Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 190 Rescue

"Where am I..." 0228 looked at the emptiness around him, startled in his heart, and grabbed forward with both hands, but couldn't catch anything!

"Declaration of war..." A well-behaved female voice suddenly came out of nothing...

"Who?" 0228 was startled suddenly, looked around and shouted, "Who are you calling?"

"I'm calling you!" The girl's voice suddenly entered 0228's ears.

"Declaration of war?" 0228 pointed to himself and quietly asked the void, "You said, I call it a declaration of war?"

"That's right, you're declaring war!" the girl said with a grin, "Ningyun Guotai'an Province, that frail scholar by the Qingshan Lake in Qingshan County!"

0228 looked at the void with some confusion: "Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about, I am not declaring war, did you recognize the wrong person?"

"Hehe...hehe..." Void's playful female voice laughed coquettishly, "Declaration of war, did you forget? I am Lingbo!"

"Lingbo?" 0228 frowned slightly, "Who is Lingbo? I... who am I?"

"Hehe... Lingbo is me, you, you are the one who declares war!" The girl's voice laughed, "I am Lingbo, you declare war, I am Lingbo, you are..."

"I'm declaring war? I'm declaring war?" 0228 read it over and over again in deep contemplation, and was suddenly taken aback, looking at the void and shouting: "Hey, don't go, Ling Bo, don't go!"

"Mr. 0228? Mr. 0228, wake up!" A girl's soft voice echoed in his ears, "Look, everyone, his hand moved, he moved, haha..."

"Mr. 0228, wake up!" At this moment, countless voices sounded around...

0228 slowly opened his eyes. In the haze, he vaguely saw countless people standing around him. He wanted to stretch out his hands, but suddenly felt that he couldn't use his strength, as if he had collapsed...

" thirsty...I...water..." 0228 looked weakly at the hazy in front of him, opened and closed his mouth and said, his heavy eyelids slowly covered again...

"Mr. 0228!" Qiao Yingxue grabbed his arm, watching him pass out again, two lines of tears flowed from his eyes...

Si Kede was beside 0228, looked at him kindly, and said softly: "Son, go to sleep, you are too tired..."

"Second Uncle, how long will it take for us to reach Dalian?" Qiao Yingxue raised her head and looked at the middle-aged major general beside her, and asked with tears in her eyes.

The middle-aged man beside him, the temporary commander of this huge aircraft carrier, Rear Admiral Qiao Lieguang, who is also Qiao Yingxue's second uncle, said lightly, "Don't worry, we will arrive at the port in about five hours! I have notified The people at the port, the nurses at the Dalian hospital are already waiting for us at the port, as soon as we arrive, they can immediately send 0228 to the most famous hospital in Dalian for treatment!"

After saying this, Qiao Yingxue's second uncle, Qiao Lieguang, frowned slightly. Looking at the comatose 0228 with a thick layer of medicine wrapped around his chest, a trace of doubt arose in his heart!

Through the dialogue with Schicked, they knew that at the last moment, the piano player jumped into the sea to repair the engine motor of the Morphie, but... there was no way to get on the ship, so, according to the assumption, he followed Swim around the passenger ship!

But what swimmer can keep up with the speed of a passenger ship?Moreover, it is said that the speed of the passenger ship was quite fast!Even... After they salvaged the unconscious 0228, a hideous scar appeared on the kid's back!According to the understanding of the medical staff on board, this scar was completely scraped out abruptly!What is it, the scar on his back?

"Chief..." A male doctor among several medical staff around him said softly to Qiao Lieguang, "This 0228's body is quite strong. The medical equipment on board has passed the inspection. This kid's body is not human at all, but... Now he lost a lot of blood because the wound was not bandaged in time, we... must find a suitable serum!"

Qiao Lieguang frowned suddenly: "Doctor Li, how long do you think he can last?"

"It's hard for me to guess. His body is quite strong, but what he lacks now is nothing else, so... no matter how strong the body is, if there is no suitable serum, it will not be able to last for a long time..."

"Collect his blood serum immediately to find out what type of blood it is!" Qiao Lieguang shouted behind him, "Adjutant!"

"Here!" The adjutant next to him immediately straightened his body and shouted loudly.

