Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 197 2 Entering Qiao's Mansion

After walking for about an hour, Qi Shaoyang finally found a hotel, and opened a room for 200 yuan. After setting everything up, Qi Shaoyang lay on the bed weakly, thinking about what happened today, but he didn't eat or drink. I walked for seven or eight hours with a suitcase!He is also a person, and he will be tired. Although his body is strong like an alien, he is still flesh and blood after all...


Little Panda sat blankly in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the stars in the sky in a daze, and said naively: "Little master, where are you, Panda has been looking for you so hard..." Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows , the delicate Xuebao was wearing white clothes touching the thick glass, a pair of millet-like eyes looked at Panda inside the glass, with a hint of sadness in his eyes, and murmured: "Panda, wow!" , do you know that once you enter here, you are in danger of being slaughtered, come out quickly, let's go together, let's find the little master together!"

"No, I don't want it!" Panda said foolishly through the glass, "The human girl has the smell of the little master on her body, I believe that as long as I am by her side, I will definitely be able to see the little master again! Blood treasure, Don't try to persuade me, if you want to leave, just leave!"

"You... It's not an option for you to stay here, you are usually weird, why are you so stupid when you talk about this!" Xue Bao said sadly with duplicity.

Little Panda said angrily: "Not only am I usually smart, but my decision this time is wiser than any previous decision! Hmph... Xuebao, let's go, if I meet the little master, I will tell you that you don't want him." !"

The place where Panda stays is a girl's boudoir, the room is full of fragrance, and all kinds of cute things unique to girls are available in this room!And on the big bed, there is even a huge doll placed there!

Concubine Qiao Ying was studying some papers, and by the way looked up some information on the Internet. Suddenly, she felt that the panda behind her was growling softly. Turning her head slightly, she saw the panda growling softly facing the French window. She smiled slightly and said slowly : "What are you doing wild boy?"

"I'm talking to Blood Treasure!" Little Panda turned to look at the human girl and said, but unfortunately... Concubine Qiao Ying saw a soft roar!

Concubine Qiao Ying looked at the simple and honest panda with a funny face, got up lightly and came to it, looked outside the French window, there was nothing there, touched the panda's head and said: "Okay, be good, go to bed quickly!"

"Xue Bao, I'm going to sleep, go and play by yourself!" Little Panda said to Xue Bao who was hiding outside the French window, then got up... walked upright, came to the soft bed, lifted the quilt and got into the bed , hugging the doll, slowly falling asleep!

"Hehe...hehe..." Concubine Qiao Ying smiled joyfully as she watched Little Panda's humanized movements, and then said softly, "What a magical little guy!"

The younger sister is busy on the road all day long, so the care of Ye Xiaozi can only be taken care of by her. Fortunately, the panda adopted by the younger sister has a very high IQ, and it can understand whatever I say. , and will do what she says!

After seeing its miraculous movements for the first time, I was so surprised that I couldn't believe it!However, after a long time, I also got used to the humanity of Wild Boy!

After yawning, Concubine Qiao Ying suddenly thought of the piano teacher newly recruited by her second aunt's house, and guessed for a while... I don't know if this piano teacher can be qualified for the job of tutoring the little lunatic Tingting... After thinking about it, she closed the notebook , and then came to the bed, turned off the light... and slowly fell asleep holding Little Panda's body...

After a long time, little Panda hugged the doll and murmured: "Little master, Panda wants to eat bamboo..."


After waking up early in the morning, Qi Shaoyang washed up, ate some food, changed into clean clothes, and left the hotel again with his suitcase. He found a bank cash machine to withdraw some money, and found a mobile business hall, where he bought casually. A mobile phone worth several hundred yuan and a calling card. After everything was done, it was already eleven o'clock in the morning!

"Hello, sister Xia? I'm Qi Shaoyang!" Qi Shaoyang dialed Xia Lan's phone and said, "This is my mobile phone number, please write it down, if you need anything, call me anytime!"

Xia Lan put down the work in hand, smiled and said: "Okay, I see, your efficiency is good!"

"Hehe..." Qi Shaoyang smiled faintly, "Time is infinite, but human life is limited!"

"Shaoyang..." Xia Lan said slowly after a little thought, "Where did you live last night?"

Qi Shaoyang laughed softly and said, "I stayed in the hotel last night, don't worry about this, Sister Xia, I will settle the place in the afternoon!"

"Then... that's fine!" Xia Lan said, "Well, you should come to my house earlier in the evening. My husband was full of praise for you when he came back last night. I want to meet you and thank you personally!"

"Hehe, there's no need for that. With your money, I will naturally try my best to teach Tingting well. Otherwise, I will be ashamed of the salary. I will arrive at your house on time at eight o'clock in the evening. That's all Xia Sis, I'm going to eat!" Qi Shaoyang said lightly, and after saying see you tonight, he hung up the phone!

"This child..." Xia Lan looked at her mobile phone with some amusement, saved the phone number, and then continued to do the work at hand.

After Qi Shaoyang found a random restaurant and ate a bowl of noodles, he carried his suitcase again. After inquiring all the way, he finally found a restaurant with one bedroom and one living room, three thousand a quarter!This place is not too far from Xia Lan's home. The bus takes half an hour to the neighborhood, and then walks for 10 minutes. It takes about 10 minutes to reach Xia Lan's home!

