Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 198 Meeting Concubine Qiao Ying for the First Time

"Tingting, do you know the limit of a person's hand speed?" Qi Shaoyang played the piano slowly, and softly asked the little girl beside him who was still angry!

He has somewhat figured out the little girl's temper!It can be said that today's prank made Qi Shaoyang more accurate in his guess!

Because of the busy work of her parents, Qiao Tingting's childhood personality was unscrupulous and unscrupulous!He learned from Sister Xia that the little girl often made troubles at school... Qi Shaoyang didn't know why, but after combining these circumstances, the first thing he thought of was that her mischievous behavior was to attract the attention of her parents, and then she would treat her as a child. She carries more attention and love!

What a clever girl!This is Qi Shaoyang's thoughts on Qiao Tingting!

"I don't know. I saw 0228's hand speed on TV once. His hand speed is so fast that it's dizzying!" Qiao Tingting answered Qi Shaoyang's question even though she was pouted angrily!

Qi Shaoyang nodded with a smile and said, "But, do you know how fast the sound from the keys fluctuates on the piano?"

"One key makes one sound, what's the point!" Qiao Tingting said naturally.

"Hehe..." Qi Shaoyang flicked his hand casually, and the pleasant music played leisurely, and said lightly, "Today, I will show you the speed of music!"

Qiao Tingting was taken aback for a moment, moved away from her seat, and asked curiously, "The speed of the music?"

Qi Shaoyang sat on the chair, his eyes slightly lowered, looked at Qiao Tingting and nodded slowly: "This time, you not only have to watch, but also listen carefully!"

Qiao Tingting's eyes suddenly burst into light. She knew that this magical master would give her another shock like yesterday!

Qi Shaoyang swayed his five fingers nimbly, smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and gradually closed his eyes!

A low key sounded quietly in Qiao Tingting's ear, and then, a soft and soothing music sounded in her ear like a whisper...

Qiao Tingting just started to listen, except that the song is quite beautiful, she didn't hear anything, looked at his fingers, and suddenly froze...

Qi Shaoyang's hand speed at this moment can be said to be quite slow, as slow as walking slowly, but with such a slow hand speed, the music played is so soft and soothing...

Listen, watch, Qiao Tingting's heart is gradually boiling, Qi Shaoyang's hand speed is still walking slowly, but... But now the music that reaches the ears is half as fast as before!

"This... what is this..." Qiao Tingting stared blankly at Qi Shaoyang who was immersed in the music at the moment, and thought blankly in her heart!

The hand speed is still playing slowly, but the getting faster and more lively. If you just listen to it and don't watch it, people are even imagining the pianist's hand speed...

"This simply violates the laws of the piano..." Qiao Tingting was stunned. Although the music was brisk and lively, echoing in her ears like an elf, but... her heart was shocked like a volcano erupting...

"This is the method of dragging keys created by myself!" Qi Shaoyang said lightly with his eyes slightly closed.

"Drawing?" Qiao Tingting murmured to herself in confusion.

"The key to dragging is that the fingers should not only be extremely flexible, but also soft and full of spirituality. The so-called spirituality is just... well, it has emotions like a human being. For example, when the finger is on a key, you leave it. Don’t leave at once, and don’t stay on it all the time, as if you are twisting the keys of the piano, you will feel as if you are away from it!”

"It's so complicated..." Qiao Tingting said in distress.

Qi Shaoyang smiled slightly, and when the song ended, it was already 5 minutes later, then he looked at her and said, "Little girl, I think these pranks you played are just to attract your parents' attention, right?"

Qiao Tingting was taken aback for a moment, then she glanced at Qi Shaoyang angrily and said, "You're talking nonsense! Quickly teach me how to draw!"

"This dragging method can't be achieved overnight, it needs a lot of hard work!" Qi Shaoyang smiled lightly, "But..."

"But what?" the little girl asked curiously.

"I asked you the question just now, you tell me the answer, don't lie to me, that's how I will say it!" Qi Shaoyang said with a slight smile.

Qiao Tingting froze for a moment, then struggled slightly and said, "Master, you guessed it right, I just wanted to attract their attention, so I made so many pranks!"

Qi Shaoyang nodded, and said softly: "I understand you Tingting, but your method is too extreme!"

Qiao Tingting said angrily: "The two of them know how to go to work all day long. Could it be that I can't even compare to their work? Master, do you know that the children in the school are cared by their parents every day, and they hold parent-teacher meetings At that time, they seldom showed up, and when they didn't come, Auntie Gui would replace them, I was so sad!"

Qi Shaoyang shook his head helplessly. He didn't know how to comfort this eight-year-old child. Even though he understood the little girl's feelings, he didn't know how to persuade her...

The two hours were fleeting, and after ten o'clock, Qi Shaoyang left the room lightly again, leaving Qiao Tingting thinking about what Qi Shaoyang taught her!

After coming downstairs, Qi Shaoyang was taken aback, the parents were waiting for him in the living room!

"Shaoyang, come and sit, I have something to say to you!" Qiao Liechen smiled and offered a seat to Qi Shaoyang, "Don't worry, I'll call the driver to take you back later!"

"That's not necessary!" Qi Shaoyang laughed, sitting on the sofa, touching the sofa, all of them are made of genuine leather, and they are expensive handmade!

"Shaoyang, Tingting has made you troublesome. It is really a blessing for Tingting to meet a famous teacher like you!" Xia Lan smiled, and handed Qi Shaoyang a cup of hot tea, "Drink some water!"

