at the huge skull, his face became serious, and the real energy in his body exploded crazily. Suddenly surging and surging out, the golden light of ten thousand feet greeted the skull, and the flying sword above the head made a "hum!", and suddenly grew wildly.The enlarged Feijian exudes an aura that shakes mountains and mountains, facing the huge skull head, it just breaks through the air!

Looking at the flying sword, Mie Hun Lao Mo felt numb in his heart. This sword has actually reached the power of the initial stage of the whirlpool!And just to restrain his own cold power.

Tianxiong ran the "Hao Ran Ao Xin Jue", looked at the skull, and swiped his left hand against the middle finger of his right hand, blood splashed immediately, and the blood gathered in the void, drawing a blood-red rune slowly and quickly, With one slap of his flying sword, the sword body suddenly emitted a boundless white light, trembling sharply as if it had produced spirituality, suddenly burst into a majestic momentum, and the sword body suddenly changed into three sword lights "shua, shua, shua" Shoot at the skull.

"Boom..." The four flying sword lights collided with these two skulls, and there was an explosion sound that made the hundreds of feet of the sky tremble in an instant.

The shock force made Xuan Zhan and the two fight wildly, and then they shot to a thousand meters before they stabilized their figure, and Miehun Laomo also retreated [-] meters to stand firmly, and his face became a little serious.

The two took a breath, looked at each other, and smiled.Xuan Zhan looked at the soul-destroying old devil in the sky ahead, raised his head to the sky and roared proudly, the battle just now made him feel extremely refreshed, he never thought that the power of the second form of the Cangxin Sword Art was unimaginably greater than that of the Xuanlun The power of the initial state, but the corresponding consumption of true energy is not very easy to bear.But the battle just now really made me enjoy myself!

The true energy in the body frantically hit the meridians, surging all the way according to the route of Cang Xin Jue!The aura of declaring war rose sharply. Looking at the old demon Miehun, a flash of thunder and lightning flashed across his eyes. It seemed that some kind of rules appeared in front of him in the opposite space, and the old demon Miehun seemed to be preparing some kind of spell. The dark power, which is different from the true energy of a person of the righteous way, is slowly concentrated in his chest in the middle and lower dantian in his body.But in this scene, the declaration of war did not think about what was going on...

"Roar!!!" With high intent to declare war, a roar suddenly erupted from his mouth, and his momentum suddenly rose again. The vitality of the surrounding world was suddenly stirred up into a turbulent surge, rushing into his body.Xuan Zhan frowned, the weather in this sky was too messy, all the messy qi entered the body, and then closed the pores all over his body.The true energy instantly assimilates the miscellaneous elements absorbed into the body and returns to purity.The momentum is gradually rising...

"Boom!" There was a sudden burst of sound in the sky, and Xuan Zhan Void stepped forward, one step at a time, one step at a time, one step at a time, and one step at a time of thunder, but it was a hundred meters away, and suddenly his body shot, and the flying sword guard followed him around!

Miehun old devil squinted his eyes, looked at Feishe's declaration of war, and wondered in his heart: What does this little guy mean?

Flying within one mile of Miehun Laomo in an instant, Xuan Zhan's body suddenly swayed like a swimming fish, erratic, appearing here for a while and appearing there for a while, in such a direction that Miehun Laomo's eyes couldn't keep up , this... turned out to be the "Golden Carp Walking Wave Step" created by the common people to declare war, but it is used here to fight against the old devil who is a master of the magic way!

Miehun Laomo waved the Miehun pennant in the Yin acupoint in his hand, and immediately surrounded him with a radius of several tens of feet. Although he was powerful, his body was very weak.

Seeing the erratic declaration of war, the Miehun old devil shook the Yincui Miehun banner again, and suddenly there was a shrill and screaming sound around him, disturbing people's minds.

Hearing this sound, Xuan Zhan's figure suddenly appeared, disturbed by this shrill cry, he was disturbed, and suddenly saw a five-foot-long skull devouring him, stepped on the air, and his body disappeared instantly.With a cold snort in his heart, a sonorous will locked his mind, no matter how terribly the scream disturbed his mind, he was no longer bewitched at all, but the cold sweat on his forehead showed that he was reluctant to persist...

