Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 180 Press Conference

The bursts of cool sea breeze refreshed the Bailai people present!

Facing the breeze, everyone looked at the white figure on the high platform, and gradually became obsessed with the fingers of the piano!

Those slender hands were like the darlings of heaven. At the moment when the fingers fell, every note echoed in everyone's ears with the most perfect posture!

The waiter with the tray forgot to move, the gentleman with the wine glass forgot to drink, and the rich man who was chatting stopped chatting!

028's hands flicked rapidly on the keys of the piano, and his hands crossed suddenly, and a high-pitched note came out from it, penetrating into everyone's body!

"Crack!" The waves slapped fiercely around the boat, as if catering to the piano music at the moment!

The next moment, a peaceful tone sounded slowly and melodiously. Everyone seemed to be immersed in a quiet atmosphere, and suddenly felt that the surroundings seemed to be filled with a kind of warm sunshine like jade!

People slowly closed their eyes along with the notes, knowing the beauty of this moment!

The keys were sliding slowly under 0228's hands, while 0228 closed his eyes slightly, looking at the distant sea, the endless coast horizon...

Qiao Yingxue was shocked, her arms were tightly crossed in front of her chest, a beating heart seemed to jump out of joy!

The people present lost themselves. Numerous ladies, waiters, and wealthy people looked at 0228 who was sitting elegantly, and felt that at this moment, his whole body seemed to be emitting a ray of light!

The melodious sound of the piano is the sound of nature, and nothing more!

The nature of the piano is natural and pure, as if people are in the most beautiful world!

Then slowly...slowly...

At the end, 0228's right index finger quietly tapped the last low note...

Everyone, still haven't come back to their senses, at this moment, the world is so peaceful...

Qiao Yingxue opened her eyes, looked at the back in front of her, and suddenly applauded excitedly!Applause slowly, from less to more!In the end, the entire square was filled with applause!

"I will never forget this moment in my whole life!" A wealthy man clapped excitedly and said with tears in his eyes!

"It's not just you, I believe that everyone present here is thinking the same as you!"

The one played by 0228 can be said to be quite successful. His success is not due to duplicity, but a proof from the heart!

"Oh my god!" A noble lady hugged her chest excitedly and said, "This little guy gave me such a shock, he only played a song, and I felt like my soul was baptized by the gods Same!"

"It's so shocking and exciting! Mr. 0228 can be said to be one of the greatest pianists since the birth of the piano, from history to the present!"

Amid the waves of applause, 0228 stood up slowly, nodded slightly to the crowd, and then walked aside!

At this time, Lian Xiu hurriedly walked to the middle, and said excitedly into the microphone: "I can't believe it, you can never imagine how I feel right now, I don't know how to express my feelings, I can only keep shouting that it's great! Awesome! Awesome!"

Everyone looked at the excited Lian Xiu on the high platform, and felt that he was so cute at the moment!

After more than ten seconds, Lian Xiu calmed down, and then said with high spirits: "I would like to thank Mr. 0228 for bringing me such a wonderful piano sound. I believe that in the future, I may never be able to listen to Mr. Soul art, this scene, I will remember forever!"

"Next, let us give the warmest applause to welcome Ms. Qiao Er, the hottest young star of the new generation, Qiao Yingxue!"

Everyone applauded lightly, and the song just now still echoed in their minds!

Qiao Yingxue slowly walked up to the front desk, and the surrounding cameramen suddenly reacted, and quickly pointed their cameras at Qiao Yingxue, shooting frantically!

"Yingxue..." Qiao Yingxue calmed down her excitement and said, "Yingxue is very happy today. First of all, I would like to thank Mr. 0228 again for taking a fancy to me and being the piano accompanist for my fifth album. My help!"

"This Qiao Yingxue's luck is really great!" Countless rich men and ladies said with envy.

"This album was created by Yingxue and my team with two years of hard work, I believe! If there is any music in this world that can surpass my album, then only Mr. 0228's Piano music!"

"Such a big tone?" The rich people thought a little funny in their hearts, "If it weren't for your family relationship, I think the number of people present would be halved!"

After a while of introductions, after introducing the ins and outs of this album, Lian Xiu said: "I believe everyone already has a general understanding of this album, but... is this album really what Ms. Qiao said? , let's wait and see!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of the surrounding accompaniment slowly sounded. Qiao Yingxue stood in the middle, holding the microphone slightly and closing her eyes, a clear and clear voice slowly sounded:

you exist in my world

My world is never lonely

This life is no longer in a hurry

When singing up to this point, 0228's piano sound just right and melodious, set off Qiao Yingxue's voice, set off the band's sound!When this voice was added, it was like the finishing touch, and the whole song was revived in an instant!

Traveling through space, you accompany me in my heart

Infiltrate my soul little by little Thanks for every minute

If I could, I would like to bring back the memories of the past

Memories of the time when I was running with you

I can't fade the memory of time

but closed the door of his heart

Traveling through space to feel your courage to pay attention to me in the far distance

0228 gently followed Qiao Yingxue's song, and slowly accompanied the score. Hearing Qiao Yingxue's singing, he was a little stunned...

Traveling through space, you accompany me in my heart...

I can't get rid of the memory of time, but I close the door of my heart...

The rich and noble ladies below didn't think it was very good when they first heard it, but the impression they gave was pretty good at best!But when the piano sound of 0228 was added, the whole artistic conception of this first one suddenly changed...

After Qiao Yingxue finished singing the title song "Love Through Space" of her fifth album, the whole square erupted into warm applause at the same time!

"Miss Qiao's song surprised me!" A wealthy man said with a smile and clapped his hands!

Then, Qiao Yingxue sang a few more songs from the album!

Good wine, beauties, wonderful music... Everyone in the square listened mesmerized, especially, the accompaniment of 0228 made the song more lively and melodious, adding a touch of fairy sound that is not like the world!

The press conference lasted for two hours, with dances, interviews, and billionaires everywhere affirming the album!

0228 went over the arrangement of the album in his mind. After the last song was accompanied, he immediately disappeared into the venue and returned to his resting bedroom while no one was paying attention.

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