Qiao Liechen smiled and said: "Shaoyang, although you only taught Tingting twice, we can see the effect. To be honest, our husband and wife pay too little attention to the girl on weekdays. This time, the reason why we attach so much importance to this piano competition is also because Tingting really likes piano, so we discussed how to make her achieve good results in this competition, which can be regarded as a little compensation for her! "

Qi Shaoyang slowly blew the hot air on the teacup, and said lightly: "I understand your feelings very well, but you really think that Tingting needs to be the champion of this piano competition, or that she really wants to win in this competition." result?"

"This..." The two of them were stunned for a moment when they heard Qi Shaoyang's words. They were all quick-thinking people. After a little thought, they knew what Qi Shaoyang meant. Afterwards, with a wry smile, Xia Lan sighed and said, "Shaoyang We all understand what you mean, but we really can't separate ourselves and spend more time with our daughter!"

Qi Shaoyang smiled and said: "I am an outsider and I don't have my own family, so I don't know how to say it. I only know that Tingting's request is actually very low. She only hopes that you can spend more time with her. The reason why she Make so many pranks, is it really because of your personality, do you like it?"

"This girl is always messing around at school, and it's because we haven't educated her well, hey..." Qiao Liechen sighed, feeling quite resentful.

Listening to her husband's words, Xia Lan shook her head helplessly.

Qi Shaoyang looked at the husband and wife, feeling a little depressed, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "You pay too little attention to her, and you don't understand her at all!"

The two of them froze for a moment...

"To be honest, when I entered the room just now..." Qi Shaoyang said with a smile, "I almost caught her!"

The two looked at each other, their faces slightly embarrassed...

"However, what you don't know is that the reason why she made so many pranks is actually just to attract your attention to her!" Qi Shaoyang said softly.

"What..." The couple froze for a moment!

Qi Shaoyang took a sip of tea slowly, moistened his throat, and said slowly: "If you pay more attention to her on weekdays, she will not become like this now. If you continue to do this, I think, in the future No one can say what Tingting will become, but what is clear is that she will not grow towards your ideal direction!"

The two nodded thoughtfully...

After Qi Shaoyang chatted with the two for more than ten minutes, he refused Qiao Liechen's request for the driver to deliver him. After he walked out of the gate of the community, he took a taxi and returned to the rented place. Qiao Liechen and his wife gave them a salary increase, but he did not refuse. , for him, even if his course costs tens of thousands, it is not an exaggeration!

When a person is satisfied, there is a dull day in the heart!

After freshening up, Qi Shaoyang lightly fell asleep on the newly bought quilt...

Early the next morning, he got up early, went to a street stall to eat some breakfast, and then took the bus to his destination supermarket!

He needed to buy some daily necessities, moreover, he often ate out and spent a lot of money, so he came up with the idea of ​​starting his own stove, and after spending another three thousand, the whole day passed quietly!

As night fell, Qi Shaoyang was taken aback when he appeared at Xia Lan's house at eight o'clock sharp...

"Shaoyang is here, come in quickly, let me introduce you, this is my niece, Concubine Qiao Ying!" Xia Lan introduced a young girl beside her!

The girl smiled sweetly, her face was refreshing and enchanting, and her pair of phoenix eyes bloomed with traces of elegance that made people addicted to it!

What a classic beauty!Qi Shaoyang admired in his heart, was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Ms. Qiao, are you... are you sisters with the big star Qiao Yingxue? The names are too similar, and... you both look very similar!"

Concubine Qiao Ying looked at the bald man in white with a pair of flat glasses in front of her, and thought curiously in her heart, so this is the piano teacher that my second aunt praised so much!

Listening to Qi Shaoyang's words, Concubine Qiao Ying smiled lightly, but did not answer his question, she extended her hand generously and said, "Hello, Mr. Qi, my name is Concubine Qiao Ying!"

Qi Shaoyang shook hands with her politely, and then said: "You talk, I'm going up!"

After watching Qi Shaoyang walk up to the second floor, Concubine Qiao Ying looked at Xia Lan and said, "Second Aunt, why does this piano teacher look a little like that 0228?"

Xia Lan said with a smile: "You also found out! When we first met him, we were also very surprised. However, it is a pity that he is not 0228, but just a young man from the countryside of Henan!"

"Oh..." Concubine Qiao Ying said lightly, "I admit defeat this time, it's really unbelievable that girl Tingting is learning the piano so obediently!"

Xia Lan smiled bitterly, and then said, "Hehe, when will you fulfill your promise?"

Concubine Qiao Ying said with a smile: "Wait until Tingting's competition is over, I can't let the wild boy disturb her piano learning!"

Xia Lan thought about it, nodded and said, "That's right! Oh, by the way, is Arya in a better mood now? Unexpectedly, she just stayed with that 0228 for a few days, and she fell in love with him!"

"Hey..." Concubine Qiao Ying, what's going on?Do workaholics ever figure it out?I'm not talking about you two, you pay too little attention to Tingting, you should spend more time with her! "Laughed and said, "This girl seems very serious this time. For more than half a year, she has not paid attention to anything except her work. Moreover, there have been a lot of rumors in the entertainment circle. She ignored the gossip! "

Xia Lan frowned suddenly and said: "This will not affect her well. When will she come back, we will go out to play together. Hey, I have to take a long vacation and spend more time with this girl Tingting!"

"Oh?" Concubine Qiao Ying asked curiously,

Xia Lan smiled wryly, but did not explain.

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