Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 144 Repaying Resentment with Virtue

"We..." Feng Xiao looked at the crowd blankly and said, "Sister, you seem to..."

Shao Yao stared blankly at her husband who had woken up, her face instantly turned pale: "I...I..."

Hua Xiao said angrily: "Why are you still in a daze, sister, let's go and see if there is anything wrong with him, so he won't fall, and if you slap him with all your strength in the late stage of the Yuan body, something big will happen!"

Feng Xiao hurriedly turned into a stream of light and rushed into the sky, and then the four girls of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting shot towards the sky at the same time!

The white fox looked at Shaoyao beside him in confusion and asked, "My lady, what's going on?"

Shao Yao gave a wry smile, and said regretfully, "I was not the one who saved you just now, I thought he was going to harm you, so I slapped him with all my strength!"

The fox was taken aback, and said in a rather humane way: "It should be fine. The palm that hit me just now, without the middle stage of Yuan Ti, definitely couldn't do it. Madam, don't worry..."

"He...he's just an immortal..." Shaoyao said angrily.

"What... not falling..." The fox was taken aback.


Far above the void, Xuan Zhan looked at the vast land with a wry smile. If he hadn't practiced Master's Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Body Jue, the palm just now would probably have broken his body!

But... Even after practicing the Dharma Body Art, he was still injured, and the injury that had just healed for a short time was seriously injured again, and it was even more serious!

Wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and prepare to leave this place, looking for a place to heal his wounds!

Little Panda roared angrily: "Little master, we're going to fight back, I'm going to kill that monster! I'm going to kill those women!"

Hearing this, Xuan Zhan slapped Little Panda hard on the head with his right hand, and said calmly: "You can't even beat a monk in the original body stage now, let alone a monk in the six original body stage. You are now a monk! Besides, that demon clan doesn’t have much hatred for you, so why are you so hostile to him?”

Little Panda was taken aback, thought for a while, and suddenly discouraged: "Little Panda doesn't know, but just wants to kill him as soon as he sees him, woohoo...why is this happening? Is little Panda sick?"

Get ill?Xuan Zhan glanced at Little Panda dumbfounded, shook his head helplessly and said, "Idiot!", and then smiled wryly in his heart, he never thought that he would be killed instead by saving someone!Looking at the boundless world, he sighed and said: "Come on!" After speaking, he wanted to find a place to heal his injuries first, and then leave here to find the whereabouts of the floating god leaf grass!

At this moment, five beams of light suddenly shot from the sky, Xuan Zhan took a closer look, and it turned out to be Feng Xiao and the four sisters of Qin, Qi, Calligraphy and Painting!

"Xuan Zhan, stop!" Seeing Xuan Zhan who was about to leave, Feng Xiao became furious and yelled tenderly.

Xuan Zhan patted Little Panda on the head, and Little Panda was stunned immediately, his eyes glazed over...

"What else is there?" Xuan Zhan asked softly, standing with his hands behind his back.

"You..." The girls were speechless for a moment when they saw the calm declaration of war!

Qi Xiao asked confusedly: "Not only are you not dead, you are not injured..." Hua Xiao even said with bright eyes: "The monk of Piaomiao Jianxintian is really extraordinary, so powerful! As an immortal , Under the full palm of the monks in the late stage of the original body, they didn't get hurt at all, it's really amazing!"

Everyone looked at the declaration of war, as if they were looking at a monster, their eyes were inexplicable!

Xuan Zhan shook his head helplessly and said: "It's just some minor injuries, that monster clan, have you woken up?" According to his thinking, that monster clan should have awakened at this moment!

"Well, I woke up, Sister Shaoyao is very regretful!" Qin Xiao looked at Xuan Zhan and said slowly, "Let us come to you and want to apologize to you!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head silently, and said lightly: "There is no need to apologize, if you want to apologize, you can take the Floating Life God Leaf Grass!"

Feng Xiao and the others were stunned for a while, but they heard Hua Xiao say: "We have already asked Sister Shaoyao, and she has no other news about the Floating God Leaf Grass..."

Feng Xiao pouted and said depressedly: "Declaration of war, that...can you go back with us, Sister Shaoyao really regrets..."

Everyone knew in their hearts that Sister Shaoyao's subconscious repayment of kindness and revenge would be uncomfortable for anyone. Anyone with self-respect will not go back!And... this declaration of war even belongs to the kind of person with strong self-esteem, let alone going back, and everyone just has a trace of remembrance...

Xuan Zhan shook his head silently and said, "I'm going to leave this place. Since she has no news of the Floating Life God Leaf Grass, it would be a waste of time for me to stay here!"

