Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 348 Chen Xi's Death

Emperor Chenkang was stunned for a moment...

"Huang Ama, believe it or not, for the sake of our Chen family, this book must be destroyed!" Chen Ruoxi said bitterly, "Xi'er believes that you have already read the contents of the book!"

Emperor Chenkang nodded and said: "Yes, I have already read it. This book can be called the most wonderful book in ancient and modern times. Although it is not a peerless chivalrous secret book, the art of war and the way of the country involved in it can be called peerless elegance and the talent of proclaiming sages." It is unrivaled in ancient and modern times!"

A look of longing flashed in Chen Ruoxi's eyes, and he said bitterly: "The talents of Xuansheng are beyond the imagination of ordinary people like us. The strategies mentioned in this book, even if an ordinary person can take a look, If you have learned it, you can become a generation of generals, let alone us royal people, so this book must be destroyed!"

Emperor Chen Kang retorted: "Father really can't guess Xi'er's thoughts. This divine book is the foundation of my Chen family's dynasty, and it must not be destroyed!"

"However, has Huang Ama ever thought that if my Chen family continues to prosper, it will inevitably become the target of attacks by all the countries in the entire continent. Mu Xiuyu will be urged by the forest wind. Decay and prosperity are the cycle of human relations and heaven. If it continues to prosper, there will only be one consequence for my Chen family!" A gleam of wisdom flashed in Chen Ruoxi's eyes, and she said softly!

"Xi'er means..." Emperor Chenkang suddenly asked in surprise, "You mean..."

"Xi'er's words are already very clear. The country we built by relying on this book will definitely become the target of all the countries in the mainland. In the end, our Chen family will be wiped out and wiped out!" Princess Chenxi said sonorously, "Xuansheng is at the end of this book. There is such a saying, prosperity and decline in the world have a definite number, too soft is easy to disappear, too hard is easy to break! I hope the people of the royal family will think carefully! The words of Xuansheng have already pointed out the biggest disaster in this book, but... But we Chen Everyone is addicted to prosperity and cannot extricate themselves..."

Chen Kangdi froze in place for a moment, and the complicated words in his heart filled his heart crazily...

Chen Ruoxi said in a low voice: "Huang Ama, please make the child perfect, let the child disappear with this book! For the future of my Chen family bloodline, for Xi'er, and for... for this Ningyun All beings..."

"This..." Emperor Chenkang muttered to himself, looking at his most cherished daughter in the corner, a bitterness that could not be bothered suddenly appeared in his heart. He is the emperor of Ningyun Kingdom, the most powerful emperor in the entire continent, and the In the mainland of China, no country dared to stand against him, but now... he looked at his daughter, and suddenly felt his insignificance, short-sightedness and vulgar superficiality...

But I heard Chen Ruoxi suddenly muttering to himself: "Master Mingxiang, Xi'er failed your wish to let your disciple guard the sacred book. You regard Xuansheng as a god, but...but disciple wants to do it against his wish." ..."


One month later, Emperor Chenkang decreed:

"Following the fate of the heavens, the emperor issued an edict: Princess Chenxi lost the Holy Book of Proclamation because she trespassed on Zhenlong Pavilion, which caused the future of Ningyun's national destiny to be bleak. He is a man of high stature and rank, and he is amnesty to hang himself in Shuhuazhai, and the day this edict is issued will be the day when Princess Chenxi hangs herself!"

All the maids, servants, eunuchs and other servants in the entire palace, as well as the royal family and countless officials in the court, were dressed in white that day, standing outside Shuhuazhai sadly!

Jiang Hua accompanied Emperor Chenkang, looking at the expressionless Emperor Chenkang, a trace of sadness suddenly surged in his heart, and he cried out again and again. According to his assumption, since Princess Chenxi had just complained, Emperor Kangdi Chen would definitely delay, and then Looking for the divine book to vindicate him, but...but why did Emperor Chenkang come out of the prison in a trance after the long talk that night, silent for several days, even in the early court, he was not as energetic as before , Pay attention to major events in various places!That night...what happened?

