Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 156 My name is the second battle

The second battle was taken aback for a moment, and he said in a daze, "What... what?"

"To this day, decades have passed, and the twists and turns are indistinguishable. Leng Mei's desperate face still reminds me of it. I have thought deeply about what I practice in the same line of Taoism!" Said softly, his voice was very soft, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind, but when it entered the ears of the second battle, it was like the fury of thunder!

"Those who practice Taoism steal the spirit of heaven, earth, and greatness to seek thousands of years or even ten thousand years of life. The so-called eternal life is nothing but nonsense! Wait a minute, from a mortal creature who can be mediocre for a hundred years, use all kinds of calamities to repay tens of millions of life yuan, and all the sacrifices are to escape from the three realms, control the world of the five elements, and let the world be free!"

"But... we have lost so much, are we worth it? The name of never entering reincarnation is indeed admired by thousands of people, but only you can experience the disaster!" Xuan Zhan said softly in a trance.

"I have my own Dao. Although you were born of my destiny, I am not qualified to control anyone's fate. I am not suitable for cultivating Dao, just because... only I know that my heart is How longing to be alone!"

Afterwards, Xuan Zhan looked at the second battle solemnly and said: "You are you. Although you are my clone, you are different from me. I can't make you a stone to change my life against the sky!"

"..." When the second battle heard this sentence, his heart suddenly trembled crazily.

Afterwards, Xuan Zhan sighed speechlessly, opened his mind, frowned slightly, flicked his sleeves slightly, looked up and said lightly: "It seems that my awakening has changed this Bo Xingxing!"

The second war's expression moved, feeling the changes around him, his face suddenly turned pale, and he suddenly exclaimed: "Little Crescent!" The next moment, he disappeared in place in an instant!

"Little Yueya?" Xuan Zhan murmured softly, and then heard Little Panda honestly say: "Little master, Little Yueya is Panda's new friend, a little girl, even younger than Panda!"

Xuan Zhan smiled dumbly, patted Panda's head, thought for a while, and suddenly a Zijin Thunder came out of nowhere...


"Boom!" Relying on the extremely fast speed, the second battle dodged out of the crowd of thousands of monsters, shot out of the sea, and was slightly taken aback. When the mind was swept away, it suddenly turned into a white light and passed through the sky. !

The boundless group of monsters seemed to have not seen the white light transformed by the second battle, and continued to roar and roar in situ, as if they were welcoming the answer in their hearts...

"Whoosh!" The second battle suddenly appeared above the vast sky, and when the mind felt it, the corner of the mouth was happy, and immediately flew to the east...

"Little Yueya, brother is here, you have to wait for me!" Second War said solemnly, the pure ice-type primordial energy in his body was roaring wildly, and it was revolving rapidly like lightning and thunder...


Tens of thousands of kilometers away, three beams of light above the sky are fighting with more than a dozen huge seventh-level monsters. It is Zhongdao and Xiaoyueya!

Little Yueya's eyes were tightly closed, and she hugged Zhongdao's back tightly. Her lovely face was covered with paleness, but she didn't shed a single tear. She muttered to herself, "Little Yueya You can't be a burden to the three uncles, absolutely not!"

"Hey..." More than a dozen birds suddenly spit out countless furious tornadoes from their mouths, and the tornado surged like a sharp sword, and razed towards the three people in the middle!

"Quick!" Jin Ba screamed angrily, stretched out his hand suddenly, and suddenly shot out a triangular matrix-shaped black hill magic weapon, which instantly rose to a height of a thousand feet, like a small mountain. !

Zhongdao looked at the group of more than a dozen monsters coldly, and suddenly let out a long cry, and with a wave of his hand, a sword light was shot out instantly, and a white sword light nearly a thousand feet long was shot out in an instant. , Slashing the five tornadoes more than ten kilometers away in front of him, leaving nothing behind!

More than a dozen birds and monsters, with cruel and bloodthirsty eyes, looked at the three people in Zhongdao, as if they had seen a delicious meal, and suddenly screamed shrillly at the next moment, and each spit out more than a dozen streams of blue light from their mouths, facing the three of them. The three of them rushed over in an instant!

"Hmph!" Zhongdao straightened his body, and a huge spiritual consciousness instantly came out of his body, transforming into a pair of giant palms, and the vitality of the world with a radius of thousands of kilometers rushed away madly!

"Boom!!!" The shocking confrontation made the scorching sun pale, and the world was dark...

However, the dozen or so seven-level monsters on the opposite side did not show any trace of injury, and there was a trace of disdain in their eyes!

"Brother, you take the little crescent and go quickly, we will postpone it!" The giant tree roared, and the magic formula suddenly surged out, only to see the magic formula follow the sound, and countless blue rays of light instantly turned into blue giant vines, facing ten people. A few monsters entangled fiercely!

"Hey..." More than a dozen monsters suddenly spit out a tornado, blowing the giant vines that were as big as towering into pieces...

"Damn it!" Jin Ba yelled, controlling the magic weapon like a black mountain, and slammed it at a monster, and saw that the dark hill continued to grow under Jin Ba's control, "Miscellaneous hair Bird, let me die!"

"Hey..." Looking at the hill built from top to bottom, more than a dozen monsters suddenly shook their wings, and they flew back and forth instantly. The magic weapon of the hill returned without success!

"They surrounded us..." Zhongdao said with a solemn expression, his figure flashed, and he flew forward in an instant with the little crescent, looking at the three waiting monsters opposite him, he hit the magic formula, "Boom !" A stream of white sword energy ruthlessly blasted at the three seventh-level birds and monsters like a volcano!

The wings of the three demonic beasts trembled, and then retreated nearly a hundred miles, then turned around, dodged the huge sword energy and turned back again, spit out three streamers of light and blasted fiercely towards the middle!

