Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 182 Typhoon Klad

0228 looked at Xi Kede who left in a hurry, smiled slightly, then took a deep breath of the cigarette, lightly exhaled the mist, and looked at the vast sea!

Schicked is his benefactor, not only taught him how to adapt to this world, taught him many things, but also taught him many principles of life!

Perhaps, in this world, his only relative is this amiable and respectable old man who is over sixty years old...


In the control room!More than a dozen operators stood behind Schicked with solemn expressions...

Xi Kede looked at the sailing route leisurely, and said lightly: "How far is Typhoon Klad from us now?"

"Return to the captain, Klade is still three days away from us!" A crew member said seriously!

Schicked used a magnifying glass to look at the nautical charts over and over again, and then looked at the radar charts. His eyes lit up from time to time. Looking at the radar charts, according to his experience, this typhoon Klad can already be said to be a super typhoon!Now, if you want to hug the boat, there is only one way!That is diversion!

Three days is enough for them to break away from Clade's movement route!

However, this diversion...

Schicked thought over and over in his heart, then sighed and said: "Our sailing route this time is completely set for 0228. Tell me, should we divert our route now or follow the original route, which is different from Typhoon Klad. Competing high and low?"

The crew looked at each other, and one of the crew who was over forty years old said: "I like this kid 0228 very much, and we are also the ones who have been with him every day since he boarded the ship. Just like you, captain, we also hope to be able to Get back the memory of 0228!"

"However, there are hundreds of rich men and ladies on board today's ship, as well as hundreds of our crew members, and there is also Miss Qiao, the Qiao family. We can't mess with it. If there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be serious. Unbelievable!"

"Captain, in fact, according to the facility standards of our Morphy passenger liner, it is completely possible to pass by Typhoon Klade without any problems!" A crew member looked at the typhoon's route and said suddenly.

Schicked straightened his bow tie and said lightly: "We can't cover up these things. Now, I'm going to the moth's reception to inform them that we are sailing on the edge of the typhoon. If any of them want to leave, they can leave at will. !"

"Captain!" A dozen operators shouted in surprise.

Si Kede's face in his sixties was covered with wrinkles. After tidying up his bow tie, he said with a faint smile: "Children, some of you have been floating with me on this sea for more than ten years, and some of you have only been a few years old. , I want to take a gamble this time, you guys, dare to walk with me?"

Although Schicked is 60 years old, his sailing experience is well-known in the circle, and his vision on the sea is quite unique!These sailors, following him, have experienced various ocean dangers countless times, and finally, under the leadership of Schicked, they turned the danger into safety!

"Captain, I believe in you!" A crew member suddenly stood at attention and said loudly.

"Captain, we believe in you too!" The other crew members suddenly said loudly.

Schicked smiled "hehe", and walked out of the control room slowly with a flat pace!

In a hall covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, countless music was playing melodiously, and nearly [-] people were chatting and laughing in this hall!

In the center of the hall, there is a dance floor, on which more than a dozen couples of rich and noble ladies are dancing, telling jokes that keep each other laughing!

In front of the dance floor, there is a low step. On the steps, seven or eight musical instrument players are immersed in the instruments in their hands, playing bursts of melodious dance music!

Qiao Yingxue was surrounded by seven or eight young people, talking and laughing non-stop!

"Miss Qiao, you sang so beautifully today, your voice is like that of an angel!"

"Miss Qiao, I heard that after this voyage, you plan to go to Chengdu, Sichuan, a mysterious place in China, to hold a concert?"

"Miss Qiao, I heard that you are still a college student, right?"

Qiao Yingxue smiled indifferently, and kept a habitual smile on her delicate cheeks, and then answered these questions one by one!

Indeed, she, Qiao Yingxue, was still a college student at this time, but because she finished her homework early, she was on the road to stardom!And after this voyage, she is also planning to go to Chengdu, Sichuan to hold a concert. I heard that three years ago, the panda base in Sichuan, Wolong Reserve suddenly caught fire, causing countless bamboo forests to be burned down!This time she went there, not only to have a concert, but also to take a trip to the Wolong Reserve to bring some of her thoughts and condolences.

