Hanyuexing of Xianxinyuan of the Holy Spirit ushered in a big event today!

The Zhenzong elders in the sect—Senior Alchemy, feel that today will pass the catastrophe!

As soon as the news came out, the suzerain Bi Dechuan was both surprised and delighted. What surprised him was that he was worried that if he failed to overcome the catastrophe, you must know that the reason why their Holy Spirit and Immortal Heart Abyss could stand in the 49 Abyss was not because of how powerful the monks were, but because of the strength of the monks. Of course, there are indeed a few scattered immortals in the sect, a few Mahayana stage monks who are concentrating on waiting for the ascension, and very few monks in the Transcending Tribulation stage, but the most important thing is that the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan is an alchemy sect The door, the alchemy technique passed down by it can be said to be in a monopoly position in the cultivation world!For a panacea, countless monks could not bear to go thousands of miles away, and dedicated countless geniuses and treasures to come to the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan to seek medicine!

And this has also created the powerful position of the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan!

But in today's world, if there is only one monk whose alchemy skills are the best in the world, there is only one in the world of cultivation, and that is the alchemy saint of the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan!Dan Sheng is his name, and it is also a glorious title given to him by many monks in the cultivation world!

And if such a cultivator fails to cross the tribulation, it will be a big blow to the loss of the Holy Spirit Immortal Xinyuan!For this reason, the suzerain Bi Dechuan used countless elixir and elixir to countless sects in exchange for many protective magic weapon formations, in order to allow the alchemy to survive the calamity safely!

Even though everything is well prepared, there are still a lot of worries!

Countless monks sat cross-legged on a huge fairy mountain among the moon and stars, looking at the distant sky with concentrated and worried expressions, the most dazzling figure standing proudly between the sky and the earth, watching the coming divine thunder of crossing the catastrophe!

It is said that the power of the divine thunder of crossing the tribulation is so powerful that even if some monks in the later stage of crossing the tribulation prepare countless magic weapons of protective type, they will be turned into dust in the black thunder of your later stage!If you have not survived the thunder tribulation, if you are lucky, you can be reincarnated and rebuilt!If you are unlucky, you will be directly annihilated by the divine lightning strike!

Although the triple god thunder in the early stage is powerful, it is still within the range of the world's tolerance. The purple gold god thunder in the middle stage is not so easy to resist. As for the black thunder in the later stage, it depends more on luck!

And once the catastrophe is over, it will be reborn...

In the void hundreds of miles away, a grey-haired old man in a gray gown, with a trace of determination flashed on his wrinkled old face, looking at the increasingly concentrated clouds, an inexplicable nervousness flashed in his heart In this life, Dan Sheng's cultivation talent is not too high, but when he is not falling, the internal fire generated in his body is of great benefit to the way of alchemy, so he concentrates on studying alchemy, relying on this day and night Tempering and polishing, it took 7000 years to raise his cultivation level to the late stage of crossing the catastrophe. He is glad that he was able to find his own way of cultivation, but... he is absolutely unwilling to be chained under the Mahayana period!

Senior brother Bi Dechuan spent all his sect's innumerable pills and found countless magic weapons for him... just to cross the tribulation this time!Touching the storage ring on his finger, the storage ring is full of magic weapons, there are always dozens of them, but even so, he still has no idea!

It took 7000 years to achieve his current status in the cultivation world, but he will never allow himself to stop here...

"Boom..." A dark blue divine thunder that was hundreds of feet thick smashed down from the clouds, and ruthlessly blasted at Dan Sheng!

A hint of fear flashed in Dan Sheng's eyes, he opened his mouth, and in an instant, nine white fiery dragons spewed out from his mouth. As soon as the nine fire dragons appeared, they immediately roared and frantically blocked the divine thunder!

"Boom!" The nine fire dragons were instantly smashed into nothingness by the dark blue divine thunder full of majestic and destructive power, but they did not disappear. The remaining divine thunder slammed into the protective barrier around the alchemy!

"Boom..." There was a sudden boom above Dan Sheng's head!

The whole world was immediately filled with a trembling force, and the alchemy felt the thunder just now with fear, and he was a little frightened!

"Kacha..." The second dark blue thunderbolt slammed down again. The power of this divine thunder was much stronger than that of the first divine thunder, which made Dan Sheng's heart palpitate!

