"Then...Mr. 0228..." Qiao Yingxue asked again, "Is your real name 0228? Or is this your stage name like those artists?"

"Stage name?" 0228 was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head silently, but looked at the sea, and said lightly: "I forgot my real name...to be exact, I...have amnesia!"

"Pa..." The waves slapped fiercely on the edge of the ship, splashing waves that refracted the moonlight, making them extraordinarily dazzling!

Qiao Yingxue covered her mouth with both hands, and said in a daze, uncertainly: "You... What did you just say? Have you lost your memory?"

Turning to look at Qiao Yingxue, 0228 nodded faintly, and said slowly: "The day I woke up, I was already on this passenger ship. I heard from the captain that I was salvaged by them. I was already in a coma, and the day I was rescued was February 28th, so, I... my name is 0228!"

"So that's how it is..." Qiao Yingxue said to herself in a daze, "No wonder such a strange name..." Turning her eyes, she looked at 0228 and asked again: "Could it be that you can't think of it at all?" Woke up about the past?"

0228 shook his head indifferently, and said softly, "I'm sorry Miss Qiao, I'm going back to rest!"

"Ah..." Qiao Yingxue yelled in surprise, then looked pitifully at 0228 and begged softly, "Sir, just be Xue'er's piano accompaniment for once, what do you want, Xueer... Xueer I will do my best to satisfy you!"

0228 was taken aback for a moment, then pondered for a moment, still shook his head helplessly and said, "I don't need your help for anything!"

Qiao Yingxue was immediately discouraged, and finally, with a cruel heart, she took a sneak look at 0228 and said, "Mr. 0228, what if... what if Xue'er can help you retrieve your memory?"

"What?" 0228 was taken aback for a moment!

"If..." Qiao Yingxue puffed her chest hard, so that she could speak confidently, "What if Xue'er can help you retrieve your memory?"

0228 looked stunned, then frowned slightly, and said lightly: "You say this, it is completely baseless! You just want to give me a fantasy..."

"Hmm..." Qiao Yingxue lowered her head and admitted with a reddish face, "But... But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will definitely help Mr. recover his memory!"

0228 looked at Qiao Yingxue curiously and said, "Is it so important to let me be your piano accompanist?"

Qiao Yingxue raised her head suddenly, but her expression was particularly determined and serious, and she said word by word: "Sir, to tell you the truth, this matter is very important to Xue'er!"

0228 smiled, shook his head helplessly and said, "Give me a reason, a reason you think is very important!"

Qiao Yingxue was taken aback for a moment, and then her expression was a little complicated, but she seemed unable to speak.

Looking at Qiao Yingxue's face, 0228 shook his head helplessly, but turned around and left...

"Sir..." Qiao Yingxue was slightly stunned!

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, the so-called important things you call are insignificant to me!" 0228's words gently reached Qiao Yingxue's ears!

Upon hearing this, Qiao Yingxue seemed to wake up, and hurriedly chased after her, then stopped 0228, and said solemnly: "Sir, Xue'er just wants to do something she wants to do in the limited time!"

0228 frowned slightly, but he didn't understand what he said!

Qiao Yingxue gave a wry smile, and then said: "Xue'er was born in a complicated family. In this family, as women, we will all be given the family motto of dedicating everything to the family's honor!"

"This..." 0228 was slightly taken aback.

"The path that Xue'er will take in this life can be said to have been arranged by the family. In the future, Xue'er will marry another family because of the interests of the family, and then become a bond between the two families to cooperate for common interests! In the future, Xueer will give birth to offspring, and these offspring will still work hard for the interests of their own family! This is the path Xueer will take in the future!"

0228 Hearing these words, she felt a little dazed... It seems... It seems that a long time ago, there was also a woman who was also born with a certain mission...

"Who is she? Why does this woman appear in my mind? What does she look like? What is my relationship with her?" 0228's brain was at a loss...

"And before embarking on this path of mission, Xueer can do whatever she wants!" Qiao Yingxue lowered her head and said softly, "What Xueer wants to do is to become a person who attracts the attention of the world. The star! This...that's why Xueer asked Mr. to be Xueer's piano accompanist!"

0228 looked at Qiao Yingxue in a daze, and opened his lips lightly, "Could it be... as long as I become your piano accompanist, you can fulfill your wish?"

"En!" Qiao Yingxue said firmly, "Mr.'s name is well-known internationally. I believe that if given this opportunity, every celebrity will compete to become this darling! I don't know, sir, although you are only here in Moore Playing the piano on the passenger ship, but... the pianists who competed with you are all world-renowned masters, and they admire your piano art! Because of this, your reputation can be said to have become A monument to all those who aspire to become pianists!"

0228 smiled wryly, and said lightly: "People in the world are so confused!" Then, looking at Qiao Yingxue, an inexplicable look flashed across her face, and she said in a daze, "You...you...", two consecutive "you" words After that, he suddenly said, "Haven't you thought about breaking through the shackles and giving up these so-called missions and tasks in order to live the life you want?"

