This book was finally written and put on the shelves. Among the authors, my book is considered a top-notch book. The results are average, and the favorites are generally clicked!Many authors have persuaded me to tj on the street before!Although I really want to do this, but in line with the principle of starting and ending, and the fairy dream in my heart, I finally persisted until the day it is put on the shelves!

To tell you the truth, it is conceivable how horrible and helpless the results will be for a long time in the future after going against the road after it was put on the shelves!In the few months since it was not on the shelves, the results have come all the way, let alone after it was on the shelves!

Summarize some reasons for the unsatisfactory results. The biggest reason may be the speed of my update. Readers who have been following the reverse road know that my update speed is so slow that they have gone through the process from being completely spartan to being completely used to it. The way to change!

Regarding the update, um... Lao Song, I have nothing to say, I have let down all the readers' enthusiasm for rebellion!But please firmly believe that the reverse path will be wonderful with you!

As for the author's testimonials on the shelves, I don't have any testimonials from Lao Song. I spend money to buy books to read, Jiang Taigong is fishing, and those who wish to take the bait!Besides, Lao Song, apart from going to the bookstore to rent books n years ago, I have never spent a penny on the Internet...

A few authors talked about my grades in the group before, and asked me this question, what is it that allows me to write 110 million words despite such a dismal grade as the rebels!Dear readers, do you know the answer?

I have thought about this answer for a long time. The answer I gave at the beginning was not reconciled, and I also have a fairy dream in my heart!

But the biggest answer is that I have become numb to the fact that I am still updating day after day, more or less, despite the appalling results!

My greatest wish for this book is to finish it as soon as possible, but the tragedy is that the structure I set for this book, Lao Song, is really a bit bigger, and its plots are even more diverse. You can imagine from the previous plots against the road Sure enough, this is already 110 words, the protagonist is still struggling in the lower world, and has not yet entered the fairy world, let alone the plot beyond the fairy world, above the fairy world!

Many author friends have finished a new book with more than 100 million words. Lao Song, I feel that the content of this book has not been fully developed, and the main plot has not yet emerged...

Hey, I am completely speechless about this point. No matter how hard it is, I have to jump into the hole I dug for myself, no matter how deep it is!

The biggest failure of this book is that the opening rhythm is not well grasped. This is one of the biggest failures I wrote here!

A failed pen is a failed pen, and I don’t want to modify it, so let’s take it as a warning...

For the future achievements, Lao Song, I have already made all the psychological preparations. Whether it is good or bad, I must bear it. If I don’t take responsibility, I will be a tj on the street, and it will be the greatest disrespect for my subscribers!So, for better or for worse, persevere!

After it was put on the shelves, on the premise of ensuring the quality of the reverse channel, I tried to increase the update speed as much as possible. Maybe... Hey, maybe the update speed is still the same as the old horse-drawn cart before, but for the content on the shelf, I must Assume a kind of responsibility, a kind of respect for readers, and a responsibility for my career as a writer!

To borrow a sentence from the respected Premier Wen: Lao Song, I hereby promise that before the end of the book, I will be like an old horse with a yoke, and I will never let go until the end!

Then Panda looked at the gate, sighed with a simple and honest face, and said, "This senior of my ethnic group said that above this gate is the last divine power attached to it, for the purpose of opening it to my own ethnic group. This door!"

Hearing this sentence, the declaration of war suddenly felt strange. The divine sense of sealing the starry sky behemoth is still reasonable, but why can only the starry sky behemoth open this door?This question has already appeared in Xuan Zhan's mind, and he can't get rid of it immediately!He suddenly felt that behind this Buddhist temple, there seemed to be a giant hand controlling this Buddhist temple, and even, controlling the person who could open the door!

And I have a giant starry sky beast by my side!Could it be...

Xuan Zhan suddenly had a chilling feeling, as if there was a pair of eyes behind him watching the development of all these things, as if he met Panda, found this place, opened this temple, and there were people manipulating all of this... …

Although he didn't want to continue guessing, his brain couldn't control his guessing...

Why did I encounter a starry sky behemoth, why did I discover this Buddhist temple!So far, he has encountered many strange things in the universe, but he is the only one who owns the giant starry sky beast. It is true that the starry sky giant beast is the overlord of the prehistoric period. I believe that there is only Panda in the starry sky behemoth in this universe, no... besides Panda, there is longevity!Strictly speaking, Changsheng's identity seems to be much more mysterious than that of Panda...

Behind this, what is leading all this?Xuan Zhan doesn't know, and with his current strength, it is impossible to come into contact with this point, but from this clue, Xuan Zhan can guess that the power behind it is definitely beyond what I can imagine!

To use a metaphor, the background of Piaomiao Jianxintian is already mysterious enough, but the man behind the scenes discovered by Xuan Zhan seems to be even more mysterious and huge!