Looking at this dilapidated room and living room, Qi Shaoyang sighed, began to tidy up, threw away the unused things, and went to the street to buy quilts and other bedding, and some other things. I bought a plain mirror and put it on my eyes, a trace of elegance and tranquility appeared quietly.In one afternoon, loose 4000 yuan disappeared from the bank...

All his possessions at the moment are less than 4000 yuan!After lamenting the scarcity of money, Qi Shaoyang didn't really care too much about it. Money is something outside of him. When he crawled out of the grave, he was penniless!

After Qi Shaoyang had dinner, it was a little past seven o'clock. After tidying up in a hurry, he immediately got on the bus. About four or ten minutes later, at eight o'clock, Qi Shaoyang rang the doorbell of Xia Lan's house on time!

It was a middle-aged man who opened the door. After seeing Qi Shaoyang, the middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, and quickly smiled: "Shaoyang, right, come in quickly!"

"I think you are Mr. Qiao, hello!" Qi Shaoyang smiled slightly, shook hands with the other party, and walked into the room calmly.

"Where are Sister Xia and Tingting?" Qi Shaoyang looked at the empty room and asked softly.

"Master, I'm on top!" Tingting shouted loudly on the second floor.

Qiao Liechen took a closer look at Qi Shaoyang, and immediately felt a lot of affection for this big boy in his heart, and said with a smile: "Xiaolan is making tea in the kitchen, Shaoyang, I want to chat with you!"

Qi Shaoyang smiled lightly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qiao, my working hours are from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] pm. If you have something to say to me, I hope that after [-]:[-] pm, I finish my work. Let's talk about it!"

Qiao Liechen was slightly taken aback, a flash of approval flashed in his heart, and he smiled slowly: "Okay, if that's the case, then Xiaolan and I will wait for you below!"

"Shaoyang!" Xia Lan came out of the kitchen at this moment, holding a few cups of tea in her hands, and said with a soft smile, "Have a sip of tea, and go up after you have a sip of tea!"

Qi Shaoyang smiled slightly, picked up a cup of tea, blew on the hot air and said, "Mr. Qiao, Sister Xia, I'll go up first!"

The two stared blankly at Qi Shaoyang who was walking up to the second floor. After a while, Qiao Liechen said with a smile: "Xiaolan, you really found a treasure. Let's increase his salary to one." Qianwu! Wait until he comes down, um, we can also quietly listen to the music downstairs, hehe..."

Xia Lan smiled slightly and said softly: "When I picked up Tingting back from get off work, your sister told me that the neighbors around were asking who played the piano music last night, and they all wanted Shaoyang to be a Their children's piano teacher!"

Qiao Liechen was stunned, and smiled slightly: "Hey, let's wait until Tingting's children's competition is over. Right now, we can't let Shaoyang pass, although this will reduce his income a little..."

Xia Lan patted his arm and said, "Shaoyang is an honest young man, don't use your methods to him!"

Qiao Liechen smiled slightly, took a sip of tea slowly, and remained silent...

Qi Shaoyang gently opened the door, his heart moved, and he suddenly retreated quickly, only to see a bag of water suddenly fell from the door, fell to the ground with a "bang", and then burst open!

"Hehe...hehe..." Qiao Tingting smiled coquettishly while sitting on the piano chair, and suddenly saw Qi Shaoyang dodging at a critical moment, and the drip did not splash on her body, she was taken aback...

After a faint glance at Tingting, Qi Shaoyang showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and slowly walked into the room, when the foot that was about to step out suddenly stopped, from his eyes, he suddenly saw a glimmer of light under his feet, and followed the light , he looked towards the end slowly, and saw a white gray ball stretched quietly by a rubber band at the end. Angry, she cast an inexplicable look at Qiao Tingting, who immediately showed a lovely and pitiful expression...

Suddenly, as soon as his foot touched the thread, the gray ball next to the rubber band was immediately ejected by the rubber band, and flew viciously towards Qi Shaoyang's head!

A hint of joy flashed across the face of the little girl, and when she was about to applaud loudly, she saw Qi Shaoyang's right hand suddenly moved and bounced viciously towards the gray ball. The next moment, the trajectory of the gray ball changed suddenly, heading towards Tingting's left shoulder was hit!

"Ouch..." The little girl cried out in pain, and her whole body was suddenly covered by a cloud of dust!

"Cough cough...cough cough..." Tingting held her left shoulder and coughed continuously, Qi Shaoyang closed the door, walked to her side and said with a smile: "Is this the game you want me to play with you?"

"Hmph!" The little girl snorted angrily, but she turned around and ignored him!

A hint of anger flashed in Qi Shaoyang's eyes, but he came to the chair without hesitation and said, "How is your playing the piece I wrote for you?"

"Hmph..." The little girl snorted again, pouted and didn't even look at Qi Shaoyang...

"Really stubborn!" Qi Shaoyang smiled slightly, looked at the keys, and slowly raised his hands...

Note to readers:

Update these two chapters first today, and it won't take long for the Earth Chapter to be on track!It's time to give you a better declaration of war.

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