Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 345 Accession to the WTO

A strange feeling instantly emerged from the hearts of the two of them. In their minds, the minds of both parties seemed to be connected together, and every move they thought in their hearts was produced in the bottom of each other's hearts. At the same time, a surging The power burst out of his body in an instant, and as this power continued to grow, the accompanying strong pressure on his body was also crazily oppressing his nerve tolerance!

This force that emerged from the bottom of the two people's hearts instantly penetrated the body, and then merged into a more powerful force in the void.

"Boom!" A powerful cultivation base comparable to the late stage of the original body burst out from the bodies of the two, and then the two groups of light burst into the void ten thousand meters above in an instant!

The monks of the Proud Qi Sect suddenly felt this unprecedented powerful force, wanting to have the illusion of the end of the world!

"It's such a powerful power..." The eyes of Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou flashed a hint of fascination and indulgence, and the pleasure of being intoxicated by the power made them lose themselves in an instant!

"Bastard!" Xuan Zhan suddenly shouted angrily, with a trace of black thunder essence mixed in his voice, and the entire Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi trembled instantly, "This Moli Xingxing structure is so vain, don't you want it? Destroy this planet?" Before the words fell, Xuan Zhan's body shot straight into the void in an instant, and suddenly came in front of the powerful energy of two in one, and his right leg was smashed out, and the shadow of the leg was seen. The spatial structure instantly collapsed and became chaotic...

When Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang felt this powerful force, they instantly regained their sanity from being lost, but they hadn't had time to react...

"Boom..." Xuan Zhan's right leg crazily smashed onto the energy ball in an instant, and the next one, the energy ball shot into the air like a heavy cannon...

"Pfft..." Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang were connected with this combined power, and the blow of the declaration of war instantly injured their minds, vomited blood, and their faces were pale and unhuman!

The monks in the Cangshan Mountain of Lanxi suddenly felt a little palpitation. The tyrannical force just now seemed to be able to easily destroy the world. Everyone was instantly disheartened in the face of this force!But...but just at that moment, that force has disappeared!

"Kong has a whole body of cultivation, but he doesn't respect himself!" Xuan Zhan looked indifferently at Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang, who were pale-faced, and said in a icy voice, "Cultivators value the heart, but the face you just made is shameful." Do your best, indulge in the powerful power, and lose your Dao heart, if you are taken advantage of by the heavenly demons from outside the territory, the two of you have practiced for nearly a hundred years, and the talents of heaven will be in vain!"

The words of declaring war came from the heart, reverberating in the ears of the two, like the wrath of the gods, making the hearts of the two tremble, and a trace of remorse quietly appeared in the eyes of the two...

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, and appeared next to Blood Treasure Panda in a flash. Panda slipped away and climbed onto Xuan Zhan's shoulder in an instant, then wiped the long life on his head, narrowing his eyes , Dumbfounded and laughed...

Xuebao lightly put his hands on the arms that declared war...

Xuan Zhan looked at the sky, then looked at Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou, sighed slightly, turned and left, and walked towards a narrow path in the distance!

"Wait..." Chen Tianyou yelled suddenly at this moment, he was about to say something but stopped trying to say something...

Xuan Zhan paused slightly, and asked in a low voice, "God Bless, is there anything else you need?"

Chen Tianyou pursed his lips tightly, and then asked in a low voice: "I... my master respects him, what kind of person is he?"

"He..." After hearing Chen Tianyou's words, Xuan Zhan said with a bitter smile, "The evil spirit is overwhelming!" After saying these four words, Xuan Zhan walked towards the distance indifferently...

"The evil spirit is overwhelming..." Chen Tianyou muttered to himself the meaning of these four words, and when he saw that Xuan Zhan was about to leave, he suddenly shouted again: "Senior Xuan!"

Declaring war not only abdicates, but also breaks away from the Pride Sect, unlike other suzerains who abdicate, become a hermit and devote themselves to cultivation!Therefore, Chen Tianyou and Luo Tiangang can only address Xuan Zhan as seniors!

The footsteps of the declaration of war paused again, and he turned around helplessly and looked at the two with a smile and said, "What else do you have? Let's talk about it together!"

Chen Tianyou looked at the declaration of war with some embarrassment. The power of the declaration of war before had surpassed the imagination of the two brothers and sisters, and the unfathomable depth of the declaration of war also left an indelible impression on the two of them!

"That's the thing. I have a younger sister in the royal family of Ningyun Kingdom, and she has a great-granddaughter. I hope you will visit it if you have the chance!" Chen Tianyou said with a wry smile after thinking about it.

Xuan Zhan said with a faint smile: "You and I are both cultivators. Ordinary things should be broken when they are broken. There is no need to worry too much. You are also more than a hundred years old. Haven't you seen through this point?"

Chen Tianyou smiled wryly and said: "This junior also knows this, but I love my younger sister very much, and her great-granddaughter is very popular with her!" With an impatient look, Fu immediately said: "Senior, don't worry, you can decide this matter yourself, and this junior dare not have too much influence!"

