Watching the avatar leave for the second battle, Xuan Zhan suddenly thought of a problem. At this moment, after sleeping for ten years, his cultivation base has inexplicably advanced to the late stage of the original body, and the roaring thunder in his body is like a world of thunder!But... I don't have the help of my avatar in the future, how can I set foot in Chen Xuqi...

It should be noted that the so-called Chenxu period refers to the avatar separated from the Yuanti period, which enters the body after practicing to the Yuanti consummation period, opens up a space in the body, forms a world within the body, and evolves the way of the natural cycle of heaven!And the main function of the avatar is to turn into the eye of the world, supporting the world structure of the entire inner world!However, his avatar was actually let go by him, and he... how to advance to Chen Xuqi in the future?Without the avatar as the eye of the world, the entire inner world will continue to collapse, and the inner world cannot be built at all!

Without the construction of the inner world, the vitality of heaven and earth cannot circulate in the body, and it cannot be reborn into a transcendent existence!

Xuan Zhan smiled bitterly...

"Roar!!!" From the sea below, thousands of beast roars suddenly came, and Xuan Zhan immediately recovered his mind. With a move of consciousness, he swept the situation below slightly, and immediately sat cross-legged in the void!

Looking at the turbulent sea below and countless monsters, there are already hundreds of eighth-level monsters!

Even... Xuan Zhan looked in all directions solemnly, and countless huge monsters appeared in his mind!

Eight nine-level monsters that make people change their faces, all appear!

The blue-striped demon tortoise that has been sleeping for thousands of years, the five-color sky-eyed eagle that dominates the sky, the one-knee Leiyinbi bird that is proudly independent and high above the sky, the abyss giant earthworm that has a soft personality and is full of darkness, tyranny and blood. The fog-poisonous dragon flood dragon, the mighty and strong Moonbeard Thunder Beast filled with overwhelming power, the invulnerable golden-scaled myriad fish with cunning and sinister personality, and the most mysterious existence among the eight monsters are also The most powerful Skyfire demon phoenix in the legend!

Of the eight monsters, any one of them is an existence in the realm of self-cultivation, but due to the limitation of the heaven and earth structure, it can only exist on the Boshan star!

The prestige of the Eight Great Monster Beasts, even a cultivator in the Tianxin stage, would not want to touch his brows!

However, right now, right under the eyes of Xuan Zhan, they all appeared together!

In addition to the five-color sky-eyed eagle, and the relatively petite body of the two monsters, the skyfire demon phoenix that only covers a few kilometers in radius!Each of the other six monsters covers an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers!

Especially the storm blue-striped monsters, which are huge in themselves, after they all surfaced, they were almost three hundred square kilometers in size!

"Roar..." In the sky and on the ground, hundreds of millions of monsters surrounded Xuan Zhan, raised their heads to the sky and roared angrily, but there was a trace of submission and respect in the once bloody eyes!

"They..." Xuan Zhan, who was small in stature, looked around solemnly, patted Little Panda and said, "What's going on with them?"

Little Panda stared blankly at the little master and said: "Little master, don't you feel it, your current breath is very fierce!"

Hearing the declaration of war, he was immersed in his mind for an instant, looking inside at the situation in his body, and the next moment, a trace of surprise flashed across his cheeks!

"This aura is..." Xuan Zhan murmured to himself, in the upper dantian Niwan Palace in his brain, there was a trace of aura, which was extremely bloody and tyrannical!

Compared with the tyrannical aura of the beasts in the world, it is nothing compared to the aura in his body!The strength of the two is not at the same level at all!

"No wonder..." Xuan Zhan frowned and looked at the hundreds of millions of monsters around him, and then smiled wryly. They surrendered to this breath, not to themselves...

"But... how did this breath come from?" Xuan Zhan thought in his heart, he only remembered that at the moment of sobriety, in the Nine Desolation War Cauldron, about the power of Binghuo refined from the heartfire, It seems that something has changed!No, to be precise, this is not the power of Binghuo, but the essence of heartfire transformed from the heartfire in his body...

