Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 307 Tian Wei Tuo's second pose - non-phase crossing mind

"Boom..." The four streams of light separated thousands of kilometers in an instant, and the faces of Jian Chi, Lian Ji, and Yun Piaoyan turned slightly pale, and drops of sweat oozed from Lian Ji's forehead!

Xuan Zhan's thunder eyes are like an abyss, and black thunders are constantly thundering in his eyes, but his face is even paler, and with a slight movement of the magic formula, the demon-killing sword lingers around his body in an instant!

"Cough cough...cough cough..." Xuan Zhan suddenly coughed lightly!

The four of them have been fighting wildly for half a year, and during this half a year, the four of them frantically stimulated the true essence in their bodies as if they were desperate for their lives!With one enemy against three, and he is still a cultivator in the Tianxin period, this is really embarrassing for the three of them!However, the powerful strength of the declaration of war has also won the respect of the three of them!Purgatory no longer regards him as a weak cultivator in the Tianxin stage. In his heart at this moment, declaring war has become his enemy in pursuit of victory, an enemy... an enemy that he cannot defeat alone!

This is an unbelievable fact for him, but he has to accept it!

As for Jian Chi, his fighting spirit has not weakened in the past half a year, and even increased. With the joint forces of Purgatory and Yun Piaoyan, Jian Chi's battle can be said to be quite crazy and desperate!

As for this girl, Yun Piaoyan, she showed her true strength with all her cultivation. It can be said that she is already the focus of the declaration of war, because... Yun Piaoyan is the strongest among the three!

It's been half a year... The old monster in the sky has been paralyzed after watching this battle!

The fight of these four young people at the moment can be said to be completely comparable to the fight between the Mahayana period!Especially the declaration of war, the strength shown is not as good as that of ordinary Mahayana monks!

This fact made all the old monsters look a little pale!

"Ahem..." Xuan Zhan coughed slightly, and his face suddenly turned pale. What he didn't expect was that this battle would be so difficult and obscure. The first battle lasted for half a year, and it was a battle where life was hanging in the balance, murderous intentions were everywhere, and destruction was everywhere!He is not afraid of one person, and he can even overcome two people!But with the joint efforts of these three people, he can only split equally at most!

A trace of anger suddenly surged in Xuan Zhan's heart, the magic formula moved suddenly, and the Demon and Heaven Killing Sword suddenly flew out in the air, instantly spreading across the sky and the earth in a phalanx, but all around the four people were surrounded by uniform patterns of the Demon and Heaven Killing Sword Distribute Jianguang!

The faces of the four people suddenly changed, and Jian Chi roared: "Get out!" However, when the three of them hadn't made a move, the demon-killing swords around them suddenly gathered in the middle and went away fiercely!

A hint of palpitation flashed in the eyes of the three of them. In the past six months, the move of declaring war can be said to be a big killer move. Once it is used, the three of them must suffer even under full precaution hurt!

Countless flying swords hit a central point in an instant, and within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, an earth-shattering, yin and yang sword light erupted, and with a bang, hundreds of millions of sword lights began to shoot out without distinction!

"The eighth form of the Cangxin Sword Art——Cangxin Jian Yuanling's Heartbeat!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" After resisting with all their strength, the three of them were ruthlessly sent flying for countless kilometers, and then turned into three streamers...

"Huh..." Xuan Zhan's face suddenly turned pale, and then the magic formula moved, and the countless heaven and earth vitality in the small world in his body floated up from the world in an instant, and then passed into the middle vortex wheel through the Jiuhuang sacred tree, Turn into a torrent of Lei Yuan to make up for the Lei Yuan that was squandered just now!

Suddenly he made a wrong foot, declared war with a bang, and suddenly crossed tens of thousands of kilometers with the momentum of a thunderbolt. The next moment, he suddenly appeared behind Yun Piaoyan. come down!

"Boom!" Yun Piaoyan's figure suddenly turned into a meteor, hitting the ground hard!

At this moment, the Purgatory Jue suddenly moved, and the silver whip all over his body suddenly rose violently, quickly engulfing Yun Piaoyan, and pulled it fiercely, holding Yun Piaoyan's downward momentum!

"Hey..." Yun Piaoyan yelled softly, and his figure instantly escaped from the shadow of the whip. The next moment, the formula suddenly rose wildly, and the silver hairpin instantly turned into streamers of light and went towards the fierce thorns that declared war!

Jian Chi put his hands together suddenly, and shouted angrily: "Xuan Zhan, take my sword!" With a bang, the flying sword suddenly rose into the air, turning into a burst of light and killing towards Xuan Zhan!

Purgatory didn't wait for the two of them to wait, and with a sudden wave, they saw an extreme shadow shooting towards Xuan Zhan like a flying rainbow in an instant!

Jian Chi and Yun Piaoyan looked at the flying rainbow, and immediately showed a hint of joy, and said lightly: "Purgatory, so you still have such good things as Beidou Aurora!"

The speed of this flying rainbow is so fast that it is beyond the imagination of declaring war, and it is even faster than his lightning speed. Stand up on the moon white Taoist robe!

"Boom!" Three powerful forces hit Xuan Zhan's body immediately!

"Boom!" At an altitude of thousands of kilometers, the figure declaring war suddenly flashed across and landed on the ground, and a shock resounded throughout the world!

"Pfft..." The corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, he stopped a hundred meters deep in the ground, and muttered to himself: "That flying rainbow is... what is it?"

"He must have been seriously injured!" Purgatory said gloomyly!

Jian Chi said in a cold voice: "Don't underestimate him, even Beidou Aurora, known for its sharp piercing power, is very difficult to break through his body defense!"

"Hmph!" Purgatory snorted coldly...

"Boom...boom..." Suddenly there was a loud noise resounding from the ground, and the faces of the three of them darkened immediately, and they whispered: "No, he still has the strength to resist!"

"Boom!" The ground with a radius of thousands of kilometers suddenly trembled wildly, and a white light suddenly pierced the void from above the ground, accompanied by black thunder wings, followed by thousands of silver threads, and instantly appeared above the three of them!

Xuan Zhan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He has been fighting with these three men with the eight doors wide open for half a year, and it can be said that he has completely gotten used to the physical state of the eight doors wide open. This kind of state made him lucky not to be seriously injured by that flying rainbow!

After putting the Demon Slaughtering Sword into his body, Xuan Zhan's black thunder eyes looked at the three people below indifferently like gods, his body suddenly shook, and between opening and closing his hands, he suddenly made a miraculous gesture, left and right Xian Youming, go to heaven and earth!As soon as the starting gesture was completed, a mighty and surging force immediately filled the world!

"What is he going to do?" Purgatory asked gloomily!

Yun Piaoyan said softly and coldly: "I don't know, but I definitely don't admit defeat!"

Jian Chi stood up with a clang and shouted: "I'm afraid that if he does something, soldiers will come to block him! I don't believe it, the three of us combined forces can't defeat him in this battle!"

At this moment, the faces of the three of them suddenly changed. In their feeling, the surrounding space suddenly tightened, as if they were being grabbed by something, making their bodies tremble slightly!

"It's not good!" Purgatory said gloomyly, "It seems that the blow we just made made this guy angry!"

"Tian Wei Tuo Eight Battles!" Xuan Zhan suddenly shouted softly, "Ji...he...bye... Tuo!"

"Boom!" Before the three of them could react in the future, the whole space suddenly tensed up, and a surging force suddenly shot out from Xuan Zhan's hand!

The next moment, the hands that declared war pushed hard!

"Boom..." Surging power suddenly burst out from the air, blasting the three of them into the ground!




The three of them were immediately vomited blood by this mysterious blow, and smashed into the ground!Three streaks of scarlet blood slowly floated in the void, slowly falling down!

"Just now..." the old monsters in the sky suddenly exclaimed, "What was that trick just now?"

"I don't know, I've never seen it before!"

Gu Ye in the teleportation array looked at the blow of declaring war from a distance, his face changed suddenly, and he said in a low voice: "The power of this move is several times greater than the one I suffered before! Declare war... It's not easy!"

One minute later, three beams of light suddenly exploded from the ground, and then fiercely blasted towards the declaration of war!

Xuan Zhan's thunder eyes ruthlessly stared at the three streamers of light, his body moved suddenly, his hands twirled miraculously, before Cang Ming, Hou Tian Yuan, up Thunder Fury, down Chen Madness, said leisurely:

"The second form of Tian Wei Tuo's eight battles - no... phase... crossing... the heart!"

The hands suddenly opened violently, and between the sky and the earth, within a radius of [-] kilometers, a huge whirling force suddenly appeared, and this huge whirling force suddenly swirled against the void. It shook violently!

Jian Chi, Purgatory, and Yun Piaoyan, the three streamers, under the power of this reverse-swirling madness and destruction, were once again crushed to vomit blood, and then scrambled wildly between the sky and the earth, even if they wanted to stop His body shape is also beyond his strength!

The next moment, three beams of light were violently scraped to the ground, blasting thousands of miles away, countless volcanic grounds were violently scraped down by three bodies, and they continued to roar...

Seeing the great power of this move, a group of old monsters in the sky, even Jian Pingbei, Lianyi, and Yun Zhongyue, were stunned!

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