And what can a declaration of war do now?Undoubtedly, he must open this door, not for anything else, just for the great Buddha who has reincarnated forever...for a certain thing of this great Buddha...

Under the approval of the declaration of war, and under the watchful eyes of Xuebao and Changsheng, Panda slowly opened the door...

"Huh?" Panda was dumbfounded, "It's so heavy, isn't it enough strength?"

"Roar..." Panda yelled angrily, and immediately pushed the door fiercely. Panda's strength is undoubted. Although it is not in the strongest state now, its strength is definitely not ordinary monks. Comparable...

"There is still no movement..." Panda said in a daze...

After declaring war and contemplating for a moment, he suddenly burst out laughing: "Panda, your senior, his strength is definitely beyond your imagination. To you, his so-called gentle push may only be useful. Do your best! Panda, transform yourself!"

"Little master's words seem to have some truth!" Panda scratched his head and said naively, "My dear son, step aside, dad, I'm going to show my power!"

"Okay!" Changsheng said, and then in a flash, he came to the shoulder of the declaration of war!

"Roar!!!" Panda suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed, a layer of khaki light appeared all over his body, and a tyrannical force immediately filled Panda's surroundings...

"Wow!!!" Panda suddenly screamed fiercely, and as the light gradually expanded, the whole body began to undergo crazy changes, the muscles bulged, the teeth in the mouth grew sharply, and the body was crazily raised... …

"Roar..." In just a dozen or so breaths, Panda instantly turned into a [-]-foot-tall beast on earth, with a ferocious look in its eyes, and traces of stinky saliva flowed out of its mouth. Panda roared angrily at the tiny door in front of him, and immediately pushed it up with both palms...

"Ah!!!" Panda was pushing crazily, the blue veins were exposed fiercely on the skin, and the shiny black and white hairs all stood up straight like fine steel!

"I will increase my strength!!!" Panda suddenly roared furiously. When he felt that his strength was not enough, he suddenly increased his strength crazily. Suddenly, the whole space began to tremble crazily...

"Boom..." There was a slight booming sound suddenly from the gate of the Buddha Hall, and the declaration of war, Blood Treasure, and Changsheng were overjoyed, "There is movement!"

"Roar!!!" Panda roared angrily, the khaki light all over his body suddenly appeared again, and overwhelming power poured out...

"Crackling..." The door of the Buddha Hall moved slowly, and as Panda's power continued to grow, a series of cold breaths suddenly poured out from the gap in the opened door...

"Not good!" Xuan Zhan yelled angrily, and the next moment, there was no wind all over his body, and streaks of purple-gold divine thunder suddenly burst out from his body, and then ruthlessly blasted into the gap in the gate!But seeing the streaks of purple-gold thunderbolts, there are rare black thunderbolts mixed in them!

Every turmoil of the black thunderbolt is accompanied by crazy fluctuations and collapses of the surrounding space!Xuan Zhan knows that he can no longer use more powerful power. If he uses all the Thunder Yuan in his body to pour out the Black Thunder Yuan, this space can be said to collapse instantly. At that time, let alone make up, it can make this collapse If the speed is weakened, Tianya will need to consume countless energy!Therefore, now he does not dare to use the more powerful and the cultivation base behind him at all!

"Crackling!" With Zijin Shenlei venting from Xuan Zhan's body and under the crazy bombardment, the endless evil aura was finally blocked in the gate!

When the gate opened wide enough to accommodate one person, Xuan Zhan shouted angrily: "Fast forward!"

"Swoosh..." Panda suddenly became smaller, and entered the gate at the same time as Xuebao and Changsheng!

"Crackling!" Thousands of purple-gold divine thunders blasted fiercely into the gate, and at the same time, his figure suddenly flashed, and he entered the gate in an instant!

As soon as he entered the gate, the surrounding evil forces suddenly attacked wildly, dozens of times more powerful!

The eyes of Xuan Zhan suddenly burst out black thunder after another, and the next moment, the sword formula suddenly became frenzied: the fourth style of Cangxin sword formula - Cangxin sword moves the sky and thunder flashes!

"Boom..." A series of black thunderbolts burst out from between the fingers that declared war, and in a blink of an eye, the entire space was filled with crazy black thunderbolts, fiercely sweeping away the surrounding evil spirits. Alien power!

The powerful black thunderbolt full of destructive aura did not show any sign of extinguishing the surrounding space in this space, and this was just in the imagination of declaring war!The space structure that can accommodate an ancient evil spirit is definitely not something that an ordinary small space structure can confine and seal, and the answer is that the strength of this space is definitely beyond his imagination!

"Li..." A shrill scream suddenly roared from a distance, and at the same time, a sinister aura that was dozens of times stronger than before rushed towards Xuan Zhan crazily...

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