Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 158 Prelude to the turmoil

The figure flashed, and the next moment, the declaration of war had already appeared in the deep sea cave!

With a sweep of consciousness, a faint smile, and a long sleep for ten years, this place was transformed into a habitat by Little Panda. The octopus monster back then is now cruising in this sea area with complete trepidation, declaring war on his mind. The trace of breath in the air gave it great pressure!However, he dared not leave this place without authorization...

Xuan Zhan paused slightly, looked at Little Panda and said, "Where is Blood Treasure?"

Little Panda touched his head, looked left and right, seemed to have thought for a long time, and then said weakly: "I don't know where Xue Bao went again... Hey!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head helplessly, then looked at little Panda and said softly: "Panda, I have to retreat, this deep sleep has caused a lot of changes in my body, so I have to check it thoroughly!"

Little Panda said in a daze: "Yes, I know!" Then he stepped forward and came to the countless materials, playing with the materials under him in a boring way.

Xuan Zhan said curiously: "These materials are..."

"These materials..." Little Panda grinned, looked at Xuan Zhan and said, "My little master helped me find them, little master, didn't you say that you want to refine treasure armor for Panda, so I asked him to find these for me There are countless materials, and I don’t know if they are useful or not!”

Xuan Zhan's mind was moved, his spiritual consciousness covered these materials, and a smile appeared on his face: "Very good, when I wake up, I will refine the treasure armor for you, and it happens that my body armor also needs it." Refining again!"

Little Panda chuckled, then fell down, slapped, and lay on his back on the material...

Seeing Little Panda's appearance, Xuan Zhan felt a touch of emotion in his heart. Since he knew Panda, countless people have left him, but... only Little Panda has never left him!This trace of affection is the only thing declared war treasured...

The mind fell silent for an instant, feeling the changes in the body, and the Xuanzhan Lingtai maintained a trace of indestructible breath...

The third level of the Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Jue!As far as the records of the exercises are concerned, it is only a small achievement stage, but even at the small completion stage, countless monks are shocked by the news. This body, below the Tianxin stage, is immortal!

His cultivation base has risen to the late stage of the original body, if there is no accident... If there is no accident, there is no hope that he will step into the Chenxu stage in his life!Although the energy and spirit in the body are regenerated, it is no longer the original energy and spirit!Only the initial energy and spirit can separate the avatar, and then when Chen Xu advances, expand the space in the body to form a world of its own, becoming the eye of the world!The eye of the world... This is the sorrow of the doppelgänger!

Cangxin Jue, the strongest kung fu he used to rely on, is still at the sixth level, but Zijin Lei Yuan has become more solid and pure after the body's meridians have been expanded, and its power is more than several times stronger than before!Declare the war and ponder. If there are no accidents, the Zijin Shenlei at this moment will always accompany him through this life. Perhaps, at a certain point, it will evolve into the legend of the black thunder that makes countless monks frightened...

Hei Lei, according to the jade slips written by Master Yu Zhenren, has not appeared for tens of millions of years...

Thinking back to the legend of the Black Thunder back then, it would travel through countless stars with a random movement, and its power of panic made countless monks tremble with fear, and its power was so powerful that it caused countless planets to collapse and turn into cosmic dust...

Because of the avatar, his current Lei Yuan traits and cold traits are no longer the same as before, but his tyranny is even better than before...

Sensing the changes in his body, Xuan Zhan's expression frowned, and his dharma body seemed to have undergone some inexplicable changes!And what this change brought to him turned out to be an aura of madness just around the corner!This breath is completely dissolved in the blood...

After searching for the source, Xuan Zhan suddenly discovered that the structure of the body is different from the previous one, the difference lies in the complexity of the power of the five elements dissolved in the body!The power of the former Binghuo actually showed the characteristic of whiteness!

Could it be... Could it be that the mutation occurred because he used the heart fire instead of the power of Bing fire?

