Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 352 Tianlun Buddha

Xuan Zhan stood on the flying sword, looked down with his hands behind his back, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes, he glanced at Panda after thinking of something!

"My dear son, tell me what's going on, why did my father appear on the gate?" Panda asked curiously to Changsheng on his head!

Changsheng moved his body, trying to make himself lie on Panda's head more comfortably, and then said: "I don't know what it means, anyway, Dad took me to the outside of the big house, and then You are engraved on the gate of that house!"

Panda looked at Xuan Zhan curiously and asked, "Is that so, little master?"

Xuan Zhan nodded indifferently, swiped his sword finger, and saw the flying sword under his feet turn in the direction, and instantly swooped down towards the ground!

"Om..." Feijian flashed a yellow light, and slammed into the ground fiercely. The next moment, Xuan Zhan controlled Feijian to crash into the ground instantly, and then moved crazily in the ground!

"Whoosh..." In just a few minutes, Feijian broke through the ground and appeared in the mysterious space in the center of the earth. After walking around the Buddha Hall for a few times, it suddenly landed at the gate of the Buddha Hall!

Panda looked up, and immediately looked at Xue Bao, then looked at the pattern on the gate and muttered to himself: "There is really my pattern, but I don't remember knowing these monks, it's so strange ..."

Xuan Zhan frowned, looked at the pattern on the gate, and murmured to himself in a low voice: "How can we open this gate?" With the help of external forces, together with the pattern itself and the Buddha Hall, Xuan Zhan tried many methods ?, but none of them could make the gate move at all!

Xue Bao looked at the gate of the Buddha Hall curiously, and with a slight frown, he slowly stretched out his hand towards the gate!

"Don't!" Before Xuan Zhan screamed, Xue Bao's soft right hand had already touched the gate!

"Om..." A sinister and strange aura suddenly surged up, sweeping Xue Bao's body in an instant!

"This..." Xuebao stared blankly at the evil aura on his body, but with a slight frown, he heard Xuan Zhan's explanation: "Originally, the aura of the vast Buddha Dharma, but now it has become evil negative energy due to evil spirits. , so there is no harm to you!"

"So that's it!" Xuebao looked playfully at the gloomy energy around him, and a smile flashed across his enchanting and charming eyes, "If the guess is correct, the predecessor of this evil spirit must be a Buddhist eminent monk!"

Xuan Zhan nodded and said: "This possibility is extremely high, but what is the relationship between this Buddhist temple and this evil spirit, and what is the relationship between this Buddhist temple and Buddhist sect, and whether this evil spirit is a Buddhist disciple? Still a mystery!"

At this moment, Little Panda suddenly jumped off the shoulder of the declaration of war, and came to the pet pattern next to the Buddha, looking at this one that was exactly the same as himself with a blank face, the paw subconsciously grabbed his head and said to himself: "who are you!"

"Dad, you grabbed my tail!" Chang Sheng shouted dissatisfiedly on Panda's head!

At this moment, Panda suddenly stretched out his paws to touch his own similar patterns!

"Om..." A breath of vicissitudes that seemed to exist in ancient times suddenly emanated from Panda's pattern, and when Panda felt this breath, it suddenly resonated, and the yellow light on his body suddenly exploded crazily Get up!

"Om... Om..." A whole body of vicissitudes of life crazily came out from the gate, and then all of them were introduced into Panda's body. Then, this aura changed wildly, and it was definitely different from any creature in the world. The tyrannical and manic aura immediately filled the entire space...

"This aura..." Xuan Zhan felt the aura in a daze, and said in a low voice, "This is the unique aura of the starry sky behemoth!"

A trembling look of horror flashed in Xue Bao's heart, and he hid in Xuan Zhan's arms, then revealed a pair of small eyes and said, "I feel so horrible about this breath! Hey, little master, look Panda..."

Xuan Zhan turned his head to look, but saw Panda and his son Chang Sheng closed their eyes at the same time, motionless as if they were accepting something, and the vicissitudes and ancient aura were still circulating continuously, and then entered their bodies. In the body!

