Fang Qingya questioned: "Sect Master, why is this?"

Xuan Zhan smiled and said lightly: "The news they sent is nothing more than the news that I have returned and that the sect has been closed for a hundred years!"

Fang Qingya frowned, nodded in amazement and said, "It turns out that the suzerain is trying to pretend to be someone else to announce the news!" After finishing speaking, Fang Qingya's expression changed slightly...

"Qing Ya, from what you saw just now, how many forces are hidden in my Pride Sect?" Xuan Zhan smiled casually, touched Panda's head on his shoulder, and asked softly.

"This..." Fang Qingya's face was a little uneasy, and between biting her teeth, she glanced at the woman with an interesting expression and an extremely charming face with some doubts, and then said, "Sect Master, please punish Qingya for making such a A lot of forces have infiltrated into my Proud Qi Sect, and the responsibility for this matter... is entirely borne by Qing Ya!"

Xuan Zhan smiled softly, then said thoughtfully, "You haven't answered my question yet!"

After doing some calculations in her mind, Fang Qingya said with a wry smile: "There are at least forty forces!"

Xuan Zhan nodded slowly and said, "How many sects do I have in the cultivation world of Moli Xing?"

"There are more than 700 sects!" Fang Qingya replied calmly!

After Xuan Zhan walked back and forth leisurely for a few steps in the void, Sa Ran looked back at Fang Qingya and said calmly: "Fang Qingya accepts the order!"

Upon hearing this, Fang Qingya immediately bowed and said, "The disciple is here!"

"Find out the lurking Anzi thoroughly within seven days, cut off his arm and drive out the Pride Sect!"

Fang Qingya was taken aback for a moment, seeing Xuan Zhan's serious gaze, she didn't dare to have the slightest opinion and said, "Fang Qingya, a disciple of the Proud Qi Sect, is leading the order!"

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, then looked at her and said softly: "After this matter is completed, you will be fined to think about it for ten years!"

Fang Qingya was taken aback for a moment, then said with a wry smile, "In that case, Qingya takes orders!"

"You go back first!" Xuan Zhan looked at her and said lightly!

"Yes!" Fang Qingya made a slight blessing, her figure flashed, and disappeared into the void as a stream of light!

Xuan Zhan looked down at the Pride Sect below, then glanced at Xue Bao indifferently and said, "Little girl, don't make such an intimate gesture in the future!"

When there was no one around, Xuebao suddenly showed a charming heart, and relentlessly tugged on Xuan Zhan's sleeve and said aggrievedly: "Little master, don't do it!"

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, and flew towards the Golden Sun Hall below!Blood Treasure's pink and delicate lips pouted, and then immediately chased after her!


A few days later, outside Lanxi Cangshan...

Countless disciples of the Pride Sect carried some comatose monks with severed arms and threw them onto the mound!

In the void, Fang Qingya and the Seven Swords stood in the void, so Fei sighed and said, "I never expected that this operation will unearth hundreds of forces lurking in my Proud Qi Sect!"

"Second Senior Sister, how did you discover these secrets?" Yang Hua looked at Fang Qingya curiously and asked!

Fang Qingya looked coldly at the comatose cultivator with a broken arm below, turned towards them and said indifferently: "Actually, the suzerain was the first to discover that there was a dark child in the sect. I just followed his order to proceed." Clean up these guys!"

"The suzerain discovered it!" Several other people suddenly asked in amazement, Xu Zhong frowned and sighed: "It can't be compared, we have guarded the sect for 70 years and have not found any troubles, and the suzerain only found out a few days after he came back!"

"The suzerain discovered it on the first day he came back!" Fang Qingya said with a wry smile!

Everyone suddenly fell silent!

"You tell me, what level of cultivation has the suzerain reached after he came back this time?" Xu Jing suddenly asked curiously.

"I heard that senior Chu Xinghen mentioned this, he said that the suzerain is in the Tianxin period, and he is at the same level as senior Ni Qianxuan!" Ding Dalong said with a smile!

Chen Dian said with a wry smile: "There is one thing you don't know yet!"

"What's the matter?" Everyone asked curiously.