After saying this sentence, 0228 was taken aback for a moment... These words... It seems that he said these words somewhere!But...but where did it say that?

A painful expression flashed across 0228's face, and this expression, like a needle, pierced fiercely into his heart!

Qiao Yingxue stared blankly at the sea, and said with a wry smile: "Why doesn't Xue'er want to break free from this shackle, but... But sometimes, we really can't get rid of it, we really can't help ourselves!"

"I can't help myself..." 0228 murmured to himself in pain and confusion, it seemed...it seemed that that person also said these four words...I couldn't help myself!

"So, before I can be free, I must do what I want to do and what I can do!" Qiao Yingxue's face flashed with determination, "This...that's why I urgently want to invite Mr. The reason for Xueer's piano accompaniment!"

0228's face is a little painful, a little confused, a little... empty...

"Who are you? Who are you...why...why is there such an unforgettable pain?"

"Who am I? What's my name? Where do I come from? What's the relationship between me and you..."

"Mission? Involuntary? Cage?"

"What... are these things? Could it be... Are these all my previous memories?"

"Sir?" Qiao Yingxue looked at 0228 who had a strange expression and quickly called out, "Sir? What's wrong with you, are you sick, or what's on your mind? I have a private doctor, do you want me to take a look?"

0228 shook his head abruptly, his face returned to calm immediately, he shook his head silently, and then said: "I'm fine, it's just that some... some vague things appeared in my mind, it seems to be my previous experience!"

"Really?" Qiao Yingxue's face suddenly flashed with joy, she held 0228's arm with her tender hands and said with a happy smile, "I didn't expect that my husband and Xue'er would be able to think about the past when talking, it's really great! "

"This..." 0228 looked at Qiao Yingxue dumbfounded, and then said slowly after thinking for a moment: "Miss Qiao, I want to send you a word!"

"What?" Qiao Yingxue looked at 0228 in confusion.

0228 looked a little pained and confused, and said slowly: "I must, I must not give up on myself!"

"What?" Qiao Yingxue was taken aback for a moment, "Don't give up on yourself? What does your husband mean?"

0228 held his head in some pain, then suddenly knocked hard!

"Sir!" Qiao Yingxue was startled, and immediately hugged his arm with both hands and shouted, "Sir, what's wrong with you? Don't scare Xue'er!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" After counting for a while, 0228 seemed to be getting better, then shook his head, looked at Qiao Yingxue in confusion, and said, "I'm fine!"

Qiao Yingxue still held 0228's arm with both hands, and asked with concern: "Sir, are you really alright?"

0228 silently shook his head, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket with his right hand, took out a cigarette from it, and then took out a white windproof lighter with his left hand, put the cigarette gently on his lips, and hit it with his left hand!

"Cough..." 0228 took a deep puff, then let out a long puff of smoke, coughed lightly, lightly flicked the soot, then looked at Qiao Yingxue who was a little dazed, and said with a slight smile : "Why, did I surprise you so much by smoking?"

"No...not..." Qiao Yingxue immediately lowered her head, her face turned slightly red.

0228 shook his head silently, and then said softly: "I'm in room 121 of the lower class cabin. You can ask someone to bring me the sheet music that I need for accompaniment tomorrow, and then arrange the press conference. Don't worry about the rest!"

"What..." Qiao Yingxue suddenly froze!

0228 was a little funny. He looked at Qiao Yingxue, then shook his head helplessly, turned around and left, and said as he walked, "I don't like to say things a second time!"

Qiao Yingxue's body suddenly trembled wildly. Looking at 0228's back, she immediately shouted happily: "Thank you, Mr. 0228!"

After returning to her bedroom, Qiao Yingxue was so excited that she couldn't fall asleep!

"He actually agreed, he actually agreed!" All night, Qiao Yingxue was immersed in the joy that seemed like a pie falling from the sky, "0228! This living legend, this magical pianist at sea, unexpectedly Agree to Miss Ben's request, Oye!"

Qiao Yingxue was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Under the loose pajamas, the enchanting and exquisite body lines would make any man's nostrils bleed immediately. You can vaguely see the seductive underwear inside!

"I want to call my sister!" Qiao Yingxue murmured happily to herself, "She couldn't have imagined that this lady could convince Mr. 0228 to be my piano accompanist with just a few words! Hehe..."

Picking up the phone, after a few beeps, Qiao Yingxue suddenly called out softly, "Miss Qiao, Professor Qiao, what are you doing, old man?"

"What's the matter, little girl?" A soft and gentle female voice came from the microphone, "It should be eleven o'clock on your side, and you still don't go to bed so late!"

"Hehe... Eldest sister, Xue'er wants to tell you some good news!" Qiao Yingxue laughed softly, her fingers gently brushed the hem of her pajamas, and then gently lifted the bottom, revealing a pair of crystal white and round eyes. leg!

