Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 147 Transformation

At this moment, on the sea area with a radius of millions of kilometers centered on the declaration of war, countless monks and powerful monsters are constantly fighting!

Suddenly, a feeling of heart palpitations appeared in the hearts of everyone, and thousands of monks were suddenly stunned. Not only that, but the monsters who were fighting felt this breath, and there were countless flashes of fear, as if they saw something that made them feel scared. They are afraid of things in general!

Irritability, panic, fear... One by one, I felt crazy impacts on the heads of these monsters, making them tremble...


Countless light-years away, Wan Qingkui, who was on his way to Jade Stinging Star, suddenly trembled, and a palpitation emerged from the bottom of his heart. After closing his eyes for a moment, Wan Qingkui suddenly opened his eyes, and a breath of rage like an explosion burst through. Out of the body, under the dumbfounded gazes of Tianxiong and other seven people, the universe around tens of thousands of light years suddenly burst into roaring explosions!

The seven Tianxiong stared blankly at the stars in the universe. Wherever they touched, countless stars exploded as if crushed by someone, and then turned into cosmic dust... A trace of fear emanated from the bottom of everyone's hearts, and they looked at the figure in front of them with pale faces. Wan Qingkui, as stalwart as the vast universe...

"Impossible..." Wan Qingkui roared with furious eyes, "Who is this kid who actually absorbed a trace of godly aura left in the Nine Desolation War Cauldron? Impossible!!!"

"Boom!!!" A black hole vortex suddenly appeared around thousands of stars, and the surrounding universe seemed to be crumbling under the power of this fear... If Xuan Zhan observes here with the supernatural power of his eyes, he will definitely find that this A piece of the universe structure is slowly dying...

Wan Qingkui was stunned with a ferocious face, and suddenly turned his head to look at Tianxiong's seven people, and vast rays of light shot out from his eyes!

"Ex...Senior, Senior Wan..." Everyone stammered palely at Wan Qingkui.

After seeing the seven Tianxiong people, Wan Qingkui's face immediately returned to calm, looked at Tianxiong and the others with a wry smile, and said softly: "Brothers, the sky is about to change...but you are still spinning around here...", no Before everyone could react, Wan Qingkui suddenly sucked the seven people to his side with both hands, then looked at the broken universe around him, was slightly taken aback, and then instantly raised the magic formula...

Under everyone's dumbfounded gazes, a huge black cloud hole vortex appeared in front of everyone, and Wan Qingkui led seven people into the black hole one by one...

The next moment, Tianxiong and the other seven people suddenly appeared on a cloudy and misty fairy mountain, bursts of melodious sounds of fairy spirits echoed in the air, fairy birds and divine birds, and smart beasts slowly or quickly flew away. Playing on the fairy mountain.

Wan Qingkui didn't do what he thought, and appeared in a huge Xianyun hall in a flash, looked at the back of a calm and calm figure and said softly: "Tiangang, something happened..."

The man turned around slowly, and a face like an old man appeared in Wan Qingkui's eyes...

"Tiangang, you..." Wan Qingkui said in a daze.

"I already know the matter..." The old man named Tiangang said with a wry smile, "Before you come, I will do a divination, and I will do a divination through all the longevity of my life..."

"What..." Wan Qingkui said in a daze for a moment, "You... actually calculated this matter through the lifespan of this life... What did you find?"

The old man named Tiangang looked at the seven people around Wan Qingkui lightly, and said with a gleam of joy in his eyes: "So it's your brothers!"

Tianxiong and the others were stunned for a moment!

Wan Qingkui waved his hands and said, "Let's not talk about them, what did you find out after doing some divination?"

"I..." Tiangang sighed, shook his head slowly and said, "I can't see..." Suddenly, Tiangang's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "Mo Lixing pick me up!" As soon as the words fell, Tiangang's body Instantly shattered and destroyed, a ray of light burst into the void before Wan Qingkui could react...

"Damn it, why is it Mo Lixing again..." Wan Qingkui cursed blankly, "I just came back from there!"

... Everyone was stunned!

"Boom..." The prehistoric aura emanating from the declaration of war continued to expand in scope, and within a radius of tens of millions of kilometers was filled with this tyrannical aura from the ancient prehistoric...

The monks and monsters within tens of thousands of kilometers were stunned for a moment... The next moment, countless monsters trembled, their bodies flashed, and they fled from the place where they were and hid...