The body changed suddenly, and finally stepped on the edge of the soul-destroying banner, resisting the invasion of the strange smell, the real energy was launched into the flying sword, and the sword formula was drawn, and the second form of the Cangxin sword formula-Cangxin broke with a sword sky!Suddenly, he stabbed at the Miehun Banner.

"You dare, junior!" The old demon in the banner suddenly became furious, and the real energy in the mid-stage of the whirl wheel burst out suddenly, and the incomparable momentum crashed into Xuan Zhan's body through the banner.

"Pfft..." Xuan Zhan spat out a mouthful of blood, but his eyes were even more stern. Cang Xin Jue emphasizes going forward without hesitation, attacking without turning back!Even though the mind was damaged, the direction of the flying sword remained unchanged, and the second form of the Cangxin Sword Art erupted with a golden light that was just as strong as the sun, and suddenly hit the top of the banner layer.

"My God..." Tianxiong stared blankly at Xuan Zhan, not knowing what to say, this so brave!

But seeing the "tearing" of the soul-killing pennant at the Yin Point, a ten-foot-long dark opening was revealed, and the stench and cold aura coming out of the opening was a crazy attack on the declaration of war!

"Junior! You are courting death!!!" The Miehun old demon surrounded by banners let out a scream, and then a black light suddenly shot into the chest where he declared war.

At this moment, there was a crisp "ding" in the space!A layer of emerald light suddenly shot out from Xuan Zhan's body, surrounding his body, no matter how powerful and fierce the black light was, he couldn't move forward at all.

"Brother Xuan!" Tianxiong roared suddenly when he saw the black light hitting Xuan Zhan, his body boomed and he shot towards him, the flying sword suddenly became bigger, and he slashed at the soul-killing banner.But he saw that the Mie Hun pennant shrunk suddenly, and finally showed the angry old face of Mie Hun. There was a trace of black blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, but the magic weapon was damaged, and even his mind was injured.

Declaring war or not, he thought, when he saw Miehun old devil, he made a wrong step, and instantly appeared next to Miehun old devil, and blasted a mountain-like punch at Miehun old devil.

Miehun old devil was mentally damaged and angry, but he couldn't catch the strange steps and body that declared war, and he didn't know what method to use, so he escaped from the capture of his mind in this small world, as if he was in this space. He understands very well, where is his own weakness and where he is stepping on!

Suddenly feeling a crisis behind him, he wanted to rush to the hundred meters immediately if he didn't do it.Who knew that the moment he appeared a hundred meters away, the declaration of war appeared beside him like a shadow, another powerful punch!The Miehun old devil was depressed. Cultivators seldom fight in close combat, and they all rely on magic weapons to compete. However, this junior actually started close combat like ordinary people!However, because of this strange asynchronous method, and the extreme understanding of this space, I have nothing to do with him at this moment...

Tianxiong looked at him inexplicably, Brother Xuan's all-pervasive body actually chased this old devil who has been rampant for hundreds of years, what's going on...

"Stop!" Mie Hun old devil suddenly yelled, "Listen to me!"

Xuan Zhan paused suddenly, and then looked at Mie Hun Lao Mo with a strange expression, and the old face of the other party blushed for a rare burst.

"Senior isn't fighting anymore?" The declaration of war was still in full swing, "The junior is having a good time..."

"Hmph! Junior, if it weren't for your miraculous footwork and understanding of this space, how could this old man be treated like this by you!" Miehun Laomo said angrily, "Now my blood-refined acupoint Miehun Banner You also broke a hole, and the Yin Qi leaked out..."

Tianxiong looked at the two with a strange expression...

Xuan Zhan was stunned, and asked inexplicably: "What do you mean by senior? What do you know about this space? This junior doesn't understand..."

The Miehun old devil said angrily: "If you didn't have an understanding of this space, how could your body skills escape the lock of my mind on your body!"

Xuan Zhan was stunned, slowly thinking about this sentence, and suddenly came to his senses, just now... he actually saw some inexplicable layouts of this space through his eyes, as if some places were suitable for him to appear, so he walked through the golden carp walking wave step Appeared there, and, just now, this situation has been happening all the time.

Xuan Zhan looked at this space in confusion. At this moment, the feeling of seeing through the space layout and chasing after the old demon Miehun has disappeared...

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