Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 315 Help in Declaring War

Xuan Zhan looked at the Hanyue star in front of him, but saw that a corner of the sky outside the bright planet was completely covered by thick black clouds, and dark blue thunderbolts fell from it, and he felt anxious!

The person who crosses the tribulation is the target of his trip to the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss. If this person is struck by the thunder calamity, the efforts of wandering in the cultivation world for decades can be said to be completely in vain!

Xuan Zhan suddenly stopped in the void, and the black thunder wings were shaking on his shoulders one by one!Looking at the Hanyue star in the distance, the mind of declaring war gradually calmed down...

A black lightning bolt pierced the black pupils in an instant, and the cosmic structure in front of him instantly appeared in front of his eyes. Looking at the cosmic structure in front of him and the trajectory of the natural way, Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, and suddenly made a wrong step!

"Whoosh..." The figure spanned hundreds of thousands of kilometers in an instant. This speed can be said to be not much different from the speed of light. On the dark blue thunderbolt planet of Dao, the anxiety in the eyes of the declaration of war is getting more and more serious!

"Declaration of war, I'll help you!" Feng Xie's voice suddenly sounded from behind, and before the declaration of war could react, a sinister force suddenly swayed behind him!

"Hey!" A stern look flashed across Feng Xie's face, his figure suddenly trembled, and with a loud bang, a huge white tail sprang out from behind, and the surrounding universe suddenly fluctuated crazily when the tail appeared. stand up!

"Ah!" Feng Xie softly shouted coldly.The whole body suddenly surged up wildly, waves of fluctuations instantly penetrated the body, and the body began to undergo dazzling changes!While his body was expanding, his face and body began to change very differently from humans!The head began to look like a fox, the body bowed up, and crystal clear white hairs suddenly grew out of the body!

Nine white tails of hundreds of kilometers swayed in the universe, and the white hair without a trace of variegation fluffed up!

"Ji..." In just one minute, Feng Xie, who appeared in front of Xuanzhan, suddenly turned into a huge nine-tailed sky fox with a length of 1 kilometers and a height of [-] kilometers. In this nine-tailed sky fox In the center of the forehead, a tuft of golden hair stands on end!Under its limbs, the sharp nails shone with a cold light...

Xuan Zhan looked at the huge fox in front of him in surprise, and thought in shock: This is Feng Xie's body, the nine-tailed celestial fox...

Around this nine-tailed celestial fox, the mighty demon power surges in a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers!The icy energy almost froze the surrounding space, it was so cold that it was unbearably cold!

The cold eyes of the nine-tailed celestial fox looked at the tiny declaration of war, making one feel as if thousands of declarations of war could be trampled to death with one kick!

"Declare war, come to me!" Nine-tailed Sky Fox said coldly!

Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, his figure flashed, and he came to the head of the nine-tailed sky fox in an instant, and said in a low voice: "Let's go, use your fastest speed!"

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Feng Xie's eyes. The nine-tailed sky fox's ambition was definitely beyond the imagination of Xuan Zhan, and it was even the greatest insult to him to let Xuan Zhan come to him. !However, he is not allowed to think about it at all at the moment. If he goes to Hanyue Star at the speed of declaring war, not to mention wasting a lot of time, it is very likely that the Dan Sheng is already dead. On the other hand, even his wife's reborn parents!This relationship does not allow him to think about other things at all...

"Hey..." The Nine-Tailed Sky Fox looked up to the sky and screamed fiercely, its limbs flashed suddenly...

"Boom..." There were sudden fluctuations in the universe, and the next moment, the nine-tailed sky fox appeared in the universe 500 million kilometers away!

Its speed is simply not comparable to the declaration of war at this moment. The nine-tailed celestial fox covered 500 million kilometers in one leap... But within a few jumps, the nine-tailed celestial fox shrank and suddenly shouted: " Declare war, go!"

How quick was the mind to declare war, seeing the speed of the nine-tailed celestial fox slowed down, he immediately understood what was going on, his shoulders trembled, and looking at the huge moon planet in front of him, Fajue moved in a mighty way!

"Swoosh..." The Demon Slaughtering Sword came out decisively, cut through the sky, turned into a black gold thunder, and immediately slammed into the falling purple gold god thunder!

"Boom!!!" A burst of force suddenly turbulent!

Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, his figure pierced through the heavy clouds, and instantly appeared ten kilometers above Dan Sheng's head, looking at the sky proudly and shouting: "Feng Xie, thank you!"

When everyone still didn't understand what was going on, a purple-gold divine thunder blatantly fell down, directly blasting towards the declaration of war!

"Hurry up and hide!" Dan Sheng yelled wildly, but it was too late...

The power of Zijin God's thunder struck Xuan Zhan fiercely, but seeing a burst of purple and gold light burst out from the entire sky, everyone's eyes were so pierced that they couldn't open their eyes!

"Zizizizi..." Countless Zijin Shenlei instantly entered Xuan Zhan's body, and a light moan suddenly echoed in Dan Sheng's ears!

