Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 325 Linglong Heart

"I am your uncle. This point cannot be erased or changed. Linglong, in this world, you and I are each other's closest relatives. I have no reason to lie to you at all. I haven't in the past, and I won't in the future." Yes!" There was a hint of doting in Xuan Zhan's eyes, looking at the girl whose brain was a little confused because she couldn't accept the facts, his heart suddenly ached, "Linglong, the reality is cruel, but you must recognize that the so-called 10 years, it is really the content of your hundred-year sleep dream!"

Linglong choked her throat, watching the declaration of war sadly, then suddenly knelt down and sobbed softly...

Su Lin stood up suddenly, came to the two of them, respectfully bowed to Xuan Zhan, and said softly: "Sect Master, you should go back for now, there should be no problem if you have disciples by her side!"

After declaring war and pondering for a few seconds, he nodded slowly and said, "Su Lin, I'm sorry!", Panda and Xuebao's ears tipped, and when they heard the declaration of war was about to leave, Panda "chucked" and rushed to his bed in an instant grabbing the bamboo. On the shoulder, and then continued to bite... Xue Bao came to Xuan Zhan's side, glanced at Linglong lightly, and gently hugged Xuan Zhan's arm with both hands...

"You..." As soon as Linglong saw that Xue Bao was holding the arm that declared war, her face suddenly changed, and she froze in place for an instant...

Looking at the pair of small hands holding his arms, Xuan Zhan shook his head with a wry smile, dodged and flew towards the exit of the small world in an instant!

"He is the suzerain of my Pride Sect!" Su Lin accompanied Linglong, whispering!

Linglong glanced at Su Lin lightly, and whispered, "I know!"

Su Lin gave a wry smile, sighed and said, "You don't know, you don't know how much the suzerain has done for you to wake up during the 100 years of your sleep! What you said before hurt his heart too much. It's..."

Hearing what Su Lin said, Linglong's face suddenly changed slightly, and then she fell silent!

"Do you still remember why you fell into a deep sleep?" Su Lin whispered, "Hey... 10 years have passed for you, so you probably won't remember it!"

Linglong looked at the surface of the lake quietly, and said sadly: "10 years, Linglong doesn't believe that she has been sleeping in a deep sleep, that scene is so real, Xuanlang and I are happy, then..."

"It's all fake!" Su Lin shouted suddenly, "It's all an illusion that you imagined out of thin air in your dreams! It fits your ideal illusion of life!"

As soon as these words came out, Linglong suddenly fell silent!

"More than a hundred years ago, the suzerain declared war for my proud sect, and fought against powerful monks from the two sects of Xuyun Liubo Mountain and Qingshu Sanxing Pavilion. In that battle, you were originally resting in your boudoir, but when the suzerain was in danger When you suddenly appeared, the suzerain did not let you die in order to protect you, regardless of the danger of your life, but also because of this, you fell into a coma and completely fell into your own dream!"

Linglong was stunned for a moment. These things seemed to be quite far away. Although she had vague impressions, she couldn't remember them at all. Maybe she could remember them after a while, but definitely not now!

"After that battle, in order to be able to let go of everything and find an antidote to wake you up with peace of mind, the suzerain inherited my position as the suzerain of the proud sect in desperation, and began to integrate the cultivation world, cut off the virtual cloud and Liubo mountain, and wiped out the Qingshu three stars Pavilion, clear the heart-cold air realm! Let me become a giant in the cultivation world, and no sect dares to offend me!" Su Lin said proudly, with a surge of arrogance surging all over his body, and a trace of arrogance flashed across his face. Glory!

Linglong quietly listened to Su Lin's words, but her heart was filled with countless complicated feelings...

"After integrating my Proud Qi Sect, the suzerain resolutely left me, Mo Lixing, and spent more than seventy years in the universe and cultivation world. During this period, no disciple knew how much suffering the suzerain had suffered! However, it took more than seventy years to save you. The antidote, which I believe must be full of danger! I learned from the countless classics left by the suzerain before he left that there are many dangers in the world of self-cultivation in the universe. Unpredictable, and the thing that saved you is the best among the treasures of that day! Surin, I can hardly imagine the crisis in it!"

