Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 327 Linglong's Words

Inside the gate of the Proud Qi Sect, Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang looked at the ground indifferently, but saw two middle-aged monks on the ground with trembling faces, each carrying two monks on their backs!And 50 meters in front of the two, two deep pits with a diameter of 50 meters quietly appeared there. In the deep pits, two monks were lying in a miserable state!

Chen Tianyou smiled coldly, his powerful cultivation base in the middle stage of not falling was surging, he looked at the people below indifferently and said: "This sect has told the cultivation world to retreat for a hundred years, are you all joking?"

A monk below said tremblingly with the unconscious person behind his back: "Please...please don't be angry, fellow Taoists, I and the brothers and sisters did not intend to offend the noble sect, it is indeed extremely rude, but...we have important News, I hope to see Sect Master Xuan, and... moreover, the people my junior brother and I have betrayed all have karma with Sect Master Xuan!"

"This fellow Taoist, my fellow apprentices and I are all members of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect. They are the alliance of the noble sect, and we are in the same spirit as the noble sect!"

Luo Tiangang smiled lightly and said: "My proud sect and your noble sect are indeed in the same spirit, but the suzerain has ordered that within a hundred years my disciples of the proud chi sect are not allowed to set foot in the world of cultivation, unless there is an order from the suzerain!"

The two monks in the pit came out of the pit trembling, and then smiled bitterly. The opponents were two immortal monks. The power of their spiritual sense made them unstoppable. Unbearable!This is still the other party's mercy, if he doesn't show mercy, he would have already turned into the light of reincarnation at this moment...

Chen Tianyou snorted coldly and said: "The ones you are carrying are nothing more than that old man in Changshan and Qiu Mingyue. I, Junior Brother Luo, have already told you that you are not allowed to take another step forward!"

"It's Senior Brother Luo!" Luo Tiangang said indifferently, "I started the game a few years earlier than you!"

Chen Tianyou said disdainfully: "But I have already been handpicked as a disciple of the Pride Sect!"

"I got started earlier than you!" Luo Tiangang said coldly, frowning.

"I'm the designated disciple!" Chen Tianyou repeated with a sneer!

, ……

Zhenyu Huanxinzong was stunned for a moment, listening helplessly to the two young masters in the sky entangled in the question of who is the senior brother, feeling sad in his heart, looked at Changshan Daoist and suzerain Qiu Mingyue behind him, suddenly felt sad Thinking: Originally, I thought that the declaration of war would still be based on a trace of cause and effect that our sect once stood on the same front with them, and I would come out to meet them, but I didn't expect that I would be rejected like this, alas... that's all, Since the Pride Sect is unwilling to intervene in this catastrophe of cultivation, I can only leave...

"Brother..." The people around looked at the middle-aged monk who was carrying Master Changshan on his back, with despair and helplessness on their faces!

At this moment, one of the two injured monks suddenly roared angrily: "Are you really going to watch my cultivation world be destroyed? That devil will not let you go!", saying At this point, the monk suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a mournful cry: "Declaration of war, have you really forgotten how I, the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, stood in the united front with you at the critical moment of your Pride Sect? You Is he really such an ungrateful person!"

"Bold!" A loud roar suddenly rose out of thin air, "You should be punished for humiliating my proud suzerain!" As soon as the words fell, a huge pressure suddenly descended from the sky. Under the shocked expressions of Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang, This violent coercion suddenly collapsed!

"Boom!" After a violent roar, the four people and the two unconscious people were immediately crushed to the ground, and within a radius of 30 meters, a giant palm hole appeared instantly!

The next moment, a stream of light shot straight over in an instant, leisurely appearing in front of Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou!

"Su Lin!" The two screamed in surprise, and a hint of shock appeared on their faces!

Su Lin stared at the familiar world with indifferent eyes, a complex look flashed in his eyes, and while standing with his hands behind his back, a wild aura suddenly appeared all over his body, and he suddenly shouted: "A hundred years later, I, Su Lin, It's finally out!"

Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou also know the story of Su Lin very well. They know that Su Lin was trapped in the small world for a hundred years because of his oath.

After shouting angrily, Su Lin took a deep breath, looked at the people below, and grabbed the void with his right hand, and the comatose Changshan Daoist and Qiu Mingyue had already been thrown into the Pride Sect by his hand. Then I don't know where to go!

Panting heavily, the four gradually woke up from the chaotic brain, and then looked at the mysterious monk who appeared with fear!

Su Lin hadn't been around the world of comprehension often, so in this world of comprehension, everyone knew about the original Nine Swords and the current Seven Swords, but they had never heard of the name "Su Lin"!Looking at the young monk, the four of them were suddenly stunned and said, "When did the young monks of the Pride Sect produce a junior who is better than Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang?"

"Realist Changshan and Sect Master Qiu have already been sent for treatment. The Sect Master has an order. If you and the other four have something to do, you can talk to the three of my senior brothers!" Su Lin said coldly, "What you have done this trip, It will be handled by me and the two younger brothers around me!"

Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou, a pair of senior brothers, were taken aback for a moment. They said that the two of them worshiped the Pride Sect. When they entered the sect, Mo Shaofeng took a fancy to Luo Tiangang, while Chen Tianyou belonged to Wan Qingkui, the senior brother who declared war. Hand-picked disciples, so in terms of seniority, these two people can be said to be in the same generation as Aoqi Nine Swords!But the two of them have to call Su Lin "senior brother"!

The four brothers who were dying on the ground looked at each other in surprise, and the senior stood up tremblingly, clasped his fists and said to Su Lin ecstatically, "Thank you Xuanzong, thank you Su, thank you three friends!"

"So..." Chen Tianyou frowned and looked at Luo Tiangang and said with a chuckle.

"We can go out for a walk!" Luo Tiangang said in a low voice!


A month later, Xuan Zhan reentered the small world again. As soon as Linglong saw Xuan Zhan appearing, her face was overjoyed, her brows frowned suddenly, but she gradually became indifferent, and then she sat silently by the lakeside !

Some things are not something that can be figured out, especially the "facts" that I feel for 10 years have suddenly collapsed. That kind of feeling is unacceptable to anyone for a while!

Xuan Zhan took a distressed look at Linglong with a cold face, walked behind her lightly, and touched her head: "Linglong..."

"Don't touch me!" Linglong suddenly replied coldly, her right hand pushed aside the hand that declared war...

Xuan Zhan stared blankly at the hand that was pushed aside by Linglong, a trace of pity and understanding quietly appeared in his eyes, and said softly: "Linglong, when you figure it out, talk to Uncle Xuan again! ", Speaking of this, Xuan Zhan's charming and handsome face smiled wryly: "If you have any worries, you can tell me, the former you will tell me no matter what is on your mind!"

"No, there is one thing I never mentioned to you in the past!" Linglong looked back coldly at Xuan Zhan, this cold look, like a series of cold rays, pierced deeply into Xuan Zhan's heart !

"This matter is what I dreamed about!" Linglong's indifferent face was suddenly in a trance, and she said hollowly, " what I dreamed of!"

"But now..." Speaking of this, Linglong's eyes suddenly turned cold, and in front of Xuan Zhan, Linglong's eyes looked like a bottomless abyss, staring straight at him like a ruthless indifference, "You...declared war, destroyed it... "

"I..." Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment!

Linglong's figure flashed, and she floated into the void in an instant. Looking at Xuan Zhan from a distance, she said to him with a pair of cold faces: "Xuan Zhan, from now on, I, Linglong, have nothing to do with you!"

"What..." Xuan Zhan looked blankly at Linglong who was getting further and further away from him, "From now on... it has nothing to do with me..."

The distance between the two is getting farther and wider. In the void, Linglong, who had a cold face, suddenly flashed a faint smile: "Declaration of war, we will see each other in the cultivation world!"

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