"The new Senior Gu Ye is a Mahayana cultivator. According to legend, he will ascend to the Immortal World within a hundred years!" Chen Dian said enviously. The news shocked the people around him. Chen Dian glanced at them, and then said helplessly. , "But senior Gu Ye said that even with his Mahayana stage cultivation base, it is difficult to defeat the suzerain who is in the Tianxin stage!"

"What..." Everyone froze for a moment!

"It is said that Senior Gu Ye seems to be preparing to take over as the guardian elder of my Proud Qi Sect Library Pavilion!" Gu Fei said suddenly.

Fang Qingya nodded and said: "Not only that, but I will also start to revise my proud Qizong's exercises!"

"No way..." Several people froze for a moment.


Xuan Zhan brought Gu Ye to the "Pofan Peak" of the Twelve Peaks of Arrogance. There is a loft in Pofan Peak, outside the loft is guarded by the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect all day long, and there are several formations outside it!

The attic is called "Cangshu Pavilion"!

Twenty Proud Qi Sect disciples saw two beams of light flying in the distance, their bodies tensed up, and they immediately exclaimed in surprise when they saw the approaching person: "I have seen the suzerain!"

"Mian!" With a wave of his right hand, Xuan Zhan opened the door of the library with Gu Ye, looked at the rows of bookshelves and notes inside, and said with a chuckle: "You can really make their arrogance gradually gradually by modifying the exercises. Eliminate it?"

"As for the heart of arrogance, I believe that among our clansmen, no one has a deeper understanding of it. From Hao state of mind to Chong state of mind, I know it well!" Gu Ye said coldly, "Although these people don't know what kind of environment they are in, But I would rather they never know, step by step through my modified exercises, I will gradually eliminate the characteristic that can be swallowed by it and then turned into nourishment! In this way, this arrogance can become their own A unique kind of soaring meaning!"

Xuan Zhan nodded slightly, looked at Gu Ye and said solemnly: "Gu Ye, I'm sorry!"

Gu Ye smiled softly, looked at Xuan Zhan and said solemnly: "One day, I will kill the old devil of anger!"

Xuan Zhan nodded, glanced at the library, and then said, "How long do you need?"

"Within 20 years, the revision must be completed!" Gu Ye looked at the books, thought for a while, and said with certainty!

"Okay!" Xuan Zhan said with a smile, "In that case, I'll give you 20 years, so farewell!"

After declaring war and clasping his fists, he turned around and left Cangshu Pavilion casually!


Half a year later, Xuan Zhan looked at Xiao Suo's goose feather heavy snow outside the door, tightened his velvet robe, and the entire Lanxi Cangshan Mountain was covered by a heavy snow, turning into a world wrapped in white!

Half a year passed, and the news spread that the Proud Qi Sect closed its doors to thank guests for a hundred years, and the cultivation world gradually became active because of the Proud Qi Sect's closed doors for a hundred years!Without a big faction suppressed by the top, various thoughts of countless monks gradually grew...

A stream of light suddenly appeared from outside the sky, but a disciple in blue appeared in an instant outside the main hall of Jinyang Peak. He bowed proudly and said, "Report to the suzerain, the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect has an envoy here to ask for an interview! His face seems to be quite nervous!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Daxue with hazy eyes, sighed softly and said: "I already know about this matter, if I return to that person, my Proud Qi Sect will be closed for a hundred years, if there is something to do, I will come back after a hundred years!"

"Yes!" The blue-clothed monk cupped his fists and said, then turned and left!

Half a month later, a disciple suddenly reported again: "Report to the suzerain, several elders from the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect have appeared outside my mountain gate and cannot afford to kneel!"

Xuan Zhan sat in the warm chair, flipped through the book in his hand, and said indifferently, "Let them kneel!"

The disciple's face was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly reacted and replied proudly: "Respect the decree of the sect master!"

A day later, Chen Tianyou's awe-inspiring breath suddenly came from outside the sky:

"Hmph, those little whirl wheel cultivators even dared to trespass on my Pride Sect's mountain gate. Could it be that they are looking for death!"

At this moment, a mournful voice suddenly resounded above the Twelve Peaks of Pride:

"Sect Master Xuan, save our sect's patriarch Changshan Zhenzhen and suzerain Qiu Mingyue!"

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