Through the window of the prison cell, the weak and warm sunlight shines in from the outside, making Chen Ruoxi feel a hint of tenderness. Her haggard delicate face is no longer cute and tender as before. Although there are no handcuffs and fetters on her body, the heavy foreign The pressure made this flower-like girl seem to have aged ten years overnight...

Chen Ruoxi's haggard face looked at the sunlight coming in from the window, and she smiled softly. Although she is a royal princess, her excellent self-cultivation since she was a child makes people feel a spring-like temperament, which is very approachable!Underneath the beautiful appearance is a cold rose-like elegant heart that dares to resist any injustice!

She understood her father's difficulties very well, so she didn't say much about grievances, and could only accept all of this silently. No matter how unwilling she was, she had to think about her family in the face of the world's accusations...

She moved her right hand slightly, and was suddenly taken aback. The touch made her feel as if she had touched a book, could there be a book in this place?As if she had exhausted all her strength, she turned her head slightly, and after seeing it, she was instantly stunned...

Suddenly, a woman screamed in the prison: "Father, my son is wronged!" She finally uttered the first cry from her heart since this incident happened...

Xuan Zhan lightly tapped on the tiles of the eaves, and with a slight touch, his figure instantly traveled hundreds of meters away. On his body, three little guys hung comfortably on it...

"Little master, why did you look a little strange when you saw that girl?" Panda scratched his ears curiously... Changsheng made his home on the head of his father, and the habit of scratching his head became For Panda, scratching his ears is really not an easy habit to change. It should be's terrible!

"Dad, you're grabbing me!" Changsheng shouted angrily!

"Ah..." Panda was taken aback for a moment, and then said straightforwardly, "Oh... sorry, dear son!", then moved his paw down, and finally...

"Father!" Chang Sheng Fu shouted again, "You grabbed my tail!"

"Dad, you scratched my paw!"

"Dad, this is my head..."

"Hey..." Xuebao stood on the other shoulder that declared war and patted his forehead helplessly, "You're so stupid..."

"Hehe...hehe..." Panda smiled foolishly, then grabbed his right hand with his left hand, very tangled...

Xuan Zhan said lightly: "That girl has hostility on her body. Although the smell is very light, but my true energy attribute happens to be the biggest nemesis of this kind of thing, and I am quite sensitive to it!"

"What? Hostility?" Panda asked blankly.

Xue Bao also looked at Xuan Zhan in confusion and asked: "Little master, what is hostility?"

Xuan Zhan pondered for a moment, stepped slightly on his feet, and said in a deep voice: "The hostility, the evil spirit in the world, can also refer to the evil spirit, and it is the same as the evil spirit, devil's spirit, and ghost spirit. , but it is related to evil spirits!"

"Evil spirits?" Panda, Xuebao, and Changsheng asked in a daze!

"Well, evil spirit!" Xuan Zhan nodded and said, "Evil spirit, a filthy body, formed by the infestation of filth for thousands of years, has an invisible and gloomy body, which has similarities with ghosts! But this evil spirit is the root of all evils. His body, what he does is based on evil! But... such a small Moli star, it is really strange that there are such things as evil spirits!"

Evil spirits, in Xuan Zhan's understanding, are things with unpredictable power, and they don't take tens of thousands of years to form. In the original travels to find the Floating God Leaf Grass, Xuan Zhan has seen this rare evil spirit. A few times, these evil spirits, the one with the lowest level of cultivation seen in the declaration of war, was able to fight with several imperishable monks!Although Xuan Zhan observed the little girl in the prison, the trace of hostility was faint and indifferent, and it was not comparable to the evil spirits he saw at the beginning, but the evil spirit that can form hostility, its body is absolutely nothing Simple things!Undoubtedly, the book he left to the royal family was stolen by this trace of evil spirit...

However, what did it steal this book for?Xuan Zhan asked himself...

A gleam of light flashed from his eyes in an instant: "Since I have encountered this evil spirit, then you can only consider yourself unlucky!"

He had already met Ge Ge in the dungeon before, and after sensing the trace of hostility on her body, he shook his head indifferently, and put an ancient book next to her, although a hundred years had passed, but The astonishing memory of a cultivator is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. The content and cover-up techniques written in the declaration of war are exactly the same as the first book!Even if someone recognizes it as a new book, the same opening technique and notes will definitely make them speechless!

It can be regarded as a matter of Chen Tianyou's mind!But now what he has to do to declare war is to destroy the hostile body of the evil spirit!

He is now in the capital of Ningyun Kingdom - Yujing City!

The Yujing City a hundred years ago has changed drastically, and has become more prosperous and prosperous. In the middle of the night, every road in Yujing City is brightly lit, and the wide streets are full of guards walking back and forth on duty!

More than a dozen kilometers behind the declaration of war is the meaning of the eight gates of Yujing City-Zhentianmen!It was also outside the city gate where he was kicked out of the capital and beaten when he first entered the official career after declaring war!That incident was the beginning of Xuan Zhan really losing hope in his career, and it was also the first step for him to meet Rouge...

Xuan Zhan's footsteps were light, and his figure shot above the room like a night swallow, but a few minutes later, the magnificent tens of meters high stainless steel gate of the palace was already in sight...

