Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 145 "The Dove Occupies the Magpie's Nest"

Hundreds of millions of miles away, the figure of declaring war appeared in the air in an instant accompanied by Zijin Thunderbolt. He looked around, took out the astrolabe and sent a trace of thunder yuan into it, the magic formula rose slightly, and he saw the astrolabe The distribution of the surrounding starry sky is quickly shot out!

"The planet I'm on is named Naxu Star, and it's in the Mingxu Starfield..." Xuan Zhan hesitated for a moment, thinking for a while according to the road map!

"The trade fair after 30 years... Should I set off to the yellow star area and wait for the trade fair to start, or continue to advance to the Wanyuan star field in the Tianzi star area?" Xuan Zhan thought blankly, these two star areas The destination is according to the direction, and he wants to go against it. He doesn't know where to go!

After putting away the astrolabe in his body, looking at the vast land, a trace of loneliness quietly appeared in his heart!

Cumin has wandered around the universe, only living with Little Panda and the sleeping Xuebao in his sleeve!This kind of loneliness... Not everyone is willing to experience it. In this crisis-ridden universe, the waves he can stir up as a small monk who is not falling into perfection are really too insignificant...

After filtering the star map in his mind, Xuan Zhan smiled, patted Little Panda on the head and said slowly: "Little Panda, where is your home Earth? Can't find the location of the Earth..."

"My Earth is here..." Little Panda scratched his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head to look at his little master Hanhan and said, "Little Panda doesn't know..."

"..." Hearing these words, Xuan Zhan suddenly staggered, and almost lost control of his body and fell down!Then he glanced helplessly at Little Panda, he should have thought of this result a long time ago...

After thinking about the star map in his mind again, Xuan Zhan's figure flashed and walked in one direction!

Naxu Star belongs to a medium-sized planet. On this planet, apart from a relatively large teleportation array, there are ten small teleportation arrays. The teleportation places are all relatively close planets in terms of distance!

The direction to declare war at the moment is one of the small teleportation arrays!

But ten minutes later, a small teleportation array with a diameter of less than 50 meters appeared in the eyes of Xuan Zhan!

At the entrance and exit of the teleportation formation, there were four monks with sloppy expressions. The monks who entered and exited the transmission formation were sparse, not many!

"Pay five low-grade spirit stones!" A monk lazily said to Xuan Zhan.The four monks in Xuan Zhan Guan are not in the early stage, but their behavior is extremely arrogant. They smiled slightly in their hearts. Behind these four people, there is definitely a big force!

The spirit stones left by Master Yu are extremely numerous, especially the middle and low-grade spirit stones, which are like mountains of stones!Randomly sent out five low-grade spirit stones and entered the teleportation array...

When he came to the selection station, he carefully looked at the transmission route, and chose a planet named "Bo Shining Star". The reason why he chose this planet was because this planet was full of dangers and monsters kept haunting it!

The monks who come to this planet usually come here in groups to look for monsters, kill them, dig them up and refine them into various materials!

Although monster beasts and monster races are separated by a word, they are very different!The so-called monsters have no spiritual intelligence at first, absorb the vitality of the world, temper their bodies, and learn demon pills!As for the Yaozu, not only possess spiritual wisdom, but also have supernatural powers that can be passed down from generation to generation. They have their own souls, and they can cultivate their own souls through supernatural powers. After thousands of years of practice, they can transform into human forms, and even obtain the Dao!Its power to overwhelm the sky is not comparable to monsters at all, but it is also because of such a perverted inheritance and unique cultivation that the decline of the sky has come...

Xuan Zhan's body was suddenly torn by a tearing force, as if in a flash, before he could react, he had already appeared in a teleportation array with a diameter of [-] meters!

The most dangerous place is the safest place!

This is exactly the reason why the declaration of war chose this place. Not only is this Bo Shanxing perilous, but also some powerful monks come here in groups to kill monsters!However, for the declaration of war, this is just a retreat place!As long as he can find a place to hide, he will start retreat, heal his physical injuries, and then... practice the second level of the Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Body Jue!

After coming out of the teleportation formation, the Divine Consciousness of Xuan Zhan surged up in an instant, sweeping away the entire range of thousands of kilometers, and flew straight to the east in a flash!

Coming to a vast ocean, Xuan Zhan looked at the surrounding environment coldly, suddenly a handful of spray burst out from the soles of his feet, and a huge soft whip with a fishy smell shot towards Xuan Zhan fiercely!

The power of thunder in the eyes pierced the pupils instantly, and the structure of heaven and earth appeared in the eyes instantly, and the monster that attacked him turned out to be a huge octopus monster with eight hundred feet long!

