Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 185 Typhoon Klad Strikes

"Huh..." Above the surface of the sea, the gust of wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the sea area around Morpheus is gradually stirring up surging waves!

Looking around, on the endless ocean, waves of waves blown by the strong wind rose wave after wave!

Standing on the sampan, Schicked suddenly shouted: "Quick, everyone, get into the cabin and put on your life jackets. This time, we will fight against the sea!"

Countless passengers immediately took hurried steps, hid in a safe place, and then adjusted their life jackets again!

Qiao Yingxue followed behind 0228 and followed him to the navigation control room!After that, Schicked also came here with steady steps!

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and Sickert observed the radar and navigation charts, pressed his hands on the instrument, and said loudly and calmly: "Open the spinning turbine, thirty degrees to the right, and move forward at full speed!", His words , passed through the microphone to everyone's ears!

At this moment, three people broke through the door!Everyone saw that there were three reporters, one was holding a video camera, the other was holding a camera, and the reporter was a beautiful blonde!

Qiao Yingxue exclaimed in shock: "Miss Mai Rui, why are you here, quickly... find a place to hide!"

This blond reporter has freckles on her face and slightly dark bags under her eyes, showing that she hasn't had a good night's sleep recently. Her face is like an oval face, and the blue pupils unique to Westerners show a surprising and unique temperament. !She was dressed in a decent white professional suit, but it set off her plump body even more curvaceous!

"Oh, dear Joe, I'm sorry, this is my job!" Miss Murray seemed to be unsteady, standing on the swaying boat, her whole body was swaying constantly!

Xi Kede said coldly: "Miss Murray, I hope you don't disturb our work during the interview!"

Reporter Mai Rui looked at the two colleagues behind him and nodded, "Don't worry, captain, I won't disturb you!" Then his eyes lit up and he said: "Dear Mr. 0228, you are here too!"

0228 said with a faint smile: "Reporter Mai Rui, hello!" He had some impressions of this reporter Mai Rui, and his full name was Mai Rui Christina Joris!That's quite a lengthy name for 0228!

"Mr. 0228, can you tell me, why don't you leave here?" Mai Rui seized any opportunity for an interview, and immediately delivered the topic to his mouth, and then with an eager look, hoping He can say two words!

"Uh..." 0228 was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "Reporter Mai Rui, please clarify the current situation, this is not suitable for interviews!" After finishing speaking, he looked at the entire messy navigation room.

Murray said with a smile: "Dear Mr. 0228, they are professional crew members, but we are not. I think this does not prevent us from disturbing their work!"

0228 shook his head helplessly, looked at the angry crew members and said, "I'm sorry, even if you said a word, it's still disturbing them, please forgive me, I won't say any more words!"

"Captain, the wind speed has reached level six!" a crew member roared angrily!

"Keep going, this wind speed is not too dangerous!" Schicked said indifferently, and suddenly changed his expression, "Wait, go north forty degrees!"

"Yes!" The sailor controlling the direction yelled, his feet suddenly became unsteady, he immediately walked to one side, and then immediately stood back to the original position!

Qiao Yingxue nervously looked at the boundless waves in the vast ocean, this was the first time in her life that she experienced such a scene!

On the vast sea, a passenger ship is struggling alone in the stormy sea, amidst the waves!This kind of experience, besides giving her some excitement, is more... a cherishment of life!

Looking at the entire messy navigation room, Qiao Yingxue felt a sense of powerlessness for the first time, a sense of uselessness!

"We haven't fully contacted Clade at this moment, this is just the prelude to the storm!" Schicked lit a cigar and said calmly, "Boys, show your courage, this time, you will follow me , the most exciting challenge since sailing on this sea!"


"Oh!" Cariton roared and grabbed the metal rod beside him, and roared, "Damn, oh! God, damn, damn Schicked, I curse you to die in the next life!" Then the whole body suddenly shook, suddenly Towards the back fiercely flung the past!

Beside Cariton, more than a dozen rich men had trembling expressions, clutching at the fixed things around them, and begging for something...

