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"Whoosh..." The gloomy cold air in Shuhuazhai suddenly spread wildly, and spread to the entire palace in an instant!

The entire palace suddenly became chaotic...

But before the turmoil persisted for a few seconds, a cold voice came from above the sky: "Evil spirit, I am waiting for you to show up!" The dark blue thunder that covered the entire palace!

As soon as this thunderbolt covered the palace, all the turmoil ended suddenly. In an instant, the scene seemed to freeze at this moment, and time seemed to stop moving forward!

Emperor Chenkang was strangely unaffected, looked at the bewitching and handsome face formed by the gathering of white clouds above the sky, and muttered to himself: "Xuansheng..."

Although the face above the sky was gathered by white clouds, it was extremely clear. The dark blue thunder eyes in the eyes exuded the cold light like the gods and demons of the heavens, and looked at the humble world indifferently. In the eyes... one after another The dark blue thunderbolt keeps shooting!

The strange situation in the sky immediately made the entire Yujing City people see it clearly, and they all stood there in a daze, shaking and staring at the sky!

The next moment, hair-like dark blue thunderbolt filaments crazily lased throughout the entire palace, and that trace of sinister aura was immediately eroded by the power of divine thunder!

"Ruth..." Shu Huazhai suddenly heard a sharp shriek. This shriek was like a crow crying at night, and it was terrifying to hear!The next moment, Shu Huazhai suddenly shone with golden light, and a peaceful and broad power of Buddhism filled Shu Huazhai, and then was instantly enveloped by a dark gray aura!

"Hmph, I want to run away!" The clouds and sky gathered together in an instant, and the next moment, a white light wrapped in the power of divine thunder suddenly shot towards Shu Huazhai!

"Boom!" Seeing the power of divine thunder descending from the sky, this ray of qi suddenly burrowed into the ground with a bang!

"Huh..." Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, and with a wave of his right hand, the lightning giant in the palace was instantly absorbed into his body. Before entering the ground, he whispered to himself: "For hundreds of years, only this little girl Can understand the true meaning of this book..." After finishing speaking, it instantly turned into white light and slammed into the ground!

"Earth Escape Technique!" Xuan Zhan Jue moved, but saw that the body could drill quickly and freely in the underground soil in an instant!A few kilometers away...

A woman in white with a seductive back suddenly flew out of Shu Huazhai. Without being noticed by anyone, she flew farther and farther towards the sky. In her hands, a young woman who had passed out was hugged by her. It was Chen Chen. Ruoxi!

After flying for a few minutes, Xuebao quietly flew to the top of a mountain a hundred kilometers away from the outskirts of Yujing City. Little Panda was sitting on the top of the mountain, holding a delicious bamboo in his hand, with a naive expression on his face. eating!

"Hey, where is Changsheng?" Xue Bao carefully placed the fainted Chen Ruoxi on the ground, and asked curiously at the top of Little Panda's head!

"Changsheng and the little master are leaving together!" Panda said while eating!


"Huh..." A trace of black thunder pierced Xuan Zhan's eyes instantly, and Xuan Zhan could see everything in a radius of nearly ten thousand kilometers around him clearly, looking at the evil spirits fleeing wildly more than ten kilometers ahead , said in a low voice: "The speed is so fast, you obscenity is definitely not simple! But why did you take away Chen Ruoxi's Buddhist skills?"

"Big Dad!" Chang Sheng's body came from the back of Xuan Zhan's neck, with two pairs of claws grasping each of Xuan Zhan's shoulders, and the old dragon's head protruded from Xuan Zhan's shoulder, looking around blankly and asked, "That evil spirit you mentioned Woolen cloth?"

"It's more than ten kilometers away in front of us, but that guy's speed is so fast, and his movements are extremely weird, it seems that he wants to get rid of us!" Xuan Zhan said with a faint smile!Although he was not used to Changsheng calling him like that, he didn't care too much about it. As long as the little guy wanted to, he could call him whatever he wanted!In fact, after such a long time, he has checked the little guy's body countless times and felt that the vitality of Changsheng's body is gradually growing. Not only that, but now Changsheng's body is much stronger than when he was just born, although it is not the same as the old man. The situation is similar, but it is not like the body of the twilight days!The situation of longevity made Xuan Zhan think of a word - rejuvenation!