Fa Jue moved slightly, and a purple-gold thunderbolt filled with an icy chill struck fiercely at the octopus tail!

"Boom..." The deafening sound reverberated hundreds of kilometers around!

The next moment, there was a wailing sound from the bottom of the sea, and the octopus tail was instantly frozen under the icy purple-gold thunderbolt. War was declared with a cold smile, and the magic formula rose instantly, and a long purple-gold dragon was frozen against the declared war. The octopus tail stabbed fiercely!

With a sound of "cracking", the octopus tail was easily broken into ice crystal fragments by the Demon Slaying Sword in an instant, and countless cold blood ice crystals flew all over the sky!

Huge waves hundreds of feet high suddenly splashed above the deep sea. Under this cold and violent thunderbolt, more than twenty octopus tails frantically flicked on the sea surface!The next moment, ten of the octopus tails merged suddenly, and slammed towards the body that declared war!

"Virtual Sword—Empty Screen Lotus Flower!" As soon as the Xuanzhan Fajue moved, the Demon Slayer Sword instantly turned into nine, and the nine hundred-foot-long huge sword light blocked him behind him. The next moment, a violent The breath bombarded him fiercely!

Xuan Zhan suddenly flew tens of thousands of meters away, then stood still in the void, gently stroked the old wound on his chest, and looked at the huge octopus coldly!

The monsters are divided into nine levels, and the monster core can be cultivated immediately at the fourth level, and the monster that Xuan Zhan is facing seems to be at the end of the fifth level. Cultivator, don't even think about killing monsters at the end of the fifth level!

However, although Xuan Zhan is not in the realm of perfection, he has the legendary high-level spiritual weapon Swinging Demons and Killing Heaven Sword in his hand, and he has the Cangxin Jue, which is a treasure in the entire cultivation world, and he has also practiced the Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Art!What's more, relying on his miraculous footwork and mysterious binocular ability, he is already invincible!

"Roar!!!" Little Panda raised his head and roared suddenly on Xuanzhan's shoulder, and the yellow light on his body shot wildly, and a roar came from Little Panda's mouth: "Little master, Panda can't stand it!" Lah, Panda is going to kill it!"

Xuan Zhan snorted angrily, looked at the monster far away and said coldly: "Let's fight it together!"

When Little Panda heard this, the yellow glow on his body burst out suddenly, and a voice that seemed to come from the prehistoric world burst out instantly: "Roar!!!", after the yellow glow dissipated, a ferocious beast with a height of fifty feet appeared beside Xuan Zhan, The black and white shiny hair is dazzling under the sunlight!The ferocious face makes the world pale!But... on the opposite side of it is a monster that is several times bigger than it!

"Roar!!!" Little Panda roared angrily, and suddenly shot rapidly, and slammed into the monster octopus fiercely. When he swung his fists, there were roaring and trembling sounds!

After declaring war, the Fajue suddenly moved up, and the clear sky was instantly covered with dark clouds. Thousands of purple-gold gods and thunders rose in panic, strips of purple-gold gods pierced the sky, and hundreds of thousands of zhang-long purple-gold gods thundered fiercely. He slammed towards the target fiercely!

The tyrannical and bloody eyes of the octopus monster revealed a trace of astonishment. Twenty tails frantically vibrated in the void, and a black barrier appeared out of thin air!

The next moment, thousands of purple-gold thunders slammed into the black barrier with a bang, and thousands of gods instantly spread over the sea surface with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. ice!

The next moment, a huge Panda transformed into a fifty-foot-tall fist hit the black barrier fiercely with both fists, "Bang Dang!!!" After a loud bang, the octopus monster was suddenly blasted into the sea, and the entire ice layer burst into a "boom!" "Crack!" Cracks burst out!

"Roar!!!" Violent Panda suddenly raised his head and roared, a bloody light burst out from his eyes, his fists suddenly drew a circular arc, and a black and white round shape appeared casually. It is like hiding countless avenues of truth, and it is slowly raised in the hands of the berserk Panda!

Suddenly, the entire ice layer creaked and shattered instantly. At the same time, a clear howl instantly resounded through the void: "Xujian——Duntian!" Hundreds of thousands of purple-gold divine thunders suddenly struck like a storm. The sea surface with a radius of tens of kilometers is crazily injected!

A black and white dark cloud suddenly covered it, and in the hands of the berserk Panda, the round shape multiplied a hundred times, and then it was thrown violently, covering the sea!



The sea was turned upside down...

"Little master, that dead octopus has escaped!" Little Panda exclaimed angrily, and with a shot, he plunged into the deep sea!

