Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 335 Heavenly Punishment Art

Xuan Zhan suddenly opened his eyes from sitting quietly!In the darkness, the eyes of the declaration of war are extremely eye-catching, with traces of silvery white light flashing from the eyes...

"Shua..." Xuan Zhan's figure suddenly appeared in Pofan Peak in the back mountain!

"The so-called non-falling is to condense the energy and spirit in the body, and then three in one, transforming the primordial spirit, the primordial spirit comes out, and the heart fire appears, this is a sign of stepping into the non-falling!" Ni Ganxuan's voice came leisurely from It came out from the cave, "However, the realm of the original body that does not fall above is going against the law! The spirit, energy and spirit separate from the body, evolve into a clone, absorb the power of heaven and earth, and form a second clone. This second The avatar can be directly controlled by the primordial spirit! Then cultivate and use it to warm and nourish the primordial spirit!"

"Senior Ni!" A voice suddenly sounded, "It is rumored that the second avatar of the original body stage has no combat power at all. Is this true?"

"Not bad!" Xuan Zhan suddenly answered, and then strode out into the cave!

"Greetings to the suzerain!" Countless monks suddenly bowed to Xuan Zhan, and all the monks from the Proud Qi Sect and the older generation of Ming Xin Han Qi Realm were here, listening to Ni Ganxuan's teachings!

Xuan Zhan stood in front of the crowd, looking at the family background of this group of proud Qizong, and said with a chuckle: "Essence, energy and spirit are the foundation of the human body. Although they are related to our own lives, the clones that are separated have no fighting power at all! The greatest function of the body is to absorb the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and thrive to the Xuanxuan stage where you and it are in the dark, then you can absorb it and re-enter the body, and then open up the world in the body! The power of this avatar turns into the eye of the world. ! It is a very important thing for us cultivators!"

Everyone nodded in a sudden realization, and then heard Xuan Zhan Youyou say: "But in this world, nothing is absolute! You must keep this in mind! The Yuan Body Stage is a very important stage for you all. , the avatar you have evolved must be placed in an absolutely safe place, otherwise, once it perishes, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Ni Ganxuan smiled slightly, but walked up to Xuan Zhan and asked: "Brother, why are you free to come to Houshan today?"

Xuan Zhan nodded and said: "It's okay to go around casually, is it okay for Brother Ni to live here?"

"Haha..." Ni Ganxuan laughed loudly, looked at this place and said, "This is the most peaceful time in my thousand years, brother, thank you!"

Xuan Zhan smiled and said, "Go on, I'll go inside and take a look!"

"Inside..." Everyone looked at the deepest part of the cave in a daze and wondered in their hearts: this cave is the place where the avatar of the original body stage stays. What is the suzerain doing here?

After declaring war and walking in for 10 minutes, the deepest place is a quiet room, in which all the luminous beads are hanging, illuminating the whole quiet room brightly!

In the quiet room, a lonely figure sat cross-legged, breathed indifferently, and when he heard the sound of someone's footsteps, the man opened his eyes that hadn't been opened for some time, looked at Xuan Zhan and said in a low voice: "Sovereign... ..."

Xuan Zhan nodded and said softly, "Can you sense your master's whereabouts?"

The figure secretly shook his head and said, "I can't sense it!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head helplessly. After thinking for a while, he turned and walked towards the entrance of the cave: "Sulin's avatar, follow me to practice in the small world, where it is more suitable for your growth!"

It turned out that this figure was Su Lin's avatar. A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Su Lin's avatar, and then silently followed behind Xuan Zhan...


Time seemed to disappear silently within the gate of the Pride Sect. All the disciples lived a comfortable life and practiced obscure and profound lessons!The movements in the outside world of self-cultivation seem to have nothing to do with the Pride Sect...

Five years later, there was a sudden turmoil in Zangyin Peak, and the entire Lanxi Cangshan Mountain was as fragile as a lonely boat under this fluctuation!

The disciple of the Proud Qi Sect on Hidden Peak looked at the gate of "Cangshu Pavilion" with a shocked expression!

But after a few breaths, the door of Zangshu Pavilion slowly opened, and a lonely and indifferent figure slowly walked out of the door. At the same time, waves of fluctuations continuously emanated from him!

"Senior Gu Ye has come out..." The disciples on duty around looked solemnly at Gu Ye standing at the gate, and then everyone immediately clasped their fists and bowed to Gu Ye and shouted: "Greetings, Senior Gu Ye!"

Gu Ye took a deep breath. The people in front of him were all from his clan. Then he raised his hand with a gentle force and lifted everyone up. Then he nodded lightly and said: "Sect Master Xuan Well, I want to see him right away!"

"Fellow Daoist Lonely Leaf!" The voice of declaring war suddenly came from the void, and the next moment, a white figure quietly appeared in front of everyone, it was the Sect Master of Pride Sect declaring war!

Gu Ye nodded to Xuan Zhan, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, nodded and said four words: "Fortunately not disgraceful!" Then he took out a jade slip and threw it to Xuan Zhan!

Xuan Zhan caught the jade slip, and placed it in the palm of his hand with preciousness. Looking at this jade slip that exuded a bright white light, Xuan Zhan for the first time had the idea of ​​betting that the life of the entire sect would be on the line!Holding the jade slips in their hands, Xuan Zhan and Gu Ye came to Jinyangfeng Square!

Three days later, Xuan Zhanxu stood in the sky above the Jinyang Peak Square, with his hands behind his back and the disciple of the Proud Qi Sect looking at the rippling heads below, a gleam appeared in his eyes from time to time!

