Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 329 Wedding

The lotus has no cover to hold the rain, and the chrysanthemum remains with proud frost branches...

The heavy snow drifting over Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi makes the whole mountain range into a world covered in silver!

Even though the wind was piercingly cold and the snow was falling heavily inside the mountain gate of the Proud Qi Sect, countless disciples showed a lively and lively atmosphere!But I saw the word "囍" posted on every corner of the sect, on the gate wall and the old tree house, etc.!The disciples of the Pride Sect were filled with laughter...

Today is the wedding day of the former and extinct three elders of the Demon Sect, Li Xiuchen, the beloved disciple of the Miehun Old Demon, and Fang Zhuer, the former disciple of the Mingxin Cold Qi Realm and now included in the Pride Sect. !The cultivation bases of these two young people, Li Xiuchen is at the early stage of restraining the heart, and Fang Zhuer is at the late stage of gathering the pulse. Perhaps the cultivation bases of the two of them were not bad more than a hundred years ago, but in today's Pride Sect, their cultivation bases are not good. Moderate at best!

Although it was just a happy wedding day for two ordinary disciples, this happy event is something that people have to pay attention to. It is a marriage personally arranged by the current Suzerain Xuan Zhan, and at the same time... it is also the first one after nearly four years since the declaration of war. happy event!

Under the superimposition of the two situations, countless disciples of the Proud Qi Sect sold their best efforts to make this happy event lively and joyful!

Xu Zhong stood in the center of Jinyang Square, pointing at the disciples below and yelling, and Fang Qingya was in charge of the trivial matters of the wedding, so she was in charge of the table banquet, Xu Jing was in charge of etiquette, Ding Dalong was in charge of order, Chen Dian was in charge of the marriage of the man, and Su Lin is in charge of logistics!The Seven Swords of Arrogance put all their heart and soul into this wedding banquet, not only gave Li Xiuchen enough face, but also filled his heart with a long-lost joy!

"These fifty Eight Immortals tables should be lined up in order and neat!" Xu Zhong commanded his disciples and said, his eyes rolled away, and he smiled at Xu Jing who was in charge of etiquette next to him: "Little sister, you made a mistake in this aspect, The seats for the witnesses are men left and women right, Elder Mie Hun sits on the left, Senior Han Jue sits on the right! You got the seats upside down!"

Xu Jing was taken aback, and immediately asked someone to change the name of the chair, then looked at Xu Zhong and said with a smile: "Fourth Senior Brother, you quite understand this matter!"

Xu Zhong said with emotion: "Back when Senior Brother and Junior Sister Bi Ling got married, I was in charge of this, haha..."

"Wan'er, put these happy photos next to the wedding table!" Fang Qingya and several female disciples around her hurried to the square, pointing to the wedding table to a disciple next to her!

"Longfeng Chengxiang..." Looking at the other scarlet letter in her hand, Fang Qingya looked around, then immediately handed it to a disciple and said, "Qing'er, stick this on the pillar next to the wedding table! Eh, Little junior sister, fourth junior brother!"

"Second Senior Sister is so busy!" Xu Jing slapped the snowflakes on her body, and the other party Qingya giggled straight away!

Fang Qingya smiled faintly, fiddled with the heavy snow on her body and said with a smile: "Aren't you the same!"

Xu Jing asked curiously: "Senior sister, where is the suzerain, why didn't you see him in the hall?"

"Nun!" Fang Qingya pointed to the sky!

Xu Jing and Xu Zhong looked up in the direction, only to see a white-haired man in a moon-white robe standing high above the sky, with his hands behind his back against the goose-feather snow, as if he was thinking about something...

"The suzerain has something on his mind?" Xu Jing asked curiously.

Fang Qingya frowned and said quietly: "The suzerain's thoughts are always elusive, we never know what he is thinking!"

Xu Zhong said with a smile: "Only he knows the suzerain's thoughts, but our current thoughts should be on Xiuchen's wedding, hurry up!"

At this moment, the sharp sound of countless fireworks and firecrackers burst out from the sky in the distance, roaring above the Proud Sect!

Fang Qingya's complexion changed, and she said softly: "Hurry up, everyone, the groom has already gone to get married, so hurry up, before they come, we must arrange the scene!"

"Roar!" All the disciples of the Pride Sect roared proudly, and immediately got busy!

Standing in the void, looking at the busy scene below, he gently lifted a strand of hair, watched the snowflakes fall on his body, and sighed softly. He was not worried about Linglong leaving. He didn't personally wipe out the remaining blood body, but according to Su Lin who came back, the cultivation world should have experienced a catastrophe. The few remaining unfallen cultivators were more than half dead or injured, and the strength of countless cultivation sects was greatly damaged!And the cultivation world after the catastrophe must be full of waste, showing a peaceful look, the little girl is a cultivation base in the heart, and it should be safe to venture into the cultivation world at this moment!