But why did this happen? I can’t say anything about the declaration of war. Changsheng’s soul power is very pure, without any regrets. Unlike him, the soul power is missing a lot, which caused him to cough continuously for more than a hundred years. , severe cases even want to vomit blood...

"Oh?" Changsheng's voice sounded like an ordinary old man in his sixties, his wrinkled eyes blinked, revealing a trace of bewilderment, and his claws scratched his eyes!

The black thunder eyes that declare war are constantly observing the fleeing evil spirit. With his cultivation base, it is extremely simple to catch up with this evil spirit, and it is a matter of minutes, but if he does this, it will destroy the evil spirit. Moli Xing's world structure!The consequence is that the earth's crust in this area shifts, and then all natural disasters such as earthquakes, mountain torrents, etc. begin to appear!

"Why on earth does it want to take away this Buddhist power?" Xuan Zhan said to himself in doubt, and then looked at the fleeing evil spirit, "This trace of evil spirit's breath is extremely unstable, it is definitely a clone, if it is a clone, There must be a deity hiding somewhere!"

"Li..." At this moment, the evil spirit in front suddenly turned his head, looked at Xuan Zhan with a stern look and let out a miserable scream. The sharp dark mist teeth seemed to be able to swallow anything, and the cruel and gloomy light made any creature It can give birth to a trace of panic!

"What..." Xuan Zhan stared blankly at the face of the evil spirit, it turned out...it was the face of a monk...

"Li..." The evil spirit suddenly turned around and rushed into the ground, even faster!

"Buddhism and monk!" Xuan Zhan's eyes flashed with a gleam of wisdom, and the corner of his mouth showed a stern look, "This is very interesting!" With a shot, his speed suddenly increased by one point!

"Whoosh..." That evil spirit frantically ran left and right underground, and about a quarter of an hour later, it appeared in the center of the earth in an instant. In addition to the extremely high temperature and various structural metals and rocks in the center of the earth, Besides, the fiery torrent of air and the dull and restless atmosphere raged crazily, and apart from these, a huge hollow space appeared, but seeing the evil spirit just entering this space, it was a huge building. The hidden Buddhist temple, this Buddhist temple seems to have been ancient from the outside, covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, and is a gloomy Buddhist temple with a height of 200 meters. Dry cracks have appeared on the surface, as if it is crumbling generally!

But on the ground under the Buddha Hall, there is actually a huge symbol "卍"! , and this Buddhist hall is located at the intersection of the center of the character "卍"!

As soon as this evil spirit came to the black gate of the Buddha Hall, he looked in and then disappeared!

Ten seconds later, Xuan Zhan appeared in this space in an instant, looking down indifferently from above the gloomy Buddhist temple, and the black thunder god looked at this Buddhist temple, slightly startled!

A trace of black thunder flashed in his eyes, Xuan Zhan dropped his body, came to the entrance of the Buddhist temple, looked at the Buddhist temple in the distance, and whispered to himself: "Impossible, impossible, under my eyes, You can’t even see through the internal structure of the Buddha Hall!”

Not only that, the declaration of war is only a hundred meters away from the Buddhist hall, but it is only a hundred meters away, and the declaration of war... can't clearly see the carvings on the gate of the Buddhist hall a hundred meters away, and what is painted on the main hall!This is the first time I have seen such a bizarre thing in the declaration of war!

"Where is this place?" Xuan Zhan said to himself in a low voice, "This Moli star is just a small fallen planet, and there are things that I can't see through. It seems that this place is not simple. !"

Changsheng looked curiously at the great hall in the distance, and suddenly shouted: "Dad, the door of that big house... unexpectedly..."

Xuanzhan paused, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with Changsheng?"

"My father's face is actually carved on that gate!" Chang Sheng exclaimed in horror!

"What..." Xuan Zhan's eyes shot out a gleam of light instantly, looking at the gate of the Buddhist temple in the distance, his lips pursed fiercely!

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