At this moment, an old and strong voice suddenly came from the microphone:

"Dear guests, I am sorry to disturb your wonderful time at this moment. I am Captain Morphy, Schicked Cloyd!"

On the steps of playing musical instruments, Sickard in a black tuxedo looked like an old British gentleman, speaking into the microphone politely and naturally, the music stopped suddenly, and two hundred people looked at Sickard instantly!

Schicked smiled slightly, put his left hand in his pocket, coughed lightly with his right hand on the corner of his mouth, and then said with a smile: "I just received the news that our sailing route this time will meet the super typhoon Klade in three days' time! "

When Schicked finished speaking this sentence, the entire hall was immediately silent...

The next moment, various noisy voices erupted:

"Damn, how could such a ridiculous thing happen?"

"Impossible, simply impossible, this matter is really too sensational!"

"What day is today? Is it April Fool's Day? Who told me today's date?"

"Siked, do you have any way to escape this typhoon? We can't die on this sea!"

Schicked coughed slightly, then waved his hands and said loudly: "Dear guests, please be quiet, everyone be quiet!"

"Mr. Schicked, you have to take full responsibility for this matter!" A rich man said angrily.

Sickard smiled slightly and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Hammer, the sea is full of dangers. We can't prejudge these natural disasters at all, so... your so-called full responsibility has nothing to do with me!"

"Sickard, what do you have to say? If you are not responsible for this matter, I will sue you in accordance with the laws of the United States!" Mr. Hammer said angrily.

"Everyone, don't worry, as the captain of Morpheus, I already have a rough plan in mind!" Sickard said with a smile.

"First of all, we are preparing to miss Typhoon Klade without changing the course of this voyage. In this way, we can not only greatly reduce the danger, but also arrive at the destination only one day later!"

At this time, Qiao Yingxue suddenly said: "Mr. Sickard, I'm sorry, I want to ask, why don't we change all the lanes?"

Schicked said softly: "My personal will tells me that I can't change the course, and sailing has all kinds of unpredictable dangers!"

Qiao Yingxue frowned slightly, and then said: "Mr. Sickard, what you have done is against humanitarianism. You are taking the lives of us passengers in exchange for your dangerous fight!"

Sickard shook his head with a smile and said: "Miss Qiao, I understand your feelings very well, but if it is the right way, let alone deviate from the established route, the destination after the diversion is not the Huaxia Kingdom, but the southern part of the Huaxia Kingdom." Philippines', I think, Miss Qiao would not want to go to that country!"

Qiao Yingxue was taken aback for a moment, the Philippines, in this period of time, the Filipino Chinese row is very good!

"They exclude Chinese, but we are the people of the United States, and they dare not touch us at all!" A boat passenger said lightly, "Mr. Sickard, I hope you can take back your thoughts and divert to the Philippines!"

"Reroute to the Philippines!" Dozens of people shouted, "Siked, you must be responsible for our lives!"

"Could it be..." Qiao Yingxue's expression changed, "Could it be that no ships have passed by here recently?"

Xi Kede said with a smile: "According to the sailing route, the nearest ship will take about four days to meet us, but by then, I think we have sunk!"

"Damn it! Damn it, Shikod!" A boat passenger suddenly yelled angrily, then turned and left, "Fortunately, I brought my private jet here this time!"

Under everyone's blank stares, the rich man walked up to Qiao Yingxue and said, "Miss Qiao, I invite you to leave this ominous ship by taking my private jet!"

Qiao Yingxue was stunned for a moment, looked at the rich man, frowned slightly and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Carriton, I need to think about this matter carefully!"

Afterwards, Qiao Yingxue said to Schicked: "Mr. Captain, what is Mr. 0228's plan?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only the rich Carriton was stunned, but everyone on the ship was also stunned!The rich man in Lalitton, who boarded the ship with a private helicopter, suddenly had a look of joy and said: "Yes, I can also take Mr. 0228 and leave here!"

Sickard said with a smile: "Mr. Carriton, I believe that Mr. 0228's will is my will. I believe that he will never leave the Moore Ferry Line!"

The confidence that Schicked said was extraordinary, immediately made all the passengers startled again.

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