Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 189 Advance!

"Om..." The Murphy Passenger turns on again!

Schicked yelled into the microphone: "Hurry up! Brats, give me your strength and work hard. Now is our last chance to survive. If we don't seize it, we will all be buried here!"

"Boom!!!" The entire Morphy passenger ship was in turmoil!

"Not good!" Schicked's face turned cold, and he immediately shouted at the sailors beside him, "Throw away the anchor, drop the anchor!"

"Boom..." As soon as the sailor pressed the anchor, the entire hull suddenly lightened, and then moved forward fiercely...

At this moment, everyone's bodies boiled up!

Qiao Yingxue looked outside blankly: "He...he...where?"

"That voice just now is him!" Si Kede came to Qiao Yingxue's side, supported her shoulder and said, "He is a miraculous person who can do many things that we can't do, so please believe He, he will definitely live!"

"I don't want it, woohoo..." Qiao Yingxue suddenly lay in Si Kede's arms and cried in pain, "I'd rather have him by my side now..."


Under the boat, 0228 felt the slow turbulence of the hull, and a look of surprise flashed across his face, but seeing the speed at the moment, he suddenly thought in his heart: If the speed is at the current will be very difficult to escape from the range of Klade!

A trace of determination flashed across his face, and 0228 immediately swam towards the stern of the boat!

The next moment, his shoulders were hard against the huge Morpheus hull, he looked at the sea water in front of him, kicked his legs hard against the sea water below, and his shoulders sank suddenly...

"Boom..." When his shoulders pressed against the hull, the whole boat suddenly lightened, and a feeling of suffocation suddenly filled 0228's body. He gritted his silver teeth fiercely. He didn't know why, and went into the water by himself. He didn't even need to breathe, he only needed a breath of air in his chest, and he was not afraid of the pain of suffocation. However, such a large ship fell on him, and he still felt a pain...

Resisting the Murphy passenger ship stubbornly, 0228 looked at the sea water in front of him, and shook his right fist hard!

"Hum!" A muffled hum suddenly resounded in the ocean, and countless waves exploded from the surrounding sea water, and at the stern of the ship, a wave as high as several tens of feet violently erupted from the ocean!

Everyone on the boat suddenly felt the hull lighten, and the next moment, the hull began to accelerate...





A series of continuous muffled hums came from the ocean, and countless waves burst out crazily around, and at the stern of the ship... a series of crazy waves with a height of several tens of feet burst out of the sea in one fell swoop...

"It's almost... soon..." Sicked exclaimed in surprise, "You guys are doing well, our ship is moving forward at an unprecedented speed, everyone, come on, follow this momentum and rush out of hell!"

The increase in speed was especially noticeable to the people in the navigation room, but at this moment, Morpheus... the speed was more than twice as fast as before...

This kind of speed is rare in the world...

"Why..." Schicked stared blankly at the speed of the ship, "Why did the speed explode so suddenly, why... why did countless waves suddenly appear around..."

"Boom..." Typhoon Klade swept across the entire hull fiercely, and it suddenly became turbulent!

"Not good!" Schicked roared, and saw that the entire hull suddenly tilted at an angle of [-] degrees, "The boat is about to capsize!"

Everyone's face turned pale...

"Hmph..." There was a sudden and clear groan in everyone's ears, and the next moment, the whole boat...slowly returned to its position...


0228 Seeing that the boat was about to capsize, he grabbed the hull with his left hand, and a hole was formed in the thick deck. The next moment, he let out a groan, and his whole body began to shake wildly. Holding the hull with his left hand... unexpectedly slowly Pushing the boat back to its original position, the blue veins were like bulges, bursting crazily...

The right fist continued to punch fiercely at the back!

"Boom..." The hull, at a crazy speed, escaped from Klade's roar...

0228 gritted his teeth fiercely, and a feeling of powerlessness quietly appeared in his heart... At this moment, all the strength in his body seemed to be exhausted...

"Ah!" 0228 roared angrily, raised his shoulder again, and slammed his right fist down against the sea!

"Boom!" A wave several tens of feet high exploded viciously...

Xi Kede's face became more and more happy, at this moment...they have broken through the strongest range of Klade's wind power!

At this moment, the boat seemed to be blessed by a powerful god. Every time a hurricane blows and it is about to fall over, there is a magical force that straightens it, and then...then it moves forward again at a crazy speed...

"God bless..." everyone prayed in their hearts.

"Quick!" Schicked yelled frantically into the microphone, "We're almost there, come on guys!"

Qiao Yingxue stared blankly at the ocean where the wind was gradually weakening, but she thought painfully in her heart: You... Where are you...

"Boom!" 0228 punched fiercely. At this moment, perhaps because of the immersion in the sea water, or perhaps because of excessive force, he began to collapse, and his complexion unexpectedly showed an astonishingly pale color, like a dead person.

Looking at the sea water in front of him with hazy eyes, he roared in his heart: Not enough!not enough!I still have strength!

"Boom..." The hull swayed crazily, and then was straightened again by a magical force!

"This... this is a miracle!" Mai Rui looked at the situation in front of him in surprise, his mouth could not be closed at all...

At this moment, a behemoth suddenly appeared in front of everyone!Everyone was surprised to see this huge object that seemed to break through the fog, and a voice quietly appeared in the hearts of everyone: They... are coming!

0228 in the seawater at the stern stared at the seawater in front of him. Because of excessive force, a surprising scar appeared on his back. This scar was [-] centimeters long, and countless blood was gushing out from it...

The right fist hit the sea water in front of him hard, and a huge force immediately pushed the boat forward!

"Ah!" 0228 roared and punched again, but at this moment... his eyes were completely hazy.

An electronically synthesized voice suddenly came from the ear: "All the passengers on the Morphy passenger liner, we are the temporary fleet of the Huaxia Aircraft Carrier, congratulations to you for supporting us until we come to rescue..."

Upon hearing this voice, 0228 smiled slightly, and slowly closed his eyes:


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