"Huh...huh..." The gust of wind over the entire ocean was slowly increasing without the perception of everyone!

Sikod slammed the end of the cigar into the ashtray, and then lit another one!

0228 also lit a cigarette, and then smoked it solemnly. In the eyes of everyone, 0228 seemed to have roots on the soles of his feet at this moment, standing in place lightly, without shaking a bit...

"What an amazing person..." Qiao Yingxue and Mai Rui looked at each other, and then looked at 0228 again in disbelief.

"Very good, children, turn another fifteen degrees to the right!" Schicked commanded calmly, "It seems that this little guy is a little impatient, haha... he didn't knock us down, he got angry!"

The crew members around him frowned, and a dozen crew members were constantly manipulating various instruments in the turbulent navigation room!

"Ziz...Ziz..." Suddenly, a burst of snowflakes appeared on the radar screen!

Schicked was stunned, and immediately said angrily: "Damn, something happened to the radar mast!"

All the sailors were taken aback for a moment!

"Who overhauled the radar mast?" Seekerd looked at the people around him and said angrily, "Such a small sea breeze will not damage the radar mast!"

"Captain, it was... Sam checked!" replied one of the crew.

Xi Kede said angrily: "Damn it, I will deduct his salary after I go back!"

"Captain, the radar is down, what should we do?" A crew member suddenly shouted!

"Boom..." The entire ship suddenly turbulent, and instantly tilted about [-] degrees...

Everyone, except 0228, suddenly shook. Qiao Yingxue couldn't hold on firmly, and suddenly hugged 0228's body!

"Are you okay?" 0228 looked at Qiao Yingxue and smiled, "Don't worry, the slope hasn't reached the point of capsizing!"

After the entire ship tilted, it flipped over to the other side the next moment. Mai Rui couldn't stand still at the same time, and immediately rushed towards 0228 and Qiao Yingxue fiercely!

0228's expression changed, he turned around holding Qiao Yingxue in his right hand, stretched out his left hand, and immediately hugged Mai Rui, holding the two girls in his arms!

"Oh, thank you, Mr. 0228!" Mai Rui hugged his body tightly with both hands, and said while falling into his arms. The color of joy!

0228 looked into her eyes, frowned, let her go quietly and said, "I'm sorry, Reporter Mai Rui!" However, his left hand was still holding Qiao Yingxue's small waist...

Mai Rui looked at Qiao Yingxue jealously and replied: "Well, I'm fine!"

"Calm down, lads!" Schicked took a puff of his cigar and said calmly, "The more we are faced with emergencies, the more we need to calm down! Think about it, what should we do, what will we do?"

"Oh!" A look of excitement suddenly flashed on Sikde's face, and he said loudly: "Look, this nature is showing its power to us, provoking us, it is angry, haha..."

"Madman..." Qiao Yingxue looked at Si Kede, these two words suddenly flashed in her heart... Then her hands tightened tightly around 0228's body...

Siked's face changed, and he said loudly with the voice of the waves: "Now, let's continue to brush the edge and sail northwest!"

Looking at the radar screen, Schicked wrinkled his expression secretly, then looked at a sailor and said, "You, quickly find Sam for me, and then order him, yes, it is my order, and order him to repair the mast immediately! "

"Yes!" The sailor yelled, and then left the navigation room with a shaking body!

"Maybe..." 0228 suddenly stopped the sailor and said, "Maybe I can help!"

"You?" Schicked was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile, "Little guy, I believe in your physique, but these things should be repaired by professionals!"

0228 shook his head lightly, then looked at the sailor and said, "Go, you and I will go find Sam!"

After finishing speaking, leave the navigation room with this sailor!

Qiao Yingxue and Mai Rui were shocked, 0228 is not a professional on board...

Schicked even roared: "Damn it! Come back to me, little guy!", but... 0228 has already left this place with that sailor!

"Boom..." The hull suddenly rolled over again!

Everyone screamed and became turbulent immediately. Siked, cigar in his mouth, roared angrily: "Damn it, come back to me, little guy!" However, his words were completely covered by the sea wind and waves...

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