"What's going on?" Dan Sheng looked at the sky in horror and thought in horror!

In just two breaths, the figure of Xuan Zhan reappeared in everyone's eyes, with long hair floating, and clothes in turmoil...unscathed!

"Boom!" The next moment, an even fiercer purple-gold divine thunder struck down in an instant!

Xuan Zhan groaned with ease, absorbing every ray of purple gold divine thunder and merging it into his body!But in front of everyone's eyes, they felt that the mysterious person was able to resist the powerful purple-gold thunder by relying on his own strength alone. Everyone's hearts were suddenly bombarded fiercely. , It is even stronger than the thunder of the money god thundering on him!

The third level, the fourth level, the fifth level...

Outside the universe, Feng Xie moved his figure, crossed a long distance, and instantly appeared beside Fairy Shaoyao and others, and he had already turned into a human being!

"Husband, what's the matter?" Fairy Shaoyao said while holding her daughter, looking at Han Yuexing worriedly.

"I have already sent him to the outskirts of Hanyue Star. The Divine Thunder of Transcending Tribulation happens to be my nemesis, and there are countless monks there, so I dare not get too close, but... I think there is no problem. With his ability, he can fight against him." Thunder tribulation should be easy!" Feng Xie said with a relaxed smile, but his heart was filled with shock, he already knew the physical attributes of Xuan Zhan, but Xuan Zhan could resist the last few black thunders, although he had seen it himself before, but My heart still constricts when I think about it... This guy is so enchanting!

Fairy Shaoyao nodded slowly and said: "As long as he can help the master survive the tribulation safely and refine the refreshing pill, I will definitely help to the end!"

"Boom..." The first black thunder suddenly fell, and instantly bombarded Xuan Zhan's body...

Dan Sheng, including the countless disciples of the Holy Spirit Immortal Xinyuan of Hanyue Star below, watched the mysterious person struggling to resist the thunder and tribulation, and the heart in his heart could be said to have stopped beating a long time ago. Everyone is feeling the extremely special scene in front of them...

When I saw the appearance of the Black Thunder Tribulation, when I saw the mysterious person still resisting calmly, my heart seemed to be crushed by a huge force...

"He... who is he? Why do you want to help the old man?" Dan Sheng said to himself in surprise, "This person is indifferent to the black thunder calamity without changing his face. When did this world of self-cultivation suddenly turn sour?" Meet such a powerful monk?"

Xuan Zhan frantically absorbs one after another thunder tribulation energy, and then integrates into his body, flows through the swirl wheel, and becomes his own power, which is indescribably comfortable and enjoyable!I suddenly thought in my heart: It would be good if I helped those who survive the catastrophe to overcome the catastrophe...

The seventh level, the eighth level, the ninth level...

"Boom!" The last black thunderbolt of the ninth level violently blasted onto Xuan Zhan's body, and waves of destructive force ruthlessly tore the surrounding space, and finally turned into nothingness!

Xuan Zhan looked into the clouds, with a hint of struggle flashing in his eyes. Based on his experience of resisting the thunder disaster last time, there must be a more powerful force hidden in the clouds, which can also be swallowed by him at the same time. Lei Yuan!But...he couldn't figure out what this Si Lei Yuan was. If it was an ordinary thing in the fairy world, it would be fine, but if it was a powerful thing in the fairy world... You know, this thing is used to overcome tribulations. Not something a cat or a dog needs!

After Xuan Zhan's eyes flickered for a while, he shook his head quietly and indifferently, and with a flash of figure, he quietly came to Dan Sheng, looked at his golden light shining, and began to reborn his body, clasped his fists and said softly: "I declare war next, it is Friends of the Peony Fairy!"

Dan Sheng let out a sigh of relief, but he ignored the declaration of war, and immediately sat cross-legged and began to adjust his changed body, but he thought helplessly in his heart: It's not because the old man can't respond to you, but because the body has changed at this moment. To change, you have to absorb the energy of heaven and earth immediately, what a sin...

Xuan Zhan gave a wry smile, turned around, and stood between the sky and the earth with his hands behind his back, looking casually at the monks in the countless mountains below, and sizing up the scene in front of him comfortably with his eyes!

The very few experts in the Bi Dechuan Lianjue sect carefully flew into the sky, came ten meters in front of the declaration of war, bowed respectfully and said: "Thank you, senior, for helping the Pill Sage of the humble sect to overcome the tribulation. Lord Bi Dechuan of the Immortal Heart of the Holy Spirit!"

From the appearance of the declaration of war to the process of the gang leader Dan Sheng's crossing the catastrophe, Bi Dechuan was shocked everywhere. Seeing the declaration of the war gang leader Dan Sheng's escape, he was even more horrified, thinking that the cultivation base of the declaration of war was much stronger than them, so He calls himself a junior!But this claim is a big joke for the declaration of war!

A cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Stage faced a cultivator in the Tianxin Stage, and he called himself a junior!

At this moment, a few streamers of light fell from the sky, and Shaoyao's voice sounded quietly:

"Disciple Shaoyao, pay homage to the suzerain!"

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