Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 193 Work

Little Panda must go with Qiao Yingxue, because the smell on her body is a clue to find the little master to declare war!

It has been three years since I came to the earth. Three years ago, when it, Xue Bao and the little master suddenly landed on this planet, they lost each other's news due to the isolation of the atmosphere!At that time, it was very weak. After it emerged from the turbulent flow of time and space, its body was completely in a state of collapse, and it was even difficult to reach out!

It and Blood Treasure landed in a magical place, this its former hometown - Earth!Moreover, in this place that has been away for nearly 400 years, there are countless friends of its family!

However, Little Panda's intelligence is fully activated, because his personality is a bit simple and honest, but his mind is no different from that of a thinking person!In this strange circle of friends, although it can see family members everywhere, it can't communicate with them friendly!Its actions and behaviors are a different kind of existence in the group!

For more than three years, it is happy and painful...

"Little guy, you will be mine from now on!" Qiao Yingxue raised Panda up with a smile and said with a smile!

At this moment, Qiao Yingxue was on the plane leaving Wolong Base and rushing to Beijing!


"Boom..." In the dark sky, thunder rolled, and at two o'clock in the morning... a dark blue thunderbolt suddenly struck a tomb fiercely!

"Boom..." As if being pulled, after the thunderbolt fell, countless blue lightning struck the tomb fiercely several times!

"Boom!" On the tomb, countless stones were suddenly smashed into pieces...

About half an hour later, a pale hand suddenly stretched out from the tomb, and then, this hand ruthlessly grabbed the surrounding things, and slowly...a white figure stood proudly on the tomb...

The white figure's face was cold and handsome, looking at the sky, he suddenly roared angrily: "Declaration of war, declaration of war... who are you? Who am I?"

The white figure was panting deeply, a feeling of suffocation crushed his heart fiercely, a trace of crazy anger flashed across his pale face, and a trace of resignation...

After a few breaths, the white figure raised his hand and looked at the information bag in his hand, then took out stacks of information, sighed and said: "That's the only way to do it, let's use the information that Uncle Schicked prepared for me for the time being! Qi Shaoyang, Qi Shaoyang..."

Looking around, Qi Shaoyang looked at the surrounding situation, a bitter smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Unexpectedly, I came back from the dead, hehe..." Then his thoughts changed sharply, since he was in the eyes of the world If you are already a dead person, then you must change your appearance, otherwise, you don't know what unexpected situation will be caused!

Qi Shaoyang touched something on his chest, feeling a little confused in his heart, and then looked at the two rings on his right finger!These three things have been by my side since I woke up three years ago, but... What do these three things have to do with me?

Moreover, he clearly remembered that the reason why he woke up was entirely because of the jade pendant around his neck!That jade pendant full of domineering aura unexpectedly gushed out a warm current and entered his body, making his body suddenly full of vitality, and then repairing his body!But... why?

Qi Shaoyang has never felt like this, he doesn't feel like a human being...

After temporarily throwing all the melancholy out of his mind, Qi Shaoyang embarked on his first day leaving the grave!Now he needs to find a place, a place where he can hide his current face!

A few days later, Qi Shaoyang looked at his body with satisfaction. After running around for a while, Qi Shaoyang was already dirty all over by now, and his previous white suit had been messed up by him at this moment. It could be seen that he was wearing a white suit. suit!

The most surprising thing is that at this moment... Qi Shaoyang's hair has completely disappeared!There is no white hair on his head at all. This is the result of he picked up a knife on the road and had an idea to shave off the snow-white hair in bunches!

After shaving off a head of snow-white hair, Qi Shaoyang's appearance immediately changed slightly. The pianist who was once familiar to countless people is already a little strange to him!

Everything about Qi Shaoyang, including his ID card, household registration, and his experience, is in the information bag, so he is now a legal Chinese citizen!

After Qi Shaoyang inquired all the way, he finally came to a place... a construction site!According to the records, Qi Shaoyang is only at the level of junior high school education, and the level of junior high school education, in today's society, in normal channels, it can be said that there is absolutely no way out of making money except for contributing!

After finding the relevant person in charge, Qi Shaoyang officially became an ordinary steel bar mover in Dalian Zhongshen Construction Team, working 4000 hours a day and earning [-] yuan a month!

He has nothing but information about Qi Shaoyang, and the place where he sleeps is a collective dormitory. In this dormitory, dozens of workers eat and live here, and the whole room is filled with a sour smell!When dozens of workers saw that Qi Shaoyang had nothing, they immediately felt very strange in their hearts, but they didn't think much about it, and made a pair of floor mats for this newcomer to use!

