Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 191 Death

The long team of police cars was driving crazily on the road, and all the passers-by immediately scattered around when they heard it, and then stared blankly at this huge team that opened the way!

"My God, who is this escort? They use such a large escort team..." All the people in Dalian stared blankly at the long, crazily speeding convoy!

"I heard it's Shanghai Pianist 0228!" The people who knew the inside story replied.

"It was him!"


In the ambulance, two nurses kept observing 0228's physical condition, and several doctors kept discussing treatment strategies!

When they looked at the instructions on the pulse electromagnetic fluctuation instrument, the faces of several doctors became more and more ugly!

"What should we do? According to this situation, he may die before we even reach the hospital!" A doctor said in a deep voice, and then opened 0228's pupils, but what he saw was gradually losing color, and he was about to die. A completely white eye...

"We..." Several doctors looked at each other blankly!

Hundreds of police cars escorted the ambulance and drove fast on the road. At a height of [-] meters in the sky, ten helicopters escorted...

15 minutes, starting from the port, after 15 minutes of fast driving, finally came to the hospital!

Countless police cars quickly parked around the hospital, and then pulled out a long cordon to prevent pedestrians from approaching!Then the ambulance drove into the hospital frantically!

"Take it easy!" The doctor shouted angrily as he watched the people who carried 0228 onto the pulley bed!With just a few light movements, blood oozes from 0228's back again!

All the big and small leaders of the hospital, the dean and vice president, and the heads of various departments, all came to respond!

When several nimble nurses saw 0228 with a pool of blood coming out from under him, they were stunned!

Unexpectedly, a light touch caused another hemorrhage... Then how big was the wound on his back?They can't imagine...

Under the instructions of the dean, the specially formed medical team did not dare to delay, and immediately pushed the hospital bed into the operating room, and then turned on the red operating lights...

Half an hour later, the surrounding police cars began to decrease, and the surrounding helicopters left the hospital immediately after completing their tasks!

Countless reporter cars around began to appear here, and then started interviewing all the people present!

A Chevrolet slowly drove into the hospital. Under the gazes of everyone, Qiao Yingxue, Qiao Yingfei, Xi Kede and an assistant on his boat got out of the car and rushed all the way to the outside of the operating room!

Next, a number of Mercedes-Benz and BMW cars slowly appeared in the parking space of the hospital, and several foreign rich men, including Caryton Johnson, got out of the car and walked into the hospital!

Qiao Yingxue, accompanied by her elder sister Qiao Yingfei, had been sitting quietly on the stool outside the operating room, her face blank and haggard...

Si Kede put the information in his hand on the stool, went outside the hospital, looked at this strange city, was confused for a while, then took out a cigar, lit it and inhaled it...

"Am I wrong?" Xi Kede stared blankly at the sky: This city is so strange, the people here... are so strange... Urna, I miss you...

An hour, two hours...

Qiao Yingxue leaned heavily on the elder sister's shoulder, and closed her eyes...

Concubine Qiao Ying caressed her younger sister's face, and then looked at the sky that was gradually setting in the west. Her enchanting face showed a trace of pity, and she glanced at the people around her, including Cariton and the other rich men, as well as Sikde The sailor frowned slightly, but called a nurse, took out 200 yuan from her wallet, and asked her to buy some things for the people around her!

Cariton and several wealthy people around looked at the situation, and then started talking to Concubine Qiao Ying in jerky Chinese language!

Through the conversation, Concubine Qiao Ying finally knew what happened on the ship, and she suddenly felt a little admiration for the person in the operating room!

"I don't know if he can get through this crisis safely..." Concubine Qiao Ying thought worriedly...

As the night gradually approached, Schicked leaned against the wall of the operating room, staring blankly at the ceiling...

Cariton and a few rich men left here in the middle of the night. They still have a lot of company affairs to deal with tomorrow, so staying here for such a long time is already... quite good!

It has been five hours since entering the operating room, and all the leaders in the entire hospital have not fallen asleep peacefully!

