Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 196 Who Am I?

Then, Qi Shaoyang asked the girl to play a few softer pieces of music. Looking at Tingting's fingering, she nodded slowly. At such a young age, her fingering is decent, and the distance between her fingers is like It looks decent, and there is no sign of being unaccustomed and unable to control fingers like a novice!It seems that she put a lot of effort into fingering back then...

After that, he kept pondering in his mind, listening to several wrong scales, frowned slightly, and shook his head helplessly. After Tingting finished playing, Qi Shaoyang applauded and said softly: "Not bad, very good!"

The little girl raised her head triumphantly and asked, "Master, I rely on this. I will definitely win No.1 in this children's piano competition!"

Qi Shaoyang said with a dumbfounded smile: "I'm right, I'm just giving you some encouragement. With your level, if you throw it in a competition, you won't even be able to get away with it!"

Hearing this, the little girl's face that was bright just now suddenly became gloomy, and she said gloomily: "Master, keep some morals in your mouth!"

"You're a big kid!" Qi Shaoyang said to her lightly, "Listen, girl, for the more than 80 keys of the piano, I can make an analogy with you in this way. These 80 keys are like children with your fingers. !"

"Kids?" Tingting looked at the keyboard curiously, then looked at her hands and said, "But, these kids can't talk!"

"Hehe..." Qi Shaoyang laughed, "A keyboard that can talk is not an obedient keyboard. Do you want an obedient keyboard, or a talking but disobedient keyboard?"

"Of course it's an obedient piano!" Tingting said as a matter of course.

Qi Shaoyang snapped his fingers, came to the piano, tapped a middle key naturally and said: "Tingting, listen, this sound, according to your imagination, which one is better to match?"

Tingting pressed the key that Qi Shaoyang just pressed again, and after thinking for a while, she suddenly pressed the key again. The next moment, her finger jumped to the low key and knocked a low key, saying: "Master, these two Key to cooperate, hee hee..."

Qi Shaoyang looked at it, and then moved his right hand with a smile. After moving the two keys once, but did not stop, he played a piece of music again, looked at Tingting's face and said: "These keys are the extension of your fingers, you The expression of mood, how you think in your heart, how you feel in your heart, just play it, just like this..." Qi Shaoyang said, his fingers were beating slowly, but within a few tens of seconds, a piece of smooth piano music slowly form……

"It's amazing..." Qiao Tingting said enviously as she looked at Qi Shaoyang's fingers with countless little stars flashing in her eyes.

Qi Shaoyang stopped his right hand slowly, and pondered slightly: "Can two tigers know how to play?"

Tingting was taken aback, and said suddenly: "Master, you underestimate me too!" After finishing speaking, the girl slowly played a lighter song. After Qi Shaoyang listened quietly for a while, he suddenly took the Put a pen and notebook, after a few minutes sketched out a simple score and said with a smile: "Tingting, try this one!"

This piece of music score is a temporary piece of music he made based on the limit of Tingting's fingering that he now knows!

Qiao Tingting glanced at the score curiously, put it on the piano stand, and began to play slowly according to the notes on it...

Two hours passed quietly under Qi Shaoyang's teaching. Two hours later, the little girl looked at the score in her hand contemplatively, and then practiced it over and over again, and beside her, there were already five songs Qi Shaoyang made a temporary song!

Qi Shaoyang looked at the clock on the wall, smiled happily, and left the piano room lightly. After coming to the living room, seeing Xia Lan was still watching TV outside, he came to her side and said softly, "Sister Xia, it's been two hours already." It’s here, I should go too!”

Xia Lan was slightly taken aback, then turned her head and said in a daze: "Ah? Oh yes, two hours have passed!" After speaking, she took out her wallet and counted 600 yuan and handed it to Qi Shaoyang, saying: "Here, I worked hard today is you!"

Qi Shaoyang took the 600 yuan indifferently, put it in his pocket casually, and said with a smile: "Sister Xia, I need to tell you something!"

"What?" Xia Lan asked curiously.

"I think, you and your husband are both very busy at work and don't often pay attention to Tingting's study!" Qi Shaoyang asked in a guessing tone.

"Well, yes!" Xia Lan said, "My husband and I are both very busy at work. I work in the biological research department of a hospital, and my husband is a sensible person in a company. He is very busy every day, so, generally I will take care of her, if I don't have time, I can only ask my nanny to take care of her! Hey..."

Qi Shaoyang nodded slowly and said: "Tingting is very immature now, I can tell from her habit of playing the piano, you are very arrogant and pampering her, this is very bad, like Tingting's little girl at this stage Children, if the education is not good, it will be difficult to go on the road in the future!"

Xia Lan shook her head bitterly, and suddenly said in surprise, "Shaoyang, where do you live at night?"

Qi Shaoyang said lightly: "I don't need to worry about this, sister Xia, it's getting late, I should go back!"

Xia Lan quickly stood up and said, "Why don't you rest at my house tonight, I guess you have nowhere to go!"

"No need!" Qi Shaoyang picked up the suitcase, opened the door and walked out of the gate, saying as he walked, "I will be here on time at eight o'clock tomorrow night!"

