Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 143 Awakening

"Roar!!!" Little Panda on Xuan Zhan's shoulder suddenly roared ferociously at the mysterious man with three tails!Moreover, there was a trace of unforgettable hatred and ferocity in the eyes, and the crazy anger like the rebirth of a giant beast in the wild was surging in the air!

Xuan Zhan lightly stroked Little Panda's furry head, looked coldly and mercilessly at the six girls below, and said softly: "The heavens and the earth had a beginning, and they were formed from the birth of the rebellious spirit. Transform into a human being! A demon cultivator, the source of chaos in the world, sucks the blood of a cultivator, devours human essence, and charms all beings in the world!"

Listening to Xuan Zhan's understatement, all the girls seemed to feel a powerful aura rising in their hearts!There was a sudden pressure, and it felt like the declaration of war at this moment was like a mountain, giving people a shocking pressure!

At this moment, thousands of sword lights suddenly flew out from the fairy mountain, and countless disciples of the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Dao, Yu Guang, flew here!

Shao Yao looked angrily at the declaration of war standing in the void at this moment, a clear whistle suddenly sounded, and said slowly: "My disciples, return to their positions!" As soon as the words fell, countless disciples immediately respectfully said: "Respect the will of the master and uncle!" !"

Fairy Shaoyao breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her disciple return back again!

"You hid the monster clan privately, and you are still the enemy of the cultivation world!" Xuan Zhan said softly with a smile. rattle!

"Xuan Shaoxia!" Qin Xiao said suddenly, "You monks from Piaomiao Jianxintian don't pay much attention to the affairs of the cultivation world. I think this matter..."

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, thousands of silver threads flew up, and said softly: "It turns out that you all know what this peony uses Wulingcao to do, and not only do not stop it, but also want to help it regenerate! I, a monk of Misty Sword Heart, Although we don’t care about the chaotic things in the cultivation world, but this monster race, we have a rule of death, we will kill when we see it!!!”

Indeed, the monks of Piaomiao Jianxintian seldom set foot in the realm of self-cultivation, and they don't even intervene, but...everyone encounters a monster clan, they must be killed!He didn't know the reason, but since he worshiped Daoist Yu as his teacher, he was a member of Piaomiao Jianxintian!He still has to abide by the sect's rules!

"You..." Shao Yao looked coldly at the declaration of war in the air, her pair of peerless faces were extremely cold, and said coldly, "Do you think you can kill me and my husband by relying on your small invincible cultivation? "

A trace of curiosity flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes: "This demon is your husband?"

Shemale love?This is the first time Xuan Zhan has seen...

According to legend, the only ones who could fight against the starry sky behemoths in the prehistoric period were the Yaozu!Both of these two tribes live by cannibalizing cultivators and spirit beasts, but they are born rivals. The two strong rivals kill cultivators and spirit beasts. The difference is that the behemoths in the starry sky did not go too far, and some powerful behemoths in the starry sky even took in the human race for their own use. Only the monster race, in a certain era, the human race and the spirit beast race were almost wiped out because of the demon race!Then there was a sudden decline in the sky, and only the cultivators and the spirit beasts survived the decline, but the giant starry sky beasts and the monster race were the first to bear the brunt of it, and then perished!

But I didn't expect the power of the monster race to move the strange method, open a gap in the way of heaven, and let some weak monster race escape. The point, has been lingering until now!

Although Xuan Zhan was not born in that turbulent period, as a cultivator, the hatred that has been passed down from generation to generation in his body has been inherited!That kind of human race's deep-rooted hatred for the monster race is born!

"Yes..." Shao Yao said coldly, "Not only that, I'm still pregnant with his fetus!"

As soon as these words came out, Xuan Zhan felt as if he had been severely bombarded by his own Zijin Divine Thunder, and he stood there in a daze...

The baby in the similar...

Xuan Zhan's heart was suddenly convulsed, and the heart-wrenching pain hit his whole body, making him haggard!

A long, long time ago, he can't remember how long, really can't remember... Once, he also had a child, and that child was the crystallization of him and Rouge!

A sadness emanated from Xuan Zhan's body silently. Under the words of Fairy Shaoyao, the coldness in Xuan Zhan's eyes slowly disappeared, and then turned into a calm look!

"This..." The four girls of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, Feng Xiao, Shao Yao and other six girls were confused when they saw the changes before and after the declaration of war!

Xuan Zhanfu looked at the man again, only to see that the Yaozu man was dripping with sweat, and some white hairs were slowly growing on his face!He frowned slightly, and a purple-gold thunderbolt pierced his pupils suddenly, and the structure of heaven and earth appeared in his eyes. Looking at the situation in the man's body, Xuan Zhan was slightly taken aback...

Following the eyes of the declaration of war, everyone turned their heads to look, and were immediately stunned...

"Feng Lang, what's wrong with you, Feng Lang?" Fairy Shaoyao hurriedly hugged the man beside her, and shouted nervously, "Don't scare me..."

Xuan Zhan's figure fell down in a flash, and the five girls were nervous for a while, and immediately stopped him and said, "What do you want to do?"

Xuan Zhan pursed his lips, looked at the girls, made a wrong step, and suddenly disappeared, and appeared next to the Yaozu man. Before Shao Yao could react, he pointed his back hand fiercely at his left chest One slap, and at the same time, at the moment of slapping, there was actually a purple-gold lightning bolt the size of a fist!

"Boom!!!" Under the slap of declaring war, the entire fairy mountain shook violently, and the purple-gold god thunder violently blasted into the man's body, and countless green lights flashed from the man's left chest to the ground in an instant. Fiercely blasted a big hole!

Shaoyao let out a cry of rage, and her cultivation base in the later stage of Yuan Ti suddenly went crazy, and slammed towards the declaration of war that was less than half a meter away!

"Boom..." Unprepared, Xuan Zhan was bombarded by Shaoyao's ferocious late stage power!

"Boom!!!" The declaration of war was instantly blasted into the sky...

This sudden incident was so fast that everyone couldn't react quickly. When the five girls realized it, they had already been smashed into the clouds by Shao Yao's palm!

"Sister..." All the girls shouted angrily, "You will kill him!"

Shaoyao looked at her palm in a daze... Although she had said before that she had to kill and declare war as a last resort, she still felt a kind of fear of Piaomiao Jianxintian's power in her heart!Therefore, she would never kill unless she had to. Moreover, looking at Xuan Zhan's expression just now, she felt that Xuan Zhan didn't seem to mind that her husband is a demon clan...

"But..." Shaoyao looked at the girls blankly, "It happened so suddenly, I... I took action before I could react!"

At this moment, the monster man suddenly trembled all over, and he turned into a little white fox with three tails. Under the stares of everyone, this fox slowly opened his eyes, and the cloudy eyes slowly opened. Changed agilely, looking at the woman in front of him, the little white fox suddenly said:

"Miss, thank you for saving me. At the last moment, you broke up the medicine stagnant in my chest..."

"What..." Everyone froze for a moment.

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