"After Dr. Li collects the blood sample, you immediately notify the medical staff at Dalian Port to prepare serum!" Qiao Lieguang ordered.

"Yes!" The adjutant nodded!

Qiao Lieguang turned his head again, looking at the comatose 0228 with an inexplicable expression, and the countless questions in his heart reappeared in his heart again...

After China's first aircraft carrier rescued the passengers on board, under the strong request of Schicked and Qiao Yingxue, they searched the surrounding sea area, looking for 0228!After all the passengers knew the cause and effect of the incident, they immediately asked the Huaxia Police Team to look for Mr. 0228!If you don't look for it, immediately use the forces behind you to control the export of related trade in China!Especially one of them, a rich man named Caryton Johnson, even uttered wild words to evacuate billions of dollars invested in the mainland!

As soon as these words came out, even Qiao Lieguang had no choice but to order a search and salvage. After three hours of search and salvage, he finally found 0228 floating on the sea in a coma!

Originally, based on his personality, when he saw 0228, he would first teach him a lesson, but let alone a lesson, the rescued passengers felt emotionally agitated and offered countless conditions. blackmail

Qiao Lieguang even discovered that Qiao Yingxue's feelings for 0228 seemed very unusual, more like a little girl in love!

Countless things, after returning to the mainland, he must report...


At this moment, tens of thousands of figures are swarming at Dalian Port, and hundreds of reporters are constantly broadcasting the scene!At the same time, ten military private helicopters appeared around!

And there are hundreds of public security police cars parked on the periphery, and countless policemen have isolated the entire port!

"Hi everyone, I am a reporter from News Daily. At this moment, I am at Dalian No. [-] Ship Port. Here, we will welcome the country's first aircraft carrier to return from its tenth trial voyage. This time, their perfect After being baptized by Typhoon Klade, they successfully completed the mission of the trial voyage. What is even more exciting is that they also successfully rescued hundreds of people on the Morphy passenger liner. I just learned from the internal situation that in another hour, They will return victorious!"

"Hello friends on the Internet, I am a frontline reporter from TV. The picture you are seeing now is a certain port in Dalian. I am now broadcasting the current situation for you from the frontline. This time, my country's first aircraft carrier Not only was the trial voyage successful, but also the passengers of the Morphie liner were rescued. However, the medical staff you see now is because the legendary pianist at sea was seriously injured for some reason. They are now waiting for the aircraft carrier. They immediately treated and rescued this great pianist!"

"Mr. Leimo, please describe your situation in the legend. We really want to know what happened when you left without taking the speedboat!" A reporter interviewed one of the passengers who escaped from the Moore Ferry in advance by a large speedboat!

"Oh, dear God, I can't describe the tense atmosphere at that time. I am not afraid that my friends in China will laugh at me. I was terrified. When the captain told us that Klade was coming, there was nothing in my uproar. I can't imagine The situation when we actually met Clade, but Mr. 0228 stood up, and his wonderful short speech gave me the courage to face it! But... But in the end I flinched again, God... I have a wife, parents, and two lovely sons. I can't imagine what it would be like when they lost me, so I ran away...I...I am ashamed..."

"Mr. Canton, after you left Morfell, why did you come here with your own private helicopter?" A reporter asked another foreign rich man.

"Oh! Dear Chinese friends, do you know how anxious I was when I found out that Mr. 0228 was seriously injured. I like his art and worship him, just like I sincerely believe in the existence of God. After I got out of danger safely this time, I immediately drove over the private jet of my China branch because I wanted to clear the way for my beloved Mr. 0228, so that he could be sent to the hospital for treatment without any hindrance!"

But at this moment, the entire port is full of chaos... Billions of people are passing by and watching here in the world!

An hour later, a huge mechanical monster suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea, chopping through the thorns and waves!

"Quick, quick!" An on-site commander shouted to the huge medical staff, "Get all your medical equipment ready, as well as serum, and protect me from spilling a single drop of serum!"

"Look, everyone, the aircraft carrier has appeared before our eyes, and it will start to park in 10 minutes!" Countless reporters immediately began to report on the scene!

The aircraft carrier slowly docked on the ship's position, the transmission ladder slowly fell, and dozens of medical staff rushed towards the aircraft carrier like crazy under the order!