"But, it's impossible. My Heart Fire Essence has such a mutation. What is the reason?" Xuan Zhan thought about it, and the tyrannical aura that seemed to be in the abyss of hell was entrenched in his mud. In Marunouchi, even the surging power of Lei Yuan did not dare to invade him too much, but went around in a detour!

After a long time, he came to a conclusion—Nine Desolation Wars!

"Probably, only the Nine Desolation War Cauldron given to me by the elder brother gave me this trace of aura..." Xuan Zhan shook his head helplessly, in fact, he hated this trace of aura!This trace of breath seemed to be born of the negative emotions of human monks, which made him extremely disgusted!

How can it be eliminated?Or... How can I seal it?

Sitting cross-legged in the void, Xuan Zhan knotted his hands together, constantly pulsing with magical magic formulas, bursts of streamers instantly surrounded his body, but suddenly the entire sky was covered with dark clouds, and above the cloudy sky with a radius of nearly tens of thousands of kilometers, heaven and earth The vitality became wildly turbulent, and countless thick dark clouds slowly gathered!

At the moment when the Zhanfa Jue was activated, the surging purple and golden thunder crazily fell on Xuanzhan's body. Between the sky and the earth, hundreds of thousands of violent thunderbolts struck at one point from the sky, and then suddenly expanded into a Thick purple gold god thunder!

"Boom!" The hundred-foot-thick Shenlei slammed fiercely at Xuan Zhan's body!

"Knot!" The tactic of declaring war suddenly closed, and a purple-gold restraint instantly appeared around Xuanzhan's body, but when the restraint slowly closed about one meter away from declaring war, his hands could no longer close half a point , Between the hands, there seems to be a gap that hasn't been closed!

A trace of sweat flowed from Xuan Zhan's forehead, feeling the tyrannical aura in his body, he couldn't let his Lei Yuan imprison him!

Under the extremely condensed and pure Lei Yuan around Xuan Zhan, the blood vessels in Xuan Zhan's body seemed to be bursting, with blue veins heaving and turbulent on the face, his face turned pale instantly, and countless sweats flowed out crazily!

"Roar!!!" Hundreds of millions of monsters looked at the declaration of war at this moment, hissing and roaring, in their eyes, the declaration of war at this moment is like a god of killing, and they can kill gods and Buddhas with a wave of their hands!The trace of surrender in his eyes became more intense!

Xuan Zhan was sweating profusely, feeling the pain in his body that was tearing apart. After he woke up, his Dharma Body Art had inexplicably advanced to the third level. It may break your body, or at most get injured!But...but under the turmoil of this tyrannical aura, he actually had the feeling that his body was about to collapse...

"No way..." Xuan Zhan thought solemnly in his heart, and then the tactic was withdrawn, and the turmoil in the world disappeared instantly!

"Little master, what's the matter with you?" Little Panda asked honestly, touching his head. Just now it stayed on the shoulder of the declaration of war, and the feeling it came into contact with was the most intuitive feeling, although... although it seemed don't feel like what happened...

Xuan Zhan gave a wry smile, straightened his body and raised his head to look at the group of monsters around him. After thinking in his heart, he waved his hand to the sky and roared angrily: "Roar!!!"

All the beasts roared in unison suddenly, and with the sound of declaring war, a breath of surrender quietly flowed out...

"Hmph..." Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, looked at the eight monsters that surrendered at the ninth level, thought for a while, and waved his hand casually: "Leave each other!"

At this time, a miraculous situation appeared. Hearing the order to declare war, countless monsters suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and left here one after another, especially those low-level monsters, which disappeared without a trace like birds and beasts flying away. trace!

Then there are seven-level monsters and eighth-level monsters!

When it was almost time to leave at the end, the eight huge ninth-level monsters slowly bowed to the declaration of war, and then left here...

"It turns out..." Xuan Zhan looked slightly taken aback, "So they really surrendered to me..."

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