"What news? Isn't your press conference held tomorrow?" Qiao Yingxue's eldest sister asked suspiciously.

"Heck... Eldest sister, you know that the ship I'm on is the Moore Ferry Line!" Qiao Yingxue gently stroked her legs and said happily, "You should know the magic of the Moore Ferry Line, right? !"

"Well, now that the Internet is so developed, I don't know why, why, have you met your idol?" The microphone smiled lightly, "Meet that sea pianist?"

"Hmm!" Qiao Yingxue hummed coquettishly, "Not only did I meet you, but...and this lady also successfully invited him to be the piano accompanist for my fifth album! Heck, chugg..."

"What?" The soft voice on the other side of the microphone paused suddenly, and asked as if very surprised: "Girl, this matter is not a joke, you have misunderstood the person!"

"Hmph... I knew you wouldn't believe me, sister!" Qiao Yingxue said complacently, "White clothes and white hair, aged between 25 and [-], with a charming and handsome face, you don't need more than us pretty girls. let!"

"Could it be..." The eldest sister on the phone was a little stunned, "This is exactly his characteristic, could it be...you really succeeded in inviting him?"

"Hee hee..." Qiao Yingxue grabbed the microphone and smiled coquettishly, "Sister, let me tell you, this Mr. 0228's brain, uh...he actually smokes! Moreover, the smoking posture is not the same as anyone else's." Same, very beautiful, very elegant!"

"Little girl is thinking of spring!" The eldest sister in the microphone smiled coquettishly, "However, if you really succeed in inviting him, it will be very helpful for your future stardom!"

"Of course, what this lady wants to do, there is no way she can't succeed!" Qiao Yingxue said proudly with her chest up, "Sister, you don't know, Mr. 0228 is really...really very good. Temperament! That kind of temperament is definitely not artificial! It's the temperament that he exudes subconsciously! Really, really handsome and beautiful..."

"Hmm, it seems that the girl is really yearning for spring!" The eldest sister in the microphone teased Qiao Yingxue, "Then you go after him. Anyway, with his status, he is good enough for you!"

"Uh..." Qiao Yingxue suddenly fell silent, "..."

"What's wrong?" The female voice from the microphone asked inexplicably.

"He..." Qiao Yingxue said bitterly, "I suddenly realized that I am not good enough for Mr. 0228!"

The other end of the phone was a little surprised and said: "Why, our dignified second lady of the Qiao family, the hot new generation star in the Chinese entertainment industry, unexpectedly has a man who is not worthy of him? Is this 0228 really so good? Or is there a lot of people behind him? With such a big background, our Qiao family can't even match it?"

"Neither of them!" Qiao Yingxue said in a low voice, and then she looked at the round white thighs that were exposed in her pajamas, and she was confused, "Sister, tell me, do you think Xue'er is beautiful?"

"Of course!" The phone jokingly said, "Miss Qiao Er is beautiful and beautiful, and she is a famous beauty in the world!"

"But..." Qiao Yingxue said a little discouraged, "But why do I feel like I am...a transparent person in front of him, big sister!"

"Ah?" There was a burst of surprise on the phone, "Why, didn't you successfully invite him? This has proved that your charm is unstoppable, and he has already started to pay attention to you!"

"What, big sister!" Qiao Yingxue resisted shyly, "You have never seen 0228 before, and you will never imagine his charm. When his eyes looked at me, they were very clear, clear from the heart, and It's very peaceful, it's absolutely the same as looking at ordinary people, and, you know, he only knew my name after reading the ship's passenger list!"

"No way..." There was some doubt on the other side of the phone, "Is there something wrong with this person...is there something wrong with the sexual orientation of this seawater pianist?"

"Ah?" Qiao Yingxue was stunned immediately, and the next moment, as if she was a little angry, she yelled into the phone: "Professor Qiao, go to hell, destroy the idol image in my heart, I curse you Damn!", as soon as the voice fell, he hung up the phone mercilessly!

Looking at the sea outside the window, Qiao Yingxue seemed a little weak, and suddenly thought of the last sentence of the elder sister... Could it be... Could it be that the elder sister was right?


On the square, everyone dared not move and looked at the white figure slowly sitting on a white piano!

The sea breeze swayed slowly, and 0228's white hair suddenly fell wildly with the sea breeze, and the long neck-length hair instantly covered both his face and his eyes!

The slender and white fingers suddenly slid across the piano, and an extremely smooth tone from high to low instantly swayed in everyone's ears!

"What a mellow and continuous piano sound!" Everyone thought in amazement, "Just this hand, from high to low, is so mellow. It doesn't take a few years for ordinary people to practice it!"

Suddenly, 0228's hands were above the high-pitched area, and pressed down lightly. The next moment...

"Om..." A piercing high-pitched voice echoed in everyone's ears!

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