Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 183 Speech

Schicked's words made the surrounding rich passengers a little confused!

Cariton, the only one with a private helicopter, said with some disbelief: "Captain Sickard, I don't think your wishful words are Mr. 0228's true thoughts!"

The weight of 0228 in the hearts of these rich people is very obvious at this moment, they can even ignore the protagonist of this voyage - Qiao Yingxue!However, one cannot ignore the piano master, from history to the present, a rare piano genius - 0228!

"Captain Sickard, if Mr. 0228 really thinks so, do you think your decision is correct?" A passenger immediately said angrily, "Mr. 0228 is an internationally renowned piano master, what right do you have to decide Mr. 0228's will!"

Qiao Yingxue said angrily at the same time: "Captain Schicked, please hold the person responsible for what you said!"

Shi Kede smiled lightly, and when he was about to speak, a calm and peaceful voice suddenly came from behind the audience:

"Captain Sickard's words represent my will!"

Everyone turned their heads in an instant, only to see a white figure walking slowly, but it was 0228!

After Schicked left, when he was resting, he suddenly thought of the tone of the crew member who called Schicked just now!From the tone of his voice, he heard a trace of unusual solemnity and fear. He didn't pay special attention to it at first, but when he calmed down, he immediately felt the seriousness of it!

So, he immediately made a trip to the control room and came here!

"Mr. 0228!" Cariton's face brightened, and he hurriedly walked to his side and said, "I'm Cariton Johnson, you can call me Cariton, and I'm bringing my own private helicopter with me this time. if it is possible……"

0228 smiled slightly, looked at Cariton and said, "Dear Mr. Cariton, thank you for your help, but... But as the captain said, I am not going to leave the Morpheus!" After finishing speaking, he continued Go to Schicked!

"Mr. 0228..." Carriton stood there in a daze.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen!" 0228 came to Sickard and smiled slightly, and then said into the microphone, "Thank you for your concern, but I don't think it is necessary! As Captain Sickard said, I don't want to leave this ship !"

Qiao Yingxue said suddenly: "Sir, this...why is this?"

"Yeah, why is this?" Everyone asked.

0228 put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "As Captain Sickard said, he will open another channel and pass by Clade. I have been on this ship for three years. During these three years, I really I feel that Captain Sickard is an excellent navigator, and I believe that under his guidance, this ship will surely reach its intended destination safely!"

The voice paused, looking at the frowning people around him, he continued: "As Captain Schicked said, he likes challenges, and he loves challenges with nature, but every challenge he makes is rational, not arbitrary. The decision! He has already said before, if... If everyone still has some concerns about their own lives, this spare ship of Morphy can be used by everyone to escape at will. I believe that a dozen large speedboats with good maneuverability, Enough honored passengers to escape!"

"During these three days, everyone should think about whether they want to follow Mr. Sickard's footsteps with me, challenge nature, or retreat in the face of the power of nature!"

"You are all outstanding in a certain industry, distinguished guests with distinguished status. For you, today's success is because you have experienced challenges and setbacks to get to this point. I admire you in the past when you faced setbacks. At the same time, even if you regress today, I believe that you are not cowardly, and sometimes it takes courage to retreat!"

"Perhaps everyone is right. To be on the safe side, the route can be diverted. However, as I understand Captain Sickard, he never lacks the courage to retreat in the face of the power of nature, let alone the ambition to challenge. The reason why he didn't follow everyone's suggestion and diverted to the Philippines just corresponds to his character!"

"Everyone has no doubt about Captain Sickard's character. Humanism can never measure the greatness of Captain Sickard! In three years, he and hundreds of crew members have gone through many winds and waves, but he is still sailing safely in this awe-inspiring place. In the vast sea, this also proves the captain's rich experience and vision from the side!"

"For the understanding of the performance of this ship, I believe that no one is better than Captain Sickard. Since he can say such a thing, I 0228 believe it!"

"Here, I once again solemnly announce my decision. I believe in Captain Schicked's ability, experience and decisive vision. I will face the challenge of Typhoon Klad together with him and never back down!"

After he finished speaking this series of words, the whole hall was suddenly silent!

After a long time, Qiao Yingxue first looked at 0228 with bright eyes, and clapped her hands slowly, and then the applause became more and more, more and more...

With an unbelievable expression on his face, he clapped his hands subconsciously with everyone, and muttered to himself: "Little guy, you really impress me more and more!"

"Wonderful speech!" Qiao Yingxue murmured.