"Wait!" Xia Lanfu stopped him again, "Give me your cell phone number, and I can let you know if there is anything!"

"Mobile phone number?" Qi Shaoyang was slightly taken aback, then turned to look at Xia Lan and smiled wryly, "I'm really sorry, I don't have a mobile phone, um... tell me your mobile phone number, I'll go buy a mobile phone tomorrow, Then get through to you!"

Xia Lan was slightly taken aback, as if she couldn't believe it. Except for a few grandparents and some very young children, no one would have a mobile phone nowadays. However, she had no reason to suspect that Qi Shaoyang lied to her, and then said : "I'll get a pen and paper to write for you!"

After Qi Shaoyang put the phone number in his pocket, he said good night, and left the villa with a long shadow...

Looking at Qi Shaoyang's slightly lonely figure, Xia Lan was a little confused. She was still immersed in the bursts of piano music that came from the house... After a jolt, she hurried to the piano room on the second floor, gently Gently opened the door, and suddenly saw Tingting who was still sitting on the chair, looking like she was thinking deeply, she was stunned for a moment!

"Really? This is the first class..." Xia Lan murmured to herself, "Did this little girl take medicine today?"

It is undeniable that Qi Shaoyang gave her daughter the first lesson, and the effect was quite remarkable!Looking at her pensive daughter, she felt like she was hallucinating. After rubbing her eyes, she slowly closed the door and went downstairs in disbelief. It was boring, but Qi Shaoyang's lonely shadow reverberated in her mind over and over again.

"Qi Shaoyang, who are you?" Xia Lan kept thinking, and she suddenly realized that this boy named Qi Shaoyang seemed to have fallen from the sky, so suddenly that she couldn't react... His presumably proud figure, his indifferent His temperament like a cloud, his piano skills at his fingertips, are... unexpectedly so miraculous and unbelievable!

Half an hour later, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Xia Lan came back to his senses immediately, and hurried to open the door. A middle-aged man in a black suit and gold-rimmed glasses, about 40 years old, looked at him with a haggard face. Xia Lan said: "Xiao Lan, I'm back!"

Xia Lan quickly took his suit jacket, took out a pair of slippers to help him put on, and said softly: "Lie Chen, I hired a new piano teacher today!"

The middle-aged man is Xia Lan's husband, Qiao Liechen!

Qiao Liechen smiled slightly and said, "Oh, yes, tell me, how did this teacher get angry with Tingting?"

Xia Lan smiled slightly, put his suit on the clothes rack, pointed to it and said, "Go and have a look in the piano room!"

Qiao Liechen frowned and said, "It's so late in class, and this new teacher is so unruly!" After finishing speaking, he went straight upstairs!

Xia Lan walked beside him and said, "Take your steps lightly, the teacher has already left, but..."

Qiao Liechen glanced at Xia Lan with some curiosity, walked briskly to the side of the piano room, slowly opened the door, and was stunned for a moment, looking at the girl who was still sitting on the chair, groping and playing carefully , I watched it for dozens of seconds!

Taking a breath, Qiao Liechen slowly closed the door, then looked at Xia Lan and said, "Xiao Lan, Tingting didn't take the wrong medicine, did she?"

Xia Lan took his arm and walked downstairs, and said as she walked, "Why, you can't believe it, don't you?"

"Well, I really can't believe it!" Qiao Liechen said with a smile on his face, "I guess you paid a lot of money for a teacher, tell me, which famous teacher is it?"

Xia Lan covered her mouth and smiled softly, slowly stretched out the word "six", and placed it in front of Qiao Liechen's eyes, Qiao Liechen shook his head helplessly and said: "Hey, the two-hour class will take a lot of time." Six thousand, today's famous teachers, it's really hard to get a good price!"

Xia Lan shook her head slightly...

"What?" Qiao Liechen said with a blank expression, "[-]? [-] an hour? I said Xiaolan, although our family does not lack this amount of money, it's not worth it!"

"Wow!" Xia Lan patted his arm, and said with a proud face, "Six hundred! They only need six hundred for a class, and this is because I added one hundred!"

"Five hundred?" Qiao Liechen said in disbelief, "You said, the price he mentioned was five hundred, and you added another hundred?"

"En!" Xia Lan nodded, and then told Qiao Liechen exactly how she and Qi Shaoyang met and the content of the chat, and finally said: "Liechen, tell me, did I pick up a treasure? ?”

Qiao Liechen loosened the tie around his neck a little, nodded slowly and said, "I have indeed picked up a treasure, well, if the effect is still significant, let's increase his salary to [-]! The young man can do it alone in Beijing." It's not easy, and the effect of his teaching is also very significant, I will come back early tomorrow to meet this young man!"


Under the bright lights, Qi Shaoyang walked lightly on the street with his suitcase, looked at the bright moon and stars in the sky, sighed, and looked around, but there was no hotel or hotel!

Walking faintly under the light, Qi Shaoyang's eyes were a little blurred, and he seemed to hear a voice calling slowly: "Declaration of war, declaration of war..."

Qi Shaoyang took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one, and took a deep puff. An extremely complicated look flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly raised his head and roared angrily:

"who I am!!!"

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