Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 330 Leather Shaft

"The new life of the married couple is beautiful, and the dragon and phoenix are waiting for the present! A hundred generations will return to repair the marriage, just for this life..." Xuan Zhan looked at the ceremony below, and improvised a seven-character poem in his mouth, and sprinkled it casually, but saw nothing Among them, the Demon Slaying Sword instantly transformed into a black and golden thunderbolt dragon, dragging out its long tail, and with a bang, this seven-character poem was frozen in the air!

The color of black gold shines in the world, and the thunderbolt dragon roars wildly!

Countless disciples were startled and looked up, but they happened to see the Qiyan poem. They stood with their hands behind their hands looking at the void, and declared war with a calm smile. They immediately understood what was going on!

The Miehun old devil hurriedly said to the newlyweds: "Both of you, quickly thank the suzerain for the gift of poetry!"

Li Xiuchen and Fang Zhuer heard the words of Mie Hun Old Demon, and immediately bowed to Xuan Zhan Void, and both said: "Thank you, Sect Master, for the gift of poetry!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the couple below, pondered for a moment, stretched out his right hand, and saw a piece of colorful light shining like the skin of some kind of animal. Looking at the poem in the void, Fajue suddenly went crazy!

"Om..." The power of Lei Yuan on the seven-character poem suddenly increased wildly, and 28 huge black and gold characters roared wildly in the air!

"What is the suzerain going to do?" The disciples below were stunned for a while!

"Hmph..." Xuan Zhan let out a cold cry, and the piece of skin in his hand instantly shot into the void. After a while, this layer of skin suddenly became thousands of feet wide and long!The colorful rays of light above the cortex were gradually seen by the disciples. It turned out that those emitting the colorful rays of light were scales!

Xuan Zhan pulled his hands violently, and 28 large characters suddenly roared fiercely, and printed them fiercely on that piece of skin!

Under the madness of the two-handed technique, thunderbolts burst out from Xuan Zhan's hands, and smashed down towards the colorful skin above the sky!

The next moment, under the shocked expressions of countless disciples, Xuan Zhan suddenly pulled his hands down fiercely, and a black thunderbolt suddenly rose out of thin air in the sky, and slammed hard at the slowly rolling leather shaft!

"Boom!" A surging force seemed to be compressed in the scroll, and it felt that the surging force was constantly squeezing and gathering to shrink!But 10 minutes later, a small scroll appeared in the hand of Xuan Zhan!

"What kind of treasure did the suzerain refine just now?" The countless disciples below murmured to themselves with fiery eyes!

Even looking at the newly born scroll with the eyes of Miehun old devil and Han Jue, I can't help feeling my ignorance!

Xuan Zhan held this small and colorful scroll, smiled easily, and flicked it casually. The scroll fell leisurely into Li Xiuchen's hands. Every single word has half the power of this sect's full attack, I hope you two make good use of it!"

The disciples below looked at this scroll and their eyes became hot. As far as they know, the suzerain's strength is unpredictable. Although they don't know what level their real strength is, they can roughly figure out the level of Niganxuan!And it is said that Ni Qianxuan Ni senior is absolutely unmatched by the suzerain!

Even though it only has half the attack power, it still makes them extremely envious!

Li Xiuchen and Fang Zhuer, the newlyweds, hurriedly bowed in surprise, "Thank you, suzerain, for the gift of the treasure!"

Xuan Zhan said lightly, "Su Lin, the wedding continues!"

When the young people below heard this, they immediately became overjoyed. Su Lin laughed wildly and said, "Junior Brother Li, the suzerain actually gave you such a treasure for your great wedding. You should have a good drink tonight. Take good care of all our brothers and sisters!"

So Fei laughed and said: "Everyone say, the groom and the bride have to express themselves no matter what!"

"Yes, it must be expressed!" The disciple below said with a wild laugh!

