Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 192 The Wild Boy

Maybe... Maybe in the future, there will still be a person playing beautiful piano music in people's sight, but...but 0228 is the only one...

After living in Dalian for a month, under the repeated persuasion of Qiao Yingxue and his sister, Sikde left here. Before he left, he said: "The voyage home is the last voyage in his life. He wants to go back to Dalian. Where there is Urna, I will never set foot on the ocean again in this life...

There are mourning programs for 0228 held all over the world. People deeply miss this one of the greatest pianists in history. His life is a legendary life and a mysterious life for people... what he left for people Yes, it is the sublimation of endless inspiration and shocking soul...

Everyone chased after his footsteps, followed his shadow, and listened to the few piano pieces he left over and over again!They regard these tunes as the supreme existence...

And 0228's last performance in this life was dedicated to Qiao Yingxue!Relying on the shadow of 0228, Qiao Yingxue ascended to the sky in one step and became the most shining new star in the world!

Four months later, Wolong Panda Nature Reserve in Sichuan, China...

"This moment is an exciting moment!" A reporter stood outside the protected area and said loudly to the camera, "Qiao Yingxue, the most famous amphibious star in my country, is on her way to the Panda Base at the moment. , Qiao Yingxue will appear in everyone's eyes!"

"Since two months ago, Qiao Yingxue has held several concerts in Europe and the United States, and each concert has been completely sold out! Her trip to Europe and the United States has achieved great success, completely establishing her international status! "

"What's even more exciting is that Qiao Yingxue's accompaniment is only the piano music of Mr. 0228 who has passed away. Her voice like the sound of nature and Mr. 0228's piano music are simply a perfect combination! "

"As soon as she came back from Europe and the United States, she rushed to the Wolong Panda Base without stopping. It was just because of a disaster a few years ago that destroyed countless bamboo forests! This time, she not only brought countless supplies, but also brought After receiving her kind greetings, there are gossip that Qiao Yingxue is likely to adopt a giant panda when she comes this time!"

Countless reporters stood at the door eagerly looking forward to Qiao Yingxue's arrival, and at the door of the base, there were countless officials and accompanying people from the government of Wolong...

After 15 minutes, more than a dozen limousines lined up in a long convoy and drove slowly!

The most striking thing is a Cadillac in the middle!

When the convoy stopped slowly, countless bodyguards got out of the car immediately, and then covered the Cadillac heavily behind them, preventing anyone from approaching!

Lian Xiu got out of the car first, and strode out to the other side of the car to open the door. Qiao Yingxue, who was wearing a white dress, came out of the car with big black sunglasses. Qiao Yingxue is going!

"Warmly welcome Ms. Qiao to visit our Wolong Panda Base, alas, this time Ms. Qiao is the person who made us Wolong, we have been looking forward to it for a long time!" An official said with a smile while stretching out his hand!

Qiao Yingxue knew that the official who spoke was the mayor of Chengdu, and besides some officials from Chengdu, he was also the person in charge of the Wolong Base!

Qiao Yingxue took off her glasses, shook hands with the mayor of Chengdu City, and said, "Yingxue came here this time, and actually needed the mayor to pick me up in person. Yingxue is really ashamed..."

"Oh, that's a bit polite!" The mayor sighed and said, "Miss Qiao, let's go in! We'll show you around the landscape..."

After speaking, a long group of people slowly approached the Wolong base, and countless reporters kept reporting and taking pictures around!

A group of people talked and laughed, and every time they went there, the person in charge would introduce the uniqueness of this place!

Qiao Yingxue followed these officials all the way, and when she reached the once destroyed bamboo forest, she saw that the bamboo forest there had already been planted with new bamboo vegetation, and countless bamboos were swaying in the wind...

Under the walking of a group of people, in the panda base, a strange panda is happily playing with the same kind around it. The simple and honest expression is especially obvious among the dozen or so pandas!In particular, this panda is the only one among all the pandas wearing a black dress!

Naive gestures, squinting eyes!She was covered in shiny fluff that wasn't dirty at all, making her stand out from the crowd!

The panda in clothes suddenly sniffed around, its naive face froze for a moment, then sat cross-legged on the ground, scratched its head with its front paws, and said to itself, "Huh? Why does it smell like a little master?" In the next moment, after looking around, the panda left the place twisting its buttocks, and then, under the administrator's carelessness, it suddenly turned into a streamer, as if If it disappears in place like lightning...

The panda came to a bamboo grove, picked up a bamboo, and ate it deliciously. While eating, he said, "Xue Bao, Panda smelled the smell of the little master!"

Within a tuft of grass, a small, blood-red, crystal-clear head suddenly popped out. The head was only about the size of a walnut. Looking at the panda named Panda, a sudden shot appeared on his head in an instant. On the top of his head, he shouted happily: "Really? You mean, the little master is around us?"