The magic weapon of Xiaoshan suddenly appeared between the two sides, and three beams of light viciously blasted up the hill!

"Pfft..." Jin Ba spat out a mouthful of blood, looked at Zhongdao and shouted angrily: "Brother, go!"

The two monsters looked at the injured Jinba, and immediately spit out a tornado. The tornado spanned more than ten kilometers in an instant, tearing towards Jinba!

A huge green vine suddenly wraps around Jinba to protect it...

"Crackling..." Qingteng was instantly shaken by several tornadoes, and countless sawdust flew all over the sky!

"Hmph, the old man's Tianluo vine is beyond the imagination of you miscellaneous birds!" The giant tree snarled, and the magic formula was played again, only to see a green vine suddenly gushing out of the giant tree, traveling tens of kilometers in an instant, He stabbed fiercely at the monster in front of the middle path!

"Brother, hurry up now!" Jumu shouted sharply. At this moment, Jinba shot out from among the green vines, raised his head and roared, and waved his hand casually, a blue light suddenly spit out from his mouth. The light is like a light that disturbs the sky, and it ruthlessly radiates to drive away the surrounding monsters!

Zhongdao waved his hand casually, and the flying sword under his control opened up the space in front of him like splitting mountains and mountains. With a flash of his figure, he escaped from the encirclement in an instant, and glanced at the giant tree and Jinba who were instantly trapped in the middle. There was a trace of struggle on his face, looking at the little crescent moon behind him, he roared angrily: "Second and third, hold on, I will come as soon as I go!"

Under the siege of more than a dozen monsters, the Jumu Jinba was instantly blasted by more than a dozen tornadoes, and the shattered armor on his body was no longer as bright as before. With a wry smile, he roared: "Brother, protect Little Crescent Don't worry about us!"

"Swoosh..." A white streamer suddenly rushed into the group of monsters, and when the two of them were in a daze, they were suddenly supported by a pair of powerful arms!

"Little brother in the second battle!" The two of them exclaimed with joy in their eyes, watching the second battle that set them up.

"Hold on firmly!" The second battle looked at the dozen or so bird monsters around him with a cool expression, "The speed of this kind of monster is not inferior to mine!"

"The second battle..." Zhongdao looked blankly at the second battle that suddenly appeared between his two brothers, and instantly revealed a hint of ecstasy: the second battle was so fast that even an eighth-level monster was no match It is definitely not impossible for him to lead the two of them to escape from birth!

With a slight movement in the second battle, an ice barrier immediately formed in front of his eyes. Looking at the dozen or so bloodthirsty birds and monsters in front of him, a trace of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the wings on his shoulders suddenly flapped, "Boom!" The space was suddenly shattered, and the body of the second war suddenly burst into a chill, and the next moment, a shining streamer nearly a thousand feet appeared behind the second war!

In an instant, the second battle immediately broke through the siege of the monsters, and suddenly came to Zhongdao, dropped Jin Ba in an instant, grabbed the little crescent moon who was still muttering with closed eyes, and shouted at Zhongdao angrily: " run!"

"Boom!!!" The next moment, the second battle suddenly appeared hundreds of kilometers away!

"Hey!" Zhongdao took Jinba and immediately chased after the second battle!

A dozen or so monsters were taken aback for a moment, and when they saw the fleeing crowd, they immediately screamed miserably. When their wings fluttered and they were about to chase them, they suddenly felt a tyrannical aura covering them from above their heads!

"Boom!" A fist mixed with Zijin Shenlei ruthlessly knocked down a monster, but seeing the monster's body suddenly shattered under this fist...

Then, after more than a dozen explosions in succession, a dozen monsters instantly disappeared under the overwhelming blow of a fist...

The next moment, a white figure slowly appeared in the void, with a head of silver hair furiously scattered in the sky, as if it existed in ancient times, a smile appeared on a cheek that made the world pale, and said softly: "The second battle? Interesting name!"

The second war and Zhongdao who fled to the distance suddenly stopped in the void, only to hear Zhongdao solemnly say: "How do I feel... those dozen or so monsters were suddenly wiped out?"

"Big" Little Yueya suddenly opened her eyes, "Are you here to save Little Yueya?"

The second battle looked at Little Crescent Moon, who was still pale, and smiled slightly: "Well, I'm here to save you, and I will always protect you in the future!"

"Really?" Little Crescent Moon exclaimed in a pleasant voice suddenly.

"Really!" The second battle nodded solemnly.

"Okay!" Little Yueya cheered and threw herself into the arms of the second battle, and said with a happy smile, "Big brother is so kind!"

Zhan Zhan smiled slightly, holding Little Crescent Moon in his arms, looking solemnly at the distance behind him, then sighed softly, a trace of loneliness suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Who... is he? He actually wiped out more than a dozen level-[-] monsters in an instant!" Ju Mu looked at Jin Ba in a daze and said silently.

Zhongdao looked at the distant place and bowed deeply...

"My deity!" The second battle suddenly let out a long roar towards the front, and the voice burst into waves, lingering above the sky!

Under the stupefied expressions of the people around him, Zhan Zhan took a deep breath and continued to shout:

"Remember, my name is... the second battle!"

The next moment, Second Zhan turned around suddenly with Little Crescent Moon and shot into the sky, a stream of white light hundreds of feet long dragged behind Second Zhan!

"Little master, little master is really gone..." A simple and honest voice said lonely, "Little Panda feels bad..."

The proud and independent white body showed a smile at the corner of the mouth, then stroked the pet on the shoulder, smiled, looked into the distance and said lightly:

"Goodbye, second battle!"

Above the sky, a stream of light flew rapidly, and a voice came from afar:

"From today onwards, I am the second battle, I don't live for anyone, I am me, only for myself, ah!!!"

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