Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 334 Surin's Misfortune

When Peacock told Su Lin and Linglong the true facts about the Pride Sect, the dull expressions of the two had fallen into indescribably complicated emotions!

Linglong looked at Su Lin complicatedly, and said quietly: "It's unbelievable..."

Peacock gave a seductive smile, and said with a gentle smile: "My good sister, you don't need to worry, because you have never practiced the skills of the proud sect! As for Su Lin, you little guy, hehehehehehe... you better leave quickly Be by Linglong's side, if you rely on your own body and stay by Linglong's side all the time, it can be said that you are a bastard at all!"

Peacock's words made Su Lin's heavy heart even more complicated. It was hard for him to accept this fact. On Moli Xing, he was proud of himself as a unique monk of the Yuan Body Stage!He is proud of being a disciple of the Pride Sect!But at this moment... the exercises he practiced, the sect he belonged to, became the root cause of endless disasters for him in an instant!

Su Lin's face was gloomy, his eyes were flickering, but his face was getting darker and colder...

Linglong looked at Su Lin complicatedly. Although she was in love with only one person, she could always see Su Lin's concern for her. If she said that she was not moved at all, she would definitely be deceiving herself. However, since she and Peacock left the arrogant Since then, she has met too many men who love the new and dislike the old!But at this moment, in her heart, apart from having an unspeakable love-hate relationship with that person, she simply cannot tolerate other people waiting...

"Sister Peacock, is there any way to cure this arrogance?" Linglong looked at Peacock worriedly and asked!

Peacock looked at Su Lin with a pair of bewitching and charming pupils with a smile, and said softly: "Is there a way... I really don't know! Hehe... little brother Su Lin, have you... made a decision, yes?" Still following Linglong and bringing her boundless disasters, or...or...hehe..."

Hearing Peacock's words, Su Lin suddenly raised his resolute face, looked at Peacock and said coldly: "Although I know that you and the Suzerain are friends, I am very wary of you. I don't know you I don’t know what your true identity is, and I don’t know what you intend to do. Although I have no choice but to bewitch Linglong to enter the world of self-cultivation this time, I must follow Linglong and protect her! This... is what I personally promised to the suzerain!"

"Protect...hehe...little brother Su Lin, what do you rely on to protect Linglong?" Peacock's smiling voice was suddenly filled with an enchanting force, and a pair of bewitching and gorgeous pupils stared at her. Looking at Su Lin, a layer of desire that people can't see but can't move slowly rises...

"I..." Seeing the peacock's eyes, Su Lin was in a daze, and said in a daze, " can I protect Linglong, I...I might as well die..." But at this moment, Su Lin Lin's mind was shocked suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes for an instant, and his whole body trembled suddenly!

"Huh..." Peacock was taken aback for a moment, and thought in amazement: This kid's tenacity of Dao heart cannot be underestimated!

Su Lin didn't know what happened just now, took a long breath and looked at Linglong with complicated face, and suddenly said softly: "Linglong, I think I have to leave for a while, to get rid of this harmful idea of ​​arrogance! ", after finishing speaking, he looked at the peacock coldly and said, "Take care of the peacock, otherwise, I will definitely not spare you!"

As soon as the voice fell, before Linglong opened her mouth to speak, her figure disappeared between the sky and the earth in an instant...

"He..." Linglong stared dumbly at the fading stream of light, feeling empty in her heart as if something had disappeared...

"Good sister, Su Lin knows that he can't protect you anymore, so... giggle..." Peacock looked at Linglong seductively, and the charming light in his eyes rose again!

"Hmm..." Linglong nodded faintly, then looked at Peacock and said, "Sister Peacock, where are we going now?"

"Hehe..." Peacock covered his mouth and smiled lightly, "Your strength is too weak, I want to teach you exercises so that you can protect yourself!" After speaking, Peacock stretched out his right hand, but saw a jade slip Quietly appeared in her palm, and then looked at Linglong and said softly: "This is the exercise that my sister practiced. This exercise is very easy and quick to complete, and it is quite powerful. In this world of self-cultivation, you must learn to protect yourself." , this 'Extreme Forgetfulness and Evil Dao Jue' is just right for your mind and physique!"

Linglong took the jade slip, and a dazed look flashed in her eyes. She passed the little by little in her heart like a white horse, but suddenly realized that she had developed boundless hatred for that person. meaning!If she hadn't woken herself up, if she could accept herself... the current self would definitely stay by his side docilely...

"Heck..." Peacock saw Linglong took her jade slip, and immediately took her hand and said, "My dear sister, let's go, my sister will take you to find a secret place to teach you how to practice! Don't worry, practice this skill!" This method will allow you to become a super expert in a very short time! Hehe..." After finishing speaking, the peacock and the dazed Linglong disappeared between the sky and the earth in an instant...


Su Lin dodged all the way on this planet. He didn't have an astrolabe on him, so he didn't know where this place was, and he didn't dare to ask anyone. Every monk here wanted to tear him alive!In these short few months, he was struggling frantically between life and death, and the scars on his body continued to increase!

Not long after wrestling with several groups of monks in the original body stage, Su Lin came to a barren mountain and hid in a cave, sitting cross-legged, slowly absorbing the turbid vitality of heaven and earth...