"Little master... woo...Little master..." Panda threw herself into the arms of the octopus monster tremblingly, muttering in fear, the octopus monster held little Panda tremblingly, and looked around blankly , but couldn't find a place to hide, it screamed in a hurry, and then suddenly hugged Little Panda, twenty tentacles surrounded its body...

At this moment, a ray of red light suddenly flashed in Little Panda's eyes, and the aura of wild beasts suddenly swirled in Little Panda's heart, as if he was drawn by the tyrannical aura from the declaration of war At the same time, Little Panda burst out an aura with similar characteristics...

"Wow..." The octopus monster suddenly screamed and screamed. Twenty tentacles ruthlessly threw the little panda dozens of kilometers away, and then plunged into the sea...

"Roar!!!" The little Panda who was thrown into the air suddenly let out a roar with scarlet eyes, and a bright yellow light burst out all over his body!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A roaring sound like a drum sounded in Panda's heart, slowly stirring in Panda's heart like the sound of calling...

"Hiss..." A trace of sticky saliva slowly emerged from the corner of Little Panda's mouth, and the neat teeth in his mouth suddenly grew slowly, turning into sharp blade-like teeth in an instant!

"Boom! Boom..." The sound of beating the drum continued to reverberate in Little Panda's body...

"Roar..." Little Panda suddenly opened his arms and roared towards the sky, "Boom..." An extremely dazzling yellow light projected from its body, and subconsciously, its body began to swell up wildly. In an instant, the tiny little Pan Da has grown to a height of two hundred feet, a super monster with a ferocious face, tyrannical eyes, and sticky saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth...

What's even more surprising is that the black and white hairs on the top of the huge Panda's head are standing straight up to the sky. His body is strong and full of explosive strength, and his muscles are bulging crazily...

"Roar!!!" Little Panda raised his head to the sky and roared, countless cruel bloody lights burst out from his eyes...


"Boom!!!" Xuan Zhan's fists hit the void fiercely, and waves of air waves crazily bombarded the surrounding environment...

A ball of blood-colored viscous liquid slowly emerges from the body that declares war, and then turns into a small blood body. It is Xuebao who has been sleeping for a long time. Looking at the declaration of war covered in blood, a hint of greed suddenly burst out, and he muttered: "Little master, your strength is too great..."

As soon as the words fell, Xue Bao suddenly threw himself into Xuan Zhan's body...

"Roar!!!" Xuan Zhan suddenly raised his head and roared, his veins bulged wildly, his once bewitching and handsome face had been completely replaced by violent rage...

"Boom!" A bloody light suddenly popped out of his body, but it was Xue Bao who had already sucked a lot of blood...

Xue Bao licked his lips greedily, hiccupped with a "heck...", his eyes were slightly confused, and then slowly passed out...

The vitality of heaven and earth entered Xuan Zhan's body at this moment as if it were endless, at this moment, a white light suddenly burst out from Xuan Zhan's body, a dragon and phoenix jade pendant flew out of Xuan Zhan's body slowly, and a sound of dragon whistle came out of the jade pendant , and then radiated a white light, aiming at Xuan Zhan's body!

A body slowly detached from Xuan Zhan's body. This body was initially white and cold, and the breath that seemed to be able to freeze everything came out from this body...

This body stands empty...

Under the white light of the jade pendant, Xuan Zhan's body gradually became peaceful. This jade pendant seems to have a spirituality at this moment, controlling Xuan Zhan to put him into the warm milk essence floating in the void...

The figure exuding a cold aura looked at Xuan Zhan, as if thinking about it, and slightly moved his hands together, but seeing the white figure slowly changing and wriggling, the spell was hitting faster and faster, under the effect of the spell, his body slowly moved. Slowly changing, a thousand angry silver hair quietly appeared on the head, followed by the forehead, the face... After a while, a face that looked like the declaration of war slowly formed...

The formula continued to pinch, and surrounded by bursts of white light, a moon-white robe slowly appeared, with chest...abdomen...body...

When the whole body is done...

With a sound of "Boom!!!", a trace of throbbing appeared in the body that had turned into a declaration of war, a powerful heart was beating slowly, and countless human organs appeared one after another in the body...

The dantian in the reverse rotation, the upper and lower dantians of chaos... endless white cold energy...

Confinement period! ! !

One year...two years...five years...

Ten years later...

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