"In the past 70 years, the Suzerain's cultivation base can be said to be the pinnacle of my Moli Xing, but in the universe of self-cultivation, he belongs to the smallest existence! However, he relies on his own body. With a cultivation base that anyone can defeat in the world of self-cultivation in the universe, I will forcefully get the antidote for you!"

"Now, you finally woke up as you wished..."

When Linglong heard this, her face changed suddenly, and she suddenly said sadly: "I would rather never wake up, and be immersed in a dream forever..."

Su Lin was stunned when he heard this, and then a trace of anger spread across his face instantly...

"Pa..." Linglong suddenly covered her left face in a daze, staring blankly at Su Lin who had slapped her...

Su Lin was startled, and quickly explained in confusion: "I'm sorry Linglong, I just... I just just... I..." At this point, Su Lin suddenly said: "What you just said made me so angry, So shouldn't say that, everything the suzerain did was for you to wake up..."

"I know..." Linglong said blankly, looked at Su Lin and said, "Senior Brother Su, I know what you mean..." At this point, Linglong's heart suddenly felt bitter, and she thought sadly: If I am immersed in a dream , I can still be with him forever, but when I woke up... the reality is so cruel to me..."

After a long time, Linglong sat by the lake alone, watching the rippling lake surface...


Big news spread in the cultivation world. The Proud Sect Master, who had disappeared for decades, suddenly appeared in the cultivation world by declaring war. No one can tell where he came from!

And according to the news, on the day the declaration of war appeared, all the power of the Pride Sect appeared!According to the rumors, the strength of the Pride Sect is so strong that there are more than a dozen Immortals and dozens of Whirlwinds!And the subsequent heart restraint period and pulse gathering period are too numerous to mention!

The exposure of such a powerful strength made the monks in the entire comprehension world completely terrified!

That night……

Accompanied by Xue Bao, Xuan Zhan sat on the top of Jinyang Peak, standing against the wind, looking at the bright moon in the sky, looking a little bewildered...

A stream of light suddenly shot directly from below...

"Qingya has met the suzerain!" Fang Qingya leaned slightly and said softly, "I don't know why the suzerain summoned his disciples late at night?"

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, turned around and looked at Fang Qingya, and said with a light smile, "Qingya, you have done a good job in these 70 years! There is no trace of impetuousness in the proud sect..."

70 years is enough for a young monk who doesn't know anything to experience and mature!

Fang Qingya leaned forward and said: "Sect Master's praise, the sect can develop steadily, and the six junior brothers and sisters have contributed a lot, Qingya dare not take the credit!"

Xuan Zhan smiled faintly, and Xu Kong took two steps and said: "Qing Ya, although I, the Proud Qi Sect, didn't notice the aura of impetuousness, but I was very careless!"

"Careless?" Fang Qingya was taken aback for a moment...

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, looked at the moon above and muttered to himself: "70 years later, Mo Lixing's night moon is still as bright and bright as ever!"

Fang Qingya didn't know what the declaration of war meant for her to come late at night, but when she saw that his aura was like a breeze and a bright moon, he was admiring the night under the moon, and he was a little bit annoyed, but she didn't dare to say what was in her heart. think...

When the night is ugly...

Xuan Zhan, who was still standing with his hands behind his back, suddenly said softly: "Qing Ya, pay close attention to the ground below the Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi!"

When Fang Qingya heard what Xuan Zhan said, she was puzzled, and with a movement of her hands, two rays of light instantly lit up in her eyes, and then she looked towards the boundless mountains...

Seeing this, Fang Qingya's complexion changed drastically, but she saw twenty streaks of light in the eyes at the moment shuttled away from the ground...

Just when Fang Qingya was about to make a move, Xuan Zhan said softly, "Don't bother them!"

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