And in this world, countless people silently pray to God in their hearts to give 0228 a chance, a chance to be reborn...

Si Kede silently recited the passages in the Bible over and over again with dull eyes, and Qiao Yingxue woke up after two o'clock in the morning, and then stared blankly at the operating room where the red light was still on...

At four o'clock in the morning, the lights in the operating room suddenly went out, and the people around them suddenly got excited and stood up suddenly...

A few doctors wearing masks came out from the inside, except for the eyes that were full of haggardness, the rest of the eyes made everyone feel chilled...

A doctor gently took off the mask, with a bit of bitterness on the corner of his mouth, then looked at Qiao Yingxue and Xi Kede, and said solemnly: "I'm sorry, we...we have tried our best..."

"What..." The information in Xi Kede's hand was subconsciously thrown down...

Qiao Yingxue's brain suddenly felt like five thunderbolts, and her whole body collapsed suddenly...


"Dear audience, we have a sad news from the hospital in Dalian. At four o'clock this morning, the greatest pianist of this century, Mr. 0228... passed away!"

"All dear friends, here is a piece of news that just came from Dalian, the People's Republic of China. Mr. 0228, whom we love and admire, passed away in the early hours of this morning..."


Musicians around the world heard the news, and countless people wept for it, shouting that God is unfair...

A week later, Dalian Mausoleum...

Today is the funeral day of 0228. Musicians from all walks of life in China, as well as people from all walks of life who respect 0228 from all over the world, all gathered here, and those who didn't come also used their own ways to come to this place. A magical pianist who looks like a comet in the sky is seeing off!

The sky was dark, as if it was about to rain.

Everyone was dressed in black and wore sunglasses. In front of everyone, in a crystal coffin, a handsome man with white hair and white clothes lay calmly inside...

With the support of Concubine Qiao Yingxue, Qiao Yingxue stood beside the coffin, looking at the man inside with a heavy face...

Sikod stood beside the tombstone with sad eyes...

A priest in a black robe with a cross hanging on his chest prayed peacefully...

"I believe that he is a messenger sent by God..." the pastor read slowly, at this moment, the crystal coffin slowly fell into the mausoleum pit...

"When he came to this world that needs to be saved, he wore the white halo bestowed by God. He is the messenger of God, bathing our souls with music!"

"The creatures in this world are influenced by him and attracted by him. If we follow his footsteps, we are following God's footsteps..."

"I believe that he came to this filthy world with the mission of God, and he gave us the most loyal guidance!"

"Our souls are washed, our bodies are bathed, and we are on the road according to the direction he gave us..."

"Now, he has finally completed the task entrusted by God, and then... left us with a smile!"

"Mr. 0228's life is like a comet in the sky, shining the most blazing light in our hearts. His departure is beyond our expectation, and it is also the path he walked!"

"God's apostles, we should not be sad, we should be proud of the respected Mr. 0228! His shining three years have brought us great joy, and his music has shocked our souls! He left with a smile on his face!"

"He left us, but he returned to heaven, to the side of God. We must believe that he still lives in our hearts, and he is still immortal!"

"He left, but he left us great wealth! His music is the music that God bestowed on us, and now, he has finally completed his task!"

"Son, God's child, we love you, you quietly returned to God's embrace, we are waiting for your return..."

Countless people around the mausoleum wept softly. When they were sad, they also prayed in their hearts, praying that this great musician who was like a bright shooting star in the sky would go well as he wished...

Qiao Yingxue wore black sunglasses, staring blankly at 0228 who was gradually being buried, her heart was blank...

Schicked looked up at the bright sky. In this coffin, the only funeral object was the identity information he left for 0228! 0228 appeared on the ship, it can be said that it did not bring anything at all...

Well, no!Something suddenly flashed in Si Kede's mind, that a jade pendant in 0228's neck, a seemingly ordinary jade pendant...

Of course, he doesn't understand jade!

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