He also let out a cold snort when he declared war, and he followed Panda into the sea. He had already seen that this octopus seemed to be the lord of this sea area, and there was not a single monster in the sea area around this octopus monster!

If you want to take this place as your own, you have to beat this monster into fear and surrender!However, it cannot be killed...

As soon as he entered the sea, the declaration of war immediately entered a state of internal breathing, and with a movement of his hands, he propped up a barrier to isolate the sea water!The sea in the eyes is dazzling and brilliant!

"Little master, where did this guy go?" The giant panda looked around, and around it, a layer of yellow barrier isolated the surrounding sea water.

Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, looking at the range of thousands of kilometers, there is not a single monster appearing, there is only one possibility, and that is to hide!But, under his miraculous eyes, who can escape?

The purple gold thunderbolt appeared in the pupils again, looking at this sea area, Xuan Zhan smiled, the magic formula moved instantly, and the Demon Slaying Sword slowly swam and wrapped around his body!He let out a sigh of relief, his time was running out, just now he forcibly suppressed the injury on his body, but under a burst of frenzied fighting, the injury seemed to be unable to be suppressed, so he stuffed a pill into his mouth casually, and his feet Suddenly made a mistake, and said lightly: "Follow me!"

The next moment, it had already appeared ten kilometers away, followed by Panda's roar...

After reaching the seabed of nearly [-] meters, the area was completely dark, but it definitely did not affect the eyesight of Xuan Zhan and Panda!

Looking at a place as dark as ink, Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, and the formula went wild: Xu Jian——True Spinning Strike!

But seeing the Demon Slaughtering Heaven Sword suddenly spin, and then turned into a huge and fierce ocean vortex, the bottom of the vortex was facing the darkest place!

Countless debris on the seabed entered the vortex, turned into bursts of huge and violent force, and smashed towards a point fiercely!

"I see!" Panda roared, and suddenly moved his fists, drawing two arcs, and shot his body, "Fist!", but after hearing a "Hoo...", a fierce force came from Pan Da punched fiercely, and then hit a point...

"Aw..." A hissing roar that shook the bottom of the sea suddenly erupted from the darkness, and twenty huge octopus tails fiercely resisted the whirlpool and that violent force...


Three broken tails mixed with countless scarlets slowly floated up...

"Roar!!!" The monster suddenly appeared in the eyes of Xuan Zhan and Panda, with a pair of scarlet eyes showing a trace of fear, slowly swaying the remaining seventeen tails, and then swinging upwards!

"Quack... little master, it has surrendered!" Panda was excited, "Let's kill it!"

"Boom!" With a sound, Xuan Zhan's fist hit Panda's huge head fiercely, and a calm voice came: "Little Panda, don't move and kill!"

The next moment, Xuan Zhan floated in front of the octopus monster indifferently, looked at its humanized bloody eyes and said softly: "I know you can understand what I say!"

The octopus blinked its eyes immediately, and spit out strips of foam from its mouth!

"We're not here to kill you," Xuan Zhan said lightly, "we just want to borrow your territory!"

The octopus monster suddenly showed a hint of anger, and its seventeen tails swung for a while, as if it was in opposition!

Xuan Zhan chuckled, and said softly: "Don't worry, we won't let you leave. With you, as long as you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you indiscriminately!"

The octopus eyes showed a hint of confusion!

Xuan Zhan shook his head helplessly and said: "I think, I should say this. From now on, this territory will be shared by you and me. If any monster wants to occupy your territory without opening its eyes, we can help you!"

Panda scratched his head in a daze and said, "Little master, why is this octopus so stupid? Hey, my little master and I just want to be neighbors with you and eat and drink together!"

The octopus was stunned for a moment, with a hint of understanding in its eyes, a few tails placed under its chin, and its eyes rolled...

"This guy..." Xuan Zhan shook his head dumbfounded!

"Roar!!!" Panda's huge mouth roared, "Don't you agree? Then go to hell!"

Hearing this, the octopus monster suddenly trembled anxiously, then blinked and nodded!

Seeing this, Xuan Zhan was relieved and said slowly: "In this case, this place is ours!"

"Ho Ho..." Little Panda roared happily, then his body trembled, and he turned into a little Panda who was still [-] centimeters tall. With a shot, he sat on the shoulder of Xuan Zhan!

Xuan Zhan looked around, thought for a while and said: "In this case, you should leave first. If anyone comes to provoke you, or if you have anything, you can come here to find me!"

The octopus monster suddenly showed a look of grievance, looked around, spit out a mouthful of black ink depressedly, and left here slowly stepping and turning around.

Xuan Zhan suddenly realized and said to Little Panda: "So we took this guy's house..."

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