If this is the case, Xuan Zhan can only admit one thing, that he... has embarked on a different path of practicing the Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Liuli Dharma Body Art!

In the blink of an eye, a year has passed!For a year, Xuan Zhan was completely groping for changes in his body!

A year later, Xuan Zhan began to gradually get familiar with his body according to the changes he had mastered!

And when he came to the surface of the sea, after using the changes brought about by the ultimate body, a heat wave with a radius of thousands of kilometers and a height of hundreds of feet rose into the sky. The tyrannical breath crazily vibrates in the sea surface, causing countless monsters to tremble...

...In the cave in the deep sea, Xuan Zhan continued to meditate.

At this moment, a bloody light suddenly appeared in front of Xuan Zhan, but he saw that the blood treasure at this moment was only ten centimeters tall, fat and small, and his whole body was red. Only the eyes and mouth of the blood treasure appeared in front of him. Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said pleasantly: "Little master, are you awake?"

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly, then glanced at it, and was taken aback for a moment, the blood treasure at this moment actually had a tyrannical aura, and this aura was actually very similar to his aura!After a moment of silence, he asked, "Xuebao, what's going on with your breath?"

Xuebao's mouth turned up, and he quacked with a smile: "Little master, when you were practicing a few years ago, Xuebao was by your side. You were covered in blood at that time,, hehe..."

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then his expression turned cold. He looked at Xue Bao solemnly and said, "You mean, you drank my blood?"

Xuebao dodged and came to the other shoulder where the war was declared, and said with a low eyebrow: "My little master, Xuebao is made of blood, so why don't you drink blood, but don't worry, little master, Xuebao just drank it. A little bit of the fresh blood that penetrated from your body back then, alas... If I don’t drink it, it will be wasted!”

Xuan Zhan glanced at Xuebao coldly, but a hint of crisis quietly appeared in his heart, and then he said lightly: "Remember, you are not allowed to drink blood without my order! If you don't listen to me, dare to take another sip ..."

When Xue Bao heard this, he immediately knew that the little master was very angry, and immediately flattered him: "Don't worry, little master, without your order, Xue Bao will never drink again!"

Xuan Zhan nodded, and said softly: "Well, I am going to retreat now. This deep sleep has caused many accidents to my body. I have to study hard!"

Xue Bao and Little Panda nodded. Suddenly, Xue Bao looked around and asked curiously, "Little master, where is your clone?"

"You shouldn't ask, don't ask!" Xuan Zhan said coldly,

Xue Bao trembled all over immediately, and then said cautiously: "But...he caused a lot of trouble..."

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"Bo Xingxing has been in chaos for two years. Your avatar has provoked countless monsters here and killed many human monks. Tens of thousands of monks were killed and injured under your avatar's chaos..."

"What..." Xuan Zhan's expression changed, he looked at Xue Bao with a solemn expression and said: "Is this true?"

Little Panda scratched his head blankly and said, "I really don't know about this!"

Xue Bao looked at Little Panda and shook his head for a while and said: "You have been staying in this cave all day, how can you know the changes outside, little master, let me tell you, recently there have been many experts from Bo Xingxing! "

Xuan Zhan's mind was moved, he appeared in the bottom of the sea with Xuebao and Little Panda in a flash, looked at the trembling octopus monster in front of him, and asked him about the avatar, he immediately had a head and tail in his heart, and smiled wryly, I didn't expect this avatar to cause so many troubles!

Although tens of thousands of monks died, there was a way to bring the appearance of the culprit to outside monks, and the appearance of the declaration of war was exactly the same as that of the second battle. The master Xue Bao said had only one purpose:

Find the culprit!

The goal...directly points to the declaration of war at this moment!

Looking at the vast deep sea, Xuan Zhan showed a disdainful smile, and left Bo Xing Xing?Maybe... there is no chance, but if these masters come with the purpose of killing him, I am afraid they will be disappointed!

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