Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 184 Leave

"Move a little to the east, and a little more to the east!" A sailor stood on the sampan and shouted loudly to the crane control room above!

At the end of the crane, under the hook, a large speedboat is slowly being lowered into the ocean. There are more than a dozen people standing on the speedboat!

The captains, Schick De Croyd, Qiao Yingxue, and 0228 stood by the sampan, watching the slightly heavy rich people on the speedboat with a smile on their faces!Around them, countless crew members and sailors are busy, slowly moving the things of the next batch of rich people onto the next speedboat!

"Mr. 0228, I'm sorry about this!" On the speedboat that was slowly descending, a rich man said helplessly, "As you said, sometimes it takes courage to retreat! If I don't have such a Everything, I think... I will definitely fight Typhoon Klade with you!"

0228 smiled, and said to the rich man, "Sir, you don't need to feel guilty. We won't blame anyone for this choice!"

A crew member was directing the crane, waving a small flag in his hand: "Slow down, go a little further to the left, yes! Alright..."

Xi Kede and Qiao Yingxue looked at the slowly sinking speedboat, but they looked indifferent and relieved!

Qiao Yingxue said softly: "Mr. Schicked, what is the relationship between Mr. 0228 and you?"

Xi Kede said with a smile: "Beautiful Ms. Qiao, 0228 and I are just old friends, but I admire him very much! Don't you... think the same way?"

Qiao Yingxue blushed slightly, looked at 0228 not far away and said softly: "Mr. Captain, I know that Mr. 0228 was rescued by you and all the crew members in the sea, and he has lost his memory!"

Xi Kede was slightly taken aback, then slowly nodded and said: "This matter is not a secret at all, indeed, he was rescued from the sea by us, and his memory is lost, hey... Poor child!"

Qiao Yingxue asked curiously: "Mr. Captain has a lot of experience. According to you, what kind of person did Mr. 0228 belong to before he lost his memory?"

Sickard looked a little confused, and then thought for a while and said: "I can't see it! He has a calm personality, but he is thoughtful, and he acts decisively and decisively! Maybe he is a person in a high position. You should see it from the speech the day before yesterday. His indifference and eloquence must be the aura of being in this situation often!"

"Can someone with an indifferent personality occupy a high position?" Qiao Yingxue asked slightly curiously.

Xi Kede said with a smile: "The little guy has a mysterious aura all over his body, I can't see it! Maybe there is such a person..."

Qiao Yingxue nodded slowly, looked at 0228's back, and asked in her heart: "0228, who are you?"


At around [-] o'clock in the morning, more than a dozen speedboats carrying the rich man Bailai were finally placed on the surface of the sea!After replenishing enough fuel, a hundred rich people waved their hands, facing hundreds of crew members and passengers on the Moorfell passenger liner, they started the speedboat and left here. In a blink of an eye...disappeared at the end of the ocean...

"Mr. Johnson, I've said it many times, I won't leave the Morfell liner!" 0228 smiled wryly, then shook his head, looking at the wealthy Carriton Johnson in front of him!

"Why?" Cariton said unwillingly, "Do you know that you are the treasure of all mankind, and if you make a mistake under this typhoon, it will be a great treasure for the entire human art world." Loss! Even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think about everyone who likes you!”

0228 looked at the sun, and said softly: "Mr. Carriton, it's getting late, has the fuel of your private jet been replenished? Here, you'd better prepare more fuel in case you run out halfway!"

When Cariton heard this, he was discouraged and said: "You don't need to worry about these things, the people below will take care of them. You should promise me. I'm speaking out for all the people who like you!"

"Mr. Johnson!" Sickard's voice sounded beside the two of them at this moment, "You don't need to persuade him anymore, I know the character of the little guy better than he himself!"

"Little guy?" Caryton Johnson was taken aback, and muttered in his heart: I guess you are the only guy who sails the boat, who dare to call Mr. 0228 like that!

Cariton's trip was originally due to some problems in the personnel transfer of Huaxia Kingdom's Beijing branch, because there are no available candidates for the time being, and the Beijing branch is a key core branch in the Asia-Pacific region, so he personally took the lead The Beijing branch could have come by air route, but because of the particularity of Morpheus, it decided to take the sea route!

Behind him is a huge money empire that needs him to operate!But now, he is here to persuade 0228 to take his private helicopter!From this we can see how much he cares and respects 0228...

"I said, Sickard, the beautiful Miss Qiao, you two are trying to persuade Mr. 0228!" Carriton said anxiously, "The Morphy liner sailed for another four hours before it collided with Typhoon Klade!"

The two smiled slightly, but shook their heads lightly. Qiao Yingxue was even more delighted in her heart: I don't know how many people dream of being able to experience this kind of ocean danger with 0228. You old guy actually asked me to persuade him to go with him You leave together, don't even think about it!

Cariton was stunned for a moment, then looked at the three of them, and suddenly realized in his heart: It seems that these three are determined to collide with Klade...

Then I looked around for the passengers who did not leave. There were about 0228 passengers who did not leave. The reason why they stayed was firstly that they were impressed by [-]'s speech and temperament. On the other hand, they more or less believed Schicked's sailing experience, every captain who often deals with death at sea, which one is not experienced, not to mention that Captain Schicked has been dealing with the sea for decades, and his rich experience can be said... He His boat is like a dragon in the sea!

Another point is: being able to experience this kind of danger together with 0228 is also a kind of memory worth remembering!

Sometimes it takes absurd things to do...