"Declaration of war!" Qin Xiao said suddenly, "Ai Kong Daoist in Wanyuan Xinghai is extremely powerful, you will definitely not be able to defeat him to get the Floating Life God Leaf Grass, but maybe there are other places!"

"Where?" Xuan Zhan asked with a flash of joy on his face.

"In 30 years, the 'Purple Lotus Thousand Tribulations Road' in the yellow-level star area will hold a trade fair among monks. At that time, all kinds of geniuses and treasures will appear. I think, Floating Life God Leaf Grass There will be!"

Everyone immediately remembered, and Hua Xiao said: "This fair is held once every 500 years. It is said that at the fair, not only will there be geniuses and earthly treasures, but also various magical treasures, medicines, and magical spells, and there will be many of them. Leaf grass also has a chance to appear, but... as far as we know, the last time the floating god leaf grass appeared there was only 4000 years ago..."

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, hesitated for a moment in his heart, clasped his fists at the five girls and said, "Thank you for telling me about this!" After speaking, he smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, looked at Feng Xiao and said, "Feng Xiao, continue!", the voice As soon as it fell, he flicked it casually, and a cyan light was thrown out instantly!

Feng Xiao was stunned for a moment, then drew his right hand, looked at the thing in his hand, his face was ecstatic, and laughed loudly, "Tianshuo, it's Tianshuo!"

Everyone looked at the happy Feng Xiao, and felt relieved!

Xuan Zhan flicked his hand again, and saw four beams of light suddenly shoot out from his hand, flying towards the four girls of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, the four girls quickly caught it, and immediately exclaimed in surprise: "Elementary spiritual weapon!!!"

Qin Xiao took the primary spirit weapon in his hand, looked at Xuan Zhan with a complicated expression, and said softly: "Xuan Shaoxia, this spirit weapon... we deserve it!"

"Yes, we deserve it!" The other three girls said at the same time!

Xuan Zhan smiled casually, lightly stroked Little Panda's head and shook his head lightly, suddenly, with a jerk of his hands, two surging purple-gold thunders rose out of thin air, and ruthlessly struck towards Xuan Zhan's body!


After the huge roar, everyone stared blankly at the void that had disappeared in place!

"He..." Feng Xiao muttered to himself in a daze.

All the girls looked at the spiritual weapon in their hands complicatedly, their faces were hot...

"Hey, let's go back first!" Qin Xiao said with a wry smile, she knew that from today onwards, the figure declaring war would be remembered in her mind...

Everyone returned to the fairy mountain in a daze, but they still felt like a dream about what happened just now...

Shao Yao looked at the dumbfounded five girls, her face paled for a while, and she muttered to herself: "Could it be... Could it be that he was really beaten to death by me?"

The fox beside him swayed his tail gently, sighed softly, and said, "My lady...", but didn't know how to comfort her...

Qin Xiao smiled wryly and said: "Sister, don't worry, he not only didn't die, but also didn't suffer any harm..."

"What..." Shaoyao and Fox Fengxie froze for a moment.

Shu Xiao said lightly: "How could the monk of Piaomiao Jianxintian perish so easily, sister Shaoyao, what the elder sister said is true!"

Shao Yao subconsciously shook her head, feeling unbelievable, and suddenly said: "But...but why didn't he come back with you? Could it he angry with me?"

Feng Xiao said lightly: "He is not angry, not only is he not angry, he even gave me the shuttle!"

Shao Yao was suddenly stunned again...

Hua Xiao said softly: "He knows that you have no news about the Floating God Leaf Grass, and feels that staying here is a waste of time, so... let's go!"

Qi Xiao smiled wryly and said, "Not only did we return Chuan Tianshuo to Feng girl, but he also gave us four spiritual weapons..."

Everything they said hit Shaoyao's heart fiercely, testing Shaoyao's endurance again and again!

After a long time, Shao Yao smiled wryly, looked at the crowd with a complicated expression, and said, "It's me, it's me who treated the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain... Hey, he just left without even a chance to apologize to me! "

Qin Xiao said softly: "Sister, don't blame yourself, the declaration of war didn't take this matter to heart, and, after 30 years, he will go to the trade fair held every 500 years in Zilian Qianjie Road!"

"Zilian Qianjie Dao..." Fairy Shaoyao murmured, "Okay, then I will definitely go there and apologize to him in person!"

"Okay, my husband will accompany you to thank my benefactor!" The white fox Feng Xie said softly, "Before that, I must restore my strength!"

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