Little Panda took a bite of the bamboo, and then said honestly: "I don't know, but the little master's smell is indeed around, although the smell is already very thin, and it is covered by a good smell, but Panda is convinced that this scent is exactly the smell of the little master!"

It was revealed that the blood-red villain the size of a walnut was exactly the blood treasure in Panda's mouth, and he was wearing a white suit!

Xuebao sat cross-legged on top of Panda's brain, with his hands resting on his chin, his eyes frantically rolling, his small hands suddenly touched each other, and he said with a smile: "Little Panda, follow the fragrance quickly, let's see if it is right. Little master, if yes, we invite him to live here together!"

"Yeah!" Little Panda nodded straightforwardly, "There are a lot of my children here, Panda doesn't want to leave, let's go and call the little master over!"

The two little guys ran wildly all the way, and then sneaked into a bush of flowers. Although they were hidden in the bushes, Little Panda's furry buttocks were completely exposed!Little Panda sniffed the air and said, "Well, it's just 50 meters ahead!"

Standing on top of Little Panda, Xue Bao poked his head out from among the flowers, looked at the group of people in front of him, his eyes frantically searched, then lowered his head, stomped on Little Panda's head and said, "Nonsense!" ! The little master is not inside!"

Little Panda was taken aback, scratched his ears with his paws in confusion, and said, "But...but the little master's smell is really inside!"

Xue Bao's eyes turned slowly, and suddenly saw a human woman walking out of the crowd, suddenly lowered her head and said: "Little Panda, hide, there is a woman walking towards us!"

Little Panda nodded blankly, then twisted her whole body, and finally twisted her exposed buttocks, without saying a word...

Qiao Yingxue walked slowly along with the crowd, subconsciously looking at a field of flowers in front of her, and suddenly... her eyes lit up, and she saw a furry panda's buttocks swaying on the flowers, and her heart suddenly rose A faint color!

"Mayor, can our pandas move around the base at will?" Qiao Yingxue asked curiously.

The mayor shook his head lightly and said, "No, the pandas have their own special activity venue!"

Qiao Yingxue nodded, and under the curious eyes of everyone, she left the crowd and walked towards the flowers...

Everyone looked at the flowers in her direction, and immediately understood Qiao Yingxue's question. The mayor and the people in charge immediately looked at each other: "This...what's the matter with this panda?"

"Little Panda, how did you hide, she came straight towards us!" Xue Bao whispered into Little Panda's ear.

"Ah, I've hidden it! Didn't we all see them!" Little Panda said in a daze, the next moment, Xue Bao jumped off Little Panda's head, dodged and disappeared into the flowers among!

Little Panda stared blankly at the place where Blood Treasure disappeared. The next moment, its body rose slowly. In front of its eyes, a human girl held it with both hands and looked at it with great interest!

Panda stared blankly at Qiao Yingxue's smiling cheek, and Qiao Yingxue looked at the blank Panda curiously...

Panda blinked his eyes in confusion, touched his head with two paws, then sniffed fiercely with his nose, and said blankly: "No, this is the smell of the little master..."

Qiao Yingxue looked at the cute Panda, and her heart was filled with liking, and then she saw that it made a docile "Ho Ho..." sound to herself, and her heart jumped for joy!He was taken aback for a moment, and then he came to the crowd with Little Panda in his arms and said, "Mayor...this panda is so nice, it's even wearing clothes!"

Everyone looked at this panda, and suddenly felt a bit of bewilderment in their hearts!The mayor's face was slightly sweaty, and then he looked at the person in charge of Wolong and said, "Why is this panda here? Also, who gave it clothes?"

When the person in charge saw this panda, he knew which one it was, and said with a smile, "Mayor, Ms. Qiao, this panda is wild. It suddenly appeared in our Wolong Reserve three years ago!"

"Wild?" Everyone was stunned!

"Well!" The person in charge replied, "We found this little panda in the fire at the beginning. When we found it, it was wearing this outfit, and no matter what we did, we couldn't take it off. , we saw that although it is wild, its own personality does not have a trace of barbarism, so after a little training, we included it in the panda archives! Its number is 1987, and we call it wild Boy!"

"Wild boy?" Qiao Yingxue looked at Panda in her arms curiously, "Why is it called Wild Boy?"

The person in charge said with a chuckle: "Because this little guy is looking for his own kind to play around, if they don't agree, it will play by itself in the activity area, and this little guy is very human, we Say a word, and it will understand what it means!"

Listening to the person in charge's introduction, Qiao Yingxue slowly hugged Little Panda in her arms and said, "Little guy, wild boy, hehe...Mayor, I'll adopt wild boy!"

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