Cariton Johnson looked discouraged at the remaining rich men who hadn't left, shook his head helplessly, struggled slightly, and said slowly: "Then... respected gentlemen and ladies, if there is a chance, Cariton Treat you to afternoon tea!" After saying this, he turned and walked towards the private jet parking lot!

At the moment of take-off, Caryton looked at the hundreds of people who were watching him off, and a flash of determination suddenly flashed across his face: "Slow down!"

Several subordinates in the cabin were stunned for a moment, the pilot immediately turned off the engine of the plane, and turned his head to look at Caryton Johnson in confusion!

"Boys, I think... I have to make a stupid decision that you will ridicule!" Cariton sighed, looked at several subordinates around him and said, "I am going to stay and meet with Mr. 0228 For the difficulty of Morpheus this time!"

"Sir!" several subordinates suddenly shouted, "Beijing needs you to sit in the town, you can't stay in this dangerous place!"

Cariton sighed, and said slowly: "Dear little guys, my decision may be selfish and idiotic! But, I don't have the courage to leave, I can't see Mr. 0228 in danger and ignore it, staying doesn't help much, least I can face him, that damned down-and-out aristocrat sailing, the beautiful Miss Qiao, and so many rich people !"

"And you guys go away, just wait for me in Beijing!"

"Sir, your decision is really stupid. There are millions of ordinary employees behind you who need you, and hundreds of branches need you!" A subordinate suddenly said angrily.

Caryton Johnson smiled wryly, then walked out of the cabin, and said slowly under the dumbfounded eyes of hundreds of people: "Leave, Beijing needs you to notify, compared to my stay, your mission is more important." major!"

Several youths in their thirties looked at each other, and a subordinate said solemnly: "Sir, I understand what you said, okay, then let's get out of here!"

Cariton smiled slightly, looked at them and said: "Very well, you have made a very wise idea. Now, let me, let everyone on board, watch you guys leave! Goodbye!", after finishing speaking , he slowly left the airport with a smile on his face, and walked into the passengers with surprised faces... This smile seemed to be a smile that let go of a certain burden in his heart and relaxed...

Captain Schicked Croyd gave Carriton Johnson a thumbs up, patted him on the shoulder and said: "Dear Mr. Johnson, believe me, I will definitely bring you to the intended destination safely! "

Cariton looked at Schicked with a sarcasm and said, "I would rather believe what Mr. 0228 said than you, a down-and-out aristocrat who sailed the boat, oh... dear Mr. 0228, are you happy to stay with me? And the beautiful Miss Qiao, huh? Miss Qiao, why haven't I seen you in such a short time, you seem to be even more beautiful!"

"Disrespectful for being old!" Qiao Yingxue felt contempt for Carriton for a while, and then said with a calm smile: "Thank you Mr. Carriton for your praise, are welcome to take the Morphy Ferry!"

"Hahahaha..." Si Kede burst into laughter when he heard Qiao Yingxue's words, and 0228 beside him was almost amused by Qiao Yingxue's words!

Cariton looked a little embarrassed, then glared at Captain Sickard and said, "Damn it! Damn it! If I could, I would definitely not take Morpheus, of course... the premise is that Mr. 0228 does not appear on this broken ship that is about to fall apart. !"


In the distant sea area, a colossal monster is sailing on the sea as fast as it cuts through the wind and waves!

Countless waves splashed on the body of this behemoth, like moths to a flame. Behind this behemoth, a long trail of white waves rolled wildly!

"The operating performance of the nuclear reactor has been improved, the fuel consumption has been reduced by [-]% compared with the previous test flight, and the radar scan is normal!" In the navigation room, a major reported to an indifferent middle-aged man in a neat military uniform!

This middle-aged man has a tough complexion and deep eyes. Judging from the military rank on his shoulder, he is a major general!

The middle-aged man stared at the sea, and said lightly: "Major, tell me, how many years do we have before we can conquer this vast ocean?"

The major was slightly taken aback, and then said softly: "Reporting chief, although our naval capabilities have improved rapidly over the years, there is still a long way to go with those traditional naval powers, and these distances, if the country If the situation in the past years continues, within 15 years, it will definitely rule the ocean, but..."

"But now our Huaxia Kingdom is in danger, and the surrounding small countries are provoking us one after another. Therefore, the hearts of the people in the country are confused!" The middle-aged man continued with a sigh.

The major was silent, and then said sonorously: "Chief, we are soldiers. I should not ask about these political matters. The task of our soldiers is to stand up when the country needs it!"

The middle-aged man said coldly: "Now the surrounding countries have been provoking us, isn't it just when the country needs us, why didn't we come forward!"

The major paused for a moment, and said softly: "Chief, I am a soldier. I don't understand politics, and I am too lazy to understand it! But this time, the long-range intercontinental ballistic missile test has suppressed a lot of their arrogance!"

"Hmph!" The middle-aged man snorted slightly, and then said, "Has Clade's current trajectory changed?"

The major straightened his body and said loudly: "Reporting chief, the trajectory of Typhoon Klade has not deviated from our predicted trajectory and speed! In another four hours, we will arrive at the scheduled collision between the Moore Ferry passenger ship and Typhoon Klade." Place!"

The middle-aged man nodded lightly, looked at the orderly and busy officers in the navigation room, and said lightly: "Move forward at full speed, our primary goal this time is to rescue the Morphy passenger ship! I hope they can persist before we arrive. live!"

The major shouted: "Yes!", and then left the middle-aged man's side!

The middle-aged man turned around and looked outside the french windows, humming coldly in his heart: Xue'er, this girl, even cared about her own life because of a piano player, what a mess!After this incident, she must be taught a lesson!


This the calm before the storm!

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