Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 351 Settle Chen Ruoxi

"Actually, this world is very big!" Xuan Zhan looked at Chen Ruoxi and explained indifferently, "Your so-called gods are just us cultivators, and the methods used by each of us cultivators are not important to you. , are unpredictable by ghosts and gods, so you call it the world of immortals and gods!"

Chen Ruoxi nodded and looked at Xuan Zhan and said: "Xuan Sheng's words are very true. It seems that ordinary people like me cannot understand the basis of your existence!" At this point, Chen Ruoxi looked at Xuan Zhan complicatedly, and then He said anxiously: "But, Xuansheng, you can do so many things for me, Ningyun, Ruoxi would like to thank you on behalf of my father!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, then took a deep look at Chen Ruoxi and said: "Throughout the ages, you are the only person who can see through the true meaning of my book. This is enough to prove your penetrating mind!"

After Chen Ruoxi heard this sentence, her face turned red, and then you pondered for a while and suddenly called out: "Xuansheng, could it be that you ... put that new book by my side? Xuan Zhan smiled and looked at it. Looking at Chen Ruoxi, he nodded and said: "That's right, it's what I left behind. A hundred years ago, I thought that the luck between me and Ningyun Kingdom would be cut off indistinctly, but I didn't expect that the empress of the Chen family There are still women like you!hehe……"

The laughter of the declaration of war was filled with a sense of relief and satisfaction. Looking at Chen Ruoxi, he continued: "The Chen family finally has a sensible person!"

Chen Ruoxi looked a little shy, then looked at Xuan Zhan and asked curiously: "Xuan Sheng, are you really Xuan Sheng?"

Xuan Zhan said with a helpless wry smile, "If it's fake, it will be replaced!"

After Chen Ruoxi heard this definite answer, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said helplessly in a low voice: "Success is proclaimed holy, and defeat is proclaimed holy!"

Xuan Zhan smiled faintly, looked at Chen Ruoxi and said, "Princess Ruoxi, if the royal family of Ruo Ningyun Kingdom is not as clear as you can see, it will inevitably decline within a hundred years, because the foundation of their country is relying on one This is an ancient book written by me, rather than relying on manpower, but if their methods are not bound by the mud and the law, this Chen family dynasty will continue for hundreds of years and thousands of years!"

Chen Ruoxi smiled bitterly, then looked at the surrounding mountains, and said bitterly in a low voice: "Why does Xuansheng want to save his disciples? It's better to let the little girl go away. Now that I die for myself, what should I do..."

Xuan Zhan said indifferently: "Your affairs are all caused by that book of mine, and the causal relationship among them, I can't end it, who else can end it, I have already figured out your whereabouts for you! ", then looked at Chen Ruoxi and smiled, and said calmly: "Princess Ruoxi, would you like to enter my cultivation world and become a monk who pursues the way of heaven?"

"What?" Chen Ruoxi stared blankly at Xuan Zhan, and shouted with an unbelievable expression, "Xuansheng, what do you mean..."

"It's a road of no return to practice like mine!" Xuan Zhan looked at Chen Ruoxi seriously and said softly, "This road is paved with ice and blood, speaks with strength, and uses a life span that surpasses the ordinary for countless years. In exchange for your humanity that is slowly getting cold and dying!"

"This..." Chen Ruoxi stared blankly at the declaration of war at this moment, "Xuan Sheng, what you said is..."

"That's right!" Xuan Zhan nodded and said, "It's the path I'm taking now. Are you willing to take this path? Can you go on?"

Chen Ruoxi's mind suddenly turned a little dull, looking at Xuan Zhan with an airy temperament, but she didn't know how to choose. Now she can be said to be homeless. I don't know how big the mainland of China is, but Chen Ruoxi Ruoxi seems to feel that everyone has abandoned her!

"I... I am willing!" After thinking for a quarter of an hour, Chen Ruoxi suddenly nodded fiercely when she saw Xuan Zhan and said softly!

Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently, then nodded and said: "In this case, I will send you to a sect. From now on, you can practice there. The world of comprehension is ruthless, and everything is based on strength. Since you plan to If you go down this road, you have to be mentally prepared!"

After finishing speaking, Xuan Zhan moved his right hand, and a sword light suddenly flew out from the storage ring, and turned into a huge flying sword in an uproar, grabbing Chen Ruoxi's arm and flashing, flying with Xuebao, Panda, and Changsheng. On the flying sword!

Then, amidst Chen Ruoxi's frightened screams, he flew into the sky...

Two hours later, Xuan Zhan brought Chen Ruoxi to appear in the boundary of Anxu Kingdom, a place called "Void Star Realm". Ruoxi appeared at a stone bridge by the lake!

At the entrance of this stone bridge, there are several disciples guarding there indifferently!

Standing on the flying sword, Chen Ruoxi looked at the bridge below, and said blankly: "What is this place, why have I never heard of it, there is such a fairyland on earth in this Anxu country!"