Dan Sheng opened his mouth wildly, and 81 white fire dragons blurted out in an instant, turning into 81 huge fire dragons with a length of hundreds of feet, all flying above Dan Sheng's head!This is the maximum number of fire dragons he can erupt!If these 81 fire dragons can't even resist the second divine thunder, his road to cross the catastrophe will be full of dangers!

"Boom..." The second divine thunder killed seventy fire dragons in an instant, and only eleven fire dragons roared between the heaven and the earth!

With a wave of Dan Sheng's right hand, six white jade plates spread all over his body three kilometers away in an instant, a hexagram array was instantly aroused from the surroundings, and a white light curtain covered the sky above Dan Sheng!

"Boom!" The third divine thunder fell down in an instant, and the eleven fire dragons perished in an instant, and then, a layer of fluctuation fiercely resisted the divine thunder!

"Boom!" The Divine Thunder, full of destructive power, split the protective barrier propped up by the white jade plate into pieces in an instant, and in the next moment, all the protective array plates collapsed!

This is the third way of the first thunder calamity... Alchemy thought in amazement, even though he is unscathed now, but... the movement of his magic formula immediately stimulated the inner fire in his body, after the fusion of true essence and heart fire, he With a big mouth, nine silver-blue thousand-foot fire dragons suddenly roared out, winding above his head!

"Boom..." The divine thunder collapsed in an instant, and the two fire dragons disappeared...

After the first thunder tribulation was over, the Alchemist had already destroyed two sets of arrays, and his internal fire was about to be exhausted...

The second layer of divine thunder slammed down with a destructive sharp force twice as powerful as the first layer!

"Boom!" The third set of formation disks arranged by Dan Sheng was instantly destroyed, and the remaining thunder force slammed down on him fiercely!

"Pfft..." Dan Sheng spat out a mouthful of blood, waved his hand casually, and suddenly a bronze bell surrounded him. !

"Boom..." The awe-inspiring light disappeared instantly, and cracks flashed on the copper bell!

Dozens of puppets suddenly flew away from his hands, densely covering the head of Dan Sheng, guarding him tightly...

These puppets were no more than two thunderbolts, they instantly turned into ashes and fell to the bottom...

Bi Dechuan watched with horror. According to the legend, the power of crossing the catastrophe is different for everyone. He is only a monk in the middle stage of crossing the catastrophe. He has watched the catastrophe several times, and they are all similar. It seemed to be much more powerful than what he had felt a few times before!

The bad feeling in his heart is getting bigger and bigger!

Sure enough, after the current triple dark blue god thunder strike, everything in the hands of the alchemy has been destroyed nine layers!

"Boom..." The clouds in the sky suddenly became violent, and under the thick clouds rolled down, countless dark clouds began to gather from the surroundings!

The tens of thousands of monks below stared blankly, and some whispered: "Elder Dansheng is in danger..."

"What to do, the power of the divine thunder is getting stronger and stronger, and the guardian spirit weapon in the elder's hand is running out..."


"Boom!" A powerful destructive purple-gold thunderbolt suddenly fell in the air, and immediately smashed all the remaining arrays laid by the Alchemy Sage into ashes...

Pill Saint's face turned pale, and the remaining trace of divine thunder suddenly fell in the air, striking his body fiercely!

"Pfft..." Pill Saint suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his trembling body was covered in black smoke...

"Boom!" The second purple-gold divine thunder suddenly fell down again. Pill Saint looked at that divine thunder, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes. His figure flashed, and when he was about to dodge it, a sudden change appeared. !

Under everyone's eyes, a black thunderbolt suddenly struck from the side thousands of kilometers away!

At the very moment, this black divine thunder slashed fiercely at the purple-gold divine thunder with an incomparably destructive aura!

"Boom!!!" There was an explosion sound resounding above Hanyuexing, and this sound made everyone cover their ears!

The next moment, a white light suddenly flew from the sky, and appeared ten kilometers above the head of Dan Sheng in an instant, with silvery hairs shining towards the sky, cold black eyes shooting straight into the void, the moon white Taoist robe fluttering with the wind, and the aura of disdain suddenly appeared!

"Who?" Countless people suddenly exclaimed.

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