Under Xuan Zhan's slight thought, he asked lightly: "What happened to this girl?"

"She..." Chen Tianyou said with a wry smile under deep thought, "She lost the ancient book you gave to the royal family, and her father said he would kill her!"

Declare war for a moment...


On the ancient path, accompanied by a woman with an enchanting face, a thin man with flying white hair and flowing clothes walked up and down. It seemed that he was walking in a loose pace, but unconsciously In the meantime, the man had already walked ten kilometers away... What's more, the man's hair gradually turned black during the process of walking. slowly changing...

This kind of change is under a very natural situation, and it is also under the situation of not paying attention. This kind of change, even if a strange ordinary person keeps staring at the gradually changing face, there will be no slightest notice in the subconscious. Feel!

This... is a subtle change!

Changsheng perched on Panda's head, his whole body was motionless, like a mold, the pair of small eyes in the old dragon's head looked at the world curiously, it is now 16 years old, but it has grown so big, This is the first time it has come to the mortal world!

I watched the reckless knights of the rivers and lakes riding tall horses, the pride of those people drinking and eating meat, watching them fight each other because of a quarrel, watching them fight because of one party's apology. Moment and instant reconciliation as before...

Xuan Zhan's white hair has all turned black due to the Disguise Technique, and his bewitching and handsome face has become a little thinner, like a sculpted firm face, although there is no longer any trace of a white face, but this kind of face It also gives people a strong breath!

After leaving the boundary of Cangshan Mountain in Lanxi, declared war all the way to the west, and walked into Lan Yun Country after a few days...

Stop and go along the way, enjoy the scenery, appreciate the great rivers and mountains of Molixing, or learn some interesting crafts with some wandering artists, such as making clay figurines, making ceramics, and woodcarving...

Every time I go to a place, I have to stop for a few days to declare war. After constantly appreciating the customs and customs, I have also seen a lot of disasters in the world!Bullies in power, natural disasters and corruption, money and dung, eunuchs and courtiers, famines and plagues, raging wars, three thousand households, three thousand lights, three thousand troubles and three thousand hearts, the road of the great road, the world of inaction...

He is just like a passer-by, alone in the muddy water, not even a drop of water touches his body, shadows everywhere, no sound everywhere, smiling all over the world, dancing gracefully alone!


Chen Ruoxi woke up leisurely from her sleep, opened her eyes, and the first thing she entered was the icy prison, feeling a sense of sadness in her heart...

She was originally the Ningyun Kingdom, the most powerful country in the mainland today. Among the many children around Emperor Chenkang, Gege ranked No. 12. Now she is 16 years old, at the age of youth and laughter, and was canonized by Emperor Chenkang. "Dawn Princess"!But a month and a half ago, the disaster of prison suddenly fell...

The reason is that one and a half months ago, she happened to enter the "Zhenlong Pavilion", which is the most important place in the imperial palace, and saw the legendary divine book. After reading a few pages, she couldn't see anything, and then put it back in the After going out, I didn't expect... that book was lost!

Within a few minutes of going out by myself, there was news that the book was missing. Coincidentally, I just came out of it!All the doubts point to me, but... But I really didn't steal the book, even though I was wronged, I was driven into the prison and deprived of the identity of Princess Chenxi!

Even though Huang Ama didn't believe it, she couldn't find the reason for the loss after investigation. Moreover, she didn't know where the book is now...

That book was conferred as the treasure of the country by many emperors, great sages, generals and marshals. Now, the treasure of the country is lost. For the entire Ningyun country, this matter can be said to be an intermittent crisis of overthrowing the country... Under such circumstances , Huang Ama was able to resist all kinds of pressure and not execute herself, which is already an extrajudicial favor, but... But I didn't steal the book at all, and what is the place where the book is placed is within the entire palace. The place with the most guards and the strongest defense, and thieves can steal it without knowing it, this kind of kung fu can be said to be the way of ghosts and gods...

Ruoxi's ancestral grandmother, who loves Ruoxi the most, is an older generation of the royal family who was canonized as Princess Yunxian by Emperor Chen Zhan. Feng Gaozhi said that the royal family of Ningyun Kingdom has already told Chen Tianyou about this matter!

After the entire royal family knew the news, they were immediately terrified. Who is Chen Tianyou? It is rumored that he is a member of the royal family who practiced the way of heaven in the deep mountains and old forests. Decades have passed, and the rumors are still as young as ever. It is said that on the day of Chen Tianyou's birth, auspicious clouds descended from the sky, and moreover, Xuan Sheng stepped on the clouds to bestow the way of eternal life!

If such a person finds out that Chen Ruoxi has been wronged, everyone will be involved!Moreover, now it is not clear how the divine book was lost, but all the unfavorable evidence proves that it was stolen by Princess Chenxi...

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