"Although the time for the speech is relatively short, it is understandable that Mr. 0228's personality charm has been vividly reflected at this moment!" Everyone felt a sense of respect in their hearts!

"This... this is a short speech of genius!"

After a few minutes, the applause began to slowly decrease, Qiao Yingxue looked at the podium and suddenly said softly: "Mr. Schicked, Mr. 0228, I, Qiao Yingxue, will join you this time to challenge Typhoon Klade and never back down! "

Everyone looked sideways at Qiao Yingxue!They never imagined that it was only a 21-year-old Chinese girl who expressed her opinion first!

"Mr. Schicked, I have also decided to challenge the power of nature with you!"

With the second, there will be the third, the fourth...

Although there are quite a few people expressing their views, most of them are in the wait-and-see stage, restraining the eagerness in their hearts and not making impulsive moves!

This scene was truly recorded by the camera behind the hall...

Then, the cameraman immediately spread this scene to major websites in various countries. Although they all used English, they also added translations in other languages!

Within one day, the click rate of this video directly exceeded tens of millions, and the next day, the total number of clicks on all major websites reached one billion!

Countless people are watching this voyage...

It can be said that the Murphy passenger liner sailed here, completely helpless. In the deep sea, except for the few large aircraft carriers, there is no mobile force that can reach such a deep ocean...

Klade invaded the entire ocean, and everything he passed was full of arrogance in the nature of attacking cities and conquering land like wind and clouds!

The South Korean Ministry of National Defense announced the cancellation of naval military exercises, and the East Japan announced the cancellation of naval military exercises...

And in the distant China, the military of the Ministry of National Defense suddenly issued a statement: The newly developed aircraft carrier sailed for the tenth time, directly hitting the place where Klad was operating, hoping to rescue the passengers on Morphy's ship!

At this moment, the voice of international support for Huaxia suddenly rose!

Qiao Yingxue was wearing pajamas all over, sitting lazily on the big bed, her face tirelessly kept calling one after another, father, mother, grandpa, uncle, two uncles...

Until the end, as if finishing a big battle, he took a deep breath and collapsed on the bed, looking at the calm ocean before the storm, the white figure in his mind reappeared in his mind... …

"Diringling..." At this moment, the cell phone beside her bed rang again. Qiao Yingxue pouted and said annoyedly, "Annoying, annoying, here it comes again!" Then she saw that it was the eldest sister Concubine Qiao Ying suddenly revealed a hint of joy, and connected the phone...

"Hey, girl, do you want to die early? How can you say something like that? I watched the video, and you were the first to express your opinion. You have lost your mind, right! You can't die like this if you want to die, Girl!" An angry voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, who is this, making such a big fuss!" Qiao Yingxue said into the microphone with a sly face, "No, you are only 26 now, your aunt is normal, and you haven't reached the point of menopause!"

"Damn girl, are you looking for death!" Concubine Qiao Ying was furious on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, okay, big sister!" Qiao Yingxue laughed, "Big sister, did you also watch 0228's speech, how do you feel, tell me about your feelings!"

"Hmm..." Concubine Qiao Ying thought for a moment and said slowly, "I have to say, his short speech has captured the hearts of countless people. If I were there like you, I think I would too. And say the same thing as you!"

"Then it's all right..." Qiao Yingxue smiled coquettishly, "However, my family hates 0228 to death. My parents called me, wishing I could eat Mr. 0228, hmph..."

"Hey..." Concubine Qiao Ying sighed, "Although he said that, I am still very worried about your safety. Do you know who is the commander of the tenth voyage of the government aircraft carrier? Is it?"

Qiao Yingxue was taken aback for a moment, and then asked cautiously: " can't be the second uncle..."

Qiao Yingxue's father had a total of six siblings, and her father, Qiao Lieguang, was the third child. There were two uncles at the top, and two uncles and an aunt at the bottom!

And her second uncle is none other than the well-known Rear Admiral Qiao Lieguang in the military!

Qiao Yingxue was taken aback for a moment, and muttered to herself: "Why is Second Uncle the commander? I... sister, why is Second Uncle the commander this time?"

Concubine Qiao Ying said indifferently: "Grandpa suggested to make a temporary decision. It was originally someone else, but when I heard that you were on this Morpheus, I changed the commander!"

Qiao Yingxue couldn't laugh or cry and said: "This time, it happened..."

This day was late at night on the second day after the 0228 speech. Since the end of the speech the day before yesterday, Schicked began to slowly move up the channel, preparing to collide with the northernmost edge of Typhoon Klad!

And if the speculation is correct, at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon...

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