The conversation that night was destined to be a mystery, a mystery that is difficult to solve!

Princess Chenxi seemed to have matured a lot, her face was rosy and she smiled lightly, as if she didn't care about the coming crisis at all, she stood at the door with a weak body, facing Emperor Chenkang and the many people around her. The concubine bowed and knelt down!

A concubine next to Emperor Chenkang kept crying, tears pouring down like rain, and she grabbed Emperor Kangdi's arm and said sadly: "Your Majesty, are you really so cruel? Xi'er is your most beloved Gege, she is your My own flesh and blood, woo woo... You gave Xi'er death, and the concubine didn't want to live anymore, woo woo... Xi'er, my poor child..."

Emperor Chenkang listened to the cry of the concubine beside him expressionlessly, but his heart felt as if a knife had been stabbed, with blood overflowing deeply!The courtiers around him looked at the ruthless emperor, and felt sad in their hearts: Companion to the emperor is like companion to a tiger, and they can't even forgive their own flesh and blood...

"Er Niang..." Although Chen Xi was smiling, her eyes were already full of tears, and she choked up and said, "Er Niang, please don't embarrass Huang Ama, the sins Xi'er committed must be borne by Xi'er, Er Niang Mother, Xi'er will be gone in the future, you... Xi'er is not filial!" After finishing speaking, Princess Chen Xi suddenly and fiercely kowtowed several times to the elders!

"WuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuThe royal sons and daughters also wept, and for a moment, the whole scene was filled with emotions of parting and parting...

A father-in-law said sadly to Princess Chenxi with tears in his eyes: "Princess Chenxi... the time has come, old slave... old slave will see you off!" After speaking, he gently helped her up!

"If there is an afterlife..." Princess Chenxi muttered to herself, "I'm still the little girl under my father's knees who won't let you worry about it!" After finishing speaking, she immediately turned and walked towards her residence - Shuhuazhai walked in!

Many people watched the gate slowly close with tears in their eyes. When the gate closed with a bang, everyone immediately knelt down on the ground and cried loudly: "Princess Chenxi..."

Emperor Chenkang suddenly put his hands on his back, looking at the vast sky, his eyes flashed a look of bewilderment, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, he was suddenly taken aback... But seeing the white clouds above the blue sky, they suddenly gathered slowly, and then... Then he synthesized a face that he had been thinking about for a long time, that face was like the god of the heavens, although it was formed by the aggregation of white clouds, the facial features were very clear, bursts of indifferent light shot down from his eyes, Chen Kangdi murmured Said: "Xuansheng..."

Suddenly, the eunuch's old weeping came from Shuhuazhai:

"Princess Chenxi, has passed away..."

The weeping concubine beside Emperor Chenkang fainted immediately, and the people around him rushed to support her!

At this moment, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew out from Shu Huazhai. This cold wind seemed to rise out of nowhere. An evil light suddenly shot out from his eyes!

"Phew!" A guard suddenly pulled out a long knife in his hand, and slashed at the people around him fiercely!

The next moment, the whole scene was in chaos, and countless tyrannical roars roared out!

"Zha!" A handful of blood spurted out, and countless people fell to the ground...

Emperor Chen Kang seemed unaware, still staring blankly at that face in the vast sky, while the surrounding roars and screams seemed to have nothing to do with him, but the strange thing was that the blood splattered all around, but Did not interfere with his side!

At this moment, a cold and stern voice suddenly came from above the sky:

"Evil Spirit, I am waiting for you to show up!"

"Boom..." Thunderbolts of the dark blue god suddenly emerged from the nine heavens, and then smashed fiercely into Shu Huazhai...

"Ru..." A sharp, sinister scream suddenly came from Shu Huazhai...

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