Xuan Zhan said with a dumbfounded smile: "If I could let you know, this place is not one of the six major sects of cultivation in Molixing!" Then he looked down and said lightly: "There is a sect of cultivation in this small island in the middle of the lake. Named 'True Jade Illusory Heart Sect', its status in the realm of comprehension can be said to be like the existence of Taishan Beidou. Apart from the Arrogant Qi Sect, this True Jade Illusory Heart Sect is powerful! Now I bring you here to bring you Once you enter this sect, you will be regarded as a disciple of this sect from now on!"

Chen Ruoxi's eyes shot out countless lights of curiosity and yearning, looking at this place, she exclaimed in surprise: "Is this the fairy gate you practiced before?"

Xuan Zhan shook his head with a smile and said: "Now I have no family or sect. If I have to say it, I belong to a cultivator of the 'Piao Miao Jian Xin Tian' sect, but this sect is not here! The whereabouts of my sect disciples are mysterious. Seldom appear in the realm of comprehension!"

After finishing speaking, Xuan Zhan flicked the fingers of his right hand, and a dark blue thunderbolt suddenly vibrated from between the fingers, and shot into a certain corner of the small island in the middle of the lake with a click!

But after more than ten seconds, a loud voice suddenly resounded through the world: "Old Changshan, I have met Master Xuan!" After finishing speaking, several streamers of light suddenly shot out from the island!

Two unfalling auras, and four or five whirlwind auras flew from the island to Xuan Zhan and the others in an instant. The first two were the unfalling elder Chang Shan Zhenren and Qiu Mingyue, and the latter The five breaths are the mainstay monks of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect!

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, looked at the two people in front and bowed first: "Xuan Zhan has met Senior Chang Shan and Senior Qiu!"

Immediately, Master Chang Shan and Qiu Mingyue hurriedly bowed in fear: "How can this happen, Master Xuan really killed my nephew and teacher!"

Chen Ruoxi looked interesting. It stands to reason that the other party is one of the two major powers in the cultivation world, but the expressions of the real Changshan, Qiu Mingyue, and the group of people behind them are like cats trembling when they see a tiger?She has just set foot in this cultivation world, so she has no idea about Xuan Zhan's status in Moli Xing's cultivation world, so it is quite normal to have such doubts!

Daoist Chang Shan and Qiu Mingyue both sighed, and said leisurely: "Ten years passed in a flash, the last time I was healed in the Pride Sect, but I didn't have the chance to meet Daoist. I didn't expect to meet again, but things are already people. Absolutely!"

They all know that the current declaration of war is not only the suzerain of the Pride Sect, but also left the Pride Sect, and not only sighed in their hearts, but the growth of the Pride Sect to the current state of strength can be said to be entirely due to the declaration of war, and now , but left there, several people couldn't help but sigh with sophistication and humanity in their hearts!

Xuan Zhan naturally knew what they were thinking, and said with a light smile: "Xuan Zhan came here today to bring a disciple with a good cultivation base and talent to the noble family!" After finishing speaking, he said to Chen Ruoxi behind him: "If Xi, come and pay respects to Reverend Changshan and Reverend Qiu, these two are now one of the few immortal cultivators left in the cultivation world!"

Immortal... The faces of the two of them were slightly wry smiles, thinking that decades ago, under the joint efforts of several of them, they could not do anything to the blood body that wreaked havoc on the cultivation world, but in the end, a person randomly assigned The mysterious proud monk has been defeated!They are majestic monks, but they are no match for a former monk casually appointed by the monks of the Pride Sect...

After thinking about it in their hearts, the two looked at Chen Ruoxi who looked a little shy and embarrassed!

Master Changshan smiled and said: "Young lady's talent is indeed good, but Master Xuan, why didn't you take this girl to the Pride Sect? I believe that with the face of Master Xuan, the Pride Sect will definitely accept this girl!"

"The Proud Qi Sect has retreated for a hundred years, which is the rule I set at the beginning. Even though I am no longer a disciple of the Proud Qi Sect, I can't disobey my orders!" Xuan Zhan smiled and said with his hands on his back, "So Come to bother the two seniors!"

Under the scrutiny of the group of people around, Chen Ruoxi felt a little apprehensive. Although Xuan Sheng seemed to have a high status in their hearts, these people were all the legendary immortals. He was an ordinary person, saying Don't be nervous, it's absolutely impossible!Disturbed, but rare, she did not lose her manners, shyly bowed her body and said to the crowd: "Little girl Chen Ruoxi, I have met some fairy elders!"

Master Changshan and the others said with a warm smile on their faces: "Girl, there is no need to be too polite. Since she is a disciple hand-picked by Master Xuan, there must be something extraordinary. I, the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, will not be disrespectful!"

When Xuan Zhan heard Chang Shan's words, he immediately clasped his fists and smiled and said, "In this case, then Xuan Zhan would like to thank you seniors, Ruoxi, you will concentrate on practicing here in the future, if there is anything you don't understand, you should ask your seniors for advice." !"

Chen Ruoxi nodded restlessly...

"It's over here!" Xuan Zhan clasped his fists at Master Changshan and Qiu Mingyue, "Xuan Zhan should leave too, farewell!" Before everyone saw him off, he instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared between heaven and earth ...

Chen Ruoxi stared blankly at the direction where Xuan Zhan disappeared, and suddenly a trace of loneliness and melancholy rose in her heart...

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