A decent white dress, neat and bright, wearing it on his body, makes people fascinated by nature!

"I think, if Mr. 0228 enters the modeling industry, he will definitely be the darling of all designers! You see, an ordinary white dress can be worn by him like the most luxurious and respectable dress in the world!" A rich man with eyes Fascinated, he looked at 0228 who walked out of the door calmly at this moment, with a calm expression on his face, "No, I must buy his dress!"

"Hey, don't even think about buying it. I already have the right of first refusal to buy this dress through my relationship on the ship!" Another rich man beside him laughed softly!

"Shut up! Mr. 0228 is about to play!" A rich man whispered angrily, "Compared with this dress, I care more about enjoying Mr. 0228's art at this moment!"

As soon as these words came out, the rich people who were talking in low voices around them were immediately silenced!They are fortunate enough to be present and hear Mr. 0228 play. This kind of opportunity can be said to be a pie that suddenly fell from the sky!If it wasn't for Qiao Yingxue's invitation, they would never have the opportunity to come to the scene and listen to the performance of this contemporary piano master!

On the square, in addition to the refreshing sea breeze blowing head-on and the ups and downs of the waves, even a needle dropped on the ground can be easily heard!

The waiter didn't dare to move at all, for fear of breaking the silence at the moment!The cameramen behind them were even struggling to breathe...

Qiao Yingxue stood in a corner of the square, looking at the figure in front of her in confusion, but her mind returned to the night before...

"The sea in the middle of the night is so beautiful... Undulating and turbulent, sparkling..." Qiao Yingxue sat in her high-class cabin, looking at the night view of the ocean outside the window and muttering to herself intoxicated.Her trip is for her fifth album release!The reason why she was able to choose the hot-handed Moore Ferry Line as the scene of her press conference is that the power she used can be said to be quite huge!

Today's Moore Ferry passenger liner, every voyage is highly anticipated!Every passenger seat on its passenger ship is in the hands of the top richest people in the United States today!If you want to have a place in the cabin, the price of the ticket you pay can even make an ordinary family live a normal life for a lifetime!

In order to open up the global market, she did not hesitate to persuade her two uncles, as well as her uncle who was active in the political circle!Finally got the exclusive right to this trip...

In fact, besides advertising the fifth album, the main purpose of her trip is to witness the piano art of the legendary Mr. 0228!In the legends of the entertainment industry, 0228 is a legendary figure with a strange background, and it is also very strange to appear in front of people!

What's more, the playing is even more bizarre. When he first became famous, countless contemporary piano masters did not hesitate to travel thousands of miles to compete with him on the Moore Ferry passenger ship!Every skilled piano artist not only fails completely, but also accepts failure willingly. He admires 0228's piano skills all over the place!

What is even more amazing is that the piano pieces played by Mr. 0228 are not handed down by any other piano masters, but all of them are created by him, and it is even said... that they were composed and drawn by him on the spot!This point has shocked countless people!

It should be noted that modern pianos generally have 85 to 88 keys, and these [-]-odd keys are divided into several sound zones, and as a whole, countless timbres can be played!It can be said that this piano is a collection of the advantages of countless instruments!The king of musical instruments!

And Mr. 0228 can play it without repeating it!Moreover, every piece of music is produced in his brain on the spot!This has become one of the most mysterious secrets in the music industry today!

It's as if... Mr. 0228's brain has never stopped writing music scores!

So... she, Qiao Yingxue, the hottest star among the new generation of stars in China, the proud daughter of the heavenly grand slam of film and television songs, hopes to meet the legendary character!In this legend, not only does he play the piano superbly, but his appearance is also a "living legend" who is the most ideal bed lover in the hearts of countless women!

If it's possible... In Qiao Yingxue's heart, there is even an idea that makes her blood boil just thinking about it - let him be the queen piano accompaniment for her fifth album!

If... If he can really accompany her, then her popularity can be said to be the top star in the international entertainment industry without any special promotion!

Thinking of this, Qiao Yingxue unconsciously felt a wave of excitement in her heart!She was born in this family. Although she can do her own things as she likes before she gets married, once it is related to lifelong events, it is beyond her control!She accepts this kind of result, and she is very indifferent to this kind of arrangement from heaven. Born into this family, many things are beyond her control!And... since some things can be controlled by oneself, why not work hard?

"Hoo hoo..." The sea breeze blew wildly, and the Morphy passenger ship was slightly tilted and swayed in the sea!