These days, he has been thinking about Chu Xinghen's affairs. Based on his observations along the way, he is indeed a good friend. He wondered whether he should give him the method of cultivating the chaos bloodline. After all, this method of cultivation belongs to the Chu Xinghen family!Moreover, although Chu Xinghen didn't say it, he could tell from his eyes that he hoped that Xuan Zhan could help him enter the "Xiao Nai He Realm" as soon as possible, and search for the memories of his previous three lives!

However, Xuan Zhan didn't want to go to Piaomiao Jianxintian right now, he just came back from outside for three or four years, and wanted to stay on Moli Xing for another ten or twenty years. Waiting for him to identify!

"Cough cough...cough cough..." Xuan Zhan suddenly coughed violently, his face turned slightly pale...

The heavy snow fell more and more heavily, fireworks roared inside the Pride Sect, and with the accompaniment of musical instruments, even this heavy snow seemed to be celebrating the two newlyweds!

About half an hour later, the long wedding procession slowly drove from the place where Ming Xin Han Qi lived to the Jinyang Peak Square, singing and laughing, chatting and joking along the way!Li Xiuchen was wearing a red robe of great joy and a long-eared groom's cap. His elegant face was full of happiness, and he looked handsome!Beside him, in addition to Chen Dian, there are several young elders such as Diao Yu, Xu Shifei, Zhan Tianpeng, and dozens of disciples of the Proud Qi Sect!

Fang Zhu'er was dressed in a big red phoenix costume, with a five-colored phoenix crown on her head, covered by a red mandarin duck veil, but she looked ashamed of a closed moon!Beside Fang Zhuer, senior sister Bing Ruo and junior junior sister Ling Xin and a group of shy disciples from Mingxin and Cold Qi Realm, who are full of flowers, are by her side!

Cultivators fight against the Dao of Heaven all over their body, and it is a great blessing for many monks to have a beautiful woman to accompany them on this long journey!The disciple of the Pride Sect looked at Li Xiuchen whose face was full of red, and a hint of envy and jealousy flashed in his heart!

Back then, if anyone could marry a disciple from the Bright Heart and Cold Qi Realm, their reputation would be huge!And now, the same is true!But what's different is that this newly married couple has already agreed for a lifetime before stepping into the world of cultivation!

Two beams of light suddenly shot out from the deep mountain, leisurely appearing beside Xuan Zhan in the sky!

"Sovereign!" The two elders, Mie Hun and Han Jue, respectfully said to Xuanzhan Jishou!

"The two elders are free!" Xuan Zhan raised his right hand slightly, and a gentle force lifted the two of them up behind him. He looked down at a group of young disciples walking on the snow on the road, and said with a smile: "Seeing this scene, how do you feel?"

The reason why these two people came out of the hermitage is to act as the elders of the two newcomers!Even though Li Xiuchen and Fang Zhuer are a hundred years old, they still belong to the young people in the cultivation world, while their ordinary family members have long been thrown into reincarnation...

Miehun old devil looked at Han Jue with a frowning old face and said with a smile: "The old man never thought that my scoundrel would really come together with Fang Zhuer, haha...haha..."

Han Jue said lightly: "If it wasn't for the suzerain's words, your apprentice Li Xiuchen would not be able to marry Fang Zhu'er so easily no matter how high his cultivation is!"

The Miehun old devil stroked his beard and smiled, "Elder Han, what you mean is that my apprentice will marry Fang Zhu'er sooner or later, right?"

Han Jue's face turned slightly cold, and then he chuckled lightly and said, "Sovereign, if I remember correctly, the first time you went to Chu Peak was for Fang Zhuer, right?"

Xuan Zhan thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Elder Han has a pretty good memory, it has been 150 years, and you can still remember it so clearly!"

The three of them chatted against the heavy snow in the high sky, but they felt extremely relaxed in their hearts. People who practice Taoism dare not relax their minds, but such tranquility as this moment is extremely rare!

After a long time, Xuan Zhan said with a light smile: "The two elders are not hurrying down, don't make them wait!"

"Yes!" The two smiled lightly, their figures flashed, and they appeared on the two chairs on the wedding stage in an instant, and then looked at the couple who were already 30 meters away from them with relief, and walked slowly towards here!

"Boom..." The fireworks in the sky continued to neigh...

Below the wedding stage, all the second and third generation disciples of the Proud Qi Sect appeared bustlingly on the square. Looking at the couple, they kept shouting crazily and becoming lively!

Su Lin came to the stage quietly, and said with a manic smile: "My colleagues, stop talking!" Seeing that there was no one listening to him, he couldn't laugh or cry, and then added a trace of real energy and shouted: "Don't bother!" say!!!"

"Boom..." Jin Yangfeng suddenly trembled slightly, everyone was slightly taken aback, and all looked at Su Lin dully!

"Cough!" Su Lin coughed lightly, and said, "It's quiet down here, it's time for us to start! Please invite the bridegroom officer!"

"The bridegroom is on the stage, the groom is on the stage!" The disciples below suddenly laughed wildly!

Under the ravages of cold, Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi, which is covered in silver, is staged the warmest scene in the world in a mysterious corner!

Xuan Zhan stood in the sky, looking at the wedding below, the image of Rouge suddenly flashed in his mind, and a warm smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth...

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