Countless reporters rushed forward, but because of the obstruction of the police, there was no way to break through the cordon!

Several rich men immediately shouted to the subordinates beside them: "Come into the cabin! We will clear the way for him as soon as Mr. comes out!"

"All police cars are ready immediately, all police cars are ready immediately!" The on-site commander shouted into the microphone, "As soon as the patient is picked up, start immediately, and the road must be cleared as soon as possible!"

"Boom, boom..." Ten helicopters started slowly...

At the same time, hundreds of police cars immediately started their sirens!

"Mr. Mayor, what is your opinion on this incident? It is said that Mr. 0228 threw himself into the sea at the last moment and repaired the motor, so that the whole boat was able to come back alive!" A reporter pointed at A middle-aged man next to him asked.

"Mr. 0228 is a hero!" The mayor said solemnly, "All people who care about 0228, please rest assured that our Dalian hospital has the most advanced medical facilities in the world, and has the most elite medical team. For heroes, we must save them! "


"Quick, quick!" A roar suddenly sounded in the aircraft carrier, "Serum, quickly inject serum, the back is bleeding again!"

"The pulse rate is slowing down, hurry up!!!" A male doctor yelled angrily!

"Electric shock!" A doctor suddenly yelled, and then he was stunned. In this situation... there is no equipment for chest electric shock...

"Hurry up and put it in the car, and rush to the hospital immediately!" Suddenly someone shouted!

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu like Qiao Yingxue weeping bitterly in Qiao Lieguang's arms......"

Schicked stared blankly at the team in front of him, and in his hand... clutched a data bag fiercely, and that data bag contained the identity data he had prepared for 0228...

A dozen people carrying stretchers frantically ran out from the conveyor ladder, tens of thousands of people at the scene trembled suddenly, and countless people rushed forward frantically!

The entire port suddenly became crazy and rioted!

"As you can see now, Mr. 0228 was carried out of the aircraft carrier. What happened? The faces of these doctors looked very anxious and crazy. What happened?" Countless reporters reported...

In the world, there are countless pairs of eyes looking at the live reports in front of the TV and computer. Some people are indifferent, some are dignified, and some are smiling...

More than 100 police cars started first, and then began to clear the road at the front in an orderly manner...

"Di Ling Di Ling..." As soon as the hospital car rang, all the police cars started frantically, and in the sky, ten helicopters slowly flew in front!

The hospital ambulance rushed into the cleared smooth avenue like crazy, and then accelerated crazily!

Behind the ambulance, about 200 police cars guarded behind!

And in the sky, there are ten more helicopters flying in front, paying attention to the situation below!

The dense crowd was cleared to both sides of the avenue, and then they stared blankly at the huge convoy...

Looking from above, the entire street is completely filled with a neat queue of motorcades!There are guards in the sky and on the road...

Qiao Yingxue, Qiao Lieguang, Schicked, Caryton and all other crew members walked off the aircraft carrier in a low voice, staring blankly at the convoy that had already left for the hospital. Everyone's mood was as if dead silence!

And Qiao Yingxue collapsed into Qiao Lieguang's arms, weeping weakly all over her body, the haggard look on her whole face made people feel distressed!

At the entrance of the aircraft carrier's transmission ladder, a tall and graceful girl looked at Qiao Yingxue who stepped off the aircraft carrier and collapsed in Qiao Lie's arms. The girl had a beautiful curve and a charming face. She looked at Qiao Yingxue with a pair of clear eyes. , slightly sad, looked at Qiao Yingxue, slowly opened her arms, and said with a smile: "Xueer, welcome back!"

"Big sister..." Qiao Yingxue stared blankly at the big sister, feeling a lot of grievances in her heart, she broke free from Qiao Lieguang's embrace, and rushed towards the girl with open arms...

Fell into Concubine Qiao Ying's arms fiercely, Qiao Yingxue cried like a child, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh Isn't that right big sister... woo woo..."

"Well, yes, he will appear in front of us alive!" Concubine Qiao Ying smiled and patted her weak back, then hugged her and said, "Cry, cry, cry enough, he will appear in front of us!" In front of you!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu who heard Qiao Yingfei's words, Qiao Yingxue cried even harder!

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