Through the window, Qiao Yingxue suddenly saw a lonely white figure quietly appearing outside the railing. That white figure swayed slightly with the turbulence of the boat, but... But in her eyes, this swaying But the figure in the figure is extraordinarily natural, as if it is natural, blending in with the surrounding environment!A trace of desolation suddenly permeated around that person...

"It's so miraculous..." Looking at this figure, Qiao Yingxue felt a rippling in her heart. At this moment...that white figure seemed to be the only landscape in the world!

"Who is he?" Qiao Yingxue wondered curiously, the next moment, she suddenly thought of something, got up quickly, and got dressed!Then galloped towards the railing outside the ship!

"Miss!" The three bodyguards guarding her bedroom woke up suddenly, seeing Qiao Yingxue running away, they immediately chased after her!

After running wildly for 3 minutes, Qiao Yingxue finally came to the railing, and then...then looked at the white figure 30 meters away!

The sea wind roared, the waves slapped, and the hull swayed and tilted...

At this moment, Qiao Yingxue's eyes were completely fascinated by that figure...

Under the moonlight, that figure seemed to be shrouded in a white halo, making it unpredictable!

Three bodyguards appeared behind Qiao Yingxue with loud footsteps. It seemed like an instant. The sound of extremely fast footsteps ruined the beauty of the moment!

The man seemed to be awakened by the sound of footsteps, and turned slightly to look at the four people 30 meters away!

Because of the footsteps of the three bodyguards, I felt a burst of urgency in my heart. Looking at the three bodyguards, I said angrily, "What are you doing here? Ruin my good deed!"

"Miss, we... We are afraid that you will be in danger!" A bodyguard whispered, and then cautiously looked at the figure shrouded in the moonlight!

Qiao Yingxue said angrily: "Is there any danger for this lady, hurry up and get out of here, on this Morpheus boat, there is no one who is not open-eyed to bully this lady!"

At this moment, under the moonlight, the figure seemed to shake his head lightly, then turned around and was about to walk away!

"Mr. 0228!" Qiao Yingxue suddenly called out when she saw the figure who was about to leave, and then chased after him!

The three bodyguards immediately followed behind Qiao Yingxue!

"You!" Qiao Yingxue suddenly stopped, turned to look at the three bodyguards and said in a cold voice, "Get out of here quickly, otherwise, you will be fired the next moment!"

The three bodyguards looked at each other... Qiao Yingxue stomped her feet again and chased after her!

"Mr. 0228, wait for me!" Qiao Yingxue yelled softly from behind, her pair of jade feet wearing slippers chased after her!

The figure in front paused slightly, and under the moonlight, slowly turned around to look at Qiao Yingxue who was chasing after him!

After three steps and two steps, Qiao Yingxue finally caught up with this figure, came to him, and looked carefully!

Through the moonlight, Qiao Yingxue suddenly saw a trace of the vicissitudes of life flashing in this person's eyes!

"You..." the man asked slowly, "Are you calling me?"

A tinge of excitement suddenly appeared in Qiao Yingxue's heart!Yes, he is the legendary 0228, a living legend, a living pianist at sea!His figure is as mentioned above, tall and straight but lonely!His face is also as charming and handsome as in the legend, it is more than any woman with a proud face in the world would not want, even worse!His hair is as white as snow. It is said that his hair is white by nature, not specially dyed white!And under his face, Qiao Yingxue was even a little ashamed...

"I'm face to face with him...I'm face to face with him..." Qiao Yingxue's heart was completely filled by this voice!

In today's world, who can get so close to him... Maybe, only those passenger ship staff who are always by his side...

"Are you calling me?" The man repeated what he said just now, his voice was calm but clear, without the slightest hint of impatience!

"Ah?" Qiao Yingxue woke up suddenly, a blush flashed across her face, and then she said in a nasty voice, "Excuse me... are you Mr. 0228?"

A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of the man's mouth, then he nodded slowly and said, "Yes, I am 0228!"

"Oh my god!" Qiao Yingxue covered her lips and exclaimed excitedly, "You...you are really Mr. 0228! I...I...my name is Qiao Yingxue, you...hello, can you You can call me Yingxue, or Xiaoxue Xueer!"

0228 couldn't help laughing, showing a mouthful of white teeth, nodded lightly and said: "Miss Qiao, hello, I know you!"

"Really?" A surprise flashed across Qiao Yingxue's face, and she asked, "You, how did you know my name? Did you watch a movie I acted in? A song I sang? Or... …still……"

0228 smiled slightly and said, "I just read the list of passengers boarding the ship!"

