Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 316 Peacock

Bi Dechuan took a look, and immediately exclaimed: "Master Shaoyao, niece, you are finally back! Huh..." He suddenly saw the cute little girl Feng Xun'er in Shaoyao's arms, and he was a little confused...

Accompanied by Feng Xie and others, Fairy Shaoyao flew from outside the sky, and appeared in front of Bi Dechuan, Dan Sheng and Xuan Zhan in the blink of an eye!

"Shaoyao, who are these fellow Taoists?" Bi Dechuan was a monk in the middle of the tribulation, his heart beat when he saw Feng Xie and Gu Ye, and he couldn't figure out the details, but he looked at Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen. , The level of cultivation is clear at a glance!

Fairy Shaoyao handed her daughter to Feng Xie, leaned forward and said, "Sect Master, this is my niece's husband Feng Xie, and this is my husband's daughter Xun'er! This is Senior Gu Ye Gu, these two are Ni Gan Xuan and Chu Xinghen, fellow Taoists!"

"What!" Bi Dechuan looked at Feng Xie in amazement and said in surprise, "This fellow Taoist is your husband?" This news was a big surprise to him, so he took a closer look at Feng Xie, but Seeing that this person looks like an ordinary monk, but with a slightly outstanding temperament, I understand that this is because the other party's cultivation base is beyond the range of my perception, and it is caused by deliberately concealing my own breath, and I suddenly sigh in my heart. Feng Xie said softly: "Fellow Daoist, Fairy Shaoyao is the most popular female disciple of this sect, now she is married to you, you have to treat him well!"

Feng Xie smiled lightly, and nodded lightly. He has high aspirations, and the person speaking in front of him is just a young man who has passed the catastrophe. Even if he is his wife's senior, it is difficult for him to lower his head!

Fairy Shaoyao blushed slightly on her cheeks, and said to Xun'er: "Xun'er, quickly say hello to grandpa!" Grandpa, I hope grandpa is in good health and everything goes well!"

"Haha...haha, Xun'er is good!" Looking at such a well-behaved little girl, Bi Dechuan suddenly felt a little doting in his heart, then looked at the few people behind him, thought it over, and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Niganxuan , you are Ni Ganxuan, that young monk who is extremely talented but is constantly hunted down by the Cultivation Alliance!"

Ni Ganxuan chuckled, clasped his fists and said, "It's the junior, Ni Ganxuan met Sect Master Bi!"

Bi Dechuan waved his hand and glanced at the others, then looked at Xuan Zhan and said, "Shao Yao, isn't this senior also your friend?"

Fairy Shaoyao chuckled, and said slowly: "That's right, the preacher friend declared war in name taboo, but he is actually just a cultivator in the early days of Tianxin!"

"What..." Bi Dechuan was stunned for a moment...


Fairy Shaoyao was beside her master Dansheng, and she talked to Bi Dechuan about the fair, including declaring war against the three young masters, the identity of the declaring war, and the cause and effect of why she came here, but the identity of her husband was ignored. But, just say that he is a casual cultivator!

After a long time, Bi Dechuan saw that Xuan Zhan's eyes had completely changed, sighed and said softly: "I have to admire the cultivation of fellow Taoist preacher. Don't worry, fellow daoist. Regarding the refreshing pill, the old man guarantees the sage of the pill." Junior brother will definitely agree!"

"Haha...Senior brother, if I don't agree, how can I obey my good disciple's heart? If I don't agree, I will look down on myself!" A loud voice suddenly sounded behind everyone!

"Master!" Fairy Shaoyao screamed, and immediately turned around to look at the awakened Alchemy, but saw that he was restrained at the moment, as if he had been reborn, and he was full of fairy demeanor!

"Hehe, good boy, it's been decades, and I finally remember coming back!" Dansheng looked at Shaoyao kindly in front of him, and thought in his heart: I came back to pick up Zhuyan Dan 40 years ago, and after leaving in a hurry, I was in a trance. In a short time, 40 years have passed, 40 years have passed in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, it is the time for the old man to cross the catastrophe!

Fairy Shaoyao's eyes were clouded with mist, she looked at the Alchemy and wept bitterly: "When the master is going through the tribulation, the apprentice failed to come in time, so I ask the master to punish him!"

Pill Sage waved his hand, looked at Xuan Zhan and nodded and said: "The old man was able to survive the catastrophe safely, thanks to the help of Xiaoyou Xuan. This kindness is far from being repaid by a refreshing pill! Xiaoyou Xuan Don't worry, this refreshing pill, I will definitely get it for you!" Although he was immersed in the transformation, he could clearly understand why Fairy Shaoyao came here to help him, so the request to declare war, Even if he dies, he will not refuse!This is in line with the saying that don't ask ghosts and gods, don't touch cause and effect!

It should be noted that monks attach great importance to the relationship between cause and effect. If they cannot obtain the way of the Dao because they are contaminated with cause and effect, this is against the heart of heaven!

The face of declaring war suddenly looked extremely relaxed. At this moment, he has all the materials for refining the refreshing pill, and what he owes is the east wind of the alchemy sage. As long as the alchemy agrees, the matter of the refreshing pill can be said to be sure!And when Linglong wakes up, it's just around the corner!

The next day, all the monks in the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan knew that a guest with a high level of cultivation came to the sect. Although this guest was only at the early stage of Tianxin, he was able to resist the thunder of the God of Tribulation without defeat. As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a commotion in the entire sect!

It should be noted that the divine thunder of crossing the catastrophe, not to mention that it is impossible to resist the catastrophe itself, even a few monks like scattered immortals in the sect dare not say that they can resist the catastrophe with their own cultivation!But the other party was able to resist the thunder disaster by relying on the Tianxin period. This matter can be said to be extremely shocking!