Even though he was chased and killed by countless monks because of his arrogance, in his heart, he never denied his glory as a proud sect!He didn't know why there was such an accident in his sect, why other cultivators on the Moli star didn't find it, why the suzerain never told them, why the Moli star wasn't discovered by the cultivators, why in this vast cosmic realm of self-cultivation , I turned into something that everyone is vying to devour...

At this moment, a trace of vigilance suddenly flashed behind him, Su Lin's body suddenly moved, and he left the meditation position in an instant.

"Kid... Quack... Quack..." A black shadow appeared at the entrance of the cave, "Not bad!"

Su Lin's eyes flashed a hint of viciousness, and the natal flying sword leisurely flashed beside him: "Who are you?"

"Jie Jie... the ancestor I call 'the ancestor of the devourer'!" The shadow man said in a dark tone, but Su Lin could hear a trace of excitement in his tone, "Your name is Su Lin, Jie Jie …My ancestor, I followed the cultivation technique of the two years after the declaration of war, and guarded that place for more than ten years, and finally let me discover, Jie Jie... So there are still many species that I cultivated there!"

"What..." Su Lin yelled suddenly, looking at the black shadow, he asked angrily, "Who are you?"

"The little guy's temper doesn't look too good!" Heiying smiled darkly, "The ancestor is here, you can change your temper!" As soon as the voice fell, Heiying shot with his right hand, but saw a cold The dark force suddenly shot out from his hand, and instantly spanned a distance of 20 meters. The speed of this cold and dark force was so fast that Su Lin could not resist it at all, and it disappeared in an instant!

"Om..." A trembling burst out of Su Lin's body in an instant. Su Lin felt as if something inexplicable had appeared in his heart, and then watched the black shadow gradually darken. , Facing the old man by himself, he is absolutely invincible!

"Huh..." Heiying was surprised, "Your clone is actually in that mysterious place of nothingness..."

When Su Lin heard this, he came to his senses. Indeed, when he left, the avatar was not by his side at all, because he had never thought of this series of encounters. He did not expect that a series of accidents would make him fall into the This level...

"Jiejie...but it's nothing, there is no avatar, the ancestor can still improve your cultivation, there are countless arrogance in the ancestor for you to swallow and grow, Jiejie..." Heiying said to himself gloomyly language.

"Who are you? What did you do to me just now?" Su Lin's heart flashed a gloomy look, and he yelled at the man sternly!

"The patriarch was helping you just now. Didn't you just say that the patriarch gave you the title of engulfing the patriarch! The aura just now is the seed of arrogance. With that thing, you will not betray me in the future! "The old devil said to himself, "Although I don't know how many things like you are there in that place, I guess you are all descendants of that damned dog who escaped thousands of years ago. One generation, not bad, if you have time, the ancestor must go there himself! The declaration of war is a trouble..."

Su Lin saw that the old devil was muttering something to himself, and with a movement of his body, he instantly turned into a phantom, and fled towards the depths of the cave!

"Little thing, I want to escape, jie jie..." the ancestor of Yan Bi said slowly with a gloomy smile, and moved his hands...


"Come back... come back..." Old Demon Cheating Bites grinned sullenly, said in a low voice, stretched out his right hand and beckoned slowly...

"No... who are you, Ancestor Angry, why did you treat me like this, no..." Su Lin's miserable voice sounded again, "It hurts... ah..."

"Boom!" A shock suddenly sounded, and the ancestor was taken aback, a hint of amusement flashed across his cold and wrinkled face, and he said in a low voice: "You actually self-harmed your body to stop the pain with pain... But the ancestor, my arrogant demon Is it so easy to break it?", the formula suddenly moved again...

"Roar..." Su Lin in the cave suddenly let out a scream, just like the miserable sound coming from the abyss of hell, it suddenly spread hundreds of kilometers...

"I still don't accept it..." The old demon Chen Che laughed darkly, "It's fun and fun, even more stubborn than that solitary leaf. I lost the solitary leaf, but I took in a Sulin, not bad, not bad, Jie Jie...", As soon as the words fell, the hands were suddenly retracted!

"Boom boom boom..." Clusters of riots came from the cave in an instant. The next moment, a gap was suddenly smashed into the mountain wall, and Su Lin smashed through countless rocks straight from the cave, and then Appearing in the void outside the cave, the whole body has become dripping with blood...

Su Lin's gloomy face was so pale that he was controlled by the Old Devil of Anger and hung in the void, and said sadly: "Kill, kill!"

"How could I be willing to kill you, Patriarch? Such good aptitude is rare!" The old devil of Anger showed a wrinkled, gloomy, white and sophisticated face, and the bloodshot eyes in his eyes looked eagerly at the hanging man. Su Lin, who was in the void, licked his lips and said: "If I let you practice well, I can't say that my ancestor will have a catastrophe next time, so I have to rely on you, jie jie jie jie..."

Su Lin's vision gradually became a little hazy, the blood in his body seemed to stop flowing, and the power of true essence was quite thin in the meridians in his body, which were like dry streams...Looking at the old devil of anger, a wave of pain suddenly arose in his heart. Sad and lonely, looking at the moonlit sky with bright moon and few stars, howled angrily:

"I can not be reconciled!!!"

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