Chen Dian took out a bottle and a chopstick from one side, came to the center of the rosy-faced newlyweds, looked at them and smiled, and then inserted the chopsticks into the bottle, only to see that the chopsticks just showed a very short head department!

"Hey, bride and groom officer, you two can only use your tongues to find a way to get these chopsticks out!" Chen Dian said with a chuckle, "You must remember that you only use your tongue, you just touch the bottle slightly with your lips. If you use your cultivation a little bit, it is considered a foul, and a foul, hehe... Everyone, how do you punish the two of them if you commit a foul!"

"This Chen Dian..." Mie Hun Lao Mo and Elder Han Jue looked at the messy way of this group of young men with dumbfounded laughter, and said, "Why did you play with this thing first if you didn't join the banquet first!"

"Hehe..." Han Jue said with a light smile, "Don't worry about them, they can play however they want. The mission of our two old guys is considered complete, and we should leave the stage. The rest is their time!" , After finishing speaking, the two smiled at each other, and their figures instantly shot into the back mountain!

The two newlyweds suddenly looked at each other shyly and embarrassedly. In such a large crowd, to complete such a shameful action was challenging their limits!

Seeing the students from the same school who were constantly booing around and wanting to finish quickly, the two of them didn't care about anything, their mouths were close to the bottle mouth, two gentle and moist tongues slowly stick out, and then touched together holding the chopsticks...

"Haha...haha..." Seeing their embarrassing appearance of failing to pick up their chopsticks again and again, thousands of disciples looked up to the sky and burst out laughing!

At this point, the noise of the square, laughing and shouting has been heard until late at night, but in this vast university, the atmosphere here is extremely hot!

The declaration of war had already entered the small world in the afternoon. In the small building in the middle of the lake in the small world, Fang Qingya sat cross-legged, using the method of breathing and exhaling, constantly absorbing the strong vitality of heaven and earth!

This is Fang Qingya's fourth thought in confinement, but Xuanzhan made a special case to go out today. Seeing Fang Qingya who was seriously practicing, Xuanzhan nodded slowly. Relying on the vitality of the world in this small world, Fang Qingya was Breakthroughs have been made in a hundred years, from the late stage of restraining the heart to the current early stage of not falling!

In Molixing's cultivation world, Immortality already belongs to the peak masters, but here, they are only first-rate masters!It can be seen how powerful the Proud Qi Sect is on Mo Lixing now!

Declaring war and confining Fang Qingya here, but it is also for her own sake. For more than a hundred years, Fang Qingya has managed the Pride Sect in an orderly manner under the help of the six juniors and sisters around her. It can be said to be a very good commander. talent!Su Linkong has a cultivation base of the original body stage, but the causal aura between his brows is extremely strong. Although the others are not bad, they are not as good as Fang Qingya!As for the older generation, it is not within Fang Qingya's consideration at all!

He wanted to find a future heir of the Pride Sect!

It is true that Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang also have amazing talents, but he always has a feeling that these two people are not suitable to stay on Mo Lixing at all, perhaps because of the unexpected relationship between the two of them. There is also a mysterious practice similar to the three brothers Tianxiong, Dihui, Dikuang, and Demo back then!The two of them have a wider world outside...

And he, facing the path of rebellion, declares war with the heart of rebellion that will never be discouraged, and he will definitely not be bound by the Pride Sect!

He still remembers the helplessness and helplessness that he felt when he was ignorant in front of the real Yuren before his death and disappearance, which almost broke him!The damage caused by the death of Master Yu cannot be accumulated, and even the damage caused by the death of Rouge is not as great as that of Master Yu!

And the so-called cosmic treasure in the center of Moli Star!For him, he didn't even bother to protect the so-called guardian Moli Xing Qibao, so... until now, he hasn't even looked for that thing!

"Negative way...Negative way..." Xuan Zhan sighed leisurely, shook his head casually, looked at Fang Qingya whose back was turned to him, hesitating slightly in his heart, but he had already made a decision!

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