"Fellow Gu Ye, have you revised all the exercises of the Pride Sect?" Xuan Zhan gently asked Gu Ye with a stern face beside him!

Gu Ye nodded indifferently and said: "That's right, thousands of exercises have been modified by me. From then on, all disciples who join the Pride Sect will not worry about the Pride Demon species! Moreover, you have already copied The thousands of jade slips engraved are the exercises to get rid of the demon seeds of arrogance, this exercise must be circulated in the body at all times, as many as ten years, as little as three years, and the heart of arrogance will be completely eliminated!"

At this moment, a white light suddenly shot from a distance, and it came to Xuan Zhan in an instant. It was Fang Qingya who looked at Xuan Zhan and bowed slightly and said, "Return to suzerain, all [-] disciples of my Proud Qi Sect have arrived. together!"

Xuan Zhan nodded slightly!

Below, the two patriarchs Liao Lang and Xuan Hen brought Tianshangge and other older generation monks to look at the declaration of war with inexplicable expressions. Tianshangge asked in a low voice: "What is the matter with the suzerain? He sent us all from the back mountain?" It was summoned out of it!"

"The suzerain's mind is unpredictable and ever-changing! Let's just wait for him to talk!" the old patriarch Xuanhen said indifferently!

At this time, I saw Xuan Zhan looking towards the square, and said with a trace of true energy in his mouth: "My disciples of the Proud Qi Sect are all gathered here today, and the Sect has something to tell you!"

The cultivator below suddenly began to speak in a low voice, what they were discussing was nothing more than something!

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and then said: "All disciples listen to the order!" As soon as the words fell, the disciples of the Proud Qi Sect suddenly straightened up and looked proudly at Xuan Zhan!

But he suddenly waved his hands, and countless white streams of light burst out from his hands. A stream of light flew towards a person. The speed of this stream of light was not fast, and every disciple could see it clearly. Grab it in your hand and take a closer look, it turned out to be a jade slip of martial arts!

"This jade slip records a technique called 'Tian Zhu Jue', which is of great benefit to my disciples of the Proud Qi Sect. Its infinite benefits are beyond your comprehension now!" Xuan Zhan said indifferently, "This sect has its own Starting today, I order you to practice this exercise, and it will circulate in your body all day long!"

The looks of all the disciples suddenly burst into eagerness. Looking at the jade slips in their hands, they thought happily: No wonder they called us here, it turned out to be such a good thing!

"Sect Master..." Fang Qingya suddenly said in a concentrated voice, "Since my Proud Qi Sect disciple can practice this Heavenly Jue, what about the sisters in Ming Xin Han Qi Realm, and Diao Yu and other guest elders..."

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding disciples of the Proud Qi Sect were stunned for a moment, feeling in their hearts that only their own Proud Qi Sect practiced this exercise, which seemed a bit inappropriate...

"This..." Hearing Fang Qingya's opinion, the older generation of monks couldn't help thinking...

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly, and said softly: "This exercise is only suitable for the disciples of my Proud Qi Sect. Don't worry about the others. I will give them the exercise later, and I will not favor one over another!" It's gratifying that Fang Qingya can react instantly to see this clearly, which can be said to be very rare!

"Sect Master!" Luo Tiangang suddenly looked at the jade slip in his hand and asked, "I don't know what kind of power the exercises recorded in it have?"

Xuan Zhan smiled faintly, looked at Luo Tiangang and said, "This sect is making a fool of itself here, but we can guarantee that this exercise is quite different from other exercises. I believe that after you practice to a certain extent, you will discover something!"

Luo Tiangang looked at the jade slip in his hand speechlessly, and thought in his heart: It doesn't matter if you said it or didn't say it...

Looking at the disciples below, Xuan Zhan said lightly: "Who has any questions? If there are no more, you can go back now!"

At this moment, a very deep and cautious voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears:

"I... can I practice?"

Everyone was taken aback, looked at the speaker, and immediately froze!

"Elder Su Lin" the arrogant brother who didn't know the details looked at the young man in front of him, his head was a little confused...

Fang Qingya looked at Su Lin's avatar, and said softly, "Why are you here?"

A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of Su Lin's clone, but he did not answer Fang Qingya's words, looked at the declaration of war in the sky and asked, "Sect Master, can I practice?"

Xuan Zhan nodded with a faint smile, and with a wave of his right hand, a white jade slip floated slowly towards him in an instant. Surin's avatar can be said to be quite weak, as long as it is a monk who has stepped into the ranks of cultivation, he is almost capable of knocking him down , so in order to take care of him, the flying speed of this jade slip was controlled extremely slow!

Su Lin's avatar held the jade slip firmly in the palm of his hand, watched the declaration of war, bowed quickly, then turned and left...


Little Panda rushed out from the small world with a squeaking sound, and instantly turned into a white light, but within a breath, he suddenly came to the Golden Sun Hall, and when he saw the declaration of war, he immediately ran to him with a squeak, and then slammed He pulled his clothes fiercely, and said in an unprecedented tone:

"Little master, hurry up and go with Panda!"

Xuan Zhan's expression froze for a moment, looked at the little guy and asked, "Panda, what happened?"

"Don't talk about it, go to the small world with Panda, and tell you, Panda is going to be a father!" Little Panda anxiously pulled the corner of the clothes that declared war and walked outside the hall!

"What..." Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment...

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