Qiao Yingxue was slightly taken aback, and suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart: So... so he only knew about me after reading the list of passengers on the boat...

"Miss Qiao, do you have anything to do?" 0228 asked with a smile.

Qiao Yingxue dispelled the loss in her heart, then looked at him hopefully and said, "Mr. 0228, you...can you be the piano accompaniment for my new album?"

0228 was taken aback for a moment, his face was slightly pensive, and then asked: "Is Miss Qiao a singer?"

Qiao Yingxue puffed up her chest, and said with a little pride: "I'm not just a singer, I'm a star in film, television and music!"

0228 was taken aback for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Miss Qiao is actually a film and television singer, I admire it very much!"

Qiao Yingxue asked again: "Mr. 0228, you...can you be my piano accompaniment?"

0228 shook his head slowly, and then said: "A big star like Ms. Qiao should not lack a piano player!"

When Qiao Yingxue heard this, her face became discouraged, and she said with a wry smile: "There are quite a few people who play the piano, but none of them can play the piano well!"

"Really..." 0228 said with a smile, "Are you asking too much, haha... I hope Ms. Qiao will understand me, I can't be your accompanist!"

"Why?" Qiao Yingxue was slightly taken aback, and suddenly said subconsciously, "I can give you a very high salary!"

As soon as these words came out, Qiao Yingxue shut her mouth suddenly. She actually used the most bastard thing in the world, trying to impress the artist in front of her to become her piano accompaniment!Billions of dollars can't impress this person in front of you, let alone your own small money!

Hearing this, 0228 smiled freely on his lips, and said softly: "Please forgive me, Miss Qiao, I only play the piano for myself!", then turned around and walked away...

In a panic, Qiao Yingxue suddenly grabbed 0228's sleeve and said anxiously, "I'm sorry, sir, forgive Xue'er for using money to insult your personality just now!"

0228 wrinkled slightly, and then said with a wry smile: "Miss Qiao's words are too serious, you didn't insult my personality, in this world, everyone wants to use money to make their lives better..."

"But...but you..." Qiao Yingxue's anxious eyes were covered with a layer of mist, "But you left, because you are obviously angry with Xue'er..."

0228 smiled bitterly, then turned around and looked at her hands holding her sleeves, and said softly: "Okay, I won't leave, can Miss Qiao put down your hands?"

Qiao Yingxue's face turned red immediately, like a frightened bird, she immediately retracted her hands, then lowered her head, as if she had become a child who was punished for making a mistake!

0228 shook his head helplessly and said: "To be honest, I have no interest in being your piano accompanist. I play the piano just because it can relieve the worries in my heart..."

When Qiao Yingxue heard this, she raised her head and looked at 0228 curiously. She was immediately fascinated by his white hair, and then she was startled and asked, "Is there anything you are worried about, sir?"

0228 said with a dumbfounded smile: "I am also a human being, with all kinds of emotions and six desires, how could there be no worries."

At this moment, what 0228 presented to Qiao Yingxue was a face-to-face person who was not as high as the rumored person in the legend!

"It turns out that Mister also has a sad side, giggling...Xue'er is very happy!" Qiao Yingxue said with a giggle.

0228 was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously: "What you said really makes me curious!"

Qiao Yingxue was also a little stunned by this sentence, and then said: "According to the rumors, Mr. is often a lofty and indifferent artist. Xue'er thinks that people like you are immersed in their own thoughts every day. In art, you will definitely not be disturbed by external things! But what you said just now let Xueer know that you are also an ordinary person!"

"Rumor?" 0228 asked curiously, "Why is it a rumor? Am I famous?"

Qiao Yingxue was stunned for a moment, then she thought about it and asked cautiously: "Don't you ever pay attention to the outside world, sir?"

0228 nodded calmly and said, "I never ask about anything other than the piano and the sea!"

"Did you not take the contest between Mr. and those pianists seriously?" Qiao Yingxue asked again.

0228 frowned slightly, then shook his head and said: "It's just that some people who can play the piano compete with me, there's nothing to make a fuss about!"

Qiao Yingxue was discouraged for a while, she could tell that in the heart of this person in front of her, apart from the piano, there was nothing else that could arouse his interest, and the so-called power and reputation were even more impossible for him. Gave him the slightest attention!

Such a person, it is hard to imagine how to practice a good piano!

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