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed by. During the ten days, Qi Shaoyang waved his hands and worked with these workers, sweating countless times...

"Hey, it's time to eat, let's rest first!" The chef in the kitchen shouted to dozens of workers!

A young man with a bald head wiped the sweat from his face, looked at the scorching sun, put down the steel bars in his hands, and slapped his dirty cheeks with his hands.A thin young man beside him shouted at the bald head: "Shaoyang, let's go, let's eat!"

The bald head was Qi Shaoyang, looking at the person who asked him to eat, he smiled and said, "Well, yes!"

Shredded pork noodles, this is Qi Shaoyang's lunch today, a group of people are holding big porcelain bowls, several people are talking and laughing while eating the rice in the bowls, in front of these people, an old-fashioned color TV is broadcasting the news!

"Look, Qiao Yingxue actually adopted a panda, haha... This panda is still wearing clothes!" A worker said with a smile, pointing to the news on the TV.

Qi Shaoyang raised his head immediately, looked carefully at Qiao Yingxue on the TV, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: This girl actually kept a panda as a pet, it's so interesting!

Suddenly, when he saw the one wearing panda clothes, he froze in a daze, familiar... so familiar feeling!Why do I feel familiar with a panda?

Qi Shaoyang pondered slowly, the hand holding the big porcelain bowl was a little weightless, suddenly, the giant panda barked twice, Qi Shaoyang looked around in a daze, and said: "Did you see just now, that panda can talk! "

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly burst into laughter and said, "Shaoyang, you are so stupid to work, you must be hallucinating!"

At this time, the panda on the TV barked twice again, Qi Shaoyang looked at the TV in shock, and muttered to himself: "Impossible, was really talking just now!"

"Shaoyang!" A 40-year-old elder beside Qi Shaoyang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Have a good night's sleep after eating, what kind of panda can talk, even if it can talk, we can't understand it! It's panda language, haha..."

Qi Shaoyang looked a little dignified, he clearly heard the panda in Qiao Yingxue's arms saying: "Hello, my name is Panda!"

"Have you seen my little master?"

"Oh, I know, you can't understand me, oh..."

Qi Shaoyang thought about what the panda said just now: Panda?Is it called Panda, but... why only I can understand what it says?

Could it be that this panda really has something to do with him?Can one's own identity be found in it?After much deliberation, Qi Shaoyang immediately made a decision!

Three months later, Qi Shaoyang wore an ordinary white coat, boarded the train bound for Beijing, earned his first sum of money on the construction site, and then invited several well-connected workers to have a drink. Resolutely resigned and came to Beijing!

In addition to all expenses, he still has more than 8000 money on him. Even if he can't find a job in Beijing, he can use it for a while. However, the main purpose of his trip is to find a dog that he can listen to. A panda who understands its language!

He even believes that as long as he can find that panda, the mystery of his life experience can be solved!

A few hours later, Qi Shaoyang walked out of Beijing Railway Station at three o'clock in the morning with his suitcase. He looked around and sighed in his heart. This place is Beijing, the capital of China!

After Qi Shaoyang walked out of the huge Beijing Railway Station, he stopped a taxi and said to the driver, "Blue River Hotel!"

The Blue River Hotel was the hotel he booked online. After half an hour's driving, he came to the Blue River Hotel, explained the code of the online reservation, and arrived at the room he reserved under the guidance of the hotel staff!

In fact, although Qi Shaoyang is bald now, his indifferent temperament has attracted countless people's attention!The few months of working on the construction site have made his face look a bit lean and capable, and his height of 1.8 meters and his figure like a clothes rack further set off his dusty and somewhat bold and indifferent temperament!

After taking a good bath and washing away the smoky smell from his body, Qi Shaoyang lit a cigarette, stood at the window and smoked lightly. He didn't know Qiao Yingxue's residence at all, and Qiao Yingxue was an international star. There are countless things entangled every day, and I seldom go back to my home in Beijing, and even if I come back, it is even more difficult to meet each other in this huge Beijing city!

The most important point is, if he met Qiao Yingxue and this girl recognized him, how should he explain it?

Yes, he was 0228 before, and he has been dead for more than half a year!

In the blink of an eye, more than half a year has passed... In the past six months, some people have changed so much that other people can't believe it!

"Uncle Xi Kede, what are you doing now?" Qi Shaoyang pondered in his heart, and then took a deep puff of a cigarette...

After extinguishing the cigarette, Qi Shaoyang decided to find a place to live the next day, and then look for a job. He suddenly thought that in addition to his strength, he could also play the piano!

Piano... Qi Shaoyang looked at the ceiling in front of him and slowly fell asleep!

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