A little under his feet, the declaration of war instantly escaped into the void, "Shua..." suddenly came to a hundred meters above the palace, looked at the brightly lit palace below, and frowned slightly, began to observe whether there was any danger in the palace. There is hostility!

"Drive! Drive..." A black figure in the distance drove a fast horse towards the gate of the palace in an instant, and the knight on the horse suddenly took out a golden token, and groaned wildly at the guards of the palace from a distance He shouted: "This general has the emperor's gold medal for clearing the customs. If you dare to obstruct it, be careful to miss a major event!"

When the palace guard saw the token on the gate wall, he immediately shouted: "It's General Jianghua, let it go quickly!"

"Crack..." As soon as the stainless steel door opened, the general in mighty armor suddenly ran into the palace frantically.

Among the knights, they drove their horses on rampage in the palace without stopping, shouting loudly: "Your Majesty, Princess Chenxi has complained, Princess Chenxi has complained..."

The knight screamed wildly all the way, and in a blink of an eye, the entire palace was buzzing, and the originally peaceful palace was now brightly lit up!The knight ran wildly for a few minutes and came to the imperial study room. He looked at the guards next to the imperial study room with the gold medal in his hand, and shouted urgently: "Is the emperor here? Quickly report that Jiang Hua has something urgent to play!"

The guard on duty looked at the anxious knight and shouted in panic, "General Huijiang, the emperor left for Shuhuazhai fifteen minutes ago!"

"Shu Huazhai?" The general named Jiang Hua was taken aback for a moment, then lifted the rein, turned around and started running again!

"Hey, General Jianghua's imperial grace is so great that he even galloped in the palace on a horse. This kind of mighty imperial grace has never been seen before!" The guard behind him said with emotion looking at the galloping horse of General Jianghua!

"That's not true. It is said that not only is General Jiang the emperor's kindness, but also when General Jiang was a bachelor of Xuansheng Royal Academy 30 years ago, he had personally seen Xuansheng come to Xuansheng Royal Academy. The Holy Mother and Child' ancestral hall! It can be seen that Xuan Sheng is also blessing in the dark!" Another guard said enviously...

In the remote corner of the imperial palace and harem, there is an elegant and quiet garden. Not only are there carved beams and painted buildings in the garden, but flowers are blooming everywhere, and fireflies are flying around, showing the atmosphere of the valley, just like a paradise!

Yayuan is called "Shuhuazhai"!

At this moment, the main hall of Shuhuazhai was brightly lit, and countless guards carefully observed the entire courtyard!In the main hall, a middle-aged man wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, magnificent and open-minded, with a [-]-year-old figure, stood in the hall with a lonely face, flipping through the scrolls on the table!

"Well, Chen Xi'er seems to yearn for Xuansheng's elegance, otherwise, it would be impossible to collect so many portraits of him!" The middle-aged man with the aura of ninety-five lords murmured, "Hey, This picture scroll should be drawn by Chen Xi'er herself, ha ha... This girl is very good at painting!"

"Your Majesty!" A loud voice suddenly came from hundreds of meters away from Shuhuazhai, "Princess Chenxi has called out for grievances, Your Majesty, Princess Chenxi has called out for grievances..."

"What..." The middle-aged man in Shu Huazhai trembled his hands, almost shaking the scroll to the ground, and muttered to himself, "Did you finally speak..." After finishing speaking, the face of the middle-aged man flashed There was a trace of pain and helplessness, and then said: "Let Jiang Aiqing come in directly, don't stop it!"

The general Jianghua came all the way to the courtyard of Shuhuazhai, stretched his legs and got off his horse, and rushed all the way to the hall. When he saw the middle-aged man, he knelt on one knee and shouted: "Your Majesty, Princess Chenxi has complained." !"

The middle-aged man is the current emperor of Ningyun Kingdom——Emperor Chenkang, the current ninety-five-year-old sage!

"Aiqing is flat!" Emperor Chenkang dragged Jiang Hua's arms with his joyful hands, and said loudly, "In this way, I have a reason to use the trial of this case as an excuse to suppress the mouths of those noisy people in the court! It's a pity that Chen Xi'er has to be wronged temporarily!"

Jiang Hua wiped the sweat off his forehead, and then said loudly: "Your Majesty, it's good to be able to delay the time. The princess is now on the cusp of the storm, so I can only feel wronged. Princess Chenxi is stubborn, but her mind is clear and exquisite. , I still understand the general situation, I thought that since the princess spoke, there must be a reason for her to speak, but I didn't get a reason for Princess Chen Xi to speak up!"

"Hehe..." Emperor Chenkang smiled faintly, looked at Jiang Hua and said, "If you can see through her mind, you are not the deputy commander of the imperial guards, but a minister of the frontier! If Princess Chenxi can see through her mind, She is not my most beloved Gege! My daughter, I understand best! Chen Xi'er's wisdom is beyond my imagination!"

A warm smile flashed across Jiang Hua's face, he looked at Emperor Chenkang and clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty, the dragon's body is important, you'd better rest early, and Shuhuazhai can come back tomorrow!"

Emperor Chenkang shook his head and said: "My daughter, I know the best, and I will subdue it immediately. I want to visit Chen Xi'er in person. If I don't go to visit that girl now while the iron is hot, maybe she will come up with something tomorrow!"

Jiang Hua was stunned when he heard this...

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