Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 148 Declaring War

In the vast ocean of Bo Shining Stars...

A white figure was crazily in the water, and behind this person, more than a dozen fourth-level monsters chased and killed him frantically!

"Hmph!" The white figure snorted coldly, and the magic formula moved slightly, only to see thousands of ice swords suddenly condensed around them. These ice swords were not affected by the surrounding sea water at all, and they frantically shuttled around, and then pointed at the dozen or so people behind them. A huge monster slammed into it fiercely!

"Roar..." More than a dozen monsters roared suddenly, and countless rays of light spit out from their mouths, and they smashed wildly at the surrounding ice swords!

The white figure slowly revealed its true face, but it was a declaration of war!At the waist of the declaration of war, a small bag was quietly hanging on it, from which there were faint flashes of magnificent brilliance, and a discerning eye could tell that the things contained in this bag were geniuses and treasures, hard to find!

Xuan Zhan looked at the frantic monsters, smiled, and slowly raised the formula: "Xu Jian——Empty screen lotus flower!"

"Om..." But seeing nine huge ice swords suddenly rising out of thin air, with bursts of icy breath, they ruthlessly blasted towards more than a dozen fourth-level monsters!

"Boom boom boom..." Nine huge ice swords slashed fiercely at a dozen monster beasts. The icy cold air immediately permeated the sea area, causing the bodies of countless monster beasts to tremble suddenly!

Although the Nine Dao Ice Sword was powerful, it only injured a few low-level ones, but it didn't seriously hinder the attack momentum of the whole group. A dozen or so monsters roared in anger!

"Huh..." Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, the formula moved slightly, and a icy barrier suddenly gushed out around his body. The dozens of monsters couldn't react, they could only stare blankly at the declaration of war that had disappeared...

An hour later, Xuan Zhan appeared in a cave on the seabed, his figure flashed, and he flew into it!

As soon as he came to the end, a black and white bear jumped on his shoulder, but it was Little Panda, only to hear Little Panda happily say: "Little master, you are back?"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, nodded, then looked at a floating liquid a few meters away, and said softly, "Isn't the deity awake yet?"

Little Panda scratched his head, and cried out in pain: "Panda is dying of anxiety, why hasn't the little master woke up after so many years!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked to another place, threw the bag in his hand casually, and immediately threw a colorful metal block in a random place by him.But there, a lot of various metals have accumulated!

Little Panda let out a hearty cry, looked at the shining golden metal, and said with a smile: "As soon as the little master wakes up and sees so many treasures, he will definitely refine treasure armor for me right away! Quack quack……"

At this moment, a ray of blood suddenly flew in from the outside, and then dodged to sit on Little Panda's head, it was Blood Treasure!

"Xue Bao, is there nothing going on outside?" Xuan Zhan asked softly.

Xue Bao looked at Xuan Zhan with disdain and said indifferently: "You are not my little master, but just a clone of my little master, why should I answer you?"

Xuan Zhan's eyes turned cold for an instant, and he glanced at Xue Bao lightly, but remained silent!

Little Panda was not at all interested in the conversation between the two, and kept staring at the babies all over the floor with glowing eyes!

Half a month later, Xuan Zhan left this place again, turning into a white light and disappearing above the vast sea...

In the last seven or eight years, there has been a thief in Boshanxing. This thief does not steal other things, but only steals metal materials under the protection of countless monsters!In the past five or six years, the caves of dozens of monsters have been visited by this thief!

Although there are countless powerful monsters wanting to kill this beast, but the speed of this thief makes it difficult for them to catch up!

Throughout the past seven or eight years, although the thief has repeatedly fallen into a near-death situation, relying on an icy barrier, a pair of magical ice wings, and even a strange footwork, every time he is in danger, his body And withdraw!

He is simply a scourge, a gangster who comes and goes like the wind in peace and contentment, a scourge that floats like the wind, although he is far away from the stars, but does not touch his body, a scourge that makes people hate it!

"Boom..." Bursts of spray suddenly burst out from the ocean, and a stream of white light suddenly rushed out of the ocean. Suddenly, the sound of countless birds of prey neighing came from the sky, but dozens of huge birds with beaks were seen. There was a clear sound, and then mixed with countless Haoran energy beams, they blasted fiercely at the white shadow!

"Huh!" Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, and suddenly made a wrong foot. The next moment, Yaoyao appeared more than ten kilometers away. The huge ice crystal wings of ten feet flew into the sky for a while, carrying an unparalleled cold air...

"Huh..." Dozens of huge birds flapped their huge wings and chased after them frantically!

As if they had made a deal, these monsters surrounded the vicious thief fiercely!

But in the ocean, there appeared hundreds of huge monsters following below, occasionally raised their heads and roared, spewing out surging energy, and ruthlessly blasted towards the figure in the sky!

Xuan Zhan smiled dismissively, and when countless streamers were about to bombard him, his footsteps suddenly made a wrong step and disappeared in place again!

Everyone hated this trick, even though this thief's cultivation is only comparable to that of a fourth-level monster, but with his strange skills, everyone has nothing to do with him!

Suddenly, several jets of water spewed out from the sea area tens of kilometers ahead, each jet of water was ten feet thick, and a majestic aura surged wildly from below the sea area!

"This is..." Xuan Zhan's mind trembled suddenly, his shoulders shook instantly, and with a whoosh, he rushed into the sky thousands of meters away!

"Roar!!!" A blue light suddenly shot out from the sea area, and then frantically chased Xuan Zhan!

"Invincible!" Xuan Zhan felt the object full of surging power behind him, and thought to himself, bursts of cold light burst out in his eyes!In these seven or eight years, he has never encountered such a big battle. In order to give Little Panda mobile phone metal treasure materials, he has traveled almost every corner of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, fighting big and small. Hundreds of battles, it can be said that the combat experience is extremely rich!

According to his experience, these monsters are extremely arrogant, and it is already very good to be able to join forces once. However, the monsters encountered this time can be said to be opponents who are very familiar with each other, which makes him even more so. Surprisingly, they even joined forces, and it seemed that they would never give up until they killed themselves!

"Want to kill me? Hmph..." Xuan Zhan sneered, turned his head slightly, and looked around. Not only were dozens of birds of prey chasing him, but even a level-[-] ocean electric eel monster was flying in the air , Chase yourself desperately!

He knew this guy, and even took a good look at its cave, and stole some of the few lightning and thunder stones!

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan burst into bursts of cold and stern breath suddenly, and the magic formula instantly went crazy, and the ice wings on his shoulders seemed to be suddenly full of strength, and they shot hundreds of kilometers with a bang...

"Gee..." Dozens of huge birds saw the declaration of war suddenly spanning a distance of hundreds of kilometers, left them behind at once, and immediately rushed away in a rage!

Above this vast sky, Xuan Zhan and nearly a hundred ferocious monsters staged a scene of chasing and fleeing, bursts of icy breath shuttled past, and violent breaths swept across the sky...

At this moment, Xuan Zhan swept his mind forward, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then shot away.

"What's going on?" A loud monk's voice suddenly sounded about a hundred kilometers ahead of the declaration of war.

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