Moreover, apart from this cultivator, the more important news that came from the sect was that Fairy Shaoyao, a female disciple in the sect, was not only a female disciple with a low appearance, but also a female disciple with a modest character. There is a daughter, this incident can be said to be a powerful blow to single monks like them!

And for this, the disciples of the sect must challenge Feng Xie himself!

Under the headache of Fengxie, he could only thank the guests behind closed doors and not participate in the affairs of the outside world!The few people in the know know that this is Feng Xie looking at Shaoyao's face and giving them the face of Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan, otherwise, if this fight continues, he will definitely provoke him to fight. If this continues, this Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan, even It can be said that I have lost my face!

However, the steps of refining the refreshing pill are extremely complicated, not to mention the alchemy furnace. When the alchemist saw the declaration of war and sacrificed the Nine Desolation Zhanding, the Alchemy was stunned. The world is not surprising, it is the famous Zhan Ding ranked third in the cultivation world. Using it as an alchemy furnace is very suitable for alchemy. After that, it took half a year to select all the herbs with a moderate age. When it came to the Floating God Leaf Grass, Dan Sheng was stunned even more, because the age and essence of this Floating Life God Leaf Grass far exceeded his imagination!

"Actually, if Daoists don't have this Floating Life God Leaf as the main medicine, I can use dozens of other herbs as substitutes, but the effect is a bit far-fetched!" Dan Sheng said truthfully!

The art of alchemy is so complicated, not to mention the rare ammunition, Xinshen Pill, the alchemy under insurance, it took half a year of hard work to start refining it!

When the alchemist is refining the elixir, he absolutely does not allow outsiders to disturb him, so even if he declares war, he will be kicked out!

Looking at the vast mountains, Xuan Zhan sighed easily, the refining of the refreshing pill is under the guarantee of the alchemy saint, it can be said that the probability of exceeding the ninth floor, the ninth floor is already very high!Now...he looked at the mountain in the distance exuding fiery energy, and he could only resign himself to fate...

"Hehe...hehe, wait for me!" Feng Xun'er's voice suddenly entered Xuan Zhan's ears!

This is a lawn among the mountains. Surrounding the lawn are lush trees and towering trees. Countless ants, insects, birds and beasts grow along the sky, chirping among the mountains!

"Little Xun'er, hurry up, otherwise, my sister won't care about you, I'm going to catch crickets!" A tender girl's voice suddenly rang in Xuan Zhan's ear, and Xuan Zhan, who was meditating here, looked sideways!

I saw a girl wearing colorful clothes, with a pink and enchanting face, running towards him waving the gorgeous colorful veil on her body!Behind the girl, Xiao Xun'er in a pink brocade dress was chasing after her with a flushed face!

"Hmph, my sister bullied Xun'er because she was too young to catch up with you!" Feng Xun'er puffed up her cheeks and said angrily, then she stopped and stopped running!

The girl in the colorful gauze gave a "giggle" smile, stepped lightly with her glorious feet, came to Feng Xun'er and said softly, "Xun'er, Xun'er!"

"Hmph..." Feng Xun'er snorted and said, "Sister Peacock is bullying Xun'er! Eh...Xuan...Uncle Xuan, you're here too!", but Xun'er saw a face in the distance Declaring war with a faint smile, he quickly greeted him!

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly, and said softly: "Xun'er, have fun with my sister!" After speaking, he turned around casually, ready to leave!

At this moment, the charming and charming girl next to Feng Xun'er covered her mouth with a light smile and said, "So, you are the declaration of war that brother Feng Xie said!" A breath of temptation and provocation!

Xuan Zhan's heart was startled suddenly, and he looked at the girl coldly for an instant, his deep and bright eyes sank slightly: "You... yes, I am declaring war!"

"Hee hee, Brother Xuan's eyes are so terrifying! It makes Peacock extremely scared!" The girl named Peacock immediately giggled coquettishly!

At this moment, a flash of light suddenly pierced the sky, and Feng Xie suddenly appeared beside the two girls. Seeing the declaration of war with indifferent eyes, Feng Xie's heart sank slightly, and he immediately clasped his fists and said, "Little friend Xuan, this is Peacock!" , childish in nature, and Xun'er get along very well, so they get along together! If there is any offence, I hope Haihan!"

Peacock's willow eyebrows were horizontal, and when he heard Feng Xie's words, he suddenly became gloomy, and said in a low voice: "Feng Xie, I only gave you face because you found such a good place for me! Don't fall into it! Our reputation!"

Hearing this sentence, Xuan Zhan's heart twitched, his eyes were filled with indifference, the surrounding air suddenly shrank, he looked at Feng Xie and said in a low voice: "So, you are all monsters!"

Feng Xun'er looked at Xuan Zhan with a gloomy face, and a flash of panic flashed in her heart. She was young and mentally young, and Xuan Zhan's own strength was the nemesis of the monster race. In addition, Xiao Xun'er had also seen Xuan Zhan use the power of black thunder before. So it left an indelible mark in her heart!He threw himself into Feng Xie's arms timidly, and watched the gloomy declaration of war timidly!

Feng Xie's face darkened suddenly, but he heard the peacock giggle and said: "Yes, Feng Xie and I are both demon clan! Declare war, right? I heard from Feng Xie that you are still very good to our demon clan!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the peacock next to Feng Xie on the opposite side, and two black thunderbolts flashed coldly in his eyes!

"Boom..." Suddenly, the peacock's body appeared in front of Xuan Zhan!

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