"They seem to be communicating!" Xuan Zhan looked at Panda and Chang Sheng in amazement and said, "They seem to be communicating with the owner of this giant starry sky beast!"

Xuebao pursed his lips tightly, as if he was a little hard to understand, and after a long time suddenly said in a daze: "Little master, are they... talking about some kind of mysterious memories? Or accepting the Panda on the door?" memory?"

"I don't know!" Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently. He, Panda and Xuebao had long been connected with each other, but at this moment, he couldn't feel Panda's thoughts and emotions at all!

After a long time, a dragon's roar suddenly subconsciously came out from Changsheng's mouth: "Wow... roar...", this roar immediately slowed down the surrounding atmosphere, but the declaration of war came from the dragon's roar. In the voice, I heard a trace of joy and the joy and pain of breaking out of the cocoon to become a butterfly...

After Changsheng roared, he was immersed in comprehension again, but Panda opened his eyes in a daze and said immediately: "My dear son, you are amazing!"

"Roar..." Changsheng subconsciously roared, and then fell silent again...

"Panda, what's the matter with you two?" Xue Bao asked curiously. The movement between Panda and Xue Bao lasted for nearly an hour, and during this period, Xuan Zhan could only observe the surroundings idly...

"It's nothing, it's the guy at the gate who taught us something, hehe..." Panda said with a silly smile, "The reason why Panda insisted on coming over when my good son didn't make a sound was just because the egg The friendly feeling coming from here, but the guy at the gate just now knelt down when he saw my good son, quack..."

"What..." Xuan Zhan and Xue Bao were taken aback for a moment...

"That guy said, my good son is the descendant of the Wanzu Zulong of my starry sky behemoth, a group called Star Devouring Zulong, and he has taught many good sons a lot of skills!" Panda said with a silly smile , "It said it was the pet beast of the great monk. This great monk was named Tianlun Buddha. Before he became an evil spirit, he was said to be a very powerful Buddhist who had experienced reincarnation! Knowing why, this great monk's Buddha-nature was in chaos, slaughtering countless Buddhist disciples, and was finally sealed in this mysterious Buddhist temple, and it also fell into an inextricable state of animal madness because of the annihilation of the Buddha-nature of the master Tianlun Buddha, and then ...Hey, listening to its tone, it seems that these things happened a long time ago, how early, anyway, it is very early, Panda doesn't know how early..."

"Tianlun Buddha?" Xuan Zhan frowned and muttered to himself, but his heart was full of depression. He knew too little about Buddhism...

Xue Bao asked curiously, "Did that guy tell you how to get in?"

Panda smiled and said: "It said, I just need to push it, and the door will open! However, it told us that after so many years, Tianlun Buddha became an evil Buddha, his body disappeared, and his mind was bloodthirsty. Relying on that trace of evil Buddha Dharma, wandering between the light and the dark, constantly struggling. After so many years, the Dharma of the evil Buddha has almost disappeared, but it is still not something ordinary monks in the cultivation world can resist! So I advise us It's better to leave... Otherwise, if you are taken away by the evil Buddha and lose your body, let alone this planet, the entire cultivation world will fall into a life-and-death catastrophe..."

Xue Bao's voice suddenly revealed a hint of playfulness: "Is that so? Little master, let's go in and see what that evil Buddha looks like. Anyway, he is about to perish!"

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly with a headache, but he was hesitant for a while, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and suddenly asked Panda: "Panda, what did you just say? Come on? The identity of the Tianlun Buddha in the Buddhist hall is What?"

"Oh, the senior said that Tianlun Buddha is a very powerful Buddhist who has experienced the reincarnation of thousands of generations!" Panda Hanhan said...

"Experiencing reincarnation..." Xuan Zhan murmured, "Are you sure you heard right?"

"No!" Panda said affirmatively!

Xuan Zhan came back to his senses, looked at the two little guys and said in a low voice: "If Tianlun Buddha is another Buddhist disciple, it's okay to say, but if he is really the Buddhist disciple of the eternal reincarnation, no way, this time I really want to make a breakthrough. Chuang, let's meet the arrogance of this evil Buddha of Tianlun Buddha for a while!"

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