In the space within a hundred miles, there is a huge boulder about 200 meters high. The top of the boulder is as flat as a mirror. There are dozens of tables on it, and there are several stone piers around the table!

In the past, the table on the stone was the place where the disciples of the Jinghe Xinzong would come to drink tea and chat. When they were tired from cultivation, they would come here to take a rest. A few beats, a few cappellas, the end is extremely comfortable and carefree!

But today, there are only a group of people like Yun Wuying, Jiang Liuer and Xuan Zhan on it!

Fairy Shaoyao held her daughter Feng Xun'er in her arms, sipped light fragrant spirit tea, and listened to Ni Ganxuan and Yun Wuying telling their own stories!Beside them, Feng Xie accompanied them with a calm face, occasionally having a sip of fine wine!

Gu Ye sat on the side indifferently, silently drinking the fine wine that Yun Wuying prepared for everyone, as if he was extremely out of place!

What Ni Ganxuan said partly was the story of Xuan Zhan and his and Yun Wuying's wanderings in the world of comprehension after he and Yun Wuying separated, how he dealt with the people of the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance, how many battles he had gone through, and then he escaped from the siege!

Yun Wuying and Ni Ganxuan are two people, one is good at being flexible and changeable, the other is good at going forward bravely, the two of them are together, just complementing their shortcomings. encounter!

Then Ni Ganxuan began to talk about what he had seen and heard at the trade fair. He could be said to have been a bystander throughout the fair. When Wang Dafu did not leave, he was protected by Wang Dafu. Guarding, along the way, it can be regarded as a pleasure to watch, and it is refreshing to watch!Even though he is at the Tianxin stage now, the battle he saw at the trade fair filled his heart with the desire to practice...

Jiang Liu'er listened to Ni Ganxuan's eloquent narration in surprise, bursts of eagerness flashed in his eyes!

Yun Wuying sighed, and said softly to Xuan Zhan: "My junior brother's cultivation talent is actually not bad, but because my Jinghe Xinzong is too weak, he can't give full play to his talent. What a pity!"

Xuan Zhan laughed softly: "Brother Yun, it's actually not bad that you are in Jinghe Xinzong, and you just want to stay away from fighting in the cultivation world!"

Yun Wuying sighed, cast a helpless glance at Jiang Liuer and said in a low voice, "Brother, have you seen the look in my junior brother's eyes, every time I look at it, I feel extremely heartbroken, if it weren't for too much karma in me, Fear of life will bring many disasters to the Jinghe Xinzong, and it has already caused the younger brother to enter the cultivation world, I believe that if he appears in the cultivation world, with his cultivation talent, he is destined to be a man of the generation!"

"Everyone has their own fetters that they can't do whatever they want!" Xuan Zhan sighed and said softly, "We are in the realm of comprehension, the more we care, the more we lose, the more we cling to, the more we lose! In fact, we are completely You can persevere but don't need to be too persistent, but... too many constraints make it impossible for us!"

"Hehe..." Yun Wuying smiled wryly, then raised the wine in the glass, took a sip, put down the glass suddenly and said, "Brother, let me let Junior Brother go with you!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head in refusal and said, "He has his own way, but it will never be with me!"

Yun Wuying said leisurely: "Brother, don't rush to refuse. The people around you are all powerful monks. I believe that if he is by your side, he will definitely be able to learn a lot. This can be said to be beneficial to his path of cultivation. Great benefit!"

"Don't need to say more, I can't promise you this request. There are many powerful monks around me, but there are also many enemies around me! With my enemy, Brother Jiang and I are in too much danger! Even life is in danger, I can protect myself, but I can't take care of him when the incident happens suddenly!"

After hearing Xuan Zhan's words, Yun Wuying smiled a little depressed. Xuan Zhan took a careful look at Jiang Liu'er, and found that under this man's sharp-edged face was a heart yearning for the world of cultivation, and sighed softly. He said lightly, "Brother Yun, don't worry, once he enters cultivation, none of us will be able to escape. If he has a restless heart, he will definitely not be hidden here by the snow!"

Yun Wuying nodded lightly and said: "Brother, I am not going to go with you this time, I want to stay in the sect for a while!"

Xuan Zhan nodded in understanding, and then silently drank the wine in his hand!

It took a few people to have a meal here for half a month. During this half month, a few people gathered here when they had nothing to do. Chu Xinghen's talk, Ni Ganxuan's unrestrained debauchery, and Yun Wuying's beautiful past all became the focus of everyone's attention. With some words, coupled with Feng Xun'er's laughter from time to time, this half month has passed very comfortably!

Half a month later, under the farewell of Yun Wuying, Jiang Liuer and a group of Jinghe Xinzong disciples, Xuanzhan and the others left Bibingdie Planet and continued their journey to the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss!

The speed of the astrolabe for declaring war was completely beyond Fairy Shaoyao's expectation. He shortened the time planned for one year by as much as half a year!

Traveling through the universe is actually very dangerous. Some mysterious dangers always appear in the universe unexpectedly, such as space-time turbulence, space beasts, countless meteors and meteorites, and some unexpected space cracks. The monk fell for no apparent reason!

After a few months, the declaration of war has gone through a lot of ups and downs, avoiding the attacks of countless space beasts, and finally arrived at the location of the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan: the Lanling Galaxy in the Guanghao Starfield!

Looking at Hanyue Star in the universe, the scenery of the stars is quite beautiful, but outside of Hanyue Star, there are bright halos surrounding the periphery of the planet, clusters of colorful rays of light rippling in the void, like a mysterious fairyland...

Xuan Zhan and Fairy Shaoyao came outside Hanyue Star and watched the scenery here with a light smile. Fairy Shaoyao said softly: "Grandpa, this is the planet where the sect of my Holy Spirit Immortal Xinyuan is located!"

Xuan Zhan nodded slightly!

At this moment, dark clouds suddenly rolled up over the periphery of the planet, and then the deafening thunder sounded over Hanyuexing!

Fairy Shaoyao's complexion changed, and she suddenly shouted: "No, my master is about to cross the tribulation!"

Hearing the declaration of war, he immediately looked at the roaring power of thunder beyond the Hanyue planet, a look of eagerness flashed in his eyes, he pulled his hands suddenly, and two huge black thunder wings tens of kilometers in length were caught by him in an instant. To the shoulders!

Under the surprised gazes of Fairy Shaoyao and a group of people, Xuan Zhan controlled the black Leiyi to move slightly!

"Boom..." The next moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly rushed under the dark clouds beyond Hanyue Star with unparalleled fighting spirit!

"Boom..." Countless blue thunderbolts suddenly flashed in the clouds, and